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New Zealand suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong

//The New Zealand Government has suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong and made a number of other changes in light of China’s decision to pass a national security law for Hong Kong, Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters says.

//“China’s passage of its new national security legislation has eroded rule-of-law principles, undermined the ‘one country, two systems’ framework that underpins Hong Kong’s unique status, and gone against commitments China made to the international community,” 

//“New Zealand can no longer trust that Hong Kong’s criminal justice system is sufficiently independent from China. 

//“Firstly, we are changing how we treat the export of sensitive goods to Hong Kong.

// Secondly, we have updated our travel advice to alert New Zealanders to the risks presented by the National Security Law.”

//“New Zealand remains deeply concerned at the imposition of this legislation, and we will continue to monitor the situation in Hong Kong as the law is applied. 

Full article: 28-Jul

#NewZealand #HongKong #China #ExtraditionTreaty
Dissertation from New Zealand Scholar, Revealing the Access of China to Sensitive Technology, Suppressed by Institution Along with an Investigation

A New Zealand academic, who studies China issues, published a paper earlier, exposing China's infiltration and the use of New Zealand academic institutions to gain access to sensitive military technology. However, she is suppressed by the university where she teaches, prompting concern in Australia that China is threatening international academic freedom.

Anne-Marie Brady, a professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Canterbury, and a researcher at the Wilson Center, a think tank in Washington, first published in July this year in the academic journal Australian Foreign Affairs entitled, "What the Party Believes - Chinese Spy Tactics, and How to Resist". Then, she published another joint research report entitled "Holding a Pen in One Hand, Gripping a Gun in the Other".

Both papers mentioned, some Chinese companies and universities used their relationships with New Zealand academic institutions to steal sensitive technology that could use in the development of military technology. Both papers pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party used the merging of military and private institutions to expand the defense industry sector and enable technological advances.

Nevertheless, after the publication of the article, she was under suppression with a university internal investigation. Ian Wright, the vice-chancellor of the University of Canterbury, said the papers contained "wrong factual information and misleading inferences", and that the Wilson Centre had submitted the articles to the New Zealand parliament.

The attorney of Brady, Stephen Franks, bluntly dismissed the incident as absurd, and the university had even decided to refer Brady for disciplinary investigation because they did not like the results of her research. He added, “We are concerned that Brady may lose his teaching position.” Richard McGregor, a senior fellow at the Lowy Institute, also supported her, believing Brady "is a fearless and independent scholar on Chinese-related topics", resulting in "inevitably expose some unpalatable truths".

Source: Apple Daily #Oct19

#NewZealand #China #Australia #CanterburyUni #AnneMarieBrady #AcademicFreedom #CCP #SensativeTechnology #ChinaPoliticalInfluence
#DQ #LegCoElection
Beijing Disqualify Elected Legislators in Hong Kong to Silence Critics, says

The Five Eyes Alliance, an intelligence coalition formed by the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, issued a joint statement expressing serious concern regarding decision of China's Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC) on “Issues Relating to the Qualification of the Members of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, which resulted in the disqualification of four elected legislators, describing it as part of a campaign to silence all critical voices.

The statement urge Chinese government to reconsider their decision, and immediately reinstate the Legislative Council members. It stated that for the the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, China and Hong Kong authorities must respect the channels for the people of Hong Kong to express their legitimate concerns and opinions. It further reminds China as a leading member of the international community, is expected to live up to its international commitments and its duty to the people of Hong Kong.

Source: Stand News #Nov19

#UK #UnitedStates #Canada #Australia #NewZealand #HongKong #China #Disqualification #LegislativeCouncil #NPCSC
New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta: China should respect Hongkongers, and the diplomatic policies must adhere to democratic principles

Five Eyes issued a statement last week with “serious concerns” on China disqualifying four Hong Kong Legislative Council members, and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded strongly and saying, “be careful of their eyes being poked blind”. Nanaia Mahuta, a New Zealand Foreign Minister who involved in issuing the statement, indicated that although China is the largest trading partner of New Zealand, we must adhere to democratic values and principles when carrying out the diplomatic policies, especially for the issues of Hong Kong. It is to ensure that in the transition of sovereignty, people’s past treatment is respected.

