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When Fear Reflects Public's Distrust of the Authorities

On Feb 17, a suspected abduction and a suicide stirred up terror among the population, although the two events were believed to be unrelated in the end.

The two cases are as follows:
01:27 | Po Lam Serenity Place Block 3, Tseung Kwan O
A man, shouting for help, was allegedly kidnapped onto a car. The car then drove to the direction of Po Hong Park.

07:43| Yan Chung House, Yan Ming Court
A secutity guard discovered a man lying on the podium after a bang sound. Firemen and paramedics lifted the body off the platform via a ladder and certified the death of a 67-year-old man surnamed Tsang. He was suspected to have fallen from height but no suicide note was found at the scene.

Since mysterious dead bodies, unexplained "suicides" and missing people cases grew in number with the pro-democracy movement and police brutality, the population have their reasons to worry about all possible linkages.

Source: @tko84; Oncc #Feb17
#Panic #FailedState
Feb 17, 2020: Hong Kong in a State of “WAR(S)”

Crates of rice and toilet paper were purchased in bulk by local residents hoping to hoard these vital supplies in case the continuous outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia affects local supply; leaving the racks at the supermarket completely empty. The Westwood branch of Wellcome Supermarket imposed a quota on purchasing these daily necessities.

Source: Daniel Cheung Facebook

Further reading:
Toilet paper robbery
We all lose out if toilet roll panic continues

Distribution of personal protective equipment among different government departments

Mystery of stock level of PPE in HA 1/4 : HK Hospital Authority not transparent to frontline staff on sufficient supply of personal protective equipment in public hospitals

Editorial note: HA's opaque approach to handling public and frontline staff's concern about the adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) in public hospitals reveals the deterioration of the public health system in Hong Kong. When compared with SARS in 2003, contingency and crisis management in dealing with a sudden large scale outbreak of infectious disease has worsened. Are these symptoms of a weak and failed state as a Bloomberg article pointed out? The muddling of reporting essential PPE supplies provide further insight beyond the tip of the iceberg.

(11 Feb) The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) and Hospital Authority (HA) previously repeatedly declared that inventory of N95 masks, protective gowns and other protective equipment were "very sufficient", equivalent to 3 months' supply based on the estimation of peak usage during the 2009 swine flu. Yet the two departments never disclosed any concrete figures of available PPE.

On Feb 8, a day after the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) halted the strike, Dr Deacons Yeung - Director (Cluster Services) of the HA - suddenly changed his tone during an interview with RTHK radio program, Accountability Saturday. He said that there were only 2.2 million protective gowns and 16 million surgical masks available in public hospitals. The number was estimated to be barely a month's usage. In response to HAEA's demand for regular reports on PPE figures, Yeung replied that daily usage numbers were very “floating figures” and described that disclosure of the stock level was "not really meaningful”.

Source: CitizenNews
#Coronavirus #HospitalAuthority

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️Table below
The number of surgical masks was reduced more than 50% after 1 day. (Image Souce: CitizenNews)

Mystery of stock level of PPE in HA 2/4

A frontline medical worker indicated that the HA’s HR app had a specific item for dispersal of information regarding the Wuhan pneumonia. Among the information was a document dated 6 Feb (version 2.9) provided by the Chief Infection Control Officer Office. The document listed the HA’s enhanced measures, including a 90-Day Contingency Stock of PPE. The document mentioned daily monitoring of its usage by HE. A list of reserves updated on Jan 27 included goggles/eye shield, face shield, surgical masks, N95 respirators, disposable isolation gowns, disposable examination gloves, and disposable caps were listed on tables.

However, the HA had not informed frontline staff the existence of such document via emails. "A lot of frontline staff are likely unaware of its existence." A medical worker admitted that he would not have known that it could be accessed through the HR App without his colleagues from the Hospital Infection Control Team reminding him. The lack of communication may have to do with the strike by frontline staff. The HA may be purposely deceiving or concealing information from them.

A comparison of PPE stocks between version 2.9 (updated on Jan 27) and 2.3 (Jan 10) showed no change over the 17 days. Previous information indicated an additional 8 confirmed cases between Jan 10 and Jan 17; 110 people were hospitalised as of Jan 27. It can be deduced that a considerable amount of PPE should have been used during this period.

