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#Interview #StandNews
#EU ambassador in Hong Kong : Impact of #NationalSecurityLaw ripples beyond political groups to civil rights groups for women and labour

On the World Human Rights Day (December 10, 2021), Ambassador #ThomasGnocchi, Head of the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, told now-defunct online media outlet, Stand News that many civil rights groups in Hong Kong, which used to have close contact with the office, have been avoiding meetings with them for fear of being accused of "colluding with foreign forces”.

In 2021, many of the civil rights groups in Hong Kong disbanded and some left. Gnocchi admitted that it has become ever more difficult to seek partnership even with non-political groups for advocacy on issues like woman’s rights and labor rights.

We’ve seen, really, our ability to reach out diminished. We’ve had much less contact than we had in the past,” Gnocchi said.

“There are much less stakeholder groups, across political and civil spectrums, that are still willing to meet with us. These groups normally don’t have any national security concerns, but none wants to take any risk,” Gnocchi said many of these groups cited “play it safe” when declining meeting invitation.

Gnocchi indicated that the office is conscious of the situation in Hong Kong and it does not want to put anyone at risk. However, he emphasized that meetings with non-profit organisations are normal diplomatic activities, which shouldn't be restricted.

Having worked in Serbia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kosovo and other places, Gnocchi has witnessed the shrinking spaces in civil society in different places. He believes that the loss of civil society will throw negative impact on the entire country.

“Civil rights group has a vital role to play in raising public awareness [on various societal issues] and holding authorities accountable for their policies.” Not only those civil groups providing food, education, and medicine at the grassroots level should be protected, the authorities should also create space for policy advocacy groups.

Gnocchi stressed that, “in the EU, there are many groups that always criticize us, but their role is important.” He continued saying, “if civil society disappears, you lose one pillar of accountability. I think this is why we are so vocal about the role of civil society. I can only stress how important it is to maintain this space alive.”

Gnocchi acknowledged that he has witnessed many “inevitable changes” after the change in sovereignty in Hong Kong. Taking office after the implementation of National Security Law, Gnocchi regretted seeing growing oppression in this once the world’s freest society.

Continue with Part 2


Source: Stand News #Dec10
#Interview #StandNews
#EU Ambassador to Hong Kong: #NationalSecurityLaw has inhibited specific political rights and civil society in Hong Kong

Source: Stand News #Dec10

Read more
#Interview #StandNews
#EU Ambassador to Hong Kong: #NationalSecurityLaw has inhibited specific political rights and civil society in Hong Kong

[Editor's notes: On the World Human Rights Day (December 10, 2021), Ambassador #ThomasGnocchi, Head of the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, told now-defunct online media outlet, Stand News that he witnessed many changes in thr city after the change of sovereignty in 1997.]

Read Part 1:

In January, 2021, the Hong Kong national security bureau arrested #47Democrats over their organisation and participation in a Legislative Council election primaries, which marked one of the largest crackdowns on civil society by the Hong Kong authorities.

Thomas Gnocchi, EU Ambassador to Hong Kong and Macau, said he is aware of the cases linked to national security violations and extended detention period before a trial actually took place.

Although he declined to comment on these on-going cases, Gnocchi reiterated EU’s stance, “the National Security Law has inhibited specific political rights.” “We see some issues are in a way quite problematic,” he added.

When talking about the relationship between Hong Kong government and media, Gnocchi agreed that it has become worrying. He said, “We’ve put forth our concern on this matter to Hong Kong authorities. This is what we can do on our side.”

China has been the EU's largest trading partner since 2020. During the 7-year-long negotiation over the China-EU Comprehensive Investment Agreement, human rights issues in China has always been an obstacle. In May 2021, the European Parliament overwhelmingly passed a freeze on the ratification process of the Agreement, saying that the move is aimed at Beijing's sanctions on EU personnel and Hong Kong, Xinjiang and other human rights issues.

On China-EU political conflicts and economic cooperation, Gnocchi claimed that, “It's a matter of trade-offs.” “For us, we have put forward a wide range of topics for discussion, and we hope that a complete set of topics can be discussed. These issues are all interconnected to us, and you are unlikely to separate them.” Gnocchi said.

