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🚨3 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Timothy LeDuc, @TeamUSA’s first nonbinary Winter Olympic pairs skater, has bravely spoken up for the Uyghurs who have been held in internment and labor camps. Yet they also admitted that athletes can feel powerless, as they might think, “What can I do?”

Posted by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#BoycottBeijing2022 #NoBeijing2022 #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #NeverTrustCCP #ConcentrationCamp #SayNotToChina #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom

多個組織會於6:20pm在Piccadilly Circus集合,表達由暴政政權 - 中共舉辦冬季奧運之荒謬,並呼籲杯葛、罷看。


而攬炒團隊發起人(Finn Lau)會作為主持之一,協調這場聯合集會。希望能在初三赤口日與大家一起反抗中共。

祝 虎運昌隆

Source: 攬炒團隊 @StirFryChannel
#北京冬奧 #倫敦 #London #UK #海外活動 #Uyghurs #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #UyghurGenocide #種族滅絕 #FreeUyghurs #evilCCP #SayNotToChina
英國政府在BNO簽證計劃啓動一周年之際,發布民調結果。調查顯示,獲批BNO簽證的申請者,以25至54歲最多,佔總數八成。然而也有4% BNO簽證持有人,年齡為65歲以上。這群「銀髮」移民為何不留在香港安享晚年,而選擇在古稀之年背井離鄉?這一集,本台記者呂熙介紹一位七旬老牧師的移民故事。⁣

68歲的鄔小鶴牧師,曾參與香港示威,也曾撰寫和抗爭相關書籍。在《港區國安法》生效後,他開始擔心潛在的政治風險。 「主要是我自己也有參加示威抗爭活動,也出了這本書,有報攤說被警察拍了幾次照。也發現情況開始緊張,有些人也跟我說應該要走了,應該要離開了。太太也說想方法走,總好過被捕。」⁣


鄔小鶴牧師從1990年起長期在中國從事傳教工作,2015年曾被深圳當局約談,警告他召集中國信徒到香港參加宗教培訓,違反中國宗教條例。他認為,香港的宗教自由情況同樣不容樂觀。 「一定會令香港宗教自由受到限制,因為北京真的是要消滅宗教,現在不是逼迫那麼簡單,而是要消滅。」⁣


報導: 自由亞洲粵語
全文: instagram.com/p/CZdYRWxNSd9

#鄔小鶴 #牧師 #銀髮族 #離散港人 #移民潮 #UK #BNOVisa #宗教自由 #BNO計劃#移英港人#LOTR
香港過年前有打小人的習俗。新年喺打小人聖地 - 鵝頸橋底,打小人大媽們生意應接不暇。好多顧客都有共同打小人對象 - 林鄭月娥

圖: twitter @Foreseeroptical
#柒婆幾時死 #港共落地獄 #賣港賊冚家亡 #林鄭食屎狗 #柒婆冚家剷 #林鄭月娥死全家
🚨2 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Enes Kanter Freedom @enesfreedom , NBA star for @celtics, has become one of the most vocal voice within the NBA in supporting victims under oppression of the Chinese Communist Party. Despite CCP's retaliation on him and his team, Freedom didn't bow down and has continued to speak up against CCP’s human rights violations and the #Beijing2022.

Posted by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#BoycottBeijing2022 #NoBeijing2022 #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #NeverTrustCCP #ConcentrationCamp #SayNotToChina #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
香港人大年初三有乜做?|沙田瀝源數百人排隊檢測|居民怒斥「就係政府搞死幾百萬人」 |「後面條友無戴口罩一個差佬都冇過嚟執法」


報導: Supreme Media 至尊報
TG @suprememediahk | IG @supreme_mediahk
#沙田 #瀝源村 #圍封強檢 #暴力清零 #鐵腕清零 #抗疫為名 #苛政猛於疫情 #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied
Why people are calling for the boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics explained.

While the International Olympic Committee claims that the Olympics exists separately from politics, history shows that sports, specifically the Olympics, have played a major significance in repressive regimes’ rise to power.

Swipe for actions to take to #BoycottBeijing2022

Posted by IG @freeuyghurnow
#nobeijing2022 #boycottchina #boycottbeijing2022 #boycottbeijingolympics #beijing2022 #winterolympics #olympics #freeuyghur #freehongkong #freetibet