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Pro-China Lawmakers Call for Hard Crackdown

1300 | The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB), the largest pro-Beijing party, held a press conference this afternoon.

They called for a firmer stance from the government to suppress the unrests. Chairperson Starry Lee referred to attacks on party members, including Lawmaker Junius Ho, and decried the protestors for such “misdemeanour”. She believes the government’s reliance on the police force to put down the unrests has exhausted the force. Therefore, the government should facilitate inter-department cooperation and use all possible resources to assist the force. She added that citizens should be allowed to join in the concerted effort to crack down on the riots and that top officials should stand with the people and lead the formation of an “anti-riot committee” as part of a movement against the protestors.

When speaking of the district council elections on 24th November, she believed there might be chaos on that day, which would affect the polling stations and threaten the safety of citizens, and therefore suggested the government to undertake a series of measures, including police patrolling near polling stations. However, she didn’t know whether the government would postpone the elections.

Source: RTHK

#Nov14 #ProChina #HardCrackdown #PressConference
Carrie Lam Restates Fake News Are Being Unhelpful in Fight Against New Pneumonia Disease

The Chief Executive of the HKSAR government reiterated that there was no severe case related to the Wuhan pneumonia disease found in Hong Kong so far. She then newsjacked on the “fake news” frequently found in past few months and restated that “fake news will not help the fight against this unknown disease.”

Other key points in the Press Conference worth noting:

1. A total of 21 cases were found in Hong Kong with patients have been to Wuhan 14 days before the onset of respiratory-related diseases.

2. Meeting in person with the pro-government district councilors who are retiring or stepping down, "was not a display of favouritism, but a sign of appreciation of what they did," said Carrie Lam.

3. She refused to comment on the personnel changes within The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

4. She refused to set up an Independent Investigation Committee as she believed it to be "not the right way to move forward".

5. She believed there to be too many false accusations against the Police Force. Saying that "[t]here was one yesterday initiated by Lawmaker Lam Cheuk-ting of the Democratic Party".

6. It was hard to convince any right caliber to join the Independent Review Committee as most were worried about being doxed.

Source: Inmedia

#7Jan #CarrieLam #PressConference
Excerpts from the Chief Executive's Press Conference on 4/2/2020

• The Medical Workers' strike have affected the operation for the Intensive Care for Newborns Unit, calling it “very sad and hurtful”

• Impressed by the medical workers who stay in their post

• Calls for the medical staff on strike to change their minds and return to work

• Government policy is not like “squeezing a toothpaste”, the administration is working day and night to implement and review measures to counter the epidemic. “Do not be surprised when we have new announcements every two days”

• Clarifies that she does not have cancer

• Announces a new internal directive regarding the use of masks for all the departments within the government. Only the sick, front line medical staff, and the ones who work in crowded areas are required to wear a mask. Government is spearheading efforts to reduce the use of mask to ensure adequate supply for the medical staffers. Lam deemed it not necessary to wear a mask while addressing the press.

Source: InMediaHK
#Feb4 #PressConference #ChiefExecutive
HK Government Finally Orders Quarantining People Entering Hong Kong From China

The Hong Kong Government announced new requirement to quarantine any person entering Hong Kong from China for 14 days. The measure will be effective at midnight of Feb 8. The Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and the Harbour City Cruise Terminal will be closed.

Despite that, the government insisted to leave the Hong Kong-China borders open amidst public demand and the strike action by medical workers.

According to Carrie Lam on Feb 4, she personally reviewed every official who was going to meet the media. Masks, even being worn by officials, should be removed, said Carrie Lam; however, at the press conference on Feb 5, more than half of the government officials present, including Secretary for Health and Food Prof. Sophia Chan were seen masked.

Source: Stand News; Now News #Feb5
#FaceMask #Quarantine #Borders

Where are the CSI masks - a classic Rashomon case? https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/16679
#Breaking #Jun22 #PressConference
Victim of Sexual Violence by the Police Urges Hongkongers to Speak Up Against Injustice

Read full article:

Image: Internet
#SexualAssault #SexualViolence #PoliceBrutality #MeToo #SocialWorkers
#PressConference #SexualViolence
Victim of Sexual Violence by the Police Urges Hongkongers to Speak Up Against Injustice

A press conference was held at the headquarters of The Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union on June 22, 2020. An underaged female student, K, spoke of her experiences of the police's verbal and sexual abuse after her arrest on September 25, 2019.