On December 10, 2021, the EU made its latest Declaration of Human Rights, stating that it has been strengthening human rights protections around the globe during 2021. For the first time, the EU imposed sanctions on people or regimes involved in serious human rights violations and abuses, including China, North Korea, Libya, South Sudan, Eritrea and Russia.

In 2021-2027, the EU will invest over €1.5 billion in support of development of civil rights groups and human rights groups. The declaration concluded by stating that "the realization of human rights is not only a priority for the dignity of mankind; it is the cornerstone of democracy, peace and security and sustainable development".

Source: Stand News #Dec10
#NeverForget #AntiELAB
2.5 years after
#721YuenLong Mob Attack: Who Owns the Truth Now in 2022 Hong Kong?

January 21, 2022 is the 2.5-year mark of the 7.21 Yuen Long Mob Attack. On July 21, 2019, pro-democracy protesters, train passengers and pedestrians were indiscriminately attacked by white-clad gangsters in Yuen Long. While the Hong Kong police had allegedly turned a blind eye, the question once posed by #RTHK's news program #HongKongConnection resurfaced: in 2022-Hong Kong, who owns the truth?

Watch RTHK's "7.21 Who Owns the Truth?" (English subtitled), courtesy of Real Hong Kong News:

The news documentary was produced by former RTHK journalist #BaoChoy on the first anniversary of the attack in 2020 and had won accolades including the Press Freedom Award.

Choy examined various video evidence, tracing the attackers to various pro-China groups. She also interviewed one of the victims, who was able to identify his attackers from the surveillance camera footage provided. The victim lamented that he had to identify the suspects before the journalists, since the police did not invite him to take part in any investigation. The victim wonders if the police wanted to investigate at all.

The journalist, moreover, traced the association of some of the attackers to various village representatives in Yuen Long, partly by checking car license plates against the government's vehicle registration database. However, the authorities then arrested and fined Choy for making "false statements" when accessing the public-available database. It was the first time such a charge was laid against journalists using the vehicle database.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association (#HKJA) criticized the move, stating that checking public records had been a common investigative tool in Hong Kong.

In May 2021, RTHK began to take down videos over one year old from their online platforms. This documentary is now no longer available on their official website, as are the programs chronicling the 2019 Anti-ELAB movement.

Meanwhile, the police and state media had made concerted effort to rewrite the Yuen Long attack into a clash between "invading" protesters and those defending Yuen Long. However, another investigative report by Stand News discovered that the alleged call to protest in Yuen Long was likely fabricated, and was ultimately dismissed by discussion forums.

Watch "Tracing the Source - Investigative Report by Stand News" (English subtitled), courtesy of Real Hong Kong News:

After the implementation of the #NationalSecurityLaw, pro-democracy news outlets, like #AppleDaily and #StandNews, have been pressured into shutting down. Their libraries of articles and videos, including interviews and video footage of 7.21 and many other events during the movement, had gone offline. Though netizens scrambled to back up the data, the records made by these news outlets in Hong Kong cannot be easily accessed by the public, and some may possibly be lost forever.

Two and a half years after the attack, Hongkongers today find very little room to publicly remember the events that transpired. Gatherings that merely hinted at support of the movement are suppressed by police wielding both the anti-gathering rules introduced at the start of the pandemic, as well as the #NationalSecurityLaw.

Meanwhile, the deep rift between the police force and the general public as a result of the 7.21 attack had not been healed, as the Force and its supporters cling to their version of events, which are regularly cited by pro-government and pro-China media.

For now, it is up to individual Hongkongers to investigate, record, document and remember the events they have seen, heard, and experienced during the pro-democracy movements.

Source: RTHK; Stand News

Subtitles by Real Hong Kong News

See also:
"Tracing the Source" - 7.21 Yuen Long Attack Investigative Report by Stand News

30 months after, Hongkongers refuse to forget

Half a year after Apple Daily, Stand News also ceased operations as seniors were arrested and materials taken away by the National Security Police

#AppleDaily #StandNews #PressFreedom #NSL #GoHKgraphics
#WhiteTerror #Censorship
Newspaper in Hong Kong States in Editorial: "No Intention to Incite Hatred"

In late December 2021, six former and current senior staff members of Stand News were arrested for "conspiracy to publish a seditious material". The authorities said that it contravened sections 9 and 10 of the Crimes Ordinance.

