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#Interview #Part2
Hong Kong Protester Recalls #Hongkongers' Kindness during Pro-democracy Movement

Hei is a frontliner in Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement. He fled the city in 2020 and in Canada he shared his past experiences in a rally, commemorating the police brutality victims of the 8.31 Prince Edward Station Attack.

Read Part 1:

"Sometimes when I'm working and helping people move house, I see posters of protesters in full gear; they looked just like me'," Hei said. All these bring back his memories of 2019.

"I actually didn't wear helmets very often; in later protests, I didn't even bring my gas mask. Many things go through my mind when I see images like this, some happy, some not so much."

After an emotional moment, Hei asked the rally participants, "If the fight for Hong Kong comes to us here one day, and us frontliners come out again to stand against injustice, will you still support us?"

At this time, the audience responded with loud clapping.

Inspired by the conscience of his coworker, Hei put his construction skills to use in protests.

Hei asked his audience again, "Do people here feel that construction workers are uneducated, or that their job is undesirable? When I was young, I thought that way. When I became a construction worker myself, I thought I would never let students block police batons for us, or leave it to them to fight against a totalitarian regime for the rights and freedom of people like me."

"I want to say that Hong Kong protesters included many students and white-collars, of course. But there are also blue-collar workers, such as construction workers like me, people who build bamboo scaffolding for a living."

"I was at the Chinede University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) during the siege, and helped build bamboo barricades at the No. 2 Bridge. [Editor's notes: Hong Kong Police fired over 1000 rounds of tear gas at protesters at this bridge in one night while attempting to breach into the campus] Where did the bamboo come from? They're from a kind-hearted scaffolding company who dropped off a truckload of bamboo at the campus, saying 'oh, we suddenly didn't need these anymore; we'll just leave these here.' We carried the bamboo from the front gate all the way over to No. 2 Bridge."

Hei then traced back to the moment he started to care about Hong Kong affairs, "The first protest I attended was June 16, 2019 - the '2 million plus one' march. The one who brought me was another construction worker. He didn't do very well in school, his jokes are crass, but he was a man with a conscience. He talked about how Hong Kong had been bullied every day by the Chinese regime, and even though I didn't care about politics at the time, he made me aware of these issues."

Photo: Netizens #Aug31

Full video of the rally: https://www.facebook.com/CHKLink/videos/457215711939067

#831PrinceEdward #PoliceBrutality #hkdarkage #speakup4hk #831hk

Part 3 coming up next
#Interview #Hongkongers
The name '#frontliner' is a responsibility, because we'll always stand in front of all Hongkongers: Self-Exiled Protester Supports himself with work in #Canada

Photo: Netizens #Aug31

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#Interview #Hongkongers
The name '
#frontliner' is a responsibility, because we'll always stand in front of all Hongkongers: Self-Exiled Protester Supports himself with work in #Canada

Part 1:

Part 2:

At a rally held on August 31, 2021 in Toronto, Canada, Hei, a frontliner who fled Hong Kong in 2020, reflected on his experiences in the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong

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Hei told the rally participants, "Here in Canada, I hope you can take an extra step. Come out for demonstrations more often. Tell people around you, Chinese or otherwise, about what happened during those years, and Hong Kong's situation now."

Hei, self-exiled, talked about his diasporic experience in Canada, "Here in Toronto, I've worked for over 30 moving companies. All of them had Chinese owners. People kept telling me to be careful not to say so much about Hong Kong, but I can't. Those who know me know that I speak very frankly. When people ask where I'm from, I would always say: I'm a Hongkonger, I'm from Hong Kong."

"The next question they usually ask is: 'Did you get paid to go protesting?' I usually reply jokingly, 'I've been out dozens of times, and those 'foreign influences' still haven't paid me a single dime. Where are they anyway?'"

Hei also reminded all supporters of Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement, "Take care of your wallets; there are non-profits who had been raising money to support arrested protesters and pay for court fees. I think these are reasonable; please support them. You could always ask them where the money is going, and who it's helping. They can tell you."

"As for me, I don't need donations; I want job opportunities. If you need help moving, call me, or any of our frontliners who are here; we're all hard workers," Hei, though new to Canada, shows his perseverance in sustaining himself.

"All frontliners I've met are like this. They're all earning a living with their own hands; they live with their heads held high. These are our real brothers and sisters."

Hei also called for solidarity, which is something essential to fight against the united front. "I hope all organizations and supporters of the movement can remain united. Our opponent, Communist China, has incredible resources. We must use our own resources wisely."

Hei advised, "Also, equip yourselves, exercise and stay fit, work hard to survive and make a living. You have to be able to take care of yourself before you can take care of others."

Hei concluded, "The name 'frontliner' is sometimes a glorification, but more often it's a responsibility. This responsibility follows us for the rest of our lives, because we'll always be a Hongkonger. We'll always stand in front of all HongKongers."

