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Rise, Ye Men of Valour

At ten in the evening in Hong Kong, people chanted protest slogans: from the most primitive of dilapidated shacks to the most sublime of a modest flat; from the quietest of boulevards to the most boisterous of backstreets. It played out again tonight on the streets of Mong Kok, where strangers gathered side by side, in their common cause and aim. They may have marched alongside each other during the protests; they may have grappled with the same officers on the frontlines. Though nights have passed, and days gone and went, when they hear the anthem, they still came in solidarity, as a child would to a motherā€™s calling.

Despite the closing clutch from tyranny, the bludgeon and the threats, we Hongkongers donā€™t surrender ourselves to servitude and shame, no matter how great the agony may be. We stay in readiness for our battles, for it is better to step forth squarely against formidable odds than to look upon the ashes of fellow martyrs and the suffering of our kith and kin.

In wrath, in blood, in tears and pain, our fire shall never perish.

See photos: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/17918

#Feb28 #Protests #Motivating #Tyranny #Promise

A school in Yunnan Province force students to take "pre-prescript" Chinese cauldron medicine to ā€œcureā€ the "yet to be sick"

Editorial note: The Great Leap ā€œForwardā€ era of radical blind following political directions of CCP over everything else is coming back in PRC in how to tackle the coronavirus. Just because the political bureau called for integrating traditional Chinese medicine as part of the ā€˜curingā€™ option of the coronavirus has caused bureaucracy and administrative units all the way down to lower level of governments to take bizarre extreme measures by forcing students and teachers to take ā€˜standardised' pre-prescript Chinese medicine as a condition to get back to schools. Some of the lower level bureaucratic units go as far as pre-designated where and what to buy for ā€˜preventionā€™ of the virus.

Summary: On the first day of Chinese New Year (25 Jan), CCP Political Bureau conducted a meeting. New China News Agency reported that the Political Bureau considered it was necessary to combine Western and Chinese medication in order to ā€˜improveā€™ the treatment of diseases. On the 12 Feb, the Office of the National Health Committee and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly issued a notice requiring all public health departments and traditional Chinese medicine administration departments of lower levels of governments to place traditional Chinese medicine in more focal roles in combating the virus.

Full translation:

Source: HKCNews

Further reading:
Wuhan doctors: draconian reporting criteria, they said we report too many cases

#Coronavirus #ChineseMedicine #CCP #Tyranny #Yunnan

Selective silence of social elite is the biggest accomplice of tyranny
(15 Mar) Due to the Wuhan pneumonia outbreak in Hong Kong, the public has become highly aware of health and hygiene, which makes some experts the most credible group in the society. Prof. Yuen Kwok Yung, Microbiology lecturer at HKU, and Prof. Gabriel Leung, dean of medicine at HKU, are two of the most credible members in Carrie Lamā€™s expert team.
Portrayed as proper and professional through the lens, do they really care about the welfare of Hongkongers as portrayed? Other than seeing what they said, more importantly, we have to see what they did not do and what they deliberately avoided.
//Have they voiced out for any detainees or prisoners in the past nine months?

//Have they performed their duty as JP to speak out for social injustice?
//If they say a word of justice, it would make it to the news, it would put pressure on the regime, it would have left a remark in Hong Kongā€™s history, yet they chose to stay silent.

//Selective silence and inaction shows that itā€™s not that they donā€™t know politics, but in fact, they use their scientific professionalism as their halo to deceive the publicā€™s trust. They are downright propaganda machines.
//When the public was standing up against police brutality, they chose to remain silent. When medics went on strike to protect their health, they chose to side with Carrie Lam. When journalists got attacked reporting the truth, they didnā€™t dare to make a noise, not a single word on police brutality.

Source: Stand News

#Tyranny #PoliceBrutality #Propaganda #YuenKwokYung #EwardLeung

The Hong Kong government may make use of the pretext of fighting virus to enforce Martial Law, Doctor Alfred WONG Yam Hong: tyranny and virus never relax

[Independent Media Report] Under the second wave of epidemic of Wuhan Coronavirus, professions warned that the Hong Kong medical system may collapse in a weekā€™s time. Spokesman of the Citizensā€™ Press Conference worries the government will introduce Martial Law to suppress the anti-tyranny movement, by virtue of the justification for fighting virus, and in fact it is a good pretext to be used. Doctor Alfred WONG Yam Hong, physician of Tuen Mun Hospital and member of MĆ©decins InspirĆ©s, appeals Hong Kong people to minimize staying outdoor and uphold personal hygiene to avoid intensifying the epidemic. ā€œTyranny and virus have never relaxed, not even a single momentā€, said Doctor WONG.

