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China, France, and Australia: Important Indices for Investors

To wrap up the topic of indices, here are a few more to add to your list:

1️⃣ Shanghai Composite: This index tracks the performance of stocks listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in China. It is one of the top indicators of the Chinese market and reflects its dynamics.

2️⃣ CAC 40: The CAC 40 shows the performance of 40 French companies on Euronext Paris. This index serves as an important indicator for assessing the French stock market.

3️⃣ S&P/ASX 200: This index demonstrates the performance of 200 large companies on the Australian Stock Exchange. It is an important indicator for assessing the Australian stock market and economy.

🔥 So, that's 9 indices in one day! We've covered this topic once and for all, so when there are news mentions of indices, you'll have an understanding of what they're talking about -)
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SVIATOSLAV GUSEV pinned «Arsenal of a Crypto PREDATOR 💪 💎 Billion Gems — Awesome gem farming, complete tasks, and become a top player. Real games coming soon to the app. 🐱 Catizen — Raise cats, fish, and earn CATS tokens. 🔨 Cyber Finance — Earn xCFI points by smashing eggs with…»
E-commerce: A Must-Have for Modern Business

E-commerce encompasses business activities, including the sale of goods and services through the internet, such as online stores, digital products, auctions, and more.

⚡️ Here are 5 reasons why it's crucial for business:

1️⃣ Global Access: Attract customers from around the world.

2️⃣ Comfort and Convenience: Customers can easily order your products or services from the comfort of their homes.

3️⃣ Lower Costs: Opening and maintaining an online store is cheaper and reduces overhead costs, leading to savings and additional funds.

4️⃣ Personalization: Collect customer data to offer personalized deals, which works very well.

5️⃣ Innovation: Stay updated with new technologies to attract customers.

This is an interesting topic, and if you drop reactions 🔥, I'll share more insights about it -)
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6 Steps to Choose a Niche in E-commerce

🔥 Continuing with the e-commerce theme, let's break down the basics to choose a niche wisely:

1️⃣ Research the Market: Analyze demand and competition in various niches.

2️⃣ Consider Your Interests and Experience: Choose a niche that aligns with your interests and experience; it will be more profitable and easier.

3️⃣ Understand Customer Needs: Identify what problems and needs of the audience you can solve with your product or service.

4️⃣ Analyze Competitors: Study the activities of competitors in the chosen niche.

5️⃣ Unique Product: Try to find a field where you can offer something unique and different from other market players.

6️⃣ Testing and Analysis: Don't be afraid to test and experiment; this increases the chances of finding your niche without making mistakes.

Choosing a niche is a crucial step to success in e-commerce. It's better to spend time choosing wisely than to choose poorly and waste time and resources.
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If You See the Next Step, the Goal Is Achievable

⚡️ Evening thoughts have caught up with me, and I want to share. There's a good way to train yourself to achieve big and small goals.

Many set a goal and consider it unattainable, seeing a long road ahead and not believing they can achieve it.

Here, it's important to ask yourself: "Do you see your next step?" If yes, just take it.

No matter how long it takes to reach your goal, the important thing is to see the next action that will bring you closer to it.

💫 Gradually, slowly but surely, you won't even notice how you achieve what you once only dreamed of.

Break down a big task into many small ones, and everything will be great.

Fear has big eyes, but hands do the work -)
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Books to Understand How Money Works

1️⃣ Robert Kiyosaki: "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

I think this is one of the most popular books on finance. The author discusses various approaches to managing money. The story of two fathers, one an employee and the other a businessman, is interesting for learning how to form the right attitude towards investments.

2️⃣ Nassim Taleb: "The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable"

According to the author, a Black Swan is an event that cannot be predicted. Psychology is extremely important in trading, and this book is just what you need. It explains what to do to be prepared for crises and other economic upheavals.

3️⃣ Benjamin Graham: "The Intelligent Investor"

This is the holy grail among investment books. The author takes a serious approach and discusses the basics of investing, useful strategies, and why it's necessary to analyze companies. I read it faster than I initially expected -) The author also emphasizes the importance of long-term investing.

Choose what interests you the most and head to the bookstore to spend a few evenings improving your financial knowledge.
Games to Play on Weekends for Financial Literacy

⚡️ Recently, I made posts about great games that can improve your financial and investment skills.

Here's a compilation of them:

1️⃣ LibertEx: A 40-minute game where you need to achieve a level of passive income that exceeds expenses. The game emphasizes balancing work and life.

2️⃣ Cashflow: From 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, you need to escape the rat race. The rat race symbolizes the "work-home" cycle. The author, by the way, is Robert Kiyosaki.

3️⃣ MarginGame: From 15 minutes, in the game, you can choose your role: an investor developing a long-term plan or a trader winning on short-term deals.

Choose, play, and learn -)
How to Achieve Extraordinary Results: Focusing on Leaders

Every company has a certain hierarchy: there are leaders, department heads, and executors.

🔥 If you want to build your business to run like clockwork, you need to start by building relationships with leaders. If you have authority and respect in their eyes, the executors will automatically follow suit.

