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#PoliceState #PressFreedom
Police Order 30 Reporters to Line Up for Stop and Search

At around 22:30. police rounded up around 30 reporters from newspaper, TV stations to digital news,platforms. Police officers in charge of media relations were also present but demanded reporters to line up for check with their press pass.

Police first check mainstream news agencies including RTHK, Apple Daily and Now TV. Then, police turned to checked the rest of the press including university reporters for their ID cards and their personal belongings.

After 30 minutes, police let all the presses go.

Source: InMedia #Mar31

Police Scrutinize Every Reporter and Film their Belongings

1987 South Korea vs. 2020 Hong Kong

(26 Mar) I have never thought the situation in Hong Kong right now is worse than the 1987 Korea.

In the movie "1987: When the Day Comes" (2017 South Korean political thriller film based on a true story), during the police interrogation, the bad cops killed a student during waterboarding and tried to cover up the truth afterwards. In the movie/true events: the prosecutor insisted to preform an autopsy of the student but the police would not let it happen; a tough journalist who stayed in the bathroom all night waiting for a chance to ask a question but the police refused to disclose any details; a doctor who were not corrupted by the large sum of bribe money but the police would not let him report the cause of death. It was many nameless citizens who never give up and eventually led the information to the journalists and news media. As a result, the government immediately arrested the bad cops. Historically, the series of events pushed the government to give up the low rank officers in hope for peace.

Right now in Hong Kong, the government has executed the legal procedures to help cover the identity of the police who shot the Indonesian female journalist and many more violence attack toward Hong Kong protesters. When the police name was made public, the government/Hong Kong police arrested the Hong Kong District Chairman who shared the news on social media. The situation in Hong Kong right now is worse than Korea in 1987. The government and the police are even more determined and shameless than the "militant", "brave" and "ruthless" government of totalitarian Korea.

Beside confronting the Chinese Communist Party, Hongkongers are facing an unique state of affairs that no one has ever encountered before. As the China-US trade war continues and with the Chinese Communist Party's cover-up of the #WuhanPneumonia epidemic, which has led to global pandemic. When will the world united and turn against the Communist Party of China? If not this time, then wait until when?

Totalitarian governments can't stop their lies. In movie "1987: When the Day Comes", a character says that "the only weapon we have left is the truth. Only the truth can bring down the regime".The former Czech Republic President and a famous writer, Vaclav Harwell's simple but extraordinary idea about "living in truth" is even more true in this age that full of cover-up/fake news. Please use the little freedom of speech you have left, and if you haven't seen the "Against the Right series: June Democratic Uprising in Korea" series of movies, please watch it while the epidemic is raging. History always repeats itself.

The Hong Kong Communist Party/Chinese Communist Party has a belief stating that political power comes from the "barrel of a gun" (as a metaphor of political power comes from violence) and if it is the case, let them fight for the world power.


Source: Facebook

#Totalitarian #FakeNews #Korea #HongKongProtest #Coronavirus #CCP #FreedomOfSpeech
Police suspected of disclosing protesters’ and journalists’ personal data to doxxing group

The chairwoman of Central and Western District Council Cheng Lai-king was taken into custody from her home in the early morning on 26 March. She was charged with sedition after re-sharing a Facebook post which contained personal information of a police officer accused of firing projectiles and blinding an Indonesian journalist last year.

Read full article: https://telegra.ph/Police-suspected-of-disclosing-protesters-and-journalists-personal-data-to-doxxing-group-03-31
#Mar30 #PoliceState
📡Guardians of Hong Kong pinned «#ExclusiveInterview #FirstHand #831PrinceEdward #Mar31 Interview with Yau Tsim Mong District Councillors Tsang Tsz-ming Lee Kwok-kuen: The Dire State of the Police State in Hong Kong March 31 2020 marked seven months since the 8.31 police attack. Every month…»
Witness of 8.31 Police Attack defies police accusation outside Prince Edward Station

At around 23:42 on March 31, an elderly woman stood outside the Exit C of Prince Edward metro station, raising her hands signing “5 demands not 1 less” in remembrance of the victims of police brutality on 31 August last year.

Riot Police repeatedly accused her of breaching the Public Order regulations, but the woman refuted and asked, “Why is it my hand gesture damaging public order?” In the meantime, she kept reciting, “I am alone here, all by myself.”

