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Parents' Distrust on Chinese Brainwashing Education Induce Over 10 Millions of Migrants to the US, Japan and Canada

Sino-US relations have deteriorated in recent years, but the number of Chinese immigrants continues to rise. The Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and Institute of Development of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics released China International Migration Report 2020, a blue paper, this week. It states that China has accumulated 10.73 million immigrants, making it the world's third-largest immigrants exporter. The United States continues to be their first choice, having 2.89 million in accumulation up to last year. Moreover, immigrants population is getting younger, many of them came to the US to study as early as high school, while the proportion of "investment immigrants" has significantly declined. Some lawyers specializing in immigration services said that although many Chinese parents are resistant to "brainwashing education" in China, the US is also tightening visa restrictions for Chinese people.

Chinese citizens tend to immigrate to the US, Japan and Canada

The report cites the International Migrant Stock 2019 by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), which shows that China has accumulated 10.73 million emigrants, making it the third-largest exporter of migrants in the world. For the top three countries they migrated, the order was the United States, Japan and Canada, having the same data as 2015. Last year, the number of Chinese immigrants to these three countries accumulated to 2.89 million, 780 thousand and 690 thousand respectively. In the past four years, there are 220 thousand, 70 thousand and 46 thousand.

Source: The Stand News #Dec26

#ChineseEmigrants #Immigration #UnitedStates #Japan #Canada #ChinaInternationalMigrationReport #InternationalMigrantStock2019 #UNDESA #China

#Asylum #BrainDrain
Nearly 6,000 Hongkongers Apply for
#Immigration in #Canada in Just Three Months

Source: Stand News #May21

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#Asylum #BrainDrain
Nearly 6,000 Hongkongers Apply for
#Immigration in #Canada in Just Three Months

After Beijing's forceful imposition of #NationalSecurityLaw in Hong Kong, several countries have decided to provide Hongkongers shelter schemes.

From the latest figures released by the Canadian Immigration Department on 20 May 2021, a total of 5,727 applications have been received as of 18 May.

When the scheme was introduced on 8 Feb, 2021, the same month recorded 524 applications. Currently, it has now amounted to around 6,000 applications in total.

"We feel very encouraging by having such a great number of applications. We hope more productive Hongkongers can come and contribute to Canada through this innovative scheme," said #AlexanderCohen, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada press secretary.

Under the new policy introduced by the Trudeau cabinet in February, any Hong konger who graduated from a Canadian university or university overseas will be able to apply for a three-year working permit in Canada.

"The ties that bind Canada and Hong Kong run deep. The young Hongkongers are now eyeing for international opportunities and we hope they can choose Canada,’ Cohen said.

Source: Stand News #May21

#Generation #Youth
The Choice of 2021
#DSE Top-Scorers in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong on July 21, 2021, the result of the pre-University public exam DSE was released.

Across the city, seven students obtained the highest score 5** in seven subjects. Three of them are "super scorers" in eight subjects.

Just two days before, on July 19, the Hong Kong International Airport was filled with people, who were departing the city for the UK. It was the last day of the special immigration scheme LOTR offered by the British government.

As the immigration wave continues, the drop-out rate in schoold surges in Hong Kong under the #NationalSecurityLaw. Seemingly, staying in the city is no longer a preference for many.

The seven top-scorers have already obtained their tickets to enter local universities without a doubt. However, under these circumstances, will they leave or stay? Speaking up or keeping silence?

Indeed, five out of the seven students plan to continue their studies in Hong Kong.

One top-scorer said, "Although Hong Kong has experienced a lot of changes in these two years, it is still my root. I choose to stay. Our freedom of speech may be narrowed, but we can take charge of our thoughts."

Source: Stand News #Jul21

#DSE #LOTR #UK #Immigration #FreedomofSpeech #HKairport
Pro-CCP organisation found in UK BNO policy Taskforce, triggering safety concerns for Hongkongers

#BNO #HongkongersInBritain #LOTR #immigration

Source: Stand News; #Aug18

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Pro-CCP organisation found in UK BNO policy Taskforce, triggering safety concerns for Hongkongers

British government's BNO policy consultation taskforce includes prominent members of the London China Town Chinese Association, says Hongkongers in Britain, a pro-democracy advocacy group for newcomers from Hong Kong.

The Chinese Association had pledged support to the implementation of National Security Law in Hong Kong, as well as having only the “patriots to rule Hong Kong.”

Hongkongers in Britain worried that involvement of pro-CCP organization members in these policies could cause safety concerns to Hong Kong people in the UK, many of whom had recently immigrated to the UK on their British Nationals Overseas (BNO) passports. The advocacy group urged the British government to prohibit those pro-CCP organizations from entering official BNO policy committees.

The London China Town Chinese Association, however, did not respond to media inquiry on this matter.

Hongkongers in Britain's website noted that Consultation Taskforce was formed by the Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government to tackle BNO-related policies. The Taskforce does not have representatives from new Hong Kong immigrants, but does include members of the pro-CCP Chinese Association.

#BNO #HongkongersInBritain #LOTR #immigration
Source: Stand News; #Aug18

The Chairperson of Labour and Welfare Bureau Law Chi-Kwong said in an interview that Hong Kong has more returning residents than leaving.

#Immigration #Emmigration #GoHKgraphics
Net Departure from Hong Kong Airport hits another record high, which is even more than some district's total population.

#Emigration #NetDeparture #Immigration #GoHKgraphics
HK Government Proposes System to Screen Arrivals who might "Endanger National Security"

#SonnyAu #AuChiKwong #Immigration #SecurityBureau

Source: Inmedia #May03

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HK Government Proposes System to Screen Arrivals who might "Endanger National Security"

The Hong Kong government suggests at a Legislative Council (#LegCo) meeting to set up system to report passenger information for incoming flights, requiring airline companies to provide the information at least 40 minutes before take-off.

Sonny Au Chi-Kwong, Undersecretary for Security, stated at the meeting that the government will assess the risk of those entering the city, "to filter people who are disadvantageous for Hong Kong and at high risk". Factors include national security and potential non-refoulement claimants.

He also indicated that when considering companies tendering bids for building the system, the government will also consider whether they are related to countries with sanctions against Hong Kong.

In a submitted document, the Security Bureau explains that setting up this system and amending the relevant laws under the Immigration Regulation satisfies the requirement of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, allowing airline companies and the border control department to have real-time, two-way communication.

Au stated that more than ten thousand people were being banned from entering the Hong Kong border in the past three years. He emphasises that the immigration officers will also check whether passengers can enter Hong Kong.

#SonnyAu #AuChiKwong #Immigration #SecurityBureau

Source: Inmedia #May03