Hats Network Inc.
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Hats Network Inc. (AS203314) is dedicated to constructing the Next-Generation Network.

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Group link (Our Customer/Peering only): https://t.me/+FvwABOPCQNViZmYx

🌟 Website: https://hatsnet.io/
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Dear user,

The AMS Network Point of Presence (PoP) Transit service will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. We apologize for not having informed you sooner.

Update: The issue has been resolved.

Best regards,
Hats Network Inc.
Due to some unavoidable circumstances, the Hats First-Generation Network has been officially retired.
We will soon transition to the Hats Next-Generation Network.
We are currently undergoing a network upgrade in the HKG Region. This may result in temporary disruption of access to the HKG 02 VM.

Note: BGP Session does not affect.

Update: Delay

Update: Fixed.


我們謹此通知,由於一些之原因,我們決定於 香港時間(HKT)2023年6月20日晚上8時 之前暫時關閉 HKG 2 網絡並備份 VM 數據。計劃在三天後遷移到新的 HKG 3 PoP,屆時可能需要重新配置 BGP 會話。


敬祝 商祺!

Hats Network Inc,
HKG3 #维护通知

由于近期 HKG3 采用 VM 接入方式的用户增多,而迁移前规划的 IPv4 网络地址池不能满足现有的 VM 数量,于是我们将 IPv4 的 /27 网段扩展到 /25 以容纳更多用户,若您的 VM 使用的是 DHCP 上网,则不会受到任何影响。

另请注意: HKG3 VM 所分配的 IPv4 是不固定的,仅用于兼容 IPv4 网络,但 Hats Network Inc. 一直致力于推进 IPv6 网络的可持续性发展事业而积极地将活动投身到实践中。

因此,我们为所有 VM 提供静态的 IPv6 地址,并拒绝使用 IPv4 NAT 等过渡性技术。
HKG3 #维护通知

接上游通知, HKG3 将计划于 2023/7/10 21:00 ~ 22:00 HKT 对 HE (AS6939) 的网络进行端口割接升级。


已在预定时间内维护结束 (2023/7/10 21:15 HKT)
Emergency maintenance for Asia Region.

Hats Network 亚洲区域网络突发性紧急维护。

Update: Fixed.

🇸🇬 Hello! Singapore.

▎We are thrilled to announce the launch of Hats Network (AS203314)'s latest Core Point of Presence (PoP) facility in Singapore (SIN1).

▎This significant milestone marks the opening of our third core network node in Asia, complementing our existing facilities in Hong Kong and Taipei.

▎Our primary objective is to establish a robust, sustainable, and high-quality network infrastructure in Singapore that caters to the local market's unique demands.

▎X Link
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Hats Network Inc.
🇸🇬 Hello! Singapore. ▎We are thrilled to announce the launch of Hats Network (AS203314)'s latest Core Point of Presence (PoP) facility in Singapore (SIN1). ▎This significant milestone marks the opening of our third core network node in Asia, complementing…
🇸🇬 SIN1 Network connectivity progress:

▎AS2914 NTTConnected
▎AS174 Cogent Connected
▎AS6939 Hurricane Electric Connected

▎Equinix IX - Singapore Connected

(From our Upstream)
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Dear Valued Customer,

We are currently performing routine maintenance on our network infrastructure in the Asia Pacific region.

The primary objective of this maintenance is to upgrade the system kernel of core network nodes in the region to Linux 6.4.0+ and to upgrade the BBRv1 congestion control module to BBRv3.

Upon completion of the maintenance, the overall TCP throughput performance of the Hats network will be significantly improved. In addition, packet loss and jitter will be effectively reduced in certain latency sensitive scenarios.

Thank you very much for your understanding and support!

Yours sincerely,

Network Operations Center,
Hats Network Inc.


Hats Network 亚太网络核心正在例行维护。

本次维护的主要目标是将亚洲地区所有核心网络节点的系统内核升级至 Linux 6.4.0+ 版本,并对 BBRv1 拥塞控制模块升级至 BBRv3 。

完成维护后, Hats Network 骨干网络的整体 TCP 吞吐量性能将得到显著提升,在部分延迟敏感场景下,数据包的丢失和抖动现象也将得到有效降低。
Hats Network Inc.
Dear Valued Customer, We are currently performing routine maintenance on our network infrastructure in the Asia Pacific region. The primary objective of this maintenance is to upgrade the system kernel of core network nodes in the region to Linux 6.4.0+…
亚太核心节点升级完毕,在 HKG 及 SIN 核心路由器间使用 iperf3 10Gbps 固定满载速率 TCP 单线程及多线程多次测试结果:

BBR v3 单线程包重传数量相比 BBR v1 减少 8-15% 左右,满载延迟抖动明显降低。

另外在较高抖动和丢包率的场景下 BBR v3 的抖动率相对 BBR v1 更低,丢包率缓解效果相差不大。

传输相同文件, BBR v3 所用流量比 BBR v1 更少。

由于 HKG3 上游遭到大规模攻击, HKG3 到 HE (AS6939) Session 暂时离线。

Due to a massive attack on upstream, HKG3 to HE (AS6939) BGP Session is temporarily down.
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Hats Network Inc.
由于 HKG3 上游遭到大规模攻击, HKG3 到 HE (AS6939) Session 暂时离线。 Due to a massive attack on upstream, HKG3 to HE (AS6939) BGP Session is temporarily down.
HKG3 上游的大规模攻击已由 CFMT 缓解,所有路由已恢复。

Massive Attack Upstream Mitigated by Cloudflare Magic Transit.
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帽子網路(香港)恭祝全球各地华人 2023 年中秋節快樂,願您與家人團圓! 🎉 🎉 🎉

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May you enjoy this special time with your loved ones and celebrate the beauty of the full moon together.

Hats Network Inc, (Hong Kong).
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Hats Archive
Merry Christmas! 🎄
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To Customer / Peering:

We regret to inform you that AS203314 Netherlands - Amsterdam (AMS - NL-IX) is nearing its expiration and will not be renewed. This decision aligns with our strategic focus on the Asia-Pacific backbone in 2024, aiming to optimize costs by eliminating non-essential idle expenditures.

We understand the inconvenience this may cause, but this step is essential for the efficiency and sustainability of our operations. We kindly request that all parties operating network centers with downstream/peering sessions on our AMS nodes initiate the removal BGP Session accordingly.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition. If you have any inquiries or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact noc@hats-mail.com / support@hats-mail.com (Customer only)

Best regards,
NOC for Hats Network Inc (AS203314).


2024 · 農曆甲辰年

©Hats Network Inc AS203314