The woman claimed herself being a “witness” of the 831 incident. She said she saw 5-6 people lying unconsciously in the metro station, suffering incontinence after the police attack on 31 August 2019. She pointed out that, on that day, the police had deployed a few hours in advance before launching their “attack” at Prince Edward Station.

Source: CUHK Campus Radio

#Mar31 #831PrinceEdward #NeverForget #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
Commissioner's Office of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the U.S. for interfering when requesting release of Pro-democracy Politian

Hong Kong police has recently arrested the chairwoman of Central and Western District Council Cheng Lai-king for "seditious intention" under a colonial-era law which many legal professionals considered it a breach of human rights.

Human Rights Watch, an international NGO, has also spoken on the matter, calling the arrest a political persecution. China's Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied the accusation and claimed that such comment was an "interference" and expressed "solemn opposition".

Read the Statement by Human Rights Watch:

These Chinese officials stationed in Hong Kong returned their criticism by claiming that "U.S. politicians and related authorities" made "carping comments on the work of the police, confusing right and wrong and neglecting the rule of law". These Beijing representatives also stressed that no demands could become the reason of law offence and criminal activities, and no identities could become the amulet with which one escaped the punishments by law. They believed the politicians affiliated with the U.S. connived and shielded criminal acts without limits, as they politicalise common issues with the law, and exposed their deeply- rooted ideological discrimination, hypocritical double standards and their ill intention to see Hong Kong run into chaos.

Source: Now News #Mar29

#CCP #Beijing #SinoUS #HRW #ForeignMinistry
Hong Kong's Police State in 3 Cases

In Oct 2019, a 19-year-old man was seriously wounded in the neck and abdomen near Tai Po Lennon Wall. The assailant came from China. He was originally charged with "wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm”, but the charge has been recently changed to the “attempt of murder”. The case has been referred to the High Court.

In July 2019, a 19-year-old man pleaded guilty of assaulting a police officer in Shatin and was fined HKD2,000. According to lawmaker Cheng Chung-tai, the Department of Justice has issued a letter to appeal by claiming that the penalty is "too light".

In Oct 2019, hundreds of HKUST students demanded the university president Wei Shyy to condemn police brutality after student Chow tsz-lok fell in a car park.

According to HKUST Student Union, a student was notified by the police on March 30 for arrest for “colliding with another person” during a public event on 6 Nov 2019.

Sources: Stand News #Mar30

#HKUST #ChowTszLok
#Newspaper #Xi #PressFreedom
Increasingly powerful, Xi's China believes it no longer needs Washington – or its foreign reporters

China believes that her press and media are good enough to report every news in her own country, hence avoiding the scrutiny of the foreign press. Therefore, the Foreign Ministry of China said that all American journlists from United States of America would be expelled.

There has also been rumours that Beijing was retaliating by cutting down the number of Chinese journalists working for state media outlets in the US.

Not only has there been a power-play between the US and China with journalists stationed in each country, but also from tariffs and military exercises. There are fake news everywhere, but no truths from objective opinions.

Are we facing the imminent threat of a third world war?

Further reading:

#Xi #FreedomOfPress

Chinese woman resentful of Sydney clinic's phrasing "Wuhan Pneumonia", argued with staff, "If you earn our money, don't disgrace us."

(26 Mar) Under the pseudonym Linda, a Chinese woman wrote on the Chinese news website Sydney Today. She claimed that she had an appointment with cardiologist Dr Clement Wong at Sydney Specialists Centre in Hurstville on 24 Mar. Four days before the checkup, she received a message from the clinic. Besides asking Linda to confirm her appointment, the clinic reminded her that "due to the recent Wuhan pneumonia outbreak, patients must wear a mask before entering the clinic". Caught by surprise, Linda was furious when she saw the words “Wuhan pneumonia”.

When she saw the words "Wuhan pneumonia", Linda said, "I was so angry my heart rate went up so I just cancelled my appointment." She also replied to the message, "Amend your message. This disease is called corona virus Covid-19 [sic], not Wuhan pneumonia." She did not expect the response, "This pneumonia originated in Wuhan, it is known as Wuhan pneumonia in Chinese." Linda lambasted the clinic as "unprofessional", and angrily replied, "You have your business in Hurstville with Chinese clientele. If you are biased or want to be divisive, please go to a more remote area so you don't have to receive Chinese clients, earn our money nor disgrace us, you ignoramus!"

