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This is an official channel of Heavyvalue.com agency. We offer agency ad accounts for rent.
Our support contact: @heavyvsupport
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Hey guys, I have something to say about Facebook ad accounts structure while you're working with agency ad accounts. Having the one, doesn't mean you can't be restricted from running, shit happens, especially when you run some clickbait angles. But if you want to maintain your volumes - I'd recommend to spread your ad budget accross several ad accounts. Here are some spend from last week - 6-13k a week within 1 ad account. So just imagine you have 15 ad accounts like that.
Today we gonna talk about Facebook and Tiktok bans. Those platforms got pretty similar ads policy. And of course, I am talking about promoting only policy-compliant products

90% of all ban’s happening because you’re violating ads policy. Check if your landing page:

🧩 has a contact info;
🧩 has Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy;
🧩 has no pop-ups;
🧩 has no auto play widgets;

🧩Also, make sure your ads are not fooling your audience. You need to balance between clean ads and clickbait.

🧩 make sure you’re using original content
🧩 make sure you are not using any copyright or branded logo/content

You can save a lot of time and achieve pretty decent results if you just read and follow fb/tt ads policy.
✋🏻 Let’s talk about YouTube ads
YT is the biggest traffic source regarding the volumes. It can be super effective if you’re running eCommerce, info businesses, digital products.
YT basically shows your ads in relevant channel videos. It can skippable or non skippable ads.
But I want to point your attention to optimization.
The thing is when you analyze the data you actually can’t see what channels/videos brings you more profit, or what channels is better to be cut off.

But have you heard about DV360? This this powerful instrument you actually can analyze and manage those channels. It allow to dive deeper to stats, review the performance with the maximum information, so you could make a decision.

Btw, we will get those DV360 accounts in February.
What are you currently running?
Anonymous Poll
Digital products
Some Black Hat
Hey, marketers. I am pretty sure you will be interested in this kind of content for the channel - winning creatives overview. The idea is to drop some vids and explain (if needed) why it was the winning one. I think it can help a lot for many of you to understand the concept, and how to create your own video for fb, google or tiktok, since they are all different regardless traffic source and vertical.
So those two are old but still valuable in a perspective of how to create videos for both fb&tiktok for leadgen verticals. Those vids were used for the vertical called Mortgage Refinance. The offer itself is not working due to changes in the US economy.
But still, what do we see here:
The guy shows how much did he get after getting approved for so e program, bought groceries for 1-2 weeks. Looks awesome. He says you just need to apply.
This is a classic clickbait, but it’s allowed by both aff network and fb/tiktok.
This video is super simple, made by amateur that points that it was an honest feedback, it’s not an ad. This the most important while you’re making videos for leadgen.

I do recommend to use fiverr or backstage.com to order videos like this. The price is around 30-100$.
IMPORTANT: always use original content, do not even touch someone else’s videos, it’s not gonna convert well for you
Guys, we finally got own Facebook Agency ad accounts. As you may know there are numerous of agencies like us, but they ALL offer HTTPOOL accounts. Which means a lot of limitations, delayed requests, etc.

You can even run ClickBank offers with us. We will help you with approval, and scaling.
🏴‍☠️🎓Meta for BH🏴‍☠️
Guys, have you ever seen Facebook (Meta) agency accounts for BH verticals? Well, now we can provide those.
Just imagine spending thousands a day while running:
- nutra
- casino
- crypto

To get those accounts you got to have a an experience in any of these vertical, provide a proof of spend, stats from aff network.
You need to cloak it nice, and don’t worry about bans.

Ping our support to get full info and check if you qualify

How to decrease the TikTok suspension level:

We want to remind everyone that if they already have a SUSPENDED TikTok ad account, it is important not to use the same information to request for a new account. This is because the information may already be flagged and detected by TikTok's similarity engine, which could lead to immediate suspension.

To avoid this, it is recommended to update the information on the account, see attached infographic. Additionally, TikTok does not allow promoting the same content from multiple ad accounts, hence, an emphasis on ONE DOMAIN, ONE AD ACCOUNT.

It is important to ensure that your domain and ad creatives, even pixels, are unique to prevent ad account suspension.

Also, you will need to launch engaging ads at least every week to raise the level of you approval rate through ad account.

🛑*** Are You Facing Rejections on TikTok Ads? ***

Here's What You Need to Know (This also applies during pre-review)

As a marketer or advertiser on TikTok, it's important to ensure that your ads comply with the platform's advertising policies and guidelines. Failure to do so may result in rejections and your ads not being approved for display. Let's take a closer look at some of the recent reasons for ad rejections on TikTok .

