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全球超過30個城市,由前日開始都有集會,聲援被送中嘅12 港人。

美國三藩市、紐約、西雅圖、減杉機、加拿大多倫多、台灣台北、瑞典哥德堡、南韓首爾等等,都有集會要求中國政府釋放 12 名港人。喺英國倫敦,流亡海外嘅羅冠聰亦首次進行公開演說。

#save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #RopeOfHope #BringThemHome
全球 30 個城市都有當地港人響應聲援被捕 12 港人的行動。在美國洛杉磯,當地港人響應行動,他們寫心意卡及明信片,希望把慰問送到被捕 12 港人的家人手裡,向他們表示支持。

圖: #立場新聞
#save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #RopeOfHope #BringThemHome #US #LosAngeles
12名被送中港人被關押多過60日,由12港人關注組發起的「國際連動 聲援十二港人」行動,獲更多城市響應。今晚八點香港將會有網上集會。

More cities joined supporting #Save12HKYouths. The 12 young activists are still under tight detainment for more than 60 days in China who are unable to receive family visits, lawyers’ advice and medicines. There will be an online assembly tonight in #HongKong.

Credit: Studio Incendo
#save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #RopeOfHope #BringThemHome #天下圍共 #StandWithHongKong
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New York along with other cities all over the world voice out their support to the 12 Hongkongers, that these freedom fighters are not forgotten and will continue to spread the message to the free world!

Credit @NY4HK (twitter) | New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong
#save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #RopeOfHope #BringThemHome #NewYork #US #video #高汁
Sanctions can be useful!
Take a look at China’s tech companies!

US’s sanction of CCP means manufacturing of chips has taken a massive blow. They lack capability and expertises to make semiconductors - sucks to be them. Not like I’m complaining 😂

Credit: #國際文宣組IFC
#ccpvirus #boycottchina #semiconductor #chips #制裁 #sanction #天下圍共 #天滅中共全黨死清光