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Police Applying for a Warrant to Search Baptist University Dormitary

There were rumors that police would search the student dormitaries of the Hong Kong Baptist University (BU).

According to William Liu Wai Lim, member of Demosistō and student of BU, no riot police has entered the campus area so far; however, a search warrant had been applied as one of the arrested BU students has filled in the dormitary as his address. The application had not been approved yet, and therefore search area could not be confirmed at the moment.

Source: 612 reminder; William Liu Wai Lim's Facebook,
📡Guardians of Hong Kong
Police Applying for a Warrant to Search Baptist University Dormitary There were rumors that police would search the student dormitaries of the Hong Kong Baptist University (BU). According to William Liu Wai Lim, member of Demosistō and student of BU, no…
The Thin Line Between Rumors and White Terror

Today (Oct 6) there are rumors about police searching dormitaries universities including Hong Kong Baptist University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and The Education University of Hong Kong.

Activist William Liu Wai Lim, various BU students, CUHK Students' Union and EdUHK Students' Union have already confirmed that the news was untrue.

Source: William Liu Wai Lim's FB, cusunews
[Oct 6:Hongkongers Stand Up Against the Anti-Mask Law]

Face-Covering Police Ordered Citizens to Remove Masks

As the water cannon vehicle and two other police vehicles retreated from Nathan Road at around 23:02, face-covering riot police shouted at citizens and asked them to remove their masks.

Source: Now News, Apple Daily News
📡Guardians of Hong Kong
Oct 6 A video capturing how a taxi crashed onto the pedestrian walkway in Sham Shui Po. According to sources, among the three people injured, one woman is in critical condition with bone fracture on both legs. Read More: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/7834
Update on Oct 6 at HKT23:41

A pro-democracy protestor was hit by a car during the Anti-Mask Law march on Oct 6.

It is reported that she suffered a right knee dislocation and an open fracture on her left tibia from the crash, which possibly could lead to disabilities for life, according to a medic.
At Least 2 People are Charged in 2 Days Since the Implementaton of the Anti-Mask Law

Since the Face-Covering Ordinance is effective on October 5, at least 2 people are charged for violating the anti-mask law.

A court hearing will take place at 9:30am in Eastern Magistrates' Court on October 7

Source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2564720833815033&id=1965117443775378
“MTR, How Could You Forget about the Goodwill of the Public?”

Those who claim they are ”neutral” say: ”For whatsoever reason, it is wrong to vandalise the MTR stations!”

Their tone is consistent with that of the totalitarian government, as if the public “suddenly burst out of a rock and proceeded to wreak havoc.”

Let me remind them of what had happened on the first day of the protest? When there were two million protestors peacefully marching on Hong Kong Island, were the MTR stations vandalised? No, they weren't. When the police started using tear gas grenades and rubber bullets to disperse civilians and protesters who were frantically retreating, were the MTR stations vandalised? No, they weren't.

Civilians and protesters left cash and coins on top of ticket machines — they were worried that the young protesters would not have enough change to buy train tickets. Some bought plenty of train tickets and passed them to whoever in need for free inside the MTR stations.

The MTR company had betrayed the people of Hong Kong for the first time when the police fired tear gas grenades inside Kwai Fong station. Next day, some civilians and protesters still voluntarily cleaned up the MTR station, hoping to remove of the harmful chemicals left by the grenades.

When the Communist Transit Railway (CTR) was still serving the public well, fulfilling its role to transport the massess, many civilians and protesters thought they had the obligations to pay for the transportation fee and keep the facilities inside the stations intact with their best efforts.

What have the civilians and protesters got in return for their goodwill?
Betrayal by the CTR.

The CTR chose to obey the tyrant. In order to please the government, it closed the stations and stopped train services while the civilians and protesters were being chased and arrested by the police at life and death moments. Such assistance to the government’s crackdown eventually resulted in the ”Death Train” event which happened on the 31 August, which is one of the everlasting wounds in the heart of the people of Hong Kong. The MTR company could have chosen to leave some time and room for the civilians and protesters to escape. Yet, it kowtowed to the government, helping the tyrant to mercilessly oppress the people.

If the public wants to fight against the government, it won't be a fair fight.

When the masses were chased by tear gas, rubber bullets and and sponge rounds, and they still spared a few seconds to take cash out and leave their fares, the CTR didn’t remember their goodwill, and repaid them with incessant malice.

Even while running away from the tear gas grenades, rubber bullets, and sponge rounds fired by the police, the civilians and protesters still spared a few seconds to emptied their wallets and left change in the MTR stations. And yet, the MTR company did not appreciate such goodwill, and ”repaid” them with malice and hostility. Thus, the people of Hong Kong decided to fight against the MTR company.

It is fair to say that the people of Hong Kong never show hostility towards others without good reason - they do not mean to harm anyone or any objects unreasonably.

Do you remember how ”yellow ribbons” (pro-freedom and democracy individuals) got along with ”blue-ribbons” (pro-government and police individuals) at the beginning? When both sides started to have arguments and conflicts, many yellow-ribbons merely tried to cool things down. And then, what happened? When yellow-ribbons repaired Lennon Walls, they were beaten and even stabbed by attackers who were presumably blue ribbons. Some of the yellow-ribbons were sent to the Intensive Care Unit of hospitals.

Do you remember those major enterprises that are in favour of the government? Even when the civilians and protesters politically disagreed with those companies, they just boycotted the companies by refusing to provide commercial support and attempted to convince them with social advertisements.
And then, what happened? The pro-freedom and democracy employees who worked in those companies were oppressed within and even expelled from their systems, and the people of Hong Kong were smeared at the international level.

Do you remember what the Hong Kong Police had done? Five years ago, the civilians and protesters covered the police with their umbrellas in the rain.

And then, what happened? The police forced the people to get into Citic Tower and threw tear gas grenades to them. There are many more similar events on the 21 July, the 31 August, the 1 October... There are way too many to list. There is no turning back.

Do you remember how many disappointing things the government has done all these years? It has launched ”white elephant projects”, disqualified legislative councillors who were elected by the majority, and illegitimately cooperated with those dominating enterprises, and put forward the policies that undermine Hong Kong...

At the beginning, the civilians and protesters only expressed their discontent through peaceful demonstrations. Then, they have learnt the truth that the government will never listen.

If those who pretend to be neutral say that everything has a cause, I have to say that the government is actually the cause of all the problems and disasters mentioned above. When they condemn the protesters by saying that it is not right to bring destruction under all circumstances, they should knock their own brains and ask if they have forgotten something.

This is a story about “how the goodwill of the public was entirely eroded, trampled, and destroyed”.

IG: cheungson88




#vandalise #MTR
Hongkonger commented that the #ERO is an attempt to extinguish a fire with gasoline, or even to start a fire

On 5 October, Hongkongers marched from Causeway Bay to Central in defiance of the #AntiMaskLaw, along Hennessy Road and Admiralty Road. Most protestors wore masks.

Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, said Hong Kong endured "a very dark night" the day before because of the rioters' radical actions (4 October), commenting that as chaos erupted in multiple districts, such violence threatened public safety. She believed this to be a concrete reason to introduce the Prohibition On Face-Covering Regulation. She asked that the citizens to condemn violence and sever relationships with rioters.

Mr Lee, a participant of the protest, said Hong Kong has been going through dark times since Carrie Lam proposed the Extradition Bill. Even though she claimed she wanted sincere conversations with Hong Kong citizens, she forcefully enacted the anti-mask law, and Mr Lee described this action as Carrie Lam’s attempt to extinguish a fire with gasoline, or even to start another fire. He further suggested that she should sever the government’s connection with Beijing. Another protester, Mr Chan, said that the protests started because the government had no credibility and he disagreed with the anti-mask law. Another Mr Chan said that the implementation of the Emergency Regulations Ordinance bypassed the normal legislative procedure, reflecting that the government was moving towards Authoritarianism.
#ERO #AntiMaskLaw

Source: RTHK
[Does One country Two Systems still hold? 1/2]
South China Morning Post exclusively revealed that that Carrie Lam had to seek Xi's approval to withdraw extradition bill. How about the promise of “One Country, Two Systems”?
Shared by a Chinese commentator Jacky FUNG, who writes about politics in HK

Source: https://m.facebook.com/1382719615336493/posts/2249023205372792/
[Does One country Two Systems still hold? 2/2]

(28 Sep)
In an audio recording leaked from a private meeting, Carrie Lam stated that, the political agency of the Chief Executive can be very limited, depending on the situation.

A week before July 9, Carrie Lam said she would not accept any of the protesters' demands, including the withdrawal of the controversial legislation. However, source said that the withdrawal proposal was submitted to Xi’s office for deliberation and approval shortly before 4 Sep announcement.

A day after Xi named Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan as a major risk and challenge for the Communist Party, the extradition bill was formally withdrawn on 4 Sep.

Abstract: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3030735/hong-kong-leader-carrie-lam-sought-president-xi-jinpings?fbclid=IwAR0WXg_tbqGB_I2w8UW4UtaSpo72Nkt4eRTpg7YerxBbI9xcovsaAbrcdEA
[Recap of Oct 6: Hongkongers Stand Up Against the Anti-Mask Law]

Police Fired Tear Gas into the Crowd: Part 1

At 19: 28 in Mongkok, around 300 citizens gathered at Argyle Street, in protest of the government's use of emergency powers to forcefully implement the controversial Anti-Mask Law.