//Hong Kong people need to do their best to fight against the epidemic to avoid community outbreak, otherwise the government will make use of this to impose the Martial Law ā€“ this will definitely be an endless trouble.ā€

//ā€œall my hopes are on Hong Kong people, but not any on the government.ā€

//Under the current trend, the number of confirmed cases would hit 1,000 in 5 days, substantially overloading the negative pressure wards.

Full translation:

Source: In Media HK, (26-Mar)

#SARS #Coronavirus #WongYamHong #MedicalPersonnel #N95 #Tyranny #YellowEconCircle
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Understanding Hong Kong's chaos in 800 words

(4 May) Hong Kong's chaos is caused by its eventual grafting onto China's authoritarian soil two decades after the transfer of sovereignty.

Hong Kong was intended to have been ruled directly by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Before Britain pulled out, however, it unexpectedly drove a wedge in the plan with the Sino-British Joint Declaration. From that, the Basic Law was derived. China was left stuck with a shell. At the time, there was no way to absorb Hong Kong into the CCP's regime.

//Hong Kong's chaos is nothing more than China's process of transforming it from the originally promised "two systems" into "one country". China kept saying it was an "acclimatisation period" but actually meant it to be the digestion of Hongkongers' so-called elitism. Even the so-called immature democracy in Hong Kong politics is to be digested away, step by step.

//"How is this good for China? China needs to keep Hong Kong as an international gateway for foreign exchange."... The mindset of communist-ruled China is very different from the common wisdom of the West, however.

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

#CCP #OneCountryTwoSystems #Hongkongers #authoritarianism #dictatorship #tyranny #RMB #MainlandChinese
The time of "One Country, two system" is dead!

Despite a short-lived protest from the democrats, Pro-Beijing camp's favourite Starry Lee of the DAB party has been elected House Committee Chairperson of the Legislative Council, winning an overwhelming majority of the votes. It is evident that the local legislation and even elections within the legislature have been interfered with by the central government in #Beijing , which keeps ignoring its part of commitment stipulated in the Sino-British Joint Declaration. It is yet another sign of the demise of ā€˜One Country, Two Systemsā€™.

Chinese officials have announced plans to impose sweeping new controversial laws on Hong Kong after last year's pro-democracy unrest, the implications of which activists say could be "deadly dangerous" and a "knockout blow" to the "one country, two systems" principle.

The controversial National Security Law would ban secession, foreign interference, terrorism and all seditious activities aimed at toppling the central government and any external interference in the former British colony. The Chinese government thinks that it could silence Hongkongersā€™ voices by force and fear, yet it does trigger their anger to a greater extent. Also, it thinks that Hong Kong could bring them lucrative economic benefits and could be easily controlled as mainland.

However, it doesn't understand that the real causes of Hong Kong's success are Hongkongers' diligence and creativity, the Laissez-Faire policy, and the rule of law. There is close economic relation between Hong Kong and other countries due to its stable economy and successful judiciary system. Thus, international companies trust that Hong Kong is a reliable place to be invested in.

In fact, mainland China used Hong Kong as a springboard to connect the world in the past. However, China's interference with Hong Kong's local affairs has caused Hong Kong economic growth dropped sharply, as such global companies have been starting to quit the market of Hong Kong since the cityā€™s #freedom and high degree of #autonomy are being eroded.

Although Hongkongers are facing creeping meddling brought from authoritarianism, Hongkongers will not give up. It is because Hongkongers receive supports from all over the world and they know that they are not left behind.

ā€œI donā€™t know what it is, because nobody knows yet. If it happens, weā€™ll address that issue very stronglyā€, said Donald Trump. ā€œWe demand the Canadian government and the international community to immediately revoke Hong Kongā€™s special administrative status. We must consider Hong Kongā€™s democratic future outside of the confines of the One-China fantasyā€, Alliance Canada Hong Kong states.

Therefore, we Hongkongers are not afraid of the #tyranny. We keep fighting against the unfair system and fighting for what we deserved -freedom. The resilience of #Hongkongers shall not be underestimated because we are water. We shall not stop our protests and revolution - not until we win.

"We shall defend our island. Whatever the cost maybe. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender."
--- Winston S. Churchill, June 4, 1940.

#China #CCP #OneCountryTwoSystem
#democracy #FightForFreedom
#SOSHongKong #NationalSecurityLaw #Churchill #OneCountryOneSystem
