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#OneCountryTwoSystems #DennisKwok
When Pro-Democracy Lawmakers Are Ousted: The Spectre of Beijing Looming Before Hongkongers' Last Line of Defence

It was the second time in just over a week that Beijing had called for pro-democracy legislator and barrister Dennis Kwok to be prosecuted.

On April 21, the PRC State Council's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office (HKMAO) issued a fresh statement accusing Kwok of breaching his oath of office and warning that nobody would "expect Beijing to sit idly by". Many including Kwok himself believed that Beijing will try to get him ousted from the legislature, despite that this is a breach of the One Country Two Systems policy.

Kwok conceded that "the writing is on the wall" for him as a lawmaker, and urged the people of Hong Kong never to give up their fight for democracy and freedom being as they are "the last line of defence".

"The Central People's Government are now exercising their so-called 'comprehensive jurisdiction' over every aspect of Hong Kong domestic affairs," Kwok said.

He added that Hong Kong is now seeing the "complete demolition" of One Country, Two Systems, and he expects to be disqualified as a lawmaker as part of this process.

"As for myself, their intention of disqualifying me as a Legislative Council member is very clear. The writing is on the wall. Being able to have the opportunity to defend and fight for democracy, rule of law, and freedom for and on behalf of the Hong Kong people, this is the glory for me," he said.

"I will continue to do what God has called upon me to do to the very last minute, until I can no longer do it anymore... But my brothers and sisters who are here, they will not give up. And the Hong Kong people, I hope, will never give up. Because you are the only and last line of defence. If you give up, then we lose."

Source: RTHK; Stand News #Apr21
#DQ #LegCo #Beijing #OathofOffice
China rattles sabres as world battles coronavirus

//China was taking advantage of the region’s focus on the pandemic to “coerce its neighbours”.

In a significant strike against democracy activists in Chinese-ruled Hong Kong, police in the city arrested 15 people on Saturday, just days after a senior Beijing official called for the local government to introduce national security legislation “as soon as possible.”

China has also been flying regular fighter patrols near Chinese-claimed Taiwan, to the island’s anger, and has sent a survey ship flanked by coast guard and other vessels into the South China Sea, prompting the United States to accuse Beijing of “bullying behaviour.”

...A senior Taiwan official told Reuters that its interpretation was that Beijing’s aggressiveness was due to President Xi Jinping’s need to boost his prestige at home as Beijing tackles mounting international criticism over the handling of the pandemic, a slowing economy and rising tensions with Washington.//

Source: Reuters #Apr21
Rashomon: Different Stories Told by Police and District Councillor Regarding An Arrested Citizen

Part 1:

Contrastingly, a district councillor whom the arrested man had contact with stated that the man sells war-game gears for a living. He has sought assistance from the councilor a week before the arrest. The man said that he has been followed and there were hidden cameras installed in front of his company and his house. The man also asked the district councillor to help him seek assistance from a lawyer when he is in danger.

Source: Apple Daily #Apr21
#PoliceState #Arrest #OakHouse #LegalAssistance

A Chronicle of Events During the Arrest on #Apr20:

1. Police Makes Arrest Refusing Presence of Lawyers, Councilors and Reporters

2. Security Guard Claims to be Injured, Requests Police Presence Before Boarding Ambulance

3. Riot Police Cordon Off Security Office and Flash Torchlight at Journalists, Obstructing Reporting

4. Police Disperse Residents inside Housing Estate
China's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office (HKMAO) issued 3 statements in a row on April 21, 2020:

1. HKMAO firmly supports a police operation on Saturday to arrest 15 prominent pro-democracy figures on April 18.

2. HKMAO said it is “inaccurate” to say the liaison office is bound by article 22 of the Basic Law, which states that mainland departments must not interfere in Hong Kong’s internal affairs.

“It absolutely has the power and responsibilities to supervise the correct implementation of the One Country, Two Systems principle and the Basic Law in Hong Kong."

3. HKMAO attacked legislator Dennis Kwok, who has been presiding over meetings of Legco's House Committee.

“Why does he hate the national anthem law so much? Does he really agree with the One Country principle? Does he really uphold the Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the Hong Kong SAR under the central government?” the China's office questioned.

Source: RTHK #Apr21
#PressFreedom #WhiteTerror
Erosion of Press Freedom: Hong Kong Receives Lowest Ranking in World Press Freedom Index Ever

According to Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Hong Kong has fallen seven places in the latest World Press Freedom Index to 80th, with regard to many acts of violence against the media during pro-democracy protests.

Past ranking of Hong Kong:
Year 2002: 18th
Year 2009: 48th
Year 2019: 80th

Source: RSF #Apr21

Further Reading:
China seeks ‘new world media order’ says watchdog, as Hong Kong plunges to 80th in press freedom index
Former Causeway Bay Bookstore Owner Was Attacked in Taiwan

Hong Kong bookseller Lam Wing-kee, once kidnapped by the Chinese authorities, will relocate the "Causeway Bay Bookstore", known for selling banned books from China in Hong Kong, to Taiwan. The bookstore will open in Taipei on April 25.

On April 2 morning, Lam was attacked by an unknown person with red paint at ZhongShan District in Taipei on his way to a cafe. The assailant fled away.

Lam told the media that the attack could be related to his new bookshop. When asked if the attack would alter the opening plan, Lam firmly responded, “the opening will proceed as planned.”