Source: CitizenNews

#Coronavirus #HospitalAuthority

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Figures below
A comparison of PPE stocks between version 2.9 and 2.3 showed no change over the 17 days. (Image Souce: CitizenNews)

Mystery of stock level of PPE in HA 3/4: How is it possible that updated figures in the 90-Day Contingency Stock of PPE be exactly the same as a previous version from two weeks ago? Was it because the HA could replace supplies in a timely manner? Or did the HA not disclose the actual figures to their staff? Did the HA truly fail to accurately grasp the latest quantities of PPE?

HA did not reply to HKCNEWS’ enquiry on this matter other than to repeat Dr Deacons Yeung's statement that PPE usage rose significantly after the Lunar New Year due to an increase in infected cases; there were 2.2 million protective gowns and 16 million surgical masks, and that the amount should be sufficient for a month's usage. The HA indicated that it was closely monitoring the stock level of supplies. They immediately raised inventory targets to meet six months' usage when experts warned that the epidemic may last for some time. The HA has been speeding up orders and increased order quantities to replenish and increase its stores.

However, the HA didn’t provide concrete figures of PPE despite three separate requests from HKCNEWS via email since Feb 3. (Note: Chief Executive Carrie Lam has mentioned at numerous press conferences that the HK government had difficulty obtaining masks because of the "global shortage" in supply chains. Other HA and FHB bureaucrats repeatedly dodged questions by LegCo legislators and district councillors regarding the sufficiency of medical supplies at public hospitals.)

Legislative Councillor (Medical) Dr Pierre Chan has requested the HA publish the stock level of surgical masks and N95 respirators at different public hospitals from the beginning of January but has yet to receive a response.

Source: CitizenNews

#PPEStockLevel #HospitalAuthority
#PublicHealthSystem #Coronavirus

Mystery of stock level of PPE in HA 4/4

Michael Felix Lau Hoi-man, an officer from the Hong Kong Allied Health Professional and Nurse Association and also a public hospital nurse, considered that the information about the stock level of PPE in HA’s old version Communication Kit was already inadequate and even erroneous. HA should improve by providing more accurate information. Instead, they delete the PPE stock data in their new communication kit. It is a fall back in terms of information transparency. “In previous versions, the breakdown of different items of PPE were listed out but in the current version, they delete the tables altogether. This suggests that the HA never meant to be transparent and truthful about sufficiency of PPE.”

Ivan Law Cheuk-Yiu, the vice-chairman of the HAEA and a surgical nurse at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, believed that just providing HK PPE figures was insufficient. Individual regional networks, like the Hong Kong East Cluster, have been more transparent by providing information on daily usage and daily stock reserves of PPE. Staff was more informed of the high and low usages on any particular day.

It is also understood that Kowloon Central and Hong Kong East Clusters recently announced PPE quantities to their staff but other clusters do not. Some hospital networks only divulge this data to middle and senior ranking staff. Most frontline personnel are not privy to PPE stock level from their corresponding cluster. Mountaintopism* exists among different HA hospital cluster networks. They have their own ways of handling things within their own networks. Although individual hospitals and their networks do inform their staff of PPE stock level, when individual hospital’s managerial and leadership hold meeting to discuss and disclose the information is inconsistent. There is no standardised procedure for dispatching information across different hospital clusters. "Can the more transparent clusters push other clusters to do better?" Law questioned.

*Mountaintopism is an old communist Chinese derogatory metaphor. It describes the tendency to regard one's region of governance as their property instead of their responsibility.

Source: CitizenNews

#HospitalAuthority #FailedSystem

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Comparison below
According to the latest update (Feb 10) uploaded by Chief Infection Control Officer Office, Contingency Stock numbers no longer exist as part of the enhanced measures.

Source: CitizenNews
Due to the nature of how the COVID-19 virus spreads, almost everything in key virus-hit areas run the risk of being contaminated by people who are infected with it. People are worried that the virua could be mutating to thrive in new environments that it previously could not thrive in. That is why bank notes have to quarantined and sanitized before it gets redistributed and used.

#coronavirus #banknotes #quarantined

Full story:

Further more:

Behind the Chinese government’s "Citizen Heros" propaganda, the inescapable reality

"What is happening now is caused by economic pressure." "Am I afraid? Of course I do. I am afraid to see my wife. I am also afraid to visit my parents and my son in my hometown. However, if I don't work, I will be losing 130 Yuan everyday."

