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October 6: Hongkongers Stand Up Against the Anti-Mask Law

Highlights of the day

1. Simultaneous marches on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon

- Hong Kong Island


-Citizen to police: “Why do you have to beat us when you are one of us?"

-Citizens are not afraid:

New slogans:
- "Citizens Mask their Face, Carrie Lam Masks her Conscience" https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/7817

- “Wearing masks is not a crime", “Disband the police”

-"The 'Peaceful' and the 'Valiant' shall fight as one for the long run"

2. High Court refused to grant injunction order but will conduct a judicial review

3. Police violence on civilians

-Police tear-gased store owners, shop keepers and janitors in Causeway Bay

- Police tear-gased diners

-Police shot at the crowd on top of the MTR station

-Police shot spectating resident at their home

-Police aggressively assaulted a man lying on the ground

-Police pointed gun at passers-by

4. Police violence on members of the press

- Police intimidated a U.S. Reporter

-Police ordered reporters to remove masks and claimed “everyone here is a fake journalist"

-Police pointed gun at reporter

-Police threw bamboo poles

-Police threw pepper-sprayed grenades directly at reporters

5. 'Mass Arrests” in the police agenda?

- Extensive bus search in different districts at the expense of huge traffic jam

- Police arrested and took away children

- Protective gear as the cause of arrest?

-Police applying for warrant to search university dormitories

-Police allegedly planted evidence

- Unfair treatment of the arrestees, depending on the political stance?
October 4: The Day When the Government Invokes Emergency Powers to Bypass Legislature and Implement the Anti-Mask Law

After the news was announced, citizens started a new wave of protests to show the authorities their discontent. Many people joined in after work and school. Students in uniform were sighted in the rallies across districts (see photo). In a march from Central to Causeway Bay, a citizen played the song “Glory to Hong Kong” with his recorder, as a way to cheer up Hongkongers despite adversities (see photo).

Meanwhile, some people rushed to grocery stores to stock up their food storage, as if the city was going into a state of emergency. Many supermarkets became empty (see photo).

Although the government denied a proclamation of martial law and an imposition of a curfew, police ordered all bus companies to terminate their services while MTR suspended its services of all lines.

High Court refused to grant injunction order to the Face-Covering Ordinance.

October 5: The First Day After the Anti-Mask Law Became Effective Overnight

Protests continued in different forms and took place in different districts. On Hong Kong Island, citizens initiated a march between Causeway Bay and Central and wore masks to defy the Government's forceful enactment of the Anti-Mask Law. In Kowloon, a human chain was formed between Tsim Sha Tsui and Sham Shui Po. In Prince Edward, four citizens wearing Guy Fawkes masks danced under the torchlight of the police (see photo).

After knowing that the gunshot schoolboy was charged with rioting and assaulting a police officer, citizens left flowers and origami cranes at the site where the boy was wounded by a live round on 1 October.

MTR continued to suspend its services.

Photo: Tam Ming Keung and Jimmy Lam @USP United Social Press

As Overview of October 5:
October 6: Hongkongers Against One Evil Law After Another

It took over 3 months of intense protests for the government to propose the 'withdrawal' of the extradition arrangement to China, whereas it took less than 24 hours for the government to bypass the city's legislature and implement the controversial Anti-Mask Law, simply by invoking its emergency powers. Under these circumstances, it is only normal for citizens to fear of the deteriorating freedom and rights in the city and speculate the agenda of the government in the long run. What if the government uses this shortcut to enact more evil laws in the future? Hongkongers are familiar with this list of laws and policies that the government has long been pushing despite opposition from the population: These include but are not limited to the implementation of China-centered national education, anti-subversion law, high-budget infrastructure project (“Lantau Vision”), land development in protected areas and country parks and even the extradition bill again.

Stepping into the fifth month of protest, many citizens feel desperate as the situation has turned from worse to worst. Police brutality is witnessed and reported by international organizations like Amnesty International. The police assault not only members of the press (including shooting an Indonesian journalist in the eye and causing permanent blindness), but also civilians.

Police violence escalates: Within 4 days, the police shot a 18 year-old schoolboy in the chest on October 1 and a 14 year-old boy in the thigh on October 4. Shot with live rounds, the police have wounded them both severely, leaving them in critical condition. All these happened right after the police relaxed the restraint in the use of lethal weapon on 30 September, which is precisely one day after the shooting of the Indonesian journalist and one day before wounding the 18-year-old schoolboy.

Related readings
Why are Some Stores Damaged But Not Others in Hong Kong?
Following Jack Ma and Ma Huateng, Liu Chuanzhi, Founder of Lenovo, may be the next one to quit.

(24 Sep) The speculation of an elimination of Chinese private enterprises prevails, as the private sector submits to the State authority.

Following the ‘retirement’ of Jack Ma and Ma Huateng’s ‘resignation’ as Tencent Wechat’s legal representative, there are rumours that Liu Chuanzhi, Founder of Lenovo Group, recently resigned from his position as Lenovo Group’s Legal Representative and will no longer serve as the Director.