Photo: Netizens #Aug31

Full video of the rally: https://www.facebook.com/CHKLink/videos/457215711939067

#Aug31 #831PrinceEdward #PoliceBrutality #hkdarkage #speakup4hk #831hk
#Interview #StandNews
#EU ambassador in Hong Kong : Impact of #NationalSecurityLaw ripples beyond political groups to civil rights groups for women and labour

Source: Stand News #Dec10

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#Interview #StandNews
#EU ambassador in Hong Kong : Impact of #NationalSecurityLaw ripples beyond political groups to civil rights groups for women and labour

On the World Human Rights Day (December 10, 2021), Ambassador #ThomasGnocchi, Head of the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, told now-defunct online media outlet, Stand News that many civil rights groups in Hong Kong, which used to have close contact with the office, have been avoiding meetings with them for fear of being accused of "colluding with foreign forces”.

In 2021, many of the civil rights groups in Hong Kong disbanded and some left. Gnocchi admitted that it has become ever more difficult to seek partnership even with non-political groups for advocacy on issues like woman’s rights and labor rights.

We’ve seen, really, our ability to reach out diminished. We’ve had much less contact than we had in the past,” Gnocchi said.

“There are much less stakeholder groups, across political and civil spectrums, that are still willing to meet with us. These groups normally don’t have any national security concerns, but none wants to take any risk,” Gnocchi said many of these groups cited “play it safe” when declining meeting invitation.

Gnocchi indicated that the office is conscious of the situation in Hong Kong and it does not want to put anyone at risk. However, he emphasized that meetings with non-profit organisations are normal diplomatic activities, which shouldn't be restricted.

Having worked in Serbia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kosovo and other places, Gnocchi has witnessed the shrinking spaces in civil society in different places. He believes that the loss of civil society will throw negative impact on the entire country.

“Civil rights group has a vital role to play in raising public awareness [on various societal issues] and holding authorities accountable for their policies.” Not only those civil groups providing food, education, and medicine at the grassroots level should be protected, the authorities should also create space for policy advocacy groups.

Gnocchi stressed that, “in the EU, there are many groups that always criticize us, but their role is important.” He continued saying, “if civil society disappears, you lose one pillar of accountability. I think this is why we are so vocal about the role of civil society. I can only stress how important it is to maintain this space alive.”

Gnocchi acknowledged that he has witnessed many “inevitable changes” after the change in sovereignty in Hong Kong. Taking office after the implementation of National Security Law, Gnocchi regretted seeing growing oppression in this once the world’s freest society.

Continue with Part 2


Source: Stand News #Dec10
#Interview #StandNews
#EU Ambassador to Hong Kong: #NationalSecurityLaw has inhibited specific political rights and civil society in Hong Kong

Source: Stand News #Dec10

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#Interview #StandNews
#EU Ambassador to Hong Kong: #NationalSecurityLaw has inhibited specific political rights and civil society in Hong Kong

[Editor's notes: On the World Human Rights Day (December 10, 2021), Ambassador #ThomasGnocchi, Head of the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, told now-defunct online media outlet, Stand News that he witnessed many changes in thr city after the change of sovereignty in 1997.]

Read Part 1:

In January, 2021, the Hong Kong national security bureau arrested #47Democrats over their organisation and participation in a Legislative Council election primaries, which marked one of the largest crackdowns on civil society by the Hong Kong authorities.

Thomas Gnocchi, EU Ambassador to Hong Kong and Macau, said he is aware of the cases linked to national security violations and extended detention period before a trial actually took place.

Although he declined to comment on these on-going cases, Gnocchi reiterated EU’s stance, “the National Security Law has inhibited specific political rights.” “We see some issues are in a way quite problematic,” he added.

When talking about the relationship between Hong Kong government and media, Gnocchi agreed that it has become worrying. He said, “We’ve put forth our concern on this matter to Hong Kong authorities. This is what we can do on our side.”

China has been the EU's largest trading partner since 2020. During the 7-year-long negotiation over the China-EU Comprehensive Investment Agreement, human rights issues in China has always been an obstacle. In May 2021, the European Parliament overwhelmingly passed a freeze on the ratification process of the Agreement, saying that the move is aimed at Beijing's sanctions on EU personnel and Hong Kong, Xinjiang and other human rights issues.

On China-EU political conflicts and economic cooperation, Gnocchi claimed that, “It's a matter of trade-offs.” “For us, we have put forward a wide range of topics for discussion, and we hope that a complete set of topics can be discussed. These issues are all interconnected to us, and you are unlikely to separate them.” Gnocchi said.

On December 10, 2021, the EU made its latest Declaration of Human Rights, stating that it has been strengthening human rights protections around the globe during 2021. For the first time, the EU imposed sanctions on people or regimes involved in serious human rights violations and abuses, including China, North Korea, Libya, South Sudan, Eritrea and Russia.