1.**False discount claim on Landing Page and product view**: TikTok requires that the discounts or promotions mentioned in your ads must be accurate and truthful. Any false or misleading claims regarding discounts or promotions on your landing page or product view can lead to ad rejections.

2.**Violation of advertising rules regarding product claims and descriptions**: TikTok has strict guidelines when it comes to product claims and descriptions. Ads that make exaggerated or false claims about the product's features, benefits, or performance may be rejected.

3.**Currency and language discrepancies for target countries: **If your ad targets multiple countries, it's crucial to ensure that the currency and language used in the ad are consistent with the countries you are targeting. Any discrepancies in currency or language may result in ad rejections.

4.**Use of third-party brands without permission:** Unauthorized use of third-party brands in your ads without obtaining proper permission can lead to ad rejections. It's essential to obtain the necessary rights or permissions before featuring any third-party brand in your ads.

5**.Violation of discount limit on TikTok platform: **TikTok has specific limits on the discounts that can be offered in ads. Ads that violate these discount limits may be rejected.

6.**Watermarks on ad creatives:** TikTok does not allow watermarks or logos of other platforms or apps to be displayed in ad creatives. Including watermarks in your ad creatives may result in ad rejections.

7.**Incomplete privacy policy**: Ads that do not include a clear and complete privacy policy may be rejected. It's important to provide a comprehensive privacy policy that complies with TikTok's privacy guidelines.

8.**Violation of intellectual property rights by showing real money and third-party brands in ad creatives:** Ads that display real money or unauthorized use of third-party brands in ad creatives without proper permission may result in ad rejections.

9.**Hidden subscriptions considered deceptive behavior:** TikTok does not allow hidden subscriptions or deceptive behavior in ads. Ads that promote hidden subscriptions or engage in deceptive practices may be rejected.

10.** Inaccurate color representation in ad creatives compared to the landing page: **If the colors used in your ad creatives do not accurately represent the colors on your landing page, it may lead to ad rejections.

In conclusion, it's crucial to carefully review and comply with TikTok's advertising policies and guidelines to avoid ad rejections. Double-checking your ad content, claims, language, and visuals can help ensure that your ads are approved and reach your target audience effectively on TikTok.
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HeavyValue pinned «🏴‍☠️🎓Meta for BH🏴‍☠️ Guys, have you ever seen Facebook (Meta) agency accounts for BH verticals? Well, now we can provide those. Just imagine spending thousands a day while running: - nutra - casino - crypto To get those accounts you got to have a an experience…»
🏴‍☠️🎓Meta for BH🏴‍☠️ Guys, have you ever seen Facebook (Meta) agency accounts for BH verticals? Well, now we can provide those. Just imagine spending thousands a day while running: - nutra - casino - crypto To get those accounts you got to have a an experience…
Guys, we are ready to deliver Meta Ad Accounts for any BH verticals. Ping us for more details. The fee depends on your daily spend and vertical. So, please, it’s
IMPORTANT provide your daily spend, and vertical your wanna run.

Guys, we're finally ready to deliver Google DV360 accounts.
To be short: it performs better than GoogleAds in multiple times. Why? - Cause it optimize your campaigns in a more efficient way.

For more complicated explanation just google it.

Ping us on @heavyvsupport for more details
0% fee - FREE Trial for all first top up
Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook (Meta), TikTok, Google
Ping us on @heavyvsupport to get started.
Meta & Google
Guys, check out our new pricing for Meta, Google and TikTok
Yes, you can really run casino on Goolge with our solutions. And dating, casino, crypto, nutra on Meta (Facebook)

Ping our support @heavyvsupport for details.
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Hey, guys, it's been a while. Please, put some heart emoji if you're in Search Arbitrage? We got a lot to offer for you to scale your profit
Creatives - are essential is Search Arbitrage

Guys we want to offer you top creatives for Search Arbitrage. Both static and videos. We gonna produce ad creatives based on your request, for specifi keywords. The best option for us - getting some reference vids so we could produce new ones, similar concept, but better, higher CTR ones.

Why Us?
We have been running SA for more than 2 years now, we know the specific details what you should implement in a video, how to make them click.

We don't have an intention to make money from it. We want you to use our Fb/TikTok ad accounts, then we gonna supply creatives $25/video (it's lowest price), and if you want it in another languyge, just add $5 and get new video.

The main point of joining us - you can get a lot of value from it. You will get consultaions on policy, creatives, campaign structure, budgets, scaling strategy, top keywords and GEOs

Make the first step - Join our agency and let's crush SA vertical - ping @heavyvsupport