Just a few days ago, Lam received a warning letter issued by a lawyer, stating that the name “Causeway Bay Bookshop” has been registered so he could no longer use it or risk an infringement. Lam considered the incident a classic case of China influence and the Chinese Communist Party infiltration.

Source: PTS Taiwan
#Apr21 #Taiwan #LamWingKee

Further Interview
The fines may be ruthless, but love still exists

A man tried to shove some cash into the hands of three youngsters he has never met before. They did not accept this man’s generosity despite having just been issued fines by the police. They shook their heads and waved their hands saying, “No, no, no… we work part-time. We have some money, there’s no need.”

Source: CNews #Apr21
#Fine #AntiEpidemic #Heartwarming

Continue Reading
The fines may be ruthless, but love still exists

A man tried to shove some cash into the hands of three youngsters he has never met before. They did not accept this man’s generosity despite having just been issued fines by the police. They shook their heads and waved their hands saying, “No, no, no… we work part-time. We have some money, there’s no need.”

On a flyover along Yuen Long’s Castle Peak Road, several people were charged with violating the prohibition of public gatherings (of more than four people). They were fined HKD 2,000 each. The accused claimed to be innocent, saying they were not acquainted with others who were also fined on the bridge. However, the police ignored their pleas. After they were let go, witnesses came forward in defence of the accused saying they were penalized unfairly and tried to offer their help.

Some of the youngsters did not want their family to find out, hoping that they can appeal and have the fines overturned. As the reporter was leaving, everyone was still discussing and wondering how they can help each other. The fines may be ruthless, but at least there is still love amongst people.

Source: HKC News #Apr21
#AntiEpidemic #PoliceState

Police Accuse 2 Civilians of Violating 4-person Gathering Ban
#GlobalSupport #Korea
52 Korean Civil Society Organizations Denounce the Arrest of Pro-Democracy Figures by Hong Kong Police: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

//...freedom of assembly and association and freedom of expression are basic human rights that must be guaranteed.

We also express our deep concern that the arrest of pro-democracy activists by Hong Kong police could aggravate the social division and confusion at a time when governments and citizens must cooperate to fight the global disaster situation of COVID-19.

...“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” the injustice occurring in Hong Kong is, after all, a threat to justice that should be guarded by democratic societies around the world.

Therefore, we will continue to stand in solidarity with the Hong Kong citizens’ peaceful resistance toward democracy till the end. We strongly urge the Hong Kong government to immediately cease its unjust and arbitrary arrests of pro-democracy activists.//

"A trailer only HongKongers could understand" - The 39th Hong Kong Film Awards Trailer praised for its hidden message

The 39th Hong Kong Film Awards delayed its announcement of winners to 6th May through online live streaming. Yesterday (Apr 20) after the release of the trailer, netizens flooded the comment section with compliments. Culture practitioners also praised the thoughtfulness of the editing. From the movie Detention, “Aren't we born to be free?”, to Ip Man 4, “When facing injustice, I must stand up and fight”, Hong Kong people could relate to the its implications.

The editing of this year’s trailer was handled by Fresh Wave directors Alan Lo and Lee Kai- ho. Lo was the Director of Zombiology: Enjoy Yourself Tonight (2017), while Lee received Best Director Award in the Student Division of the 11th Fresh Wave International Short Film with his work Epilepsy. They re- edited the nominated films of this year’s awards, and told a resonating Hong Kong story with graphics and lines.

Film critic Feng Luo described the trailer as a “three-minute shock”, and praised it for carrying message, as well as articulating the pain felt by Hong Kong people. “It is the memories and remembrance of the endangered city. It contains our pain and hope, sweat and tears, fear and resistance.”. She also noted that every line and scene in the trailer was a story of Hong Kong. “Like the reflecting mirror”. And the last wide shot of the flag waving in the movie Bamboo Theatre “seems like it is trying to tell us how we went through, and how we must hang on.”

Another critic Yau Tai-tung described the trailer as “a trailer only HongKongers could understand”, as only they could relate to the thoughts behind. He believed that there were 3 important shots in the video, including the scene in “The White Storm 2 - Drug Lords” where a student fell from the top of a building; the flag which said “The Wind and Rain come in their time” waving in “Bamboo Theatre”, which meant hope and blessing; and also the greeting between Pak and Zhou in “Suk Suk”.

Author Pazu also posted screen captures of the trailer, which joined and formed another message: ”Isn't opportunity for the hard-working? (The New King of Comedy) What if we have tried our best and the world doesn't become better? (Fagara) While there is life, there is hope. (Detention)”

Source: Stand News #Apr21

Watch the trailer: https://youtu.be/TtdbxH7wB7U
China’s Solar Dominance Presents Biden With an Ugly Dilemma

Source: NYTimes #Apr21

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China’s Solar Dominance Presents Biden With an Ugly Dilemma

President Biden has repeatedly pledged to work with China on issues like climate change while challenging Beijing on human rights and unfair trade practices.

But those goals are now coming into conflict in the global solar sector, presenting the Biden administration with a tough choice as it looks to expand the use of solar power domestically to reduce the United States’ carbon dioxide emissions.

The dilemma stems from an uncomfortable reality: China dominates the global supply chain for solar power, producing the vast majority of the materials and parts for solar panels that the United States relies on for clean energy. And there is emerging evidence that some of China’s biggest solar companies have worked with the Chinese government to absorb minority workers in the far western region of Xinjiang, programs often seen as a red flag for potential forced labor and human rights abuses.

Source: NYTimes #Apr21


#China #Solar #Biden #UnitedStates