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Germany's UN envoy urged China to release the 2 captive Canadians, China replied “Good Riddance”

Source: Apple daily #Dec23

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Germany's UN envoy urged China to release the 2 captive Canadians, China replied “Good Riddance”

Christoph Heusgen, UN envoy of Germany, attended his last meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday (Dec 22). At the meeting, he call on China to free the two detained Canadian citizens, but China deputy UN envoy Geng Shuang promptly respond with “good riddance”.

As Germany end its 2-years term as non-permanent member of the UN Security Council this month, and Ambassador Christoph Heusgen's retirement after being a diplomat for over 40 years. He utilises his parting message to call on China, “Let me end my tenure on the Security Council by appealing to my Chinese colleagues to ask Beijing for the release of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor. Christmas is the right moment for such a gesture,”

However, Geng accused Huesgen of abusing the Security Council to launch “malicious” attack on other members “in an attempt to poison the working atmosphere.” He said, “I wish to say something out of the bottom of my heart: Good riddance, Ambassador Heusgen. I am hoping that the council in your absence in the year 2021 will be in a better position to fulfill the responsibilities...for maintaining international peace and security.”

#GengShuang #ChristophHuesgen #China #Germany #Canada #UN #SecurityCouncil #MichaelKovrig #MichaelSpavor

Source: Apple daily #Dec23

Telephone Call between Chinese and Russian Foreign Ministers Accuses US of Unilateral Sanctions, Indicating Cooperation between the Two Countries in Resistance to Suppression from US 
Source: The Stand News  #Dec23

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Telephone Call between Chinese and Russian Foreign Ministers Accuses US of Unilateral Sanctions, Indicating Cooperation between the Two Countries in Resistance to Suppression from US 
Tension between US-China and US-Russia relationship continues to heighten. In a telephone call on December 22 between Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councillor Wang Yi and Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the two foreign ministers stated that the two countries shall continue to work closely together to combat suppression from the US. 
Wang told Lavrov that China and Russia share a “high quality and special” relationship. He also agreed with Russia President Putin that leaders from the two countries have built a highly mutually trusting and friendly relationship, and that both countries share much common ground on multiple issues. 
Wang criticised the US of “going against the current trends and still waving its huge stick of unilateral sanctions”, and that the US “would only leave undignified records in the world”. Lavrov responded that the two nations shall firmly oppose the US’s destructive actions towards multilateralism, reinstating that suppression from the US must be resisted. He claimed that such could effectively protect international law, the mutual benefits for the two countries, as well as international stability and cooperation. 
#China #ChineseDiplomacy #WangYi #USDiplomacy #US #Russia #RussiaDiplomacy #SergeyLavrov #unilateralsanctions
Source: The Stand News  #Dec23

The pillar of Shame is being destroyed in these minutes : Jen Galschiot calls for public record on Twitter

Sources: Stand News; Citizen News; Jen Galschiot's Twitter page; #Dec23

Images: Stand News; Citizen News; Roy Li and Stephanie Wu

#HKU #PillarOfShame

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The pillar of Shame is being destroyed in these minutes : Jen Galschiot calls for public record on Twitter

According to the Undergrad, at around 2200 on #Dec22, the Pillar of Shame located inside HKU grounds were closed off by construction workers, authorised by the school authorities.

White cloth and yellow barriers could be seen barricading the view of the Pillar from the pedestrian bridge above and near it on the ground. School personnel watched over the site, with construction noise emanating nearby.

Sources revealed that the school Council have convened a meeting on #Dec22 and has come to the conclusion of disassembling the Pillar of Shame. People at HKU believed that this decision was spurred on by pressure from the National Security Department, which could be seen as direct pressure from the Chinese Central Government.

At around 0000 on #Dec23, a crane and a truck carrying a container could be seen arriving at HKU.

The Pillar of Shame, sculpted by artist Jens Galschiøt to commemorate the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre, has stood in HKU grounds for 24 years. The school authorities had initially remained cooperative with its display on school grounds, but had recently called for removal of the sculpture since October. As the University could not determine who the sculpture belonged to, the fate of the sculpture had remained undecided.

Many have regarded the Pillar of Shame as a symbol of freedom in Hong Kong as the creator, Jen Galschiøt, wrote in 1997, "it [the Pillar of Shame] was put on permanent public display to serve, as a test of the authