Forwarded from 追新聞 The Chaser News
//英國跨黨派54名國會議員周二(28日)亦向祁湛明發公開信,促請當局向港府爭取釋放毛孟靜。公開信指出毛孟靜的丈夫Philip Bowring本月早前感染肺炎入院,並於深切治療部留醫,而Philip Bowring和他與毛孟靜的兒子都是英國公民,毛孟靜也是在2012年因當選立法會議員才放棄英籍,故英國有「特殊義務」嘗試尋求港府基於人道立場釋放毛孟靜,使她得與丈夫團聚。信中同時提及初選47人案,稱案件中多名被告持有英國國民(海外)(BN(O))身份,英國駐港總領事館不能忽視他們,外交部亦應為47人案發聲,爭取各被告獲釋。//
【初選47人案|美國國會委員會促制裁周天行伍淑娟等人 英54議員聯署籲介入釋放毛孟靜】
#民主派初選 #47人案 #美國 #美國國會 #毛孟靜 #律政司 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【初選47人案|美國國會委員會促制裁周天行伍淑娟等人 英54議員聯署籲介入釋放毛孟靜】
#民主派初選 #47人案 #美國 #美國國會 #毛孟靜 #律政司 #追新聞 #TheChaser
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
HKDC is honoring the plight of women in Hong Kong and elsewhere imprisoned for political offenses. HKDC commemorates the role that women activists have played in the fight for Hong Kong’s freedom and salutes the women activists among our Southern Mongolian, Tibetan and Uyghur allies.
Hong Kong has the highest percentage of female prisoners in the world, many of them among the 1,389 prisoners currently serving time on political charges. These prisoners include pro-democracy leaders—Chow Hang-tung, Gwyneth Ho, Carol Ng, Chu Wai-ying, Wong Yuen-lam, Winnie Yu, Claudia Mo, Tiffany Yuen, Wong Ji-yuet—as well as many unnamed women detained for exercising their universal rights to free speech and assembly.
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#InternationalWomensDay #婦女節 #政治犯 #NewYork #賢學思政 #47人初選案 #毛孟靜 #何桂藍 #鄒幸彤 #黃沅琳 #朱慧盈 #politicaloffenses
Hong Kong has the highest percentage of female prisoners in the world, many of them among the 1,389 prisoners currently serving time on political charges. These prisoners include pro-democracy leaders—Chow Hang-tung, Gwyneth Ho, Carol Ng, Chu Wai-ying, Wong Yuen-lam, Winnie Yu, Claudia Mo, Tiffany Yuen, Wong Ji-yuet—as well as many unnamed women detained for exercising their universal rights to free speech and assembly.
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#InternationalWomensDay #婦女節 #政治犯 #NewYork #賢學思政 #47人初選案 #毛孟靜 #何桂藍 #鄒幸彤 #黃沅琳 #朱慧盈 #politicaloffenses