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Hubei Film Studio director family almost all gone

(16 Feb) Hubei Film Studio director #Chang Kai died on 14 Feb from WARS. His father passed away on 27 Jan and his mother, on 2 Feb. Chang Kai's sister and Chang Kai both passed on the 14 Feb. Currently, his wife is in intensive care. Only his son was spared as he studied abroad.

Image content(Left one):
Director Chang Kai‘s Last Words

Following the decree, on New Year's Eve, our banquet at the luxury hotel was cancelled. I was, then, in charge of cooking and enjoyed our meal with my parents and wife.

We were unaware of the incoming nightmares. On New Year's Day, my father had a fever, started coughing and had difficulty breathing. We went to multiple hospitals, requesting treatment; no beds were available to take him in. Disappointed, we went home to fend for ourselves, demonstrating filial piety before his deathbed and counting down his days. Our mother became mentally and physically exhausted. Her immune system shut down. She eventually followed our father.

Several days of tending to my parents on their deathbeds permitted the ruthless coronavirus to devour my wife's and my bodies. I went to various hospitals to beg for a bed but because of my insignificant social status, my words carried little weight. The scarcity of beds deprived my opportunity for treatment. With my dying breath, I tell my relatives, friends, and son who is currently in the UK: Throughout my life, I have fulfilled my role as a son, father, and husband as honestly as I could be! To those I love and those who love me, farewell!

Source: Facebook

Further reading:
Fearless HuBei-Woman Roared

#Hubei #CoronavirusOutbreak #WuhanPneumonia

Hubei declaration of independence on Twitter 1/2

Editor note:
This is a tweeter post from a Wuhan resident. She has been organizing an interim government that represents the people in Wuhan municipality and
Hubei province. She hopes to achieve the ”five demands ” proposed by Wuhan netizens and has been calling for the independence of Wuhan, Hubei. The incident is related to the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan recently. Many Wuhan people are unsatisfied with how the local government handled the outbreak of the disease and thus demand improvements.

Summary: This article is about the reaction of the people in Wuhan towards the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in December. Most residents in Wuhan and Hubei province are unsatisfied with the local government as they reacted inappropriately towards the disease and further worsened the situation. Recently, a Wuhan netizen posted a declaration for the independence of Wuhan, Hubei and announced that the interim government of Wuhan, which is organized by them, has been established. She explained the reason behind the declaration and wrongdoings of the current government. She listed the five demands for Wuhan and called to the people to fight for their own rights.

At last, she restated the aim of this declaration and why they should try to change the current government. The five demands are:
1. Apologies from the police force to the eight citizens who have been summoned.
2. Hold the officials who concealed information about the disease to account according to the law.
3. Allow freedom of speech. Stop deleting people’s posts, banning and suspending accounts.
4. Lift the ban on rescue. There must not be monopolies controlling charity resources.
5. Modify the constitution and the president should be democratically elected.

Source: Twitter

#Wuhan #Hubei #FiveDemands
Hubei declaration of independence on Twitter 2/2

[Tweets content]
This is an order from the Wuhan interim government: all officials from Wuhan municipality and the Hubei province should break away from the control of the Communist Party of China. They should report duty to this interim government through secret or open channels, guard their current post and responsibility, be obedient to the instructions given by the interim government and wait quietly for reorganization.

The interim government has started its operations which include organizing congress meetings, drafting the Wuhan provisional constitution and arranging suffrage participated by all Wuhan and Hubei residents who are eighteen or above. This is to establish a council elected by the people.

[Photo content]
Wuhan interim government: Hubei declaration of independence (draft for asking opinions)
2nd February 2020 (be called for short: the 20200202 declarations)

// Mr. Chow Sin Wong publicly admitted that regarding the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease, ”as a local government”, he could only disclose information after he got reports about it and was authorized to do so. On the 28th of January, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Xi Jin Ping, said, “I have always been directing the control and prevention work of the plague myself and deploying the work myself.”

