Deutsche Bahn-CEO Richard Lutz: Europe's strong backbone: The Rail
#DeutscheBahn #digitaltransformation #Digitalisierung #CDKritik #Sprache #RichardLutz
The railways can hold as a good role model for the european idea. The CEO of Deutsche Bahn names eight points, that are indispensable for a succesfull Europe.
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#DeutscheBahn #digitaltransformation #Digitalisierung #CDKritik #Sprache #RichardLutz
The railways can hold as a good role model for the european idea. The CEO of Deutsche Bahn names eight points, that are indispensable for a succesfull Europe.
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@DerNewsBot hb2291
CEO of RWE AG Rolf Martin Schmitz: The european electricity supply must be connected more closely
#Europe #worldtrade #economy #EuropeanUnion #electricitysupply #renewableenergies #CDKritik #Sprache #Freihandelszone #BerufNaturwissenschaft #RWE #Eon
The European model of a liberal society and free trade is at stake. Only a unified and strong EU can guarantee a safe future for it's economy.
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#Europe #worldtrade #economy #EuropeanUnion #electricitysupply #renewableenergies #CDKritik #Sprache #Freihandelszone #BerufNaturwissenschaft #RWE #Eon
The European model of a liberal society and free trade is at stake. Only a unified and strong EU can guarantee a safe future for it's economy.
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@DerNewsBot hb2738
CEO of RWE AG Rolf Martin Schmitz: The european electricity supply must be connected more closely
#Europe #worldtrade #economy #EuropeanUnion #electricitysupply #renewableenergies #CDKritik #Sprache #Freihandelszone #BerufNaturwissenschaft #RWE #Eon
The European model of a liberal society and free trade is at stake. Only a unified and strong EU can guarantee a safe future for it's economy.
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#Europe #worldtrade #economy #EuropeanUnion #electricitysupply #renewableenergies #CDKritik #Sprache #Freihandelszone #BerufNaturwissenschaft #RWE #Eon
The European model of a liberal society and free trade is at stake. Only a unified and strong EU can guarantee a safe future for it's economy.
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@DerNewsBot hb2779
Chairman of the Management Board of Erste Group Bank AG: We need a reform of the european capital markets
#EuropeanUnion #Finanzmarkt #Kapitalmarkt #EZB #CDKritik #ErsteGroup #Apple
Europe can find its answer to the disintegrating society in the debate on „America first“. The capital markets can drive out advantages for everyone.
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#EuropeanUnion #Finanzmarkt #Kapitalmarkt #EZB #CDKritik #ErsteGroup #Apple
Europe can find its answer to the disintegrating society in the debate on „America first“. The capital markets can drive out advantages for everyone.
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@DerNewsBot hb2789
Daimler-CEO Dieter Zetsche: Open and united – two wishes for Europe
#TheEUisthebestthing #DieterZetsche #Europawahl #EU #Auto #Automobilindustrie #MercedesBenz #Bertelsmann #Bosch #Mobilität #CDKritik #Sprache #Ionity #BMW #DieterZetsche
The EU is the best thing, that could have happened to Europe – but it contains errors. The Daimler-CEO about the advantages of openness and the requisite of solidarity.
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#TheEUisthebestthing #DieterZetsche #Europawahl #EU #Auto #Automobilindustrie #MercedesBenz #Bertelsmann #Bosch #Mobilität #CDKritik #Sprache #Ionity #BMW #DieterZetsche
The EU is the best thing, that could have happened to Europe – but it contains errors. The Daimler-CEO about the advantages of openness and the requisite of solidarity.
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@DerNewsBot hb3271
Daimler-CEO Dieter Zetsche: Open and united – two wishes for Europe
#TheEUisthebestthing #DieterZetsche #Europawahl #EU #Auto #Automobilindustrie #MercedesBenz #Bertelsmann #Bosch #Mobilität #CDKritik #Sprache #Ionity #BMW #DieterZetsche
The EU is the best thing, that could have happened to Europe – but it contains errors. The Daimler-CEO about the advantages of openness and the requisite of solidarity.
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#TheEUisthebestthing #DieterZetsche #Europawahl #EU #Auto #Automobilindustrie #MercedesBenz #Bertelsmann #Bosch #Mobilität #CDKritik #Sprache #Ionity #BMW #DieterZetsche
The EU is the best thing, that could have happened to Europe – but it contains errors. The Daimler-CEO about the advantages of openness and the requisite of solidarity.
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@DerNewsBot hb3291
Douglas-CEO Tina Müller: #ForwardEurope: A European path to the future
#TinaMüller #Digitalisierung #Digitalization #Europe #Europa #Europawahl #CDKritik #Freihandelszone #Sprache #BerufNaturwissenschaft #TinaMüller
Europe is a huge opportunity – but its solidarity has taken for granted. Europe must strengthen its “We-feeling” and connect for the digital future.
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#TinaMüller #Digitalisierung #Digitalization #Europe #Europa #Europawahl #CDKritik #Freihandelszone #Sprache #BerufNaturwissenschaft #TinaMüller
Europe is a huge opportunity – but its solidarity has taken for granted. Europe must strengthen its “We-feeling” and connect for the digital future.
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@DerNewsBot hb3362
E.ON-CEO Teyssen: We have to talk about Europe
#EU #JohannesTeyssen #EON #CDKritik #Freihandelszone #Sprache #BerufNaturwissenschaft #Eon #JohannesTeyssen
Europe's future is more uncertain than many think. But it is our only opportunity to compete in the challenging world of the twenty-first century.
