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【陳智思表弟|親中候選人沈觀健當選溫哥華市長 台僑憂高雄姊妹城市計劃生變】

香港移民第二代沈觀健(Ken Sim)周日(16日)當選溫哥華首名華裔市長,被視為親北京的他,原來是香港行政會議前召集人、港區全國人大代表陳智思的表弟。陳智思表示,表弟選前低調,避提二人的親屬關係,慎防被人大造文章幫倒忙。由於原市長Kennedy Stewart未能連任,台裔社區擔心溫哥華和高雄結為「友誼城市」的計劃將胎死腹中。

港加聯主席馮玉蘭向《追新聞》表示,一直在監察中共及其統一戰線組織在加拿大各方面包括選舉上的滲透和操縱,其實不止溫哥華市,下周一(24日)在安大略省的市選和約克區選舉也出現親中人士群起而出,試圖在萬錦市(Markham)和烈治文山市(Richmond Hill)搶攤,這兩個地方是「位置之戰」,假若親中候選人成功突圍,親中派可更好地左右未來的聯邦大選和省選。


#陳智思 #親中 #加拿大 #溫哥華 #沈觀健 #canada #高雄 #vancouver #mayor #市長
May 7,2023「聲援在囚手足街站」
“Support Hong Kong” Protest

Source: IG @vanactivistshk


Thanks to the volunteers for attending the protest
and also to many Hong Kong people who have paid attention, written on the "Lennon Wall," and chanted slogans.


Apart from hoping everyone continues to pay attention to the human rights situation and imprisoners in Hong Kong, the most important thing we want to share is to please not forget that the emergence of the Hong Kong Pathway supporting many Hong Kongers to come to Canada, and we are now able to enjoy the freedom on the foundation of the sacrifices of countless imprisoners. When we come overseas to a relatively free place, we have an absolute responsibility to continue to pay attention to and support Hong Kong!

#Canada #Vancouver #連儂牆 #街站 #LennonWall #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
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Hong Kong Protest Exhibition aimed to raise awareness of the human rights crisis that occurred during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, showcased the sacrifice and continuous effort of Hong Kongers to fight for freedom and democracy and served as a cautionary reminder to Canadians to safeguard our country against attacks of authoritarian regimes around the world.

#溫哥華 #抗爭展覽 #vancouver #exhibition #毋忘初心

Source: @vanactivistshk
"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May 20, 2023 - @vanactivistshk

THANK YOU to the incredible volunteers and contributors! The effort to showcase the grave situation in Hong Kong, the bravery and unity of Hong Kongers, and the real threats of interference of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada required tremendous creativity, diligence and hard work. We would not be able to get this done without you!

We also want to extend our thank you to our amazing speakers who have had a long record of steadfast support to the fight for freedom with Hong Kongers. Your genuine interest in our cause and your allyship to take our movement forward are the fuels that keep us moving forward.

#香港抗爭展 #溫哥華 #展覽 #vancouver #exhibition #hongkongprotest #Canada #海外港人
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Vancouver 721 Waterfront Station, organized by 溫哥華手足|Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong . Thank you for having me! More videos and photos to come. #video

Source: @RickerChoi
#Canada #Vancouver #毋忘721 #警黑勾結 #721元朗恐襲 #721唔見人 #白衣人 #警黑合作 #警謊
溫哥華手足 @vanactivistshk 喺8月31號晚上於本拿比舉辦「831集會」,為因為香港抗爭而犧牲嘅人獻上白花。當日展出咗由本地藝術家Emily @emilyartgalleryvan 設計,香港人共同完成上色嘅「831大型文宣畫作」。另外, @soenggong_hk 想港、 @1released 一釋尚存同埋支持細葉榕嘅義工到場,同大家呼籲大家寫信同繼續支援在囚手足。我哋亦現場請大家一齊參與「海外代理人法案」聯署,防止中國同其他國家干涉加拿大事務。

831 為香港人而言係沉痛嘅一日,黑警無差別咁嚴重地攻擊車廂內手無寸鐵嘅乘客,事後更合理化佢哋嘅暴行。但我哋必定牢記歷史,拒絕遺忘!

香港人 做好準備 靜待時機!

#毋忘831 #Canada #831打死人 #831太子恐襲 #溫哥華 #vancouver