Source from: The Stand News #Nov22


#NewZealand #China #HongKong #LegCo #NanaiaMahuta #FiveEyes
#NewZealand newly elected MP #JamesMcDowall vows in Cantonese at the Commission Opening as a nod to his family

As the new term begain in New Zealand's parliament on November 25, 2020, members of parliament (#mp) took their oath.

Members are allowed to state their oath in two languages if they wish, James McDowall from ACT New Zealand chose to take his vow in English and Cantonese.

McDowall explained his use of Cantonese as a nod to the other half of his family. McDowall uploaded his swearing-in video on his Facebook page, the video then went viral in Hong Kong.

In the video, McDowall firstly stated his oath in English, "I, James Samuel McDowall, swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God."

He then repeated it in Cantonese:

"本人James Samuel McDowall,真誠發誓,定當依據法律,對女皇陛下伊麗莎白二世,及其繼承及繼位人效忠,並會盡忠職守。願上帝助我。"

Source: Stand News #Nov27

#GlobalSupport #Oath #Cantonese
New Zealand joins Australia in denouncing China's tweet

New Zealand has joined Australia in denouncing a graphic tweet posted by a Chinese official that shows a fake image of a grinning Australian soldier holding a bloodied knife to a child's throat.

Ardern's criticism was more muted than Australia's. She faced an awkward choice of how far to get involved in a conflict between New Zealand's closest ally, Australia, and its biggest trading partner, China

In a dilemma, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern still said on December 1 ( Tuesday) that New Zealand has voiced its concerns directly with Chinese authorities.

Source: CTV News #Dec01


#Australia #NewZealand #China
The Five Eyes plans to sanction China to counter Beijing's trade war against Australia

China has been making moves to put pressure on Australian trade. The Australian media reported that the Five Eyes Alliance, which consists of Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, has recently discussed how to deal with the situation and has not ruled out imposing trade sanctions against China. Australia has just formally filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization today against the China-initiated trade war.

According to reports, the Five Eyes Alliance is negotiating to respond to China’s trade sanctions against Australia. The U.S. is actively considering the possibility that each of the five countries may impose trade restrictions on Chinese goods or services, or that only Australia may impose punitive tariffs on China. The other four countries are open to express their support.

Fergus Hanson, the Director of International Cyber Policy Centre of Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said that the Five Eyes could also refer to Article 5 of NATO. It establishes a collective defence mechanism for member states which can respond to China's trade sanctions against Australia. “Only in this way can let the CCP realize that it (the trade sanctions) is a two-way street. Our current approach is not a solution to this problem."

Source: Apple Daily #Dec16


#FiveEyesAlliance #AustralianChinaRelations #Australia #US #UK #Canada #NewZealand #tradewar #WTO #FergusHanson #ASPI
Australia and New Zealand "Deeply Concerned" Over China's Electoral Changes in Hong Kong

The National People's Congress recently passed a bill to modify Hong Kong's electoral system in order to ensure only "China-lovers" can run for the election. Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne, together with ministers from Australia and New Zealand, released a joint statement on Mar 12 criticizing the move, as it undermines Hong Kong's freedom and democracy guaranteed under the Sino-British Joint Declaration:

"These changes run contrary to the ultimate aim of a Hong Kong Chief Executive elected through universal suffrage, weaken Hong Kong’s democratic institutions, and erode freedom of speech and association – all of which are set out in the Basic Law. This is a significant step that will further undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy."

"We urge the Hong Kong and Chinese authorities to uphold their commitments, allow genuine avenues for the people of Hong Kong to participate in their governance, and protect the role of the Legislative Council as a forum for the expression of diverse views and scrutiny of government."