The former chief-editor Chung Pui-Kuen and the former acting editor-in-chief Patrick Lam Shiu-Tung were both detained and denied bail. Stand News immediately announced to cease operation.

On January 6, 2022, #MingPao, a Chinese-language newspaper in Hong Kong, stated in its editorial that the newspaper has no intention to "incite hatred, dissatisfaction, and hostility" and they are only "pointing out the wrongdoings and suggesting a legal improvement to the society".

Following #StandNews, #CitizenNews and other 5 media have been recently closed down.

The chief-writer in Citizen News Chris Yeung Kin-Hing worried about the unpredictable redline. He was not comfortable to be a journalist as any article, report and interview can be classified as incitement.

Chief Executive #CarrieLam, however, claimed that the number of media registered on the information service department has increased in the past year, when she was asked whether press freedom has declined.

"The shut down of the media is their personal choice that we should not directly connect it with #FreedomofPress. The government and the police force only act in accordance with the law."

The editorial posted by Ming Pao reads:

"Criticism in the journal was to point out the mistakes or weaknesses of the related systems, policies or regulations and aim to correct or to eliminate them with legal improvement. There are no hatred, dissatisfaction, or hostility incitement to the government or other social groups."

Source: InMedia #Jan6

#CarrieLam #YeungKinHing #ChungPuiKuen #LamShiuTung #NSL #CrimesOrdinance #PressFreedom #MediaLandscape
#PressFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw
21 nations condemn Hong Kong press freedom crackdown and closure of news outlets

The #MediaFreedomCoalition, 21 countries including the U.S., U.K., Australia, Germany, Canada and Japan said in a statement released by the U.S. State Department on February 8 that they “express their deep concern at the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese authorities’ attacks on freedom of the press and their suppression of independent local media in Hong Kong.”

The statement said authorities have pursued independent media outlets such as the recently closed #StandNews and #CitizenNews since China’s imposition of a national security law, adding these “actions further undermine confidence in Hong Kong’s international reputation.”

Read full Statement

Source: Bloomberg; #Feb9
Hong Kong Police Commissioner: Media cannot claim themselves as not having intention to incite with a disclaimer

Seven #StandNews staff were arrested last year due to conspiracies of publishing seditious material. Stand News had ceased operation on the same day, followed in the following month by a few web-based media.

#Mingpao, a Chinese-language newspaper in Hong Kong, included in its editorial a disclaimer that the newspaper has no intention to incite hatred.

More details on Mingpao's disclaimer

Raymond Siu Chak-yee, the commissioner of Hong Kong Police, described the disclaimer as meaningless, that it is just for self-hypnosis and narcissism, since claiming in a statement that they did not do said act does not mean they had not done so.

He said in a TV interview that the #BasicLaw protects #PressFreedom, from the past to now, and to the future. He emphasised that their decisions to suspend their operations were their own choices. "No one can say freedom if they go against the law, whether or not their actions has disturbed others."

#NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #PoliceState #Censorship #WhiteTerror #Oppression

Source: Inmedia #Jan29

Pro-democeacy news anchor stumbles in career development in Hong Kong

Young news anchor, Ingrid #TseHingYee worked for three media outlets in three years. Her disrupted career, is a sad reflection of Hong Kong's stifled media and banished press freedom.

Most recently, Tse was seen hosting a press briefing for the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institution.

She thanked her supporters after the briefing, saying that she is pondering possible developments in her career.

Tse joined #AppleDaily in 2021 after resigning from i-Cable in 2019 due to arguments about editorial decisions.

The 25-year-old journalist moved to work in online media Hong Kong #CitizenNews after Apple Daily was folded in June 2021.

In January 2022, Citizen News announced plans to close after some 200 police raided #StandNews, another independent media outlet in Hong Kong, citing concerns about the safety of its staff.

Source: inmediahk; #Feb12
No One Is Safe in Hong Kong

China’s shredding of Hong Kong’s autonomy is reaching new levels of nastiness. This week authorities forced the closure of the online publication Stand News and levied new charges against Apple Daily executives.

On Wednesday authorities arrested seven people linked to Stand News for “conspiracy to publish seditious publication,” according to the Hong Kong police. They include top editor Patrick Lam, as well as pop singing star Denise Ho and former lawmaker Margaret Ng, both former board members.