When the local press called Sydney Specialists to inquire about the message's usage of "Wuhan pneumonia", a female staff member replied, "It isn't? What is the problem?" She later commented indignantly in English, "If you want to challenge me on this, go ahead!" She also emphasised, "I am very busy and have no time to talk about this." When the reporter asked to speak with Dr Wong, she hung up. Subsequent calls went straight to voicemail.

Dr Clement Wong graduated from the University of New South Wales. In 2013, he earned his master's degree in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the University of Newcastle. In 2010, he completed cardiologist training at the Prince of Wales and St George Hospital. Soon after, he obtained his doctorate in Lipidology at the University of Sydney. From 2015 to 2017, he completed interventional cardiology procedures and research at the Ottawa Heart Institute in Canada.

"Wuhan pneumonia" has many names. In mainland China, it is "Novel Coronavirus". The WHO calls it "COVID-19". Yet, veteran publisher and writer Ngan Shun-kau affirmed in an article that, after taking everything into consideration, the disease should be named "Wuhan pneumonia". He declared that the epidemic was not merely a virus, but "about compassion and sin, love and hate, history and memories". The name should serve as a reminder to the world of the cover-up by the CCP, the suffering and sacrifice of Wuhan citizens, and the people who did not give up despite the massive uncertainties that lie ahead. He also stated that he would continue to use the name “Wuhan Pneumonia”.

Source: Apple Daily

#Australia #Nationalism #WuhanPneumonia #NameOfVirus
#CoronavirusPandemic #China
Chinese Entrepreneur Speaks of Selling Fake Thermometers to the U.S. and Spreading Coronavirus Abroard

In a WeChat discussion hosted by the Chinese Internet, a man called Zhang Xuen-dong, who is the owner of a company called GuangDong YF Technology, suggested to produce fake thermometers for the U.S. market. He wrote, "Let them measure 36.5 degrees at 39 degrees, let them get more [Coronavirus infections], see how many more people in the U.S. will travel abroad, spreading Coronavirus and hurting people in other countries. "

When interviewed by a Chinese media, Zhang said his speech was out of patriotism to China.

Source: Internet; Radio Free Asia

#MadeinChina #GlobalOutbreak
#CCPPatriot #FakeThermometer
#Newspaper #ChinesePropaganda
Chinese Propaganda: Virus Originates from Europe or US? 1/2

On 29 Jan, when Italy detected and isolated its first corona virus cases – two Chinese tourists, 66 & 67 years old couple from Hubei, felt sick at hotel in Rome on 30 Jan and were sent to local hospital to diagnose and receive treatment. Until a 38 years old Italian was confirmed with corona virus in the north of Italy, the country realized the severity of the epidemic and became one of the world’s first to cut transport links with China.

Professor Giuseppe Remuzzi, Director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan, said in an interview last week that local doctors 'remember having seen very strange pneumonias [sic], very severe, particularly among old people, in December and even in November.'

Beijing is now rejecting the widely held assessment that the city of Wuhan is the birthplace of the global outbreak, Chinese media outlets have linked the origin of the coronavirus pandemic with Italy after Professor Remuzzi’s statement.

Later, the professor said Beijing’s attempts to twist his words to suggest the coronavirus originated in Italy was a textbook example of “propaganda”. He told the American news organisation NPR: '(My statement) means that the virus was circulating at least in Lombardy before we were aware of this outbreak occurring in China.'

Source: Apple Daily #Mar24

Further reading:
How Italy became the ground zero of Europe’s coronavirus crisis
The CCP's mouthpiece is working at full capacity

#Newspaper #ChinesePropaganda
Chinese Propaganda:
Virus Originates from Europe or US? 2/2

Professor Hui Ching, research director of the Hong Kong Zhiming Institute, said that the twisting by Chinese media’s of western media's news on the pandemic appears to distort the original text or differ from the mainstream Western opinion, but it isn’t necessarily a direct order from the Chinese government. As it involves translation from Italian to Chinese or English to Chinese, some content may be expanded or reduced. It is difficult for an outsider to determine on which link has the distortion happened.

The professor also pointed out that, with all the current public information and evidence, most people would not suspect that the Wuhan Virus originated from the South China Seafood Market in Wuhan. However, certain Chinese media and netizens continued to spread fake news and conspiracy theories such as US military brought the coronavirus to Wuhan or Italy is the source of the outbreak. Some Chinese diplomats spread such arguments on social media like Twitter, and even publicly made allegations without any solid evidence against the United States. This will only deepen the negative views of the Western society on China.