Source: Stand News #Mar12

Full text of joint statement; https://www.foreignminister.gov.au/minister/marise-payne/media-release/joint-statement-electoral-changes-hong-kong

#Australia #NewZealand #NationalPeopleCongress #ElectoralChanges
#NewZealand and #Australia condemn electoral overhaul forced on Hong Kong by China

Source: Stand News #Mar13

Read more
#NewZealand and #Australia condemn electoral overhaul forced on Hong Kong by China

On 12 March 2021, New Zealand and Australia have issued a joint statement expressing deep concerns about changes to Hong Kong's electoral system.

Issued by Foreign Affairs Minister #NanaiaMahuta and her Australian counterpart, senator #MarisePayne, it said the changes passed by China further undermine rights, freedoms and the high degree of autonomy guaranteed to Hong Kong until 2047 under the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

The two urged Hong Kong and Chinese authorities to uphold their commitments to allow Hong Kong people’s genuine participation in their governance, and their rights to scrutinise the government and express diverse views.

"These changes run contrary to the ultimate aim of a Hong Kong Chief Executive elected through universal suffrage, weaken Hong Kong's democratic institutions, and erode freedom of speech and association - all of which are set out in the Basic Law," the statement from Mahuta and Payne said.


Read full statement here:

Joint statement on electoral changes in Hong Kong on 12 March 2021

#ElectoralOverhaul #CCPControl #Regime

Source: Stand News #Mar13
Australia and New Zealand welcome sanctions on China over Uighur abuses but impose none of their own

Australia and New Zealand have raised “grave concerns” about human rights abuses against Muslim minorities in China’s Xinjiang region, citing “the growing number of credible reports” of severe violations.

But while both countries have welcomed new coordinated sanctions announced by the UK, US, the EU and Canada, they have not announced any such measures of their own.

The Guardian understands this is because Australia and New Zealand lack Magnitsky-style laws that would allow the swift rollout of targeted sanctions against individuals for human rights abuses – but the Morrison government is expected to table draft legislation later this year.

Source: Guardian #Mar23

#Australia #NewZealand #Sanctions #China

Brain drain fears as quarter of young Hongkongers plan to emigrate

A quarter of young, educated people in Hong Kong are planning to emigrate, according to a new survey, raising fears of a growing brain drain amid China’s crackdown on opposition in the city.

When asked why, more than half cited the implementation of a sweeping national security law, under which more than 100 activists and lawmakers have so far been arrested, while others said it was down to poor governance or deep social divisions.

Britain, New Zealand and Australia were the top destinations for those hoping to leave.

Source: Telegraph #Mar15


#Brain #Hongkongers #Emigrate #Britain #NewZealand #Australia
New Zealand must be 'respectful' of China, even if there are disagreements - Nanaia Mahuta

The Foreign Affairs Minister says New Zealand and China's significant economic ties mean Aotearoa must be "respectful" of the Asian superpower, even if there are areas of disagreement between the two nations. 

Nanaia Mahuta's latest comments come as more overseas commentators accuse Wellington of cosying up to Beijing and undermining its standing within the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network.

Source: NewsHub #Apr24


#NewZealand #China #Economic #FiveEyes
New Zealand draws back from calling Chinese abuses of Uyghurs genocide

New Zealand’s parliament will not debate a motion that would label the abuses of the Uyghur people in Xinjiang, China, as acts of genocide.

Parliament opted instead on Tuesday to water down the language, and discuss concerns about human rights abuses in the region in more general terms.

It is expected the new motion will pass unanimously on Wednesday. However, it marks no deviation from the country’s current position.

Source: The Guardian #May04

#NewZealand #Uyghur #China #Xinjiang
New Zealand’s Ardern says differences with China becoming harder to reconcile

Differences between New Zealand and its top trading partner China are becoming harder to reconcile as Beijing’s role in the world grows and changes, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Monday.

The comments come as New Zealand faces pressure from some elements among Western allies over its reluctance to use the Five Eyes intelligence and security alliance to criticise Beijing.

In a speech at the China Business Summit in Auckland, Ardern said there are things on which China and New Zealand "do not, cannot, and will not agree", but added these differences need not define their relationship.

Source: Reuters #May03


#NewZealand #China #Trading #Beijing
France, South Pacific nations to combat 'predatory' fishing as China extends reach

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday France and South Pacific nations would launch a South Pacific coastguard network to counter "predatory" behaviour, which an adviser said was aimed at illegal fishing, as China expands its maritime reach.

The United States and allies including France, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, are actively expanding their activity in the Pacific to counter China's influence.

Though tiny in land mass, Pacific islands control vast swaths of resource-rich ocean called Exclusive Economic Zones, forming a formidable boundary between the Americas and Asia.

Source: Reuters #Jul19


#France #SouthPacific #China #Japan #Australia #NewZealand
China says Microsoft hacking accusations fabricated by US and allies

The US and other Western countries on Monday accused China of hacking Microsoft Exchange - a popular email platform used by companies worldwide.

They said it was part of a broader pattern of "reckless" behaviour that threatened global security.

China says it opposes all forms of cyber-crime, and has called the claims "fabricated".

China's foreign ministry spokesman said the US had got its allies to make "unreasonable criticisms" against China.

The UK, EU, New Zealand, Australia and others joined the US to accuse Chinese state-sponsored hackers.

Source: BBC #Jul20


#China #Microsoft #Hacking #US #UK #EU #NewZealand #Australia
#CCPRules #Infiltration
Concern over ‘#censorship’ rules of New Zealand-Chinese news site Skykiwi.com

//An influential Chinese-language media outlet in #NewZealand warned its users their information could be shared with 'relevant state agencies' if they violated #ChineseLaws.

Skykiwi.com promotes itself as New Zealand’s “most influential” Chinese-language media outlet, with half a million ‘daily average user visits’ to its multi-platform website. Besides providing news coverage, the site also runs message boards where a variety of topics, including current affairs, are discussed. It claims to have 81,000 daily forum users.

...Until July, the terms of service for these forums contained clauses forbidding speech on a range of topics and said that users who violate Chinese laws in their postings could have their information shared with “relevant state agencies,” indicating China’s intelligence apparatus would be able to potentially identify them. It also meant criticism of China’s ruling Communist Party was all but banned.

...A list of forbidden conduct on the forum, as seen last month, includes “leaking state secrets”, “damaging national honour and interests”, “undermining national unity”, inciting “subversion of state power”, "undermining national policies" and promoting “cults”. Virtually identical wording was discovered on the terms of service for China’s state-backed social media platform #WeChat and a list of “prohibited content” outlined by the Chinese Ministry of Culture.//

Source: Newsroom #Sep20

#CCP #PRC #UnitedFront
China’s grand tour: Opposition mounts to Beijing ‘expansionism’ in Pacific

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has accused Beijing of unnecessary expansion of its security reach, as MPs urge her to counter the superpower's "persuasion and pressure".

And Australia's new foreign minister has flown urgently to Fiji in a last-ditch bid to dissuade Pacific Island nations from signing up to a new Chinese security pact.

Source: Newsroom #May28


#China #Australia #NewZealand #Honiara #Pacific
Human Rights Organisation's Report Shows Hong Kong Ranked 4th Last

The Human Rights Measurement Initiative (#HRMI), an international organisation based in #NewZealand, published the 2022 Human Rights Report on June 21, assessing the civil and political rights in 30 districts.

The overall score of Hong Kong's "Empowerment" (which relates to general freedoms for citizens) slightly increased from 2021. Yet, it is still fourth last, while mainland China remains at the bottom of the ranking.

Meanwhile, the Special Representative of the Human Rights Department under China's Foreign Affairs Ministry, Yang Xiaoguang, attended the United Nations Human Rights Council on Wednesday (Jun 21), strongly criticising the UK, Australia and other countries and "anti-China organisations" for slandering China and repeating lies on the issues in #HongKong, #Xinjiang and #Tibet. He even claimed the development of human rights in Xinjiang and Tibet is "in the best period in history".

Source: The Chaser News #Jun22


#HumanRightsMeasurementInitiative #CivilRights #PoliticalRights #YangXiaoguang #ForeignAffairsMinistry #UnitedNations #UN #HumanRights