//the original government under the single-party system absolutely wouldn’t accept these five demands, like the Hong Kong government which still refused to consider the five demands suggested by the Hong Kong citizens.

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Full declaration

Source: Twitter

#Wuhan #Hubei #DeclarationOfIndependence #CoronavirusOutbreak

Xi Jinping revealed that he knew about epidemic situation and analysis on 7 Jan

(15 Feb) The Chinese Communist Party ’s media, Qiushi, published the full text of the Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping’s response to the outbreak on 3 Feb at the Politburo Standing Committee on 3 Feb. The article shows that Xi was aware of the epidemic in Wuhan on 7 Jan and held a meeting to request for prevention and control. However, at that time, Xinhua News Agency did not mention the epidemic situation in Wuhan at all, but quoting Xi’s speaking other current affairs throughout.

Some observers believe that the reasons that Communist Party’s journal revealing “Xi has known about the epidemic in Wuhan and made important instructions”  are not just for praising Xi, showing how wise and brave Xi is, and taking responsibility off of Xi, but also mean to blame the local authorities in Hubei and Wuhan. It seems to copy what happened the Qinling villa incident in Shaanxi.

Continue reading:

Source: Apple Daily

#WuhanPneumonia #Hubei #Xi #CoronavirusOutbreak
#FailedState #WuhanPneumonia #ChinaEconomy
Work Resumption Plan Cancelled in Hubei, Epidemic is Not Under Control in China

Just in one day the work resumption order issued for Qianjiang City, located in China's epicenter Hubei Pronvince, was withdrawn by the authorities.

The authorities did not directly explain the change of plan, but stressed that traffic restriction is still in effect. The order contrasts the saying that China has the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic under control.

Source: am730 #Mar11
#QianJiang #HuBei

Announces Zero New Cases in Hubei but Bans Hubei People Going to Beijing
Chinese citizens: Only Idiots believe it

(23 Mar) China reported zero local coronavirus cases for several consecutive days. Not only has it became the subject of official propaganda, it has also been praised by Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of WHO, as “an amazing achievement”. The sudden drop to zero is very suspicious. Even Hu XIjin, editor-in-chief of China’s mouthpiece, Global Times, expressed concern. Hu worries that there are still possibilities for new local cases, and he calls for local governments to avoid concealing cases in order to blame-shift.
Shortly after, an article named “The most unforgettable day”, written by a Hubei reporter, went viral. The article revealed that although the official number of new coronavirus cases in Wuhan was zero, there were still diagnosed patients in many places. The author described his personal experience on the 19 March, where he witnessed a diagnosed patient and his family being passed around like a ball, from hospital to hospital. At the same time, there were rumours that Tongji Hospital in Wuhan had over 100 newly diagnosed cases on the same day, but the District Mayor refused to report the cases. On the 22 March, the Wuhan Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters quickly denied the existence of the newly confirmed cases, although doubts remained.
Continue reading:
Source: Rti.org

#ZeroCase #Hubei #Beijing #ResumeWork #ChinesePropaganda #Bureaucracy #Coronavirus

China’s coronavirus conspiracy: Wuhan residents tell of chilling death toll clue

//“It can’t be right ... because the incinerators have been working round the clock, so how can so few people have died?”

//Some people estimate 46,800 COVID-19 victims will have been cremated, based on the capacity of the funeral homes.

//“The official number of deaths was 2,500 people ... but before the epidemic began, the city’s crematoriums typically cremated around 220 people a day,” Aizhen said.

//Residents say city officials have been buying their silence with 3,000 yuan ($685) cash handouts in “funeral allowances” to make sure cremations are completed by the grave-tending festival of Qing Ming on April 5.

//“It’s to stop them keening [a traditional expression of grief]; nobody’s allowed to keen after Qing Ming has passed,” Wuhan local Chen Yaohui said.

Source: 7News AU, (30-Mar)
⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️Watch video

Further reading:
Number of Urns may disclose the number of Deaths died of COVID-19 in Wuhan

#Urns #Deaths #Wuhan #Hubei #ImportedCases #Coronavirus

Helicopter Drop in China: Each individual in infected family receives ¥30 (approx. US$4.25)

(11 Apr) China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs: ¥18.8 billion cash will be subsidized to people under difficult circumstances. Up to now, there is an estimation that 61 million people are classified as being “under difficult circumstances”, around 54 million of them are entitled to basic living allowances, and 6.39 million of them are classified as “destitute”. ¥18.8 billion financial subsidies means that each individual will receive ¥47 per month (US$ 6.66). 3.7 million people in the Hubei Province will receive a total of ¥4.4 billion subsidies, which means each individual in Hubei will receive ¥120 (US$17.1).

A total of 6.39 million people are “Destitute”

A total of 70.3 million people are “under difficult circumstances” and “other difficulties”.

Each person will receive ¥30 (US$4.25) on average.

Source: Fun Fun Show Facebook

#China #Subsidies #Coronavirus #Hubei

The first civil rights activist! Civil servant accuses Hubei Province government of concealing the truth, was called (summoned) to “talk”: "It will be great to win, but there shall be no regrets if I lose"

(17 Apr)While China (CCP) keeps promoting its efforts fighting against the Wuhan Pneumonia and hiding its responsibility by concealing facts and true figures resulting in a global pandemic, a civil servant from Hubei Province stands as the first activist by lodging a prosecution against the government for its concealment of truth. The activist emphasizes the Hubei government must be liable for the outbreak of Wuhan Pneumonia and the damages to the people. It was later revealed that the civil servant was, on the night of the day he filed the prosecution, “called (summoned)” by the Police to “talk”, and forced to sign a commitment promising not to discuss any case details on the internet.

According to the indictment, the first civil rights activist, who is named Tan Jun (phonetic), is a civil servant working at Yichang Children Park management office. He told the media that he had filed the indictment to the Xiling District Court, Yichang, on 13th day morning, accusing the Hubei Province government of having concealed the truth that the Wuhan Pneumonia can spread across human, hosted Lianghui (2 meetings) at Wuhan on 11th and 12th January, carried out the 10,000-Family Banquet at the Baibuting with 40,000 participating families. The government’s decision led to people exposed to the deadly virus, and so caused substantial loss to life and property.

The activist highlighted certain evidence on the table including there was a notice on 11th January 2020 by the Hubei Health Commission asserting no medical staff was infected and no spreading between humans were recorded; however, according to the “investigation into Doctor Li Wenliang incident” published on 19th March by the National Supervisory Commission, Wuhan Pneumonia was confirmed in December 2019 to be able to spread between humans.

Full translation: https://telegra.ph/Wuhan-Pneumonia-The-first-civil-rights-activist-Civil-servant-accuses-Hubei-Province-government-of-concealing-the-truth-was-call-04-18

Source: Apple Daily News

#Hubei #CivilRightsActivist #TanJun #Coronavirus #StateCensorship
CNN Obtained a Confidential Documents Disclosing China's Early Mishandling on COVID-19

One year after the first COVID-19 case in Hubei, CNN published an exclusive report on the receipt of 117 pages of a confidential internal document today, from an anonymous source in Hubei. The report shows that China underestimated and concealed the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak, and sent misleading information to the public during the early stages of the pandemic.

The report shows that as early as February 10, Hubei province had 5,918 new cases including clinical diagnoses, more than twice the number of confirmed cases announced publicly in China on that day. Hubai categorised these almost 6,000 reported cases into 2345 confirmed cases, 1772 clinically diagnosed cases and 1,796 suspected cases. However, the province did not disclose the number of clinically diagnosed cases by the doctors.

#COVID19 #China #Wuhan #Hubei #CNN

Source: The Stand News #Dec01