After K was arrested in a shopping mall, several police officers insulted her with profanity that demeant women and a female officer "grabbed" her breast several times. K was appalled by the police behaviour even in the public. She then heard that she was dehumanized into a "piece" in a conversation between the police.

At the police station, K's request to the bathroom was repeatedly denied. K told the police that she has human rights. This triggered a series of insult from the police: A female officer said to her, "Human rights are based on freedom, but you are a criminal. Here, we have a say in your freedom. You'd better keep quiet," while a male police officer mocked K by saying "I have human rights!"

K was finally allowed to go to the bathroom but only one hour later. At the toilet, she was directly gazed at by a female officer. K requested her privacy to be respected, but the officer claimed it was part of the protocol.

K requested to call her lawyer and family for at least 6 times but was never granted. Even worse, K had to face a third-degree body search, which required to have all her clothes removed. During the search, a female officer leant very close to K's chest and private parts while humiliating her with insults.

K was brought back to her home for a search by a male police officer, but without the company of her family or lawyer. K felt completely terrified during the search.

After all these happenings, K was traumatized and made three attempts to commit suicide including jumping into the rails. K was diagnosed with PTSD. Nonetheless, she chose to speak up to let other victims of police violence know that they were not alone and they should not blame themselves as they had done nothing wrong.

K wanted to send a message to all Hongkongers that one should speak up when facing injustice.

While K will face a trial in Shatin Magistrates Courts at 14:30 on July 21, the Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union is launching an official complaint to the police about the case.

Image: Internet
Source: Press Conference
#Jun22 #Student #MeToo #PoliceBrutality
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#PressConference #TheHongKongMedicalAssociation [#HKMA]
Why is Hong Kong not capable of...?

A reporter asked, “why can Macau and Singapore preform 11000 and 20000 test respectively? Is the way of testing different? Is the nasopharyngeal [nucleic acid] test there different from the deep throat saliva test in Hong Kong?”

Choi Kin, chairman of HKMA, picked up the microphone immediately and answered, “The Chief Executives are different.”

Source: Telegram Channel
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#Coronavirus #VirusTest #Macau #Singapore
Families of 12 Hong Kong youths Detained in China Meet the Press, 12 Sept 2020

#PressConference Summary by #GoHK

1. Chinese Authorities Refused Lawyers Appointed by Families of Detainees

Mother of a detainee called Lee Tze-yin spoke on her experience of seeking legal assistance in China. Lee's mother appointed a Chinese lawyer, but the Chinese authorities forbade the appointed lawyer from meeting her son.

Lee's mother said they received no news of their family members detained and did not know if they are safe and still alive in China.

Mrs Wong, wife of a detainee, said they made many calls to different departments and offices in Hong Kong and China. They still received no news of their family member detained.

The lawyer they appointed is facing enormous pressure in China for representing a Hongkonger detained by the Chinese authorities.

The authorities claimed their lawyer was not "notarized" but other cases show even the "notarized" lawyers were being rejected.

2. Medical Need for Detainees; Health Condition Remains Unknown

Among the detained youths, at least 2 to 3 have special medication needs.

Tang Kai-yin's family, one of the detained youths, said Tang has a serious asthma condition and skin disorder. He is susceptible to asthma attacks, especially in polluted environment and after physical activities.

According to Tang's brother, the Chinese authorities refused to communicate with the detainee's family, claiming they cannot verify their identity.

After Tang's brother had called the Detention Center in China several times, he was asked by the Chinese authorities to contact the Hong Kong Police.

Tang's brother expressed their frustration of not being able to convey Tang's medical needs to the detention centre and do not know if Tang might even have died. Tang's brother questioned if that is the reason why nobody was allowed to see the detainees.

Tang's mother wept and could barely talk. She said she wanted her son to come back to Hong Kong, but she does not even know if her son is still alive at the moment.

3. Chinese Authorities Refused Communications

Derek, a family member of a detained youth, spoke on his experience of contacting the Detention Center in China.

He received a notice of his family member's arrest on 28 Aug. The Chinese authorities claimed they cannot verify his identity while the HK authorities asked him to stick to the Chinese system.

Derek called again by using the same phone number the Chinese authorities have in their record. However, the Chinese officer said he saw the call ID display but still refused to talk to Derek. The officer asked Derek to look for the "relevant department" in Hong Kong but did not disclose what department.

