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#save12hkyouth Carrie Lam is no doubt just a puppet of CCP, it’s just now they aren’t even bothered to try to cover it up.

If possible, please the free world #save12hkyouths.

Image: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
HK can't intervene in fugitive suspects' case: CE
#Save12HKYouth #HumanitarianCrisis #HongKongLivesMatter
12 Hong Kong Youth Are Still Barred by Chinese Government from Meeting Lawyers After 18 Days of Detention in China

Source: Stand News #Sept9

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#Save12HKYouth #HumanitarianCrisis #HongKongLivesMatter
12 Hong Kong Youth Are Still Barred by Chinese Government from Meeting Lawyers After 18 Days of Dedention in China

As of September 9, 2020

1. China Marine Police intercepted 12 Hong Kong youngsters on August 23, 2020 and have been holding them in custody in China for 18 days.

The detainees' families appointed Chinese lawyers to deal with cases. 5 lawyers went to Yantian District Detention Centre where the youngsters are detained, but the Chinese authorities disallowed the detainees from meeting their lawyers.

2. The human rights lawyers appointed by detainees' family have been facing varying degree of pressure and oppression in China. At least two of them have decided to withdraw. In order to protect these lawyers, their identities will not be disclosed without their conscent.

3. Lawyers opined that the Chinese authorities could escalate the case to “illegal border crossing” with the maximum penalty increasing from 1-year to life imprisonment.

4. In China, the Yantian Detention Center has reportedly stepped up police enforcement.

To make things worse, electronic appointment service for the 12 detainees has been suspended, meaning that the lawyers must apply for a meeting with their client on site. Regardless how, the Chinese authorities have been rejecting such meeting request.

5. On Sept 9, the Detention Centre told Mr Lu Siwei, a human rights lawyer appointed by a detainee's family, that his client has already “instructed” two other lawyers to follow the case, therefore they will NOT arrange a visit for Mr Lu.

The lawyers mentioned by the Detention Centre are believed to be directly appointed by the CCP Government.

Source: Stand News #Sept9

#PoliticalOppression #HumanRightsLawyer
#NetizensVoice #Rumour

(12 Sep) I was told by a shrimp trawling fishermen that it was the Chinese national security officials who crossed the border to abduct 12 Hongkongers in Hong Kong waters on that day, so no Hong Kong lawyers were allowed to visit them. I dare the Chinese Communist Party to reveal the exact time and coordinates they abducted the 12 Hongkongers, somebody filmed the location where they were abducted.
Cross-border hostage-taking, denial of access to prisoners, and the fear of her lies being exposed, Carrie Lam has violated her oath of office to protect the lives and property of Hongkongers.

#save12hkyouth #save12 #ExtraditedtoChina #TheArrestedComrades #evilccp

Editor’s note: There is still no evident supporting that fishermen’s claim. More about Kwok Cheuk-kin.

Image: FinanceFellow
Source: Kwok Cheuk-kin’s Facebook

Families of captured Hong Kong activists demand their return from Chinese detention

A group of Hong Kong families on Saturday (Sep 12) demanded the urgent return of their activist relatives detained last month by mainland Chinese authorities as they tried to flee the city by boat to Taiwan. This was their first public appeal for help, and it was supported by several pro-democracy activists.

Some were emotional, and they issued demands such as allowing the detainees to consult lawyers chosen by themselves, and also the access to medication for those of them with medical problems.

However, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said earlier this week that if they had been arrested for breaking mainland law, "then they have to be dealt with according to the mainland laws".

Source: Channel News Asia #Sep12

#Singapore #HongKong #Save12HKYouth #CarrieLam

Secret Detention of 12 Hong Kong Residents by the CCP

(19 Sep) John LEE Ka Chiu, Hong Kong Secretary for Security, who said each of the twelve detained by CCP had “selected” 2 lawyers via the arrangement by the CCP authorities. However, families of the twelve rebutted by saying they were not aware of such circumstances. The families further questioned why none of them were informed of the latest development by the Hong Kong government when it received such news.

Responding to LEE’s remarks, one of the family-appointed lawyers from the Mainland said it was nothing but hypocrisy and deception to say that the detainees had chosen the lawyers themselves. He said he retained the right to act in the case.

According to the laws in mainland China, the authorities will arrange government lawyers to represent accused / arrestee if they cannot afford legal fee. The Hong Kong government should, as a government representing and protecting Hong Kong citizens, at least request the mainland China government to let the 12 meet those family-appointed lawyers. If then the twelve do not want to have those lawyers, it’s their rights. However, currently the families cannot believe the twelve “selected” those lawyers appointed by the authorities at their will.

The twelve families also issued a joint statement accusing LEE of trying to mislead them into accepting lawyers appointed by the authorities.

Source: RTHK
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#save12hkyouth #save12hkyouths #CCP
Only international pressure and attention can ensure a fair and open trial for these young Hongkongers! Please help us spread the news and #Save12HKYouth.

#GoHKGraphics #PoliticalOppression

Source: https://www.facebook.com/standnewshk/photos/a.720050934747196/3451195531632709/?type=3&theater
#save12hkyouth #HabitualLiar
Did or Didn't HK Police involved in the arrest of the 12 Hong Kong Youth en route to Taiwan?

October 5

Apple Daily revealed that HK Police has requested an urgent assistance of the Government Flying Services for surveillance on a speedboat in early hours of August 23, the same date when the 12 youths were arrested.

October 6
The Chief Executive of HKSAR, Carrie Lam said local police "played no part" in the arrest of 12 fleeing Hongkongers by Chinese authorities. She called Apple Daily's report a "fabricated case" intended to smear her administration.

October 7
Police officers were reportedly accompanied pilots in the two Government Flying Services aircrafts, marked "police operation", monitoring the escaping youths' getaway.

John Li Ka-chiu, Secretary for Security, criticized Apple Daily's report on "air surveillance" an attempt to obscure facts and mislead public.

Source: Stand News, Apple Daily, #Oct8


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Did or Didn't HK Police involved in the arrest of the 12 Hong Kong Youth en route to Taiwan?

October 8

Joshua Wong revealed a list Government Flying Services (GFS) officers alledgedly involved in the operation on his Facebook. He cited Apple Daily's report of a flight tracking record showing that the GFS fixed-wing aircrafts were marked with “Police Operations” (P-OPS).

The aircrafts took off from Hong Kong International Airport at 4.19 am on August 23.

Apparently, the police not only knew the route of the speed boat carrying the 12 Hong Kong youths, but also took action to watch them in the air. Wong slammed that the Police could no longer deny their role in this incident.

Besides, since local media revealed the involvement of the Government Flying Services in tracking the speedboat of 12 escaping youths, all contact information of the Operation Unit of GFS has been erased from the Government Directory.

Source: Cupid News; Apple Daily #Oct8

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Concern Group: Hong Kong government probably knows the route of the speedboat in advance

#PoliceState #FailedState