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【5 years ago today - 9 JUN 2019】
The Civil Human Rights Front initiated the third protest against the amendment of the Extradition Law, with 1.03 million Hongkongers taking to the streets, marking the beginning of the anti-extradition movement. That evening, the Hong Kong government announced that the second reading debate on June 12 would proceed as scheduled. Later that night, some protesters attempted to occupy the Legislative Council building, prompting riot police to disperse them.


#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
5 years ago today — 9 JUN 2019


#反送中5週年 #AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #毋忘抗爭 #反送中5週年 #毋忘2019
【5 years ago today - 12 JUN 2019】
- On the day of the second reading of the Extradition Law, citizens gathered in the Admiralty area, occupying Tamar Park, Harcourt Road, and Lung Wo Road. At around 3 PM, the police suddenly fired tear gas, bean bag rounds, and rubber bullets at the crowd. Protesters at CITIC Tower were trapped, nearly causing a stampede.

- Then-Chief Executive Carrie Lam, in an interview with TVB News, denied betraying Hong Kong. She choked up and cried, using the mother-child relationship as a metaphor for the relationship between the government and young people.

- 《逃犯條例》二讀之日,市民在金鐘一帶聚集,佔領添馬公園、夏慤道、龍和道一帶。警方下午3時許突向人群施放催淚彈,發射布袋彈、橡膠子彈等。中信大廈示威者被圍困,險釀人踩人慘劇

- 時任特首林鄭月娥接受《無綫新聞》專訪,稱沒有賣港,說到哽咽流淚,並以母子關係比喻政府與年輕人關係

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 15 JUN 2019】
- Carrie Lam announced the "suspension" of the amendment, but did not withdraw it.

- Marco Leung Ling-kit, 35, wearing a yellow raincoat, hung a banner on the outer wall of Pacific Place in Admiralty with the messages "Anti-Extradition to China," "Fully withdraw the Extradition Law, we are not rioters, release the students and injured, Carrie Lam step down, Help Hong Kong." Around 9 PM, Leung climbed out of the scaffolding and eventually fell to his death, becoming the first fatality of the anti-extradition movement.

- 林鄭月娥宣佈暫緩修例,但不撤回

- 梁凌杰身穿黃色雨衣,在金鐘太古廣場外牆掛上「反送中 No Extradition To China」、「全面撤回送中,我們不是暴動,釋放學生傷者,林鄭下台,Help Hong Kong」橫額。晚上約9時,梁爬出棚架外,最終墮樓身亡,屬反送中運動首名死者。

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 16 JUN 2019】
- The Civil Human Rights Front initiated the fourth protest against the amendment, proposing the "Five Demands," with "2 million + 1" people participating, making it the largest protest in Hong Kong's history.

- Citizens gathered outside Pacific Place to mourn Leung Ling-kit, who had recently fallen to his death.

- Carrie Lam issued a statement apologizing for the amendment but did not respond to the demands.

- 民陣發起反修例第四次遊行,提出「五大訴求」,有「200萬+1人」參與,屬香港史上最多人參加的遊行

- 市民到太古廣場外悼念早前墮樓身亡的梁凌杰

- 林鄭月娥發聲明就修例致歉,但未有回應訴求

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser