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///天下圍中 AUKUS駕到⁣


報導: #自由亞洲粵語 @rfacantonese

#AUKUS#印太戰略#核潛艇#天下圍中 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP
Shackled mother of 8 shocks China⁣




An outpouring of online anger at a video of a mother of eight children locked up in a hut with a chain around her neck forced officials in Xuzhou in eastern China’s Jiangsu province to intervene to free the woman. The video on the Chinese platform Douyin went viral and sparked debate among shocked netizens about governance and women’s rights in rural China. Viewers questioned how the woman was able to give birth to eight children under the country’s strict family planning controls. The woman was sent to a hospital and her children were placed in state care, said local authorities, who opened an investigation of her husband.⁣

Posted by 自由亞洲粵語rfacantonese⁣
Design by #變態辣椒漫畫

#人口販賣#失蹤 #綁架#計劃生育#生育政策#徐州八孩母親
Zero-covid costs spread


Chinese leader Xi Jinping's decision to stick with a zero-covid policy that worked in 2020 but has not stopped the spread of the Omicron variant has brought lockdowns in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing among 45 mainland cities, affecting nearly 400 million people. The economic damage to China is now spilling over to U.S., Europe, Japan and others in a global economy struggling with shortages, inflation and the Ukraine conflict.

#全球經濟 #支共攬炒世界 #防疫措施 #清零 #封城 #苛政猛於病毒 #武漢肺炎 #人禍比天災更可怕 #支共禍患 #CCPvirus

美國以及歐洲和美洲的政府正在調查早前人權組織「保護衛士」(Safeguard Defenders)報告中,指中共為進行「非法的跨國警務行動」而約30個國家設立的超過50個「境外警署」。北京表示,警僑服務站是為了向海外的中國公民提供基本服務,但人權組織表示,它們是用來強迫海外華人回國面對刑事指控,並壓制國外的異議。

///Officers without borders

The U.S. and governments in Europe and the Americas are investigating alleged Chinese secret police stations operating on their soil after the Madrid-based rights group Safeguard Defenders reported that China is carrying out "illegal, transnational policing operations" from more than 50 so-called police service stations in 30 countries. Beijing says the stations were set up to provide essential services to Chinese citizens overseas, but the rights group says they are used to coerce emigrants into returning home to face criminal charges and to silence dissent abroad.

#保護衛士 #警僑服務站 #境外警署 #跨境執法 #變態辣椒漫畫⁣⁣


///Red lines revealed

Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden struck a conciliatory tone in their highly anticipated November 14 summit on the Indonesian island of Bali. The two leaders stressed the need to avoid letting disputes over trade, technology, security and political influence spill into superpower conflict, but the meeting also underscored fundamental differences over the self-governing island of Taiwan that could spark military hostilities.

#中美關係 #對華政策 #拜登 #習近平 #台海局勢 #變態辣椒漫畫⁣⁣



///Great timing, comrade

Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, who died on Nov. 29 at the age of 96, was not particularly popular during his 1993-2003 tenure, even though it was a time of fast economic growth and opening up after the Tiananmen crackdown. But he is looking better in retrospect compared to current leader Xi Jinping, who has largely put the breaks on market reforms in favor of state control and has governed with greater repression than his recent predecessors. The timing of Jiang's death is immensely awkward for Xi, who is facing down widespread protests that have included calls for his ouster over his harsh COVID restrictions.

#江澤民 #習近平 #變態辣椒漫畫⁣⁣


總部設在華盛頓特區的亞洲海事透明度倡議組織的一份新報告宣稱,中國海警在南海的存在「比以往任何時候都更加強大」,稱該部隊幾乎每天都在中國宣稱擁有主權的主要地物進行巡邏 比如菲律賓和越南。 印度尼西亞和馬來西亞還派遣軍艦監視中國船隻在其專屬經濟區內的活動。 日本還抱怨中國海岸警衛隊侵犯其領海。

///'You're gonna need a bigger boat.'

Declaring that the China Coast Guard presence in the South China Sea is "more robust than ever," a new report by the Washington, D.C.-based Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative said the force maintains near-daily patrols at key features claimed by China as well as the Philippines and Vietnam. Indonesia and Malaysia also sent naval ships to monitor Chinese vessel movements in their exclusive economic zones. Japan has also complained about China Coast Guard incursions in its territorial waters.




///Two travelers from Taiwan

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen is set to visit the United States and meet House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in an effort to shore up U.S. support amid increasing Chinese military pressure on the island. Meanwhile, Tsai's predecessor Ma Ying-jeou, whose opposition party espouses closer ties with Beijing, is visiting China. Ma raised eyebrows back home when he echoed Beijing's official line that people in democratic Taiwan and in mainland China are all "from the same family." Ma, described by Beijing state media as a "former Taiwan leader," is receiving a red-carpet welcome but is not scheduled to meet any Chinese leaders.

#蔡英文 #馬英九 #兩岸關係 #台灣 #變態辣椒漫畫⁣⁣
