Forwarded from Stand News 立場新聞
今年 6 月 4 日有大批市民在警方反對之下,進入銅鑼灣維園紀念六四事件 31 周年。支聯會主席李卓人、副主席何俊仁、壹傳媒集團創辦人黎智英、民陣副召集人陳皓桓等人早前被控煽惑他人參與未經批准集結,今日有當中 12 人獲警方通知,將被加控一條「明知而參與一個未經批准集結」。另外 12 名民主派人士包括岑敖暉、黃之鋒、何桂藍、張崑陽、朱凱廸等,今日亦獲警方通知被控「明知而參與未經批准集結」…
#延後選舉 #立法會選舉 #支共 #共匪 #港共 #獨裁 #極權 #政治打壓 #打壓民主 #ENGLISH #國際線
The postponement of the LegCo elections is totally unnecessary and an assault on freedoms.
When Singapore held their elections, their daily case number was 4 times higher than Hong Kong's is currently. The Hong Kong Government should reconsider their decision.
The postponement of the LegCo elections is totally unnecessary and an assault on freedoms.
When Singapore held their elections, their daily case number was 4 times higher than Hong Kong's is currently. The Hong Kong Government should reconsider their decision.