Source: WSJ #Dec29


#AppleDaily #StandNews #China #HongKong
#Arrest #StandNews
Hong Kong journalist Allan Au arrested by national security police

#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfSpeech #Sedition #Crackdown

Source: Inmediahk, HKFP; #Apr11

Read more
#Arrest #StandNews
Hong Kong journalist Allan Au arrested by national security police

Hong Kong veteran journalist #AllanAu was arrested by national security police in the morning of April 11 for allegedly conspiring to publish seditious materials, under the colonial-era anti-sedition legislation.

Linked to the Stand News case, Au is the 8th member being arrested following 7 others in December 2021.

Hong Kong National Security raid pro-democracy newspaper, arrested 6 senior staff

Hong Kong Authorities' #Crackdown on Stand News

Hong Kong Police Issues Arrest warrant for Stand News founder

The 54-year-old journalist was previously a columnist for outlets including Stand News and Ming Pao. Au was taken away from his home in Lai Chi Kok by the National Security police to the police station in Kwai Chung.

#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfSpeech #Crackdown #Sedition

Source: Inmediahk, HKFP; #Apr11

Who is John Lee?: Sole Candidate in Hong Kong's #ChiefExecutive Election

//Hong Kong’s former chief secretary #JohnLee has officially thrown his hat into the ring for next month’s leadership race after he submitted 786 nominations on Wednesday, April 15, 2022. The 64-year-old is the sole hopeful in the small-circle election scheduled for May 8, 2022. Lee is on track to be elected as the next chief executive by the 1,462 Election Committee members he vetted last year.

Lee’s appointment by 0.02 per cent of the population will mark the first time a former police officer assumes leadership of the city. Known for his hardline approach since he took the helm of the Security Bureau in September 2017, Lee’s tenure saw the 2019 protests and the subsequent enactment of the Beijing-imposed national security law.

He gained an unprecedented promotion last June to the second-highest role in the administration, where he was entrusted to chair a powerful committee to ensure election candidates were Chinese patriots.

In response to accusations that frontline police had failed to display their warrant cards, making it difficult for people to file complaints against the force, Lee said on June 19, 2010, "The design of the uniform leaves no space for displaying the police officer’s number.”

...Lee at the time called on journalists to distance themselves from “evil elements” who “damaged press freedom.”

On June 17, 2021, Lee condemned journalists from #AppleDaily and #StandNews:

"Ordinary journalists are different from them… [for] anyone who tries to use journalistic work as a shield to engage in crimes endangering national security, the SAR government must use the strictest measures to clamp down [on them]. “//

Read more:

Source: Hong Kong Free Press #Apr18

#Regime #SmallCircleElection #ChiefExecutiveElection #NationalSecurityLaw
#HumanRights #WhiteTerror
Hong Kong’s Human Rights Press Awards cancelled, citing legal risks

Hong Kong’s Foreign Correspondents’ Club (#FCC) has cancelled this year’s Human Rights Press Awards, citing “significant areas of uncertainty” under the law.

In a statement emailed to members on Monday, club president Keith Richburg said the FCC board met on Saturday and “after a lengthy discussion, regretfully decided to suspend the Human Rights Press Awards pending further review.”
The winners of the Human Rights Press Awards were expected to be announced on May 3, which is also World Press Freedom Day.

“Over the last two years, journalists in Hong Kong have been operating under new ‘red lines’ on what is and is not permissible, but there remain significant areas of uncertainty and we do not wish unintentionally to violate the law,” Richburg wrote. “This is the context in which we decided to suspend the Awards.”

“I know this is an unusual step to take so late in the process, just weeks before we were set to announce the winners,” he added.

According to FCC's website, “The Human Rights Press Awards recognise top rights-related reporting from around Asia, with the goal of increasing respect for people’s basic rights and focusing attention on threats to those freedoms.”

Since the onset of Hong Kong’s national security law in 2020, two of the city’s newsrooms have been raided and their top editors arrested, as press freedom NGOs have sounded the alarm. #AppleDaily, #StandNews and #CitizenNews are among the outlets that have shuttered.

