Healing Light SA
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Striving to bring in balance Mind, Body and Spirit.
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Healing Light SA
Letting go’ Energy..loosen the hold of old emotional baggage

Letting go’ Energy..loosen the hold of old emotional baggage – Reading these words right now can bring emotional feelings. Many of you have been alone for so long, looking for something that makes sense in your life. You have been trying hard to understand with the mind what is it that will bring meaning to…

Healing Light SA
The Science of Reincarnation

Science of Reincarnation When Ryan Hammons was 4 years old, he began directing imaginary movies. Shouts of “Action!” often echoed from his room. But the play became a concern for Ryan’s parents when he began waking up in the middle of the night screaming and clutching his chest, saying he dreamed his heart exploded when…

Healing Light SA
Avalon Rising 2021: The World Ascension Summit

Amidst the great challenges faced in society right now, Gaia is progressively shifting consciousness and ascending out of the confusion into a New 5D Paradigm. The question is how to successfully ride the change? Here at Openhand, we’re thrilled to announce today an epic adventure for Pioneering Souls – Avalon Rising 2021, the World Ascension…

Healing Light SA
What One Woman Learned from Past-Life Regression

During a past-life regression, Miracles Happen co-author Amy Weiss was taken back to a previous existence as an elderly Japanese man. Here, she describes her experience. Find out what spiritual lesson it taught her—and why we can all learn from it. Many people who undergo regression and successfully remember a past life are able to watch the…

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Healing Light SA
Zeolite: Rare Mineral Can Remove Harmful Toxins

Rare Mineral Can Remove Harmful Toxins & Heavy Metals With Just 30 Seconds a Day These days many people are struggling with fatigue, heart and respiratory issues, brain fog, and memory challenges, and on top of that, cancer rates are increasing year after year. At times these issues can be a result of cumulative stress…

Healing Light SA
Past Life Regression – The Power of Your Past – Episode 1

In this episode you will learn about: The origins of belief in reincarnation How past life regression relates to Buddhism, Hinduism and Einstein’s Theories How past life regression and science converge Unified field theory Theory of relativity The anatomy of the brain Brainwaves The chakra System/energy centres And much more….. https://youtu.be/afO-Cve9jg0

Healing Light SA
Take care of your body

You must take care of your body; it is a storehouse of power, yet so often your beliefs stop the power from flowing. Your beliefs are literal programs that affect cellular function. Your body is a magnificent self-healing, self-repairing system and an organic wonder that you have yet to truly appreciate. Clearly, your cells and…

Healing Light SA

You just need to nurture and take care of yourself right now. Let things clear out of your mind. Don’t overthink it. Don’t hold onto what needs to exit. Don’t force anything to stay the same. It’s all about change and growth. Release and let go. reorganise and reprioritise what you value. You have to…

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Healing Light SA
Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Meditation Practice?

My meditation practice has done more to impact my overall happiness than anything else–more than my physical yoga practice, my diet, and more than my relationships. While I will skip my yoga practice periodically, my entire day feels somehow disrupted when I skip my meditation practice. That said, my practice has undoubtedly had its ups…