In 2021-2027, the EU will invest over €1.5 billion in support of development of civil rights groups and human rights groups. The declaration concluded by stating that "the realization of human rights is not only a priority for the dignity of mankind; it is the cornerstone of democracy, peace and security and sustainable development".

Source: Stand News #Dec10
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#ProtestFilm #Interview
#KiwiChow, Director of #RevolutionOfOurTimes: "This film is for everyone"

Directed by Hong Kong director Kiwi Chow, "Revolution Of Our Times" is an award-winning documentary capturing the pro-democracy demonstrations that erupted in Hong Kong in 2019.

Just within the 14 days of its release in Taiwan, the film has set a box office record for an overseas Chinese-language documentary.

Even #TsaiIngWen, the president of Taiwan, watched it and endorsed the film.

Taking to Twitter, President Tsai stated, 'Hong Kong people's courage and commitment to democracy are an inspiration to us all, as we work to preserve our own freedoms and way of life.'

In an interview, director #KiwiChow thanked Tsai Ing-wen for supporting the documentary openly on social media and calling on people across the political spectrum to watch it.

#RevolutionOfOurTimes #NeverForget #HongKongFilm #Taiwan

Source: PSHK
#DeniseHO and the slogan #JMGGJ on her T-shirt

Translated by Guardians of Hong Kong, September 20, 2021

According to schedule, Hong Kong singer Denise HO (#HoCC) should be holding her concert at the Wanchai Art Centre at 8pm on 12 Sep 2021, but it did not happen.

Eight days before the show, Art Centre cancelled her venue booking in writing citing “it might endanger public safety”. Roughly at the same time, three pro-China newspapers coincidently criticised HoCC and that “she is closely watched by law enforcement agencies”.

Without the venue, HoCC decided to hold her concert online.

Read our fully translated article:

Source: The Stand News #Sep13

Author: Ah Guo

Photography: Fred CHEUNG, Matthew MAK

#HoCC #PopMusic #Concert #Cantopop #Hongkonger #Conscience #HongKongMusic
#CédricAlviani of #RSF: There might no longer be any freelance journalists in Hong Kong

May 3 is World Press Freedom Day. In the past year, freedom of press in Hong Kong seemed to have fallen into an unforeseen despair as independent news outlets such as Apple Daily and Stand News were forced to cease operation. Numerous senior journalists have also been arrested by the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police.

Cédric Alviani, of Reporters Without Borders (East Asia Representative Office), was interviewed by Chaser News on May 3, 2022. He expressed worries as the situation in Hong Kong was serious, and feared that foreign press could not conduct independent investigations and interviews in the near future.

Alvani said the world had to be aware of the things happening in Hong Kong, and that the democratic world could not accept the government being the sole information channel in Hong Kong and China.

With the tightening restrictions imposed by the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP), the National Security Law ‘is not only applicable to journalists in Hong Kong, but anywhere in the world’, threatening journalists from all over the world, and the Freedom of Press in democratic countries.

He called on the democratic parties to strike back, and to ‘firmly show to the Chinese government that oppressing Freedom of Press is no longer allowed, and that they must change for the better.’

Video: https://youtu.be/3y98BPjUxtE

Source: Chaser News #May3 https://www.patreon.com/posts/65904324

#RSF #PressFreedom #PoliceState
#ChrisPatten on How #CCP Changed #HongKong: "They’ve broken their word, as I’m afraid they do regularly"

Source: RFA #Jun26
Illustration: #RebelPepper

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#ChrisPatten on How #CCP Changed #HongKong: "They’ve broken their word, as I’m afraid they do regularly"

The last UK governor of Hong Kong, #lChris Patten, blames the #ChineseCommunistParty for the city's malaise.

Patten, 78, who holds the title Baron Patten of Barnes and serves as chancellor of the #UniversityofOxford, spoke the Amelia Loi of RFA Cantonese about the changes in Hong Kong as the July 1 25th anniversary of the #handover approaches.

In the interview, Patten was asked to assess the changes in Hong Kong in the 25 years since the handove. Patten said, "Hong Kong was an exceptionally successful community ––the eighth largest trading community in the world and we never had the sort of demonstrations which have affected Hong Kong in the last few years. I had very much hoped it would continue as long as possible and the Chinese had promised that it would continue for 50 years. They’ve broken their word, as I’m afraid they do regularly. They break their word. They break international treaties whenever it suits them. And I think that’s happening again this time."

Patten also said, "the fact that the independence movement has grown in Hong Kong is an indication of how badly China has behaved and how little people actually trust China today. It’s an extraordinary thing that so few people are actually proud of Hong Kong being part of China now. There’s a great sense of Hong Kong citizenship, and there’s a great sense that people are Hong Kongers but only a small number think of themselves as Chinese."

Read the full interview:

Source: RFA #Jun26
Illustration: #RebelPepper