Full article:

Source: Hong Kong Free Press

#PressFreedom #HumanRights #WhiteTerror
Hong Kong Drops to the 148th Ranking out of 180 in 2021 World Press Index

The Reporter Without Borders (#RSF) announced the latest World Press Index on May 3, 2022. The ranking of Hong Kong drops from the 80th to the 148th place, hitting the city's lowest record and claiming the largest drop among all 180 territories included in the survey.

RSF in their report called Hong Kong "once a bastion of press freedom" which "has seen an unprecedented setback since 2020 when Beijing adopted a National Security Law aimed at silencing independent voices."

Regarding the media landscape, RSF pointed out that "since the 1997 handover to China, most media have fallen under the control of the government or pro-China groups. In 2021, two major independent news outlets, #AppleDaily and #StandNews, were forcefully shut down while numerous smaller-scale media outlets ceased operations, citing legal risks."

RSF also detailsd how the Hong Kong SAR government "froze the assets of Apple Daily and Stand News, forcing them to cease operations and causing the unemployment of 860 of their staff."

The National Security Law is also a cause to the massive drop in Hong Kong's ranking in the World Press Index. According to RSF, the law is "a pretext to gag independent voices in the name of the fight against “terrorism”, “secession”, “subversion”, and “collusion with foreign forces”. Due to its ambiguous phrasing, the law looks like it could apply to any journalist covering Hong Kong, regardless of their location."

Source: RSF; Mingpao #May3


#PressFreedom #Solidarity
Hongkongers Rebuild Article Archives of Apple Daily and Stand News

Since the shutdown of #AppleDaily and #StandNews last year, a group of Hong Kong netizens had been hard at work building a platform to preserve their articles, so that they may once again see the light of day.

The article archives are now viewable online: https://collection.news/

The two Hong Kong news media companies, particularly Apple Daily with its 26-year history, had produced well over 2 million articles. Over a 10-month period, the Collection.News team rebuilt the archives of 2,375,868 text articles and 3,046,000 photos, and hosted them online using their own funds.

The archive's development team describes themselves as a group of Hongkongers who wish to preserve the city's history. They declare no affiliations with any news media groups. As the threat of National Security Law continues to loom over the city, the team found it necessary to operate anonymously, and does not accept donations. They had made their software open source, so that in case their website was shut down due to unforeseen circumstances, there would still be hope that the archives could be rebuilt once again.

The website's Chinese name 果靈 ("Spirit of Fruits") draws inspiration from the writings of 20th century philosopher Tang Chun-i. The team wishes to remind #Hongkongers that "we are not flowers and fruits that had lost our roots. Our spirit can take root everywhere, and ought to sprout in every heart."

"Though Apple Daily had died, we wish for everyone to own a little Apple seedling," they wrote on their website.

Source: Luminant HK, Collection.News

#Memory #PreservingHistory
Committee Members Imprisoned: The Dilemma of
#HongKongAlliance and Beginning of the #June4th Debate

[The following article was originally published by #StandNews on September 24, 2021. The news outlet was forced to close down in December that year.]

Part 1:

On 10 September 2021 at West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts Division 2, after the court clerk read out the charges, #TonyeeChow Hang-tung, who was in the defendant's column, responded with a sonorous voice: "Understood, this is a ridiculous charge." And the court filled with applause from the public gallery.

In this unsolved case, chairman and vice-chairman Li Cheuk-yan, Albert Ho Chun-yan and Tonyee Chow Hang-Tung of the Hong Kong Alliance, who have been rooted in Hong Kong for 32 years, are charged with the crime of “Inciting Subversion of State Power”. And this is the first case of the count in Hong Kong.

On May 21, 1989, the Hong Kong Alliance called on millions of Hong Kong people to take on to the streets to support pro-democracy students in Beijing, and announced the establishment of the organization on the same day. Wen Wei Po called this day “An Important Sign of the Awakening of Hong Kong People”.

After the massacre happened on June 4, all walks of life regardless of party affiliation, published condemnation and joint signatures. Since then, the Hong Kong Alliance has emphasized doing legal things under one country two systems, as in holding candlelight rallies to mourn June 4th, finding out who should be held responsible for the massacre, and guarding the truth of what happened on June 4th.

