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Joshua Wong's Phone Allegedly Hacked by the Police Under Warrantless Condition

From Joshua Wong's Twitter, December 19, 2019

//1. Arrested on August 30, my phone was seized by #hkpolice. The phone can only be unlocked with passwords. Before court resumed yesterday, I have NEVER provided any passwords to #police, nor received any notice nor warrant for a search of my mobile device.

2. However, #hkpolice yesterday submitted an evidence list, which allegedly included 4 text messages of mine from iPhone XR. Police can even identify how the messages were sent out, whether it's from a mobile or desktop version of the app.

3. Since such functions can't be found on ordinary user interface, that can only be possible with the help of state-sponsored hacking. It's utterly alarming that police begins to hack mobile devices of #HKers, just like #China hacking iPhones & Android devices to target #Uyghurs.

4. Such warrantless search is also a blunt violation of the freedom & privacy of communication enshrined in Basic Law. I doubt whether such a search is lawful. Now it seems state-backed hackers get involved in the crackdown on HK movement. I urge to strengthen your cybersecurity.//


#PoliceState #WarrantlessSearch #JoshuaWong #Dec19
Likes for “Hong Kong Popo” Surpasses Hong Kong Police's Facebook page

The Hong Kong Police celebrated its 300,000 likes milestone for its Facebook page, yet their celebratory actions triggered rounds of an unlike movement.

Meanwhile, netizens initiated to like the spoofed page “Hong Kong Popo”, which surpassed 380,000 at press time.

#12Mar #HKPolice #Facebook
Prof Clifford Stott, who sat on the international expert panel advising the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) before all of its members resigned last year over concerns about its limited powers, posted an excerpt of his report on Twitter.

After the IPCC report had been published, Prof Stott utilised the data thereof and issued his scientific analysis of the evolution of the 2019 protest movement in Hong Kong.

Stott's report discusses the inter-relationships between the policing and behavioural patterns of the 2019 movement. The movement can be divided into at least 3 key phases: protests against the controversial bill, protests against mainland influence into and over Hong Kong, and protest actions targeted at the police.

Had the #IPCC report included the aforementioned components and made a fair judgment on the protests, Prof Stott would not have quit the international expert panel. What is the implication of Prof Stott's quitting? And what is the implication of the evolution of the movement in Hong Kong?

#HKPolice #HongKongProtests


A Short Summary of How the HK Government Will Utilize Its Funding in the Upcoming Financial Year

The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council has passed Ocean Park's 5.4 billion financial subsidy application with 32 yes counts, 20 no, and 2 abstains. Part of the 5.4 billion subsidy is for paying the commercial loans to the Bank of China.

In the announcement for Hong Kong's 2020 budget earlier this year, it was announced that a $75 billion recurrent funding will be provided to the Hospital Authority, which is a 3.6 billion increase (5% increase) from the previous financial year. An additional 1.6 billion single-time funding will also be provided for the Authority to acquire medical supplies, which will bring up the total funding to the Authority to 76.6 billion. It was, however, learnt that during the speech by Paul Chan, the Financial Secretary, he compared the amount of funding with that of 2 years ago (2017/2018), and stated the budget was an increase of 35% from previous, which was 30% more than the comparison to that of 2019. When compared to the 8.5% increase from 2018 to 2019, this year's funding is actually a lesser increase (only 5%).

The industry is still concerned that the Authority still lacks a solution to address the loss of mid-level health workers. It was also suspected that the measure is to target workers who participated in strikes demanding a full border closure during the epidemic.

On the other hand, the HK police force will receive 25.8 billion in funding this financial year, which is a 2.2 billion increase from last year. Also, the wage subsidy funding in 2019/20 was initially set to 25.6 million, it was then amended to 2.55 billion (9 times increase). The funding is expected to cover expenses for creating 2543 extra positions on top of the already existing 35863 positions, and for acquiring 6 armoured vehicles, with each vehicle costing around $12.8 million.

Source: i-Cable News, Apple Daily, MingPao
#May31 #Medical #HKPolice #OceanPark
Middle-aged sergeant accused of fraud

A middle aged sergeant, Au Chi-wai, who was previously the vice-class head in Hong Kong Police College, was found to have committed fraud in office.

He obtained over $240,000 from trainees by threatening them. He was charged with 4 crimes including obtaining property by deception and accepting advantages. His case was heard on 1 Jun and he pled not guilty.

Source: Stand News
#Jun1 #HKPolice #Fraud #PoliceCollege
The Hong Kong Police Force seems to think that they can change and rewrite history to their hearts' content...As if the media wasn't there to record the incident and the world isn't watching...

#GoHKGraphics #YuenLong721 #HKpolice
Court Rules HKPF Violates the Bill of Rights

During the anti-ELAB movement, the police was often spotted concealing their identification number, especially the Special Tactic Contingent (STC). The High Court combined 5 different cases regarding similar police actions, with plaintiff including figures like Mr Yeung, the teacher who is made blind by one eye by police action, citizens suffering police brutality and the Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJA) which members, journalists, are always being assaulted by the police during their interviews.

High Court Justice Mr Anderson Chow Ka-Ming, SC, ruled that the police not displaying their identification violated the Hong Kong Bill of Rights and criticised Independent Police Complaint Council (IPCC) and police Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch (C&IIB) for their inability to handle complaints against the police.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov19

#HKPolice #HumanRights #IPCC

Police Welfare Fund submitted a 19/20 annual report to the LegCo, exposing that they received ~HKD 200M as an income, and spent ~HKD 65M for refreshment on special duties.

#HKpolice #FinancialReport #GoHKgraphic
A site-worker, sexually assaulted 3 netizens, was sentenced to jail for 12 years while a Hong Kong police officer sexually assaulted 6 girls was sentenced to jail for 46 months ONLY.

#HKPolice #Sexualassault #GoHKgraphics
#Privacy #Tracking
HK Police Tracks Location with #LeaveHomeSafe, Police Officer Arrested in Assault Case

On September 18, 2021, a 32-year-old Hong Kong policeman was arrested for assault. He has allegedly inflicted "bodily harm", to another man in Tsim Sha Tsui in the early hours of the same day.

The Hong Kong Police issued a statement emphasizing that they take discipline among their officers very seriously, and will not tolerate any personnel committing criminal acts. They will conduct criminal investigations and disciplinary reviews accordingly.

According to HK01's report, the victim was together with four other officers when he was struck. When he called the police, the others had left the scene.

Police investigations found that the four had used the government's LeaveHomeSafe contact tracing app to record their visit to the venue. One of the four have been identified as inspector in the Police Public Relations Branch (#PPRB).

[Editor's note:
The government had issued a media statement in February 2021 to alleviate the public's privacy concerns towards the LeaveHomeSafe app. The statement, from the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, explain that "visit records are kept on users’ mobile phones only, not in any government systems. There is no transfer of personal data to the Government’s system or operators of premises for retention."

https://www.pcpd.org.hk/english/news_events/media_statements/press_20210219.html ]

Source: Stand News #Sept18

#AsiasFinest #Privacy #HKPolice #FailedState