⚡️ It's important that the respect is based on your professionalism, not fear. Fear is a fragile foundation; there's no need to scare your employees, as they'll eventually leave for a calmer environment.

Nerve cells don't regenerate. Show that you're someone worth emulating, not fearing.
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How to Achieve Extraordinary Results: Inspire Your Employees

⚡️ If you just keep piling tasks one after another, people will eventually burn out, even if they are great specialists.

They won't be motivated to work better, which reduces productivity. Show that you are a professional and a personality. Maintain friendly relations, don't ignore requests, and try to help when needed.

You can provide materials to improve their skills, but do so kindly, not with phrases like, "You must watch/do this, or else." That demotivates them immediately.

😴 Don't overwork your employees. Good staff needs to be preserved. If you know someone hasn't had a break in a long time, give them a day off or vacation.

We all need a break from work and a chance to step away from work chats for a week 🏖
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Why Money Is Needed: A Common Misconception

Often, when asked what they would do if given a billion dollars, people say they would never work or do anything again.

⚡️ This is a huge mistake in thinking. Money is not for doing nothing but for engaging in things that are truly important to you.

With money, you have time to analyze worthwhile projects, develop something new that improves others' lives and energizes you. Not to mention, you have more time for family and friends.

Don't work just to earn more. Improve yourself and grow in different directions – that's goal #1.

💰 And the money will follow -) as long as you strive to become better.
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4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Store Money on an Exchange

With the recent buzz around the potential launch of crypto exchanges in test mode, it's a good time to remind you why storing funds on any exchange is a risky move.

▪️ Exchanges Get Hacked. No matter how robust the security systems are, we still hear about hackers making off with crypto assets on a regular basis.

▪️ Accounts Can Be Frozen. The funds on an exchange don't truly belong to you. They can be blocked or frozen at any time. Harsh reality, but that's the world we live in.

▪️ FTX Collapse Experience. I personally lost a couple of thousand dollars there. We all remember the infamous downfall of one of the leading exchanges; nothing more needs to be said.

▪️ Sanctions Apply to Exchanges Too. Just like we saw with all Russian brokers in 2022. Nobody wants a repeat of that scenario, but it's always a possibility.

🔐 Keep your assets in non-custodial wallets. And if the amount is significant, consider using hardware wallets. Your security is your responsibility, and no one else will care about your money as much as you do.
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Business and Consumer Activity Index

Every entrepreneur tries to stay on top of current business trends. I'm here to make that easier for you.

⚡️ The Business and Consumer Activity Index allows you to track consumer spending and business turnover trends across different sectors, both in specific regions and nationwide. Right now, the index stands at 6.

📊 The site also shows index dynamics through histograms.

The index highlights various key aspects of activity, such as a 20% increase in business turnover and a 4% decrease in purchase variety.

Through business categories, you can easily track changes in various sectors: whether it’s consumer spending or business turnover.

To stay sharp, I recommend regularly checking this index and adjusting your strategies accordingly.
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Business and Consumer Activity Index Every entrepreneur tries to stay on top of current business trends. I'm here to make that easier for you. ⚡️ The Business and Consumer Activity Index allows you to track consumer spending and business turnover trends…
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Train Your Strengths

⚡️ The secret to consistent growth, which many find satisfying, is to train the skills that come naturally to you.

The same goes for your employees. If you see someone on your team excelling at something and picking it up quickly, develop that skill. Gently, without pressure, but steadily enhance it.

📈 By focusing on strengths, they will grow even stronger much faster than if you spent time on something that doesn't come naturally.

Business is built by those who are good at what they do. If you have a developer who writes great code but struggles with reporting, let it go. Let them spend their time on what they excel at.

Time is money.
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How to Make Business Decisions

Some people try to be as "friendly" as possible and consult everyone around them—friends, family, and others who might have no connection to your business.

This is fundamentally wrong. You need to separate work from personal life. Have a small circle of people with whom you make important decisions.

🤝 The fewer people involved, the faster and simpler the decision-making process will be. It's crucial that your professional perspectives aren't too different.

There can be arguments, disagreements, and even emotions sometimes—that's normal, it's just part of the job.

But don’t involve outsiders in your business affairs, it’ll only lead to confusion.
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How 24/7 Hustle Got Me to Where I Am

⚡️ This is going to be a pretty candid post, and I hope my story motivates you to take action, even when you're feeling lazy or scared.

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I grew up in a very modest household, raised by just my mom. My grandparents passed away early.

🏠 We lived in a private sector on the outskirts of Mariupol. When I moved to the capital, I didn’t even have enough money to rent an apartment because I had to pay a deposit for the first and last month, plus a realtor's fee.

So, I rented the cheapest rooms in small hotels, around 20 square meters. I stayed there for about a month and then moved to another hotel just for a change.

What was I doing back then? I was working non-stop. I’d wake up, work, order food delivery, keep working, and repeat.
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Privacy is not a crime 🇫🇷

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