Continue reading Part 2:

Source: Stand News #2021Sept24

Committee Members Imprisoned: The Dilemma of #HongKongAlliance and Beginning of the #June4th Debate

[The following article was originally published by #StandNews on September 24, 2021. The news outlet was forced to close down in December that year.]

Part 1:

Part 2:

Today, the Hong Kong Alliance faces a reversal of destiny. In addition to facing interrogation, their venue has also been seized, funds have been frozen, and social media accounts have been asked to be deleted (except for the website "8964Museum" which is independently operated by the curatorial team).

In the past 32 years, whenever the Hong Kong Alliance faced difficulties, they would refer to the contingency plan drawn up in the early years by the deceased chairman Szeto Wah, who once estimated that after the change in sovereignty in 1997, the Hong Kong Alliance would “Bear the Brunt of the Blow, become the target of repression and persecution". Therefore, as early as 1996, the organization had come up with ten contingency measures regarding situations such as deregistration and members being arrested, and listed in detail in the general declaration of the Victoria Park Candlelight Gathering, one of which is as follows:

"The Hong Kong Alliance has been characterized as a ‘Subversive Organization', what should we do? […] We firmly do not accept the characterization of a ‘Subversive Organization', and Hong Kong citizens will not accept it ... If a bad law is to be enacted after 1997 and unreasonable prosecutions are to be proposed, the Hong Kong Alliance would only be the first to bear the brunt of the prosecution, followed by other organizations and individuals, who would also be characterized as “Subversive Organizations" and “Subversives”. This will be marked as a dark age of human rights and freedoms in Hong Kong…”

"The storm that Uncle Wah predicted has finally arrived, just twenty years late." Tsang Kin-Shing, the former standing committee said.

At present, all the current standing members of the Hong Kong Alliance are imprisoned. In the future, the company registration may be removed, and the group members will vote on whether to pass the dissolution at the general meeting on September 25th. The chairman and vice-chairman Li Cheuk-yan and Albert Ho Chun-yan, who are in prison recently, issued a joint open letter pointing out that the best solution for the Hong Kong Alliance is to dissolve voluntarily; another vice-chairman, Tonyee Chow Hang-tung, later sent a letter to member groups calling for their opposition to the dissolution, "I trust their experience and judgment, but I still can't convince myself that voluntary dissolution is a "good option”, let alone a "best solution.”

Source: Stand News #2021Sept24

One More News Outlet Closes Down in Hong Kong

#FactWire is an independent investigative news agency founded in Hong Kong in 2015, with the support of 3,300 Hong Kongers through crowd-funding.

For the past six years, FactWire has published a number of in-depth news reports, covering a wide range of topics from the safety issues at Taishan Nuclear Plant in China, the 2019 Anti Extradition protests, to the latest Chief Executive election in Hong Kong.

However, under the current political environment of Hong Kong, FactWire announced its closure on June 10, 2022. Despite the support of the public and their subscribers, the independent news agency made the decision to cease operation and dismiss all its employees.

In a statement published on their website, they wrote:

"In recent years, the media has contended with great change. Despite having wrestled many times with the difficult decision as to whether to continue our journalistic work, we had always come to the same affirmative conclusion: to stand fast to our core values and beliefs, and to always report the facts."

The news agency reiterated that "It is our honour to have been witnesses to, and scribes of Hong Kong’s history with you", and asked Hongkongers to "take care".

Read the statement:

Source: Factwire; InMedia #June10


#FreedomOfSpeech #PressFreedom #AppleDaily #StandNews #CitizenNews
Hong Kong's Captain America 2.0: Not Ashamed, No Regret, No Cowardice in Pursuing Democracy and Justice

Translated by the Guardians of Hong Kong

MA Chun-man, aka Captain America 2.0, is convicted by the court on November 2021, guilty of “inciting others to secede” and sentenced to five years and nine months imprisonment.

CHAN Kwong-chi, the designated judge, pointed out that the defendant repeatedly incited others to secede, in the mean time disparaged the #NationalSecurityLaw (#NSL). Chan deems that this case is a “serious offence” as articulated in the law.

Ma wrote his own letter of intercession and emphasized that he does not feel ashamed and has no regrets…

Continue Reading the Fully Translated Story Here:


Source: The Stand News #Nov11

#MaChunMan #CaptainAmerica
#Hongkonger #LetterOfIntercession #PoliticalPrisoner