Social worker Ms Jackie Chan urged the riot police not to aim guns at the public in front of the police cordon line near Argyle Street and Nathan Road.

A man was taken away earlier by the riot police; however, press filming and interview were made impossible by the police's strong flashlight.

In addition to flashing strong light, police also video-recorded the onlookers, causing discontent among the crowds.

Source: InMedia
[Recap of Oct 6: Hongkongers Stand Up Against the Anti-Mask Law]

Police Fired Tear Gas into the Crowd: Part 2

A mandarin-speaking person said the police were like mobs, while some shouted at the police, "Stop blocking our way!" "You think you can do whatever you want 'cause you have a gun?" The police responded, "You broke all the MTR stations, of course the way is blocked!"

Citizens chanted "Triads! Triads!", as most of the police got into private cars. The rest of the force retreated along Argyle Street towards Mong Kok East, raising the blue and the black flags.

Some citizens moved bamboo sticks and rubbish bins to the road and shouted "Murderers!" and "How many detainees have you killed?"

Citizens continued to advance, as the police fired 2 rounds of tear gas directly to the crowd. Many in the crowd were not equipped with protective gears. Some senior citizens felt unwell after inhaling the smoke, and they were attended by paramedics afterwards.

Source: In-media HK
[Recap of Oct 6: Hongkongers Stand Up Against the Anti-Mask Law]

Shop Selling Masks Go 'Against The Trend' and Stay In Business]

Most of the stores have been closed in Sham Shui Po and Cheung Sha Wan, except for a store selling masks and hats. The store stood out by staying open and 'going against the trend', many protestors entered to buy "protective gear".

Source: HKEJ
[Say no to China Influences 1/2]
Lyon visited Nantes on the 28th September. In the stands, there were fans standing to form a giant "Snow Mountain Lion Flag”, which represents the Tibet Independence movement. In order to cater the Chinese market, some French League games were rearranged to be played in local noon time. The Lyon fans were very upset with this arrangement, so they built a "Tibet independence" banner to retaliate.

In order to promote the French League and cater the huge market in China, the French Football Association decided to advance the starting time for certain games. Lyon played against Nantes on Saturday and the starting time was changed to 1:30pm. According to local media reports, Lyon Fans were not very accustomed to the new start time, they were enraged that the Club only focused on making Chinese money, ignoring the dissatisfaction of fans. The fans pointed their blame to China. In addition to the great "Snow Mountain Lion Flag", the fans were holding and waving the same flag, which can be seen by Chinese fans who were watching the game in live broadcasts.

According to French media, the representative of the fans’ organization stated that the act was deliberately done to embarrass China. The fans believe that the feeling of local fans is the most important, so their action is a demonstration to China. In addition, they stressed that if there is no follow-up on the relevant issues by the League, they will continue to build and wave the Tibet independence flag.

#AntiSinicization #ChinaInfluence

Excerpt: https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/sport/20190930/mobile/bkn-20190930145729875-0930_00882_001.html
[Say no to China Influences 2/2]
According to Italian media, La Repubblica, Venice is planning to ban the sales of cheaply made Chinese products to protect its own traditional culture. The low-priced and low quality clothing and souvenirs of gondola which are made in China, will be prohibited.

After the implementation of the new ordinance, new shops located at the city center have the obligation to protect and develop local cultural heritage as to avoid the city losing its historical characteristics. The existing shops are also required to renew the store and upgrade their visual merchandising.

The ordinance required the shops at city center can only run business in the following aspect: high-end fashion boutique, bookstores, galleries, antique shops, interior design, artwork, jewelleries and etc. The handcrafts must also contain "classical, traditional, historical" elements.

The bill has already passed the congress and will be effective after the final approval from the government.

Source: http://hkjam.com/?p=14284&fbclid=IwAR0a2ccxJ2J_-OXXZzGiU0VG98nLbr6_i8niD2q4NunKbZBmMV0dBFGv8sc#
[LIHKG Post] "Internal Information from Hong Kong Customs and Excise (C&E) Staff"

The following is the translation of a LiHKG post where a claimed C&E staff revealed a newly implemented practice:

"There is currently a new procedure in entry points against China border:
Whitelisted vehicle list

In the past there were only blacklisted vehicles and never whitelisted vehicles, but recently a new order has been issued, about a new 'vehicle whitelist' for C&E.

To put it simply, vehicles on the whitelist can past straight through customs without being checked. (I should say no inspection shall be required and the staff should simply let them go through.)

Nobody would know what or who came into Hong Kong. On the other hand, no one would know what or who was 'made' leaving Hong Kong into China either.

The people from higher ranks ordered us to do this and I wish more people would know."

Source: LiHKG