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#MassArrest #NeverGiveUp
HK Pro-democracy Activist Arrested Again on Birthday: More Hongkongers will Face Arrest, Trial and Jail during Surging Political Oppression

In January 2021, the National Security unit of the Hong Kong Police Force made a mass arrest of 55 democrats, citing their involvement in thr Legislative Council primary election in 2020 as a "breach of #NationalSecurityLaw".

Most of the arrestees on bail were told to report to the police station on February 10, 2021. #OwenChow, who has been actively assisting the familes of the 12 pro-democracy Homgkongers jailed in China, is one of them.

When reporting to the police station as instructed, Chow was arrested again on Feb 10, 2021 on suspicion of "rioting" for purportedly entering the Leglistive Council building on 1 July 2019. Chow was later released on HK$10,000 bail in the evening.

Chow expressed that in view of growing #PoliticalOppression, more pro-democracy supporters will be arrested, trialed, and jailed in the future.

“I believe the authorities can never arrest all those who yearn for democracy. So long as we maintain our resolution, the revolution will not end until we succeed.”

He wished that Hongkongers could survive the times of the #WhiteTerror untroubled.

February 10, the day he was re-arrested, is also Chow’s birthday. He said that it was an unforgettable birthday for him to face an additional criminal charge of "rioting".

Although he took it in peace, Chow admitted that he missed having birthday dinner with his family. Chow called on everyone to treasure the time spent with their family.

During Chow’s interview with the media, the police interrupted repeatedly, urging the reporters to disperse.

Source: Stand News; #Feb10

#PrimaryElection #Rioting
How Ottawa can fight for the rights of Hong Kong-Canadians

Source: Macleans #Feb10

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How Ottawa can fight for the rights of Hong Kong-Canadians

The federal government should make it known to Beijing that the mobility rights of Hong Kong Canadians are sacrosanct and inalienable. Canadian citizenship is not decided by other nations, and Canadian passport holders in Hong Kong do not forgo consular protection or the right to leave China.

Other concrete steps Ottawa can take to help those immediately affected. Quickly opening a path to citizenship for family members of dual passport holders would make it easier for Canada to welcome residents who wish to flee Hong Kong.

Also, the federal should expedite asylum claims made by Hong Kong people involved in the pro-democracy movement since anyone prepared to take a vocal stand on freedom is already aligned with Canadian values.

Additionally, Canada should work together with Britain and other democratic allies, including the U.S., France, Australia and New Zealand, to push back against China’s deplorable erosion of Hong Kong’s fundamental democratic rights. Concerted international action will be crucial to forcing a change in attitude within Chinese leadership.

Source: Macleans #Feb10


#Canada #Ottawa #CandaLifeBoat #Dualcitizens
#MandatoryTesting #PoliceState
Mandatory COVID-19 testing turns into police-resident stand off

Source: Channel C HK, Pazu’s Facebook page; #Feb10

#FailedState #Omicron #WuhanPneumonia

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#MandatoryTesting #PoliceState
Mandatory COVID-19 testing turns into police-resident stand off

At around 8pm on February 10, a large crowd of over a hundred residents at Sun Chui Estate were agitated after waiting for three hours for mandatory COVID-19 testing in a pop-up center in Tai Wai, Hong Kong as the testing center insisted to close on time.

Instead of soothing the hightened emotions among residents, police officers on the scene criticised them for "creating troubles". Some even switched on video cameras, pointing them at the crowd of angry residents, aiming to intimate and silence them.

The situation soon turned into a police-resident stand off. An emotional officer hurled insults at the crowd, saying "it's none of your business." He was quickly pulled away from the crowd to avoid further clashes.

Meanwhile, another officer, taunted residents by remarking that, "you should come to the counter earlier!"

Being provoked, the crowd immediately retalitated in anguish. Many shouted back that they have arrived at the scene as early as they were instructed to.

#FailedState #Omicron #WuhanPneumonia

Source: Channel C HK, Pazu's Facebook page; #Feb10
Global democracy Index 2021: Taiwan attains #8 vs Hong Kong remains at #85

Source: Radio France Internationale; #Feb10

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Global democracy Index 2021: Taiwan attains #8 vs Hong Kong remains at #85

Global democracy continued its precipitous decline in 2021, according to the latest edition of the Democracy Index.

The annual survey, which rates the state of democracy across 167 countries finds that more than a third of the world’s population live under authoritarian rule while just 6.4% enjoy a full democracy.

Compared to 2020, ranking for Taiwan surged drastically by 11 places to No. 8 in 2021. The surge showed that the state of democracy in Taiwan is better than that of Australia.

In 2020, Hong Kong has already fallen short from the “flawed democracy” to “hybrid regimes” as it tumbled sharply from No. 75 to No. 87.

A slight improvement has been found in 2021 as Hong Kong climbed up 2 places to No. 85.

Meanwhile, the democracy index for China continued to slip from 2.97 in 2006 to 2.21 in 2021.

The annual index rates the state of democracy of 167 countries out of 10, using 60 indicators grouped in five different categories. These categories are electoral process and pluralism, the functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties.

Source: Radio France Internationale; #Feb10
US-funded news service suspends Cantonese commentary over National Security “redlines”

#FreedomofSpeech #NSL

Source: Radio France Internationale; #Feb10

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US-funded news service suspends Cantonese commentary over National Security “redlines”

US-funded news outlet Radio Free Asia (#RFA) has announced the suspension of its Cantonese programmes and commentaries, citing concerns about press freedom in Hong Kong and the “red lines” of the national security law.

“Given the dire situation in Hong Kong, locally-based commentators and hosts face increased risks. It has been clear over the past year that the ‘national security red lines’ are everywhere in Hong Kong,” the memo read. “The freedom of speech accorded to commentators and hosts under Hong Kong’s basic law is not protected by Hong Kong and Chinese laws.”

The broadcasts would be suspended from March 1 “until further notice”.

Founded in 1996, RFA is a non-profit news service funded by the US government to provide news about events in Asia. The outlet publishes in nine languages – including Burmese, Khmer, Korean, Uyghur and Vietnamese.

Source: Radio France Internationale; #Feb10

#PressFreedom #FreedomofSpeech #NSL
Hong Kong democracy and media freedom has ‘entered endgame’

The fight for democracy and media freedom in Hong Kong feels like it has “entered its endgame”, after a year of crackdowns, arrests and forced closures of outlets, the International Federation for Journalists (#IFJ) said.

Read IFJ report : Lights Out - Is this the End of Press Freedom in Hong Kong

In a report on the ongoing threats to the press in Hong Kong, titled Lights Out, the IFJ called on governments to offer support and pathways for Hong Kong journalists seeking to flee the city and find refuge to keep working.

Read full article

Source: The Guardian; #Feb10
China ‘threatens families to silence Uighur exiles in Britain’

Uighurs in the UK are being intimidated into silence by Chinese authorities as the “long arm” of the repressive regime reaches exiles in Europe, a report has found.

Thousands of members of the minority group who left China to live in western democracies are feared to be censoring themselves out of concern for the safety of their families. Those who dare to speak out about human rights abuses in their home country say they face threats from officials as well as pressure to inform on their expatriate communities.

Source: The Times #Feb10


#China #UK #Uighur #Longarm