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#EU #JohannesTeyssen #EON #CDKritik #Freihandelszone #Sprache #BerufNaturwissenschaft #Eon #JohannesTeyssen
Europe's future is more uncertain than many think. But it is our only opportunity to compete in the challenging world of the twenty-first century.
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@DerNewsBot hb3633
Jürgen Großmann: Europe needs fewer solo moves on German's part
#EU #JürgenGroßmann #CDKritik #YouTube #Siemens #Nokia #Huawei #Samsung #WorldEconomicForum #JürgenGroßmann
Europe is lacking efficiency these days. Germany has every reason to act smaller on the European stage and needs to stop making solitary decisions.
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#EU #JürgenGroßmann #CDKritik #YouTube #Siemens #Nokia #Huawei #Samsung #WorldEconomicForum #JürgenGroßmann
Europe is lacking efficiency these days. Germany has every reason to act smaller on the European stage and needs to stop making solitary decisions.
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@DerNewsBot hb3769
Jürgen Großmann: Europe needs fewer solo moves on German's part
#EU #JürgenGroßmann #CDKritik #YouTube #Siemens #Nokia #Huawei #Samsung #WorldEconomicForum #JürgenGroßmann
Europe is lacking efficiency these days. Germany has every reason to act smaller on the European stage and needs to stop making solitary decisions.
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#EU #JürgenGroßmann #CDKritik #YouTube #Siemens #Nokia #Huawei #Samsung #WorldEconomicForum #JürgenGroßmann
Europe is lacking efficiency these days. Germany has every reason to act smaller on the European stage and needs to stop making solitary decisions.
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@DerNewsBot hb3771
Kone-CEO Antti Herlin: European values create added brand strength
#KONE #EuropeanUnion #EU #companies #AnttiHerlin #CDKritik #Freihandelszone #Sprache #BerufNaturwissenschaft #AnttiHerlin
All around the world the EU is admired for its values. These values are its best export products and need to be maintained – even if it costs effort.
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#KONE #EuropeanUnion #EU #companies #AnttiHerlin #CDKritik #Freihandelszone #Sprache #BerufNaturwissenschaft #AnttiHerlin
All around the world the EU is admired for its values. These values are its best export products and need to be maintained – even if it costs effort.
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@DerNewsBot hb4053
Simone Menne: Europe does not mean giving up your homeland
#EU #SimoneMenne #CDKritik #Wissenschaft #Marketing #Sprache #BerufNaturwissenschaft #SimoneMenne #AleidaAssmann
Diversity is Europe's strength. That is why we have to discuss arguments and different solutions. We need to develop a common European identity.
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#EU #SimoneMenne #CDKritik #Wissenschaft #Marketing #Sprache #BerufNaturwissenschaft #SimoneMenne #AleidaAssmann
Diversity is Europe's strength. That is why we have to discuss arguments and different solutions. We need to develop a common European identity.
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@DerNewsBot hb4258
Angelika Gifford: Youth will be Europe's greatest challenge
#EU #AngelikaGifford #lobbyism #Brexit #CDKritik #Freihandelszone #Tui #PwCDeutscheRevision #AngelikaGifford
Most young people take the advances of the European Union for granted. Their lack of engagement could become the most serious threat to the EU.
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#EU #AngelikaGifford #lobbyism #Brexit #CDKritik #Freihandelszone #Tui #PwCDeutscheRevision #AngelikaGifford
Most young people take the advances of the European Union for granted. Their lack of engagement could become the most serious threat to the EU.
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@DerNewsBot hb4332
Albumklassiker: 50 Jahre „Abbey Road“: Der letzte Geniestreich der Beatles feiert Jubiläum
#Streit #Beatles #AbbeyRoad #PaulMcCartney #JohnLennon #Musiker #CDKritik #Zeitgeschichte #Apple #Wunderwerk #VW #MedleySA #PaulMcCartney #JohnLennon
Streit, miese Laune und schlechte Sessions: Das Jahr 1969 war für die „Fab Four“ ein turbulentes․ Dennoch fand die Band noch einmal zu alter Magie zurück․
#Streit #Beatles #AbbeyRoad #PaulMcCartney #JohnLennon #Musiker #CDKritik #Zeitgeschichte #Apple #Wunderwerk #VW #MedleySA #PaulMcCartney #JohnLennon
Streit, miese Laune und schlechte Sessions: Das Jahr 1969 war für die „Fab Four“ ein turbulentes․ Dennoch fand die Band noch einmal zu alter Magie zurück․
Von Katzenlauten bis Gangster-Rap: Fünf etwas abseitige Weihnachtsalben, die man kennen sollte
#Weihnachten #Musik #Weihnachtsmusik #Kurioses #ChristmasRecords #StarWars #Katzen #CDKritik #Musiker #Konzertkritik #Brauchtum #JethroTull #CalvinCordozarBroadus #SnoopDogg
Songs wie „Jingle Bells“ oder „Last Christmas“ kennt vermutlich jeder․ Aber wie sieht es mit „Jingle Cats“ oder „What Can You Get a Wookiee for Christmas“ aus?
#Weihnachten #Musik #Weihnachtsmusik #Kurioses #ChristmasRecords #StarWars #Katzen #CDKritik #Musiker #Konzertkritik #Brauchtum #JethroTull #CalvinCordozarBroadus #SnoopDogg
Songs wie „Jingle Bells“ oder „Last Christmas“ kennt vermutlich jeder․ Aber wie sieht es mit „Jingle Cats“ oder „What Can You Get a Wookiee for Christmas“ aus?