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#StateTerrorism #PoliceBrutality
Hong Kong Police Verbally, Physically and Sexually Abuse Reporter: Threat of Gang Rape After Arrest

On 9 February at around 2am, Hong Kong police arrested a reporter from the City Broadcasting Channel (CBC) on the suspicion of theft. The reporter remained in police custody for 24 hours. In those 24 hours before he could be released on bail, he was exposed to repeated threats and was sexually harassed by police officers.

Police arrested the reporter in Tseung Kwan O while he was covering the conflict there. The reporter was hit by pepper spray from the police. As he attempted to clean the residue of the spray, an agitated police officer pointed at the reporter, exclaiming "this was the guy who was obstructing me, arrest him!”

CBC made a public announcement to denounce the violent and inappropriate actions of the police that night. CBC emphasised that their reporter was attacked despite carrying a press pass and wearing his reflective vest which clearly indicated the victim’s identity as a reporter.

Furthermore, before being arrested, the reporter did not obstruct the police while performing their duties in any way. Yet, the police still arrested the reporter and swote at him, branding him as a “corrupt reporter" during the arrest. These actions are not only extremely disrespectful to professional reporters, it is also a clear violation to the freedom of the press under the Basic Law.

In addition, while transporting the reporter to the police station, the policemen on board verbally abused and sexually harassed the reporter repeatedly. The policemen even went as far as calling the reporter “A damned gay cxxt” and threatened to gang rape the reporter multiple times.

These remarks are in clear violation of Section 2(5) of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 480, LHK), which states that a person (howsoever described) sexually harasses a woman if

(a) the person
(i) makes an unwelcome sexual advance, or an unwelcome request for sexual favours, to her; or
(ii) engages in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in relation to her,
in circumstances in which a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated that she would be offended, humiliated or intimidated; or
(b) the person, alone or together with other persons, engages in conduct of a sexual nature which creates a hostile or intimidating environment for her."

Although the CBC reporter is male, it is worth noting that the ordinance covers sexual harassment of both men and women, and the above definition shall have effect regarding sexual harassment of men with such modifications as are necessary. (Section 2(8) of the Ordinance).

The Police's abuse of power and threats made against the CBC journalist showed the utter lack of respect the Hong Kong Police Force have for the arrested.

Furthermore, according to Chapter 39-05 of the Police General Orders, all officers at the scene of an incident shall:-

(a) facilitate the work of the news media as much as possible and accord media representatives consideration and courtesy; and
(b) not block camera lenses.

This proves that the actions of the officers involved in this incident are not only illegal, but also breached the police general orders, which is a set of rules that the police must follow before exercising their powers in public in order to protect the interests of Hong Kong people.

This incident is just one of many where the police have been suspected of using excessive violence and abusing their power and authority while handling protests and other related events.

Source: City Broadcasting Channel
#MeToo #SexualAbuse #VerbalAbuse #Threat #PoliceState
#PoliceState #StateTerrorism
Arrestee Recounted Threats from Police during Arrest
Chin, who was arrested earlier, revealed his experience afater reading a post from Stand News.

Related post from Stand News:
Hong Kong Police Threaten Proresters with Rape and Gangrape

"A male riot police threatened me in a loud voice: 'Dare you not to answer Madam's (i.e. colloquial term for a female police officer) question? Do you want me to send you to San UK Ling Holding Centre?' (Editor's note: The police used the San UK Ling Holding Centre to process many protesters in August and September last year. It is alleged that the police tortured the arrestees inside but the police has denied this allegation.)

The female riot officer said in my ear: 'Once you are (at San UK Ling Holding Centre), I don't know what the officers taking over would do to you.'

While sitting on an iron chair the next day during my third search, two female arrestees were sitting next to me. A plaincloth police officer was chatting with the Duty Officer and said: 'Three female cockroaches were arrested?' (Editor's note: "Cockroaches" is a demeaning term used by the police to describe protesters.) The Duty Officer responded: 'Yes, you can pick the one you like and rape her.' Then they laughed together.

Another good friend was arrested another day. When she was in the police car, the police said to her: "Do you believe that I would put stones in your backpack and throw you into the sea?"

Source: Stand News #Mar15
#PoliceBrutality #SexualAbuse #VerbalAbuse #Threat
District Council Chairman Arrested and Members Frisked

21:10 | #YuenLong
Several Yuen Long District Councilors participated in the gathering at Yuen Long MTR station.

Yuen Long District Council chairman Wong Wai-yin was arrested, while Councilor Ng Kin-wai was stopped and searched. Ng stated that the police threatened him during the search, saying that he would be charged of assualting the police officer for any slight movement, and he "can't compete against the police".

Two female protesters were stopped and searched by male policemen. They were released afterwards.

Source: InMedia HK #Mar21
#YuenLong721 #PoliceState #VerbalAbuse