Legislator Chu Hoi-dick added that for Hongkongers to enter China, a 14-day compulsory quarantine applies.

4. One Detainee is a Minor

On behalf of a mother of a 16-year-old detainee, Legislator James To Kun-sun, spoke about her current psychological state.

Unable to see her son, the mother could not sleep and could only cry.

She inquired if the HK government can help arrange at least a call and rightly appoint a Chinese lawyer to represent her son.

5. Legal Rights of the Detainees Undermined

Legislator To said that even if the family goes to the Detention Centre in China, they would still need a Chinese lawyer to undergo the procedure.

However, not only that the Chinese lawyers appointed by the families are facing pressure and threats in China (causing some to drop the case already); the Chinese authorities also refused to acknowledge the appointed Chinese lawyers and forbade them from meeting their clients in the last 20 days.

To's offices has written to various departments in the HK Government and the HK Police. To believes that the HK Police have the duty to seek the immediate return of the 12 youths, for them to go through legal process in HK, according to precedent cases.

To urges legal rights to be ensured under the mainland laws in China. To also questioned why China insisted on assigning lawyers to the detainees.
#Save12HKYouths #PressConference
Families of 12 Hong Kong youths Detained in China Meet the Press, 12 Sept 2020

1. Watch the Familes' Press Conference with Billingual Subtitles

2. Press Conference Summary by Guardians of HK (
#GoHK) and Be Water - HK

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Via Telegram:

3. Q&A Summary by #GoHK

Part 1:


Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7 (End):

Image: Apple Daily #Sept12
#Save12HKYouths #PressConference
Detainees' Relatives: We cannot see our family members even if we go to China; We Need International Attention

Families of 12 Hong Kong youths detained in China met the Press on 12 Sept 2020.

Q&A Summary by Guardians of HK (
#GoHK) and Be Water - HK

Part 1:

Questions from CNN:

"What’s their emotional state before leaving Hong Kong?

What’s your families’ expectation from international community?"


Responses from Detainees' Families:

- "They were living a normal life as usual"

- "We need attention from international communities."

- "More attention and pressure is needed for both Hong Kong and Chinese governments on this matter, so that we can use our appointed lawyers, and if possible, to seek their return to Hong Kong to go through the necessary legal proceedings."


Questions from NOW TV

"Some families that brought along Notarial Certificate of Trust (公證書) as requested by Chinese authorities were still unable to see the detainee, how do you feel about it?

What could be the worst case should your families be forced to use 'government-appointed' lawyers?”

What will your families do if you are planning to go physically to mainland China?"

Responses from Detainees' Families and Legislators

1. Lee Tze-yin's mother:

"It was a disappointing experience as we have been doing exactly what the authorities have instructed.

Despite that, we were still unable to meet detained members of our family. We felt like being tossed around and that the authorities were merely stalling. They are wasting our time.

There is no trust between my family and the 'government-assigned' lawyers. We do not understand why we are forced to use them. I dare not imagine what would happen to my son, should we be forced to use the lawyer assigned by the Chinese government."

2. Derek, family of a detainee:

"We’ve sought advice from lawyers, it is our understanding that even if we physically go to China, we wouldn’t be able to see our family members.

Despite that, we would still try."

3. Legislator James To:

"Let me clarify this: it is unlikely that relatives or family members will be allowed to see the detained under the Chinese law.

In China, government-assigned lawyers are for those unable to seek legal representation on their own; or for whatever reason, unable to find a suitable one.

Then, the authorities may assign one to the defendant.

However, in our case, detainees have all appointed lawyers through established procedures.

There is no reason for the authority to reject these lawyers and assign a new one to the detainee.

It is unbelievable and unusual for external parties, like the Lawyers Association in China to pressure those lawyers appointed by families to withdraw, so that Chinese authorities can force new ones on the detainees.

It is this that caused families to become skeptical and resist the government-appointed lawyers even more.

I'd like to highlight the role of Hong Kong Government. It is their duty to protect their people to ensure they would receive a fair legal proceeding with their basic human rights well protected. The Hong Kong Government has to come out and speak up for this case."

Continue with Q&A Part 2:

Continue with Part 3:
Press Conference Summary by Guardians of HK (#GoHK) and Be Water - HK

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