Currently, China has already locked down more than 80 cities due to the spread of coronavirus. As the citizens' freedom of movement got restricted, food delivery drivers, peer to peer ride-sharing drivers, and civil servants, become crucial in people's life. They are famed as  "Citizen Heros" on Chinese media, "providing sunshine, warmth and protection in the journey of epidemic prevention and control."

However, these "heroes" are actually full of helplessness. Many of them are from the countryside. They usually carry huge burdens from rents and mortgages and normally are the main source of income for the family. This is the real reason why they became "heroes" in people's eyes during the epidemic. 

They are risking their life to work without proper epidemic prevention supplies. A delivery man lamented: "Everyone is making money with their lives!"

Further reading:

Source: The Reporter

#LifeAsGrass #Chinesepropaganda #Economy #WuhanPneumonia
The NBA is still feeling the effects in China from Daryl Morey's support of Hong Kong

The relations between NBA and China seems to remain tense, despite Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey's backing down from his Tweet support of pro-democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong.

Government-run China Central Television (CCTV) still does not broadcast a single game of NBA this season, with Chinese media conglomerate Tencent not offering its customers the subscription to the full NBA slate. Those actions of disapproval by Chinese stakeholders might have costed financial loss for the NBA teams. However, the outbreak of coronavirus might be a turning point of the relations between China and NBA which has pledged US$1.4 million to support relief efforts in China’s Hubei province.

#NBA #China #HongKongprotests

Further more:
#OpenBorders #PrincessDiamond
PRC Nationals on Princess Diamond Cruise to Be Evacuated With Hong Kong Citizens to Hong Kong

PRC nationals on the Diamond Princess Cruise, currently docked in Yokohama, Japan, will be evacuated with Hong Kong citizens on the charter flights provided by Cathay Pacific arranged by the Hong Kong government. In other words, PRC nationals who were passengers of the Princess Cruise will not be sent back to Mainland China, but will enter Hong Kong with other Hong Kong citizens on board.

The latest arrangement, which has never been disclosed by the government and instead released by the PRC Embassy in Japan, further dismayed the local population in Hong Kong, in addition to the fear of community outbreak, supply shortages of medical protective equipment, and the lack of transparency of the Hong Kong as well as the PRC governments.

The first charter flight will take off on Feb 20 at 01:45 in Japan. As of Feb 19, there are 621 confirmed cases of Wuhan pneumonia on the cruise.

Although the flights would be provided by Cathay Pacific and the evacuation plan was carried out by the Hong Kong goverment, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam openly reiterated her appreciation to the PRC Embassy in Japan for arranging coaches to transport the passengers to the airport in Tokyo.

Despite many countries having issued ban to prohibit PRC nationals from entering, the Hong Kong government had insisted to leave the borders between Hong Kong and China open.

Image: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/17502
Source: Stand News; RTHK

#Feb19 #ChineseEmbassy #Japan #GlobalOutbreak #ChinesePneumonia #FailedState
#DiamondCruise #OpenBorders
PRC Nationals on Princess Diamond Cruise to Be Evacuated With Hong Kong Citizens to Hong Kong

This arrangement has never been disclosed by the Hong Kong government and instead released by the PRC Embassy in Japan.

The first flight will take off on Feb 20 at 01:45.

Although the flights are run by Cathay Pacific and the evacuation plan was carried out by the Hong Kong goverment, Hong Kong CE Carrie Lam openly reiterated her appreciation to the PRC Embassy in Japan for arranging coaches to transport the passengers to the airport in Tokyo.

As of Feb 19, there are 621 confirmed cases of Wuhan pneumonia on the cruise.

Despite many countries having issued ban to prohibit PRC nationals from entering, the Hong Kong government had insisted to leave the borders with China open.

Read more:

Source: Stand News; RTHK

#Feb19 #Japan #ChineseEmbassy #GlobalOutbreak #ChinesePneumonia #FailedState
#FirstHand #Feb20
Civil Servants Rally in Protest of the Hong Kong Government

1844 | Government Headquarters, Admiralty
A recently established Civil Servants Union is holding a rally in Admiralty to voice discontent over the government mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak in Hong Kong.

The rally has received a letter of no objection from the police.
#FirstHand #Feb20
Organizer Encourages Participants to Join Trade Unions

1855 | Admiralty
One of the MCs said, ”If the citizens and the government cannot rebuild this city, then the relationship between the civil servants and the citizens will be greatly affected. Hence, we must stand together, and walk together. We should join the trade unions, and never forget all that has happened despite the relative peace in these few months."