Liu Chuanzhi had registered as the legal representative of 17 companies. Yet according to official records, other than Lenovo Group, the remaining 16 are either “moved out of Beijing” or “cancelled”, and Legend Capital, the holding company of the Lenovo Group, has also moved from Beijing. Liu was once the Director-general of Legend Holdings and the Chairman of the Board of Lenovo Group Ltd. He stepped down from on 2nd November 2011, and he is currently the Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lenovo Group Ltd and the Senior Consultant of Lenovo.

In regards of Liu’s resignation, Lenovo issued a statement on 23rd Sept, stating that Legend Holdings has multiple subsidiary companies and platform companies, therefore collaborations, adjustments and clearing up will be done according to business needs; Legend Holdings (Tianjin) is only a platform company of Legend Holdings, and that personnel changes is a normal business arrangement of the industry.

Legend Holdings is the biggest shareholder of Lenovo Group Ltd., holding 25.81% of the company’s shares, whereas Legend Holdings’ 76.81% shares are held jointly by Chinese Academy of Sciences Holdings Co., Ltd., Beijing Lian Chi Zhi Yuan Management Consulting Center Limited Partnership, Oceanwide Holdings Co.,Ltd, Beijing Lian Heng Yong Xin Investment Center Limited Partnership and Liu Chuanzi, the biggest shareholders of Lenovo therefore are state-owned enterprises.

Legend Holdings (Tianjin) from which Liu resigned was established in November 2011, with a registered capital of 5billion RMB, and shares shared between Legend Holdings and Shenzhen Ruilong Industrial Development Co.,Ltd. Equally. Liu was replaced by Ruilong’s Legal Representative Zhang Xin.
Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, a company holding China’s biggest market value, ‘retired’ on 10th Sept this year, followed by the resignation of Ma Huateng as the Legal Representative of Tencent Wechat on the 20th.

#BusinessInChina #CCP
Source: https://ec.ltn.com.tw/m/article/breakingnews/2924777
[Impacts On Business 1/2]

The Upsurged Unrest in MTR
Opinion Article by Editor

Traffic on Hong Kong’s metro system (MTR) slid by the most since the 2003 SARS epidemic as MTR Corp.’s lines were targeted by anti-government protesters. Passenger numbers on the subway fell 7.5% to 131 million in August.

The dissatisfaction to MTR first started when it suspended part of its service for the approved "Kwun Tong Demonstration" and used the trained to transport large number of police officers after Beijing accused it for providing services to "Rioters" and not facilitating police action.

The situation took a nosedive after the 831 Prince Edward indiscriminate attack by Police. The Police forced journalists to leave the scene and ambulancemen were delayed to entered. Added that the actual number of victims had not yet been confirmed and Station was closed for 2 days for no reason, citizens has demanded the disclosure of the CCTV on that night. Some has even taken juridical action but the CCTV footage has not yet been released until today. It made MTR renamed by citizens as Military Transit Railyway / Murderous Transit Railyway / Communist Party Railway and etc. After that, there were scattered destruction in different MTR Stations as a means of protest.

Later in 20 Sept, MTR new chairman, Rex Auyeung, said during an interview with Beijing-own media that facilitating the Rioters to protest and leaving the scene was an ugly and shameful past for MTR and they would set up their own security team. And the MTR continued to stand with the government, shutting down stations when there were protests in the surrounding areas and sending trains to deliver police, where police often rushed out from stations to arrest citizens. Damaging of MTR equipments and facilities therefore continued. With the implementation of the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, protests upsurged and the whole network of MTR network was suspended on 05 Oct due to severe damages to the station equipments. The suspension of service has become a part of HK daily life.

#ERO #MTR #ChinaInfluence

Credit : Bloomberg,
Copyright © BloombergQuint (25-09)
WenWeiPo(20-09) :https://bit.ly/2mpXdoO

(Editor Remark: We don't recommended you to read articles at WenWeiPo)
[Impacts On Business 2/2]
The American Chamber Of Commerce in Singapore and market research company Ipsos conducted an inquiry with 120 companies, most of whom stated that there will have to be factors other than just the protests for them to move out of Hong Kong. At the same time, the situation now worsens the image of Hong Kong, and this may affect the decisions of the firms’ decisions of investing in Hong Kong in the future.

The companies are still observing the development of the current situation in Hong Kong. "If I were the CEO of a corporation, I wouldn’t say that it’s time to move because of the protests. But if there is a significant negative impact upon the people, place, equipment or infrastructure you need to run the business, then that would be the premise to relocate. But it would be done gradually," said Ms. Allison Cheung, partner of corporate tax advisory services for PwC Singapore.

Ryan stated that the demonstrations in Hong Kong will not be the core reason for the firms moving out. The most important factor is whether Hong Kong is still protected from enjoying the rights and freedoms which people in China can’t enjoy. Then firms may consider moving out only if there is an "erosion of confidence" in Hong Kong. He added, "If there's greater evidence that this no longer exists, that would be a consideration for businesses on whether to relocate."

Excerpt: http://bit.ly/2njjbuj
Original source from : 文宣公海
[7 Oct: Rallies Against the Anti Mask Law Continue in Shopping Malls]

Citizens gathered in City Plaza to sing "Glory to Hong Kong" and chant slogans
[7 Oct: Rallies Against the Anti-Mask Law Continue in Shopping Malls]

Diamond Hill
Citizens chant "5 Demands Not 1 Less" inside Hollywood Plaza

Source: Apple; Real Time News Broadcast