Professor Hui said up to this moment, western society has not yet had an overwhelming criticism of China. He also believed the Chinese government has not yet officially turned on the propaganda machine in an attempt to shift the blame to overseas. However, if some Chinese diplomats, netizens or media keep making these non-sense allegations, they are really dumb.

China’s attempt to put the blame to someone else shows that she does not have the ability to admit the her mistake and remorse. In fact, the causes of the outbreak are complicated. Westerners may understand that China also has its own difficulties. But if China cannot even admit its mistake, it will become even harder for her to apologize, compensate and make correction later. 'People would think this is a terrible country.'

Source: Apple Daily #Mar24
#DailyUpdate #Apr1 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (1/4)

At the time of writing, 884,159 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed worldwide with 44,169 deaths. The US, Italy and Spain continue to be the most affected countries by the pandemic.

Switzerland now has 17,139 coronavirus cases, an increase of 963 cases from Tuesday, according to the Swiss Federal Office For Health.

World faces "greatest test" since World War II, says UN secretary-general.

Most White House coronavirus task force members support Americans wearing masks in public. With US Surgeon general saying mask recommendations could change.

Japan will extend an entry ban to foreign nationals from 73 countries and regions, including the US, Britain and Canada, in its latest attempt to combat the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Japan remains on brink of emergency, official says.

Tokyo records highest single-day jump in coronavirus cases (70 new cases) as lockdown pressure builds.

Edinburgh festival canceled for the first time in more than 70 years.

Hong Kong closes beauty parlors, nightclubs and karaoke rooms amid coronavirus outbreak.

Saudi Arabia calls on Muslims to wait before making Hajj plans.

Austrian unemployment at the highest level since the end of World War II.

Philippines police to escort health workers, following attacks.

Cuba halts commercial flights, suspends May Day parade over coronavirus fears.

British American Tobacco (BAT) is in pre-clinical testing for a potential COVID-19 vaccine that utilizes fast-growing tobacco plant technology, said the company in a statement Wednesday.

"Star Wars" actor Andrew Jack dies from the virus.

Jazz legend Wallace Roney dies from Covid-19 complications.

Guam will allow USS Roosevelt sailors who test negative to be quarantined in hotels.

Taiwan will spend up to $35 billion on virus stimulus plan and is donating 10 million masks.

World Bank: Coronavirus pandemic could push 11 million people in Asia into poverty.

Hyundai Motor Group has provided two of its training institutes as treatment centers for coronavirus patients with mild symptoms.

Samsung has sent its manufacturing experts to mask-producing firms to increase output without adding new equipment.

Britain is planning to open a 4,000-bed field hospital, in what could be the biggest intensive care unit in the country, as cases continue to rise.

Plane with aid from Russia expected to arrive in US on Wednesday.

Source: CNN, Worldometer
Chinese Netizens Condemn the Mourning of Hong Kong's Legend Leslie Cheung

Leslie Cheung, an iconic Hong Kong superstar, passed away on April 1, 2003. On that day every year, his fans from around the world mourn outside the Mandarin Hotel, the site of his passing, while others share their fond memories of Leslie Cheung on social media.

This year on April 1, veteran actor and Cantonese opera artist Law Ka-ying posted a photo he took with Leslie Cheung on his WeChat page.

Law was, however, attacked by many Chinese netizens who criticized Lo for not paying respect to "people's army, firefighters, doctors, police and the frontline workers" in times of coronavirus outbreak.

Law left a new message in the afternoon: "It's better not to post anything on WeChat"

Source: Stand News #Apr1
#HongKongCulture #Wechat #CensorshipKills
#HKChronicles #Apr1 #LeslieCheung
April 1, 2003: When Hong Kong Failed to Catch a Star

"The April Fool's Day of 2003 marks the saddest 'joke' ever, when Leslie Cheung, Hong Kong's iconic star, fell from the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. His unexpected way of ending his 46-year life had shocked the people of Hong Kong and million fans across Asia. Despite the SARS epidemic outbreak in 2003, people gathered to mourn his death, adding grievances to virus-stricken city.

...17 years went by: Hong Kong is facing another epidemic outbreak and the origin of the new coronavirus is still China. This time the coronavirus has been spread much more extensively, sweeping almost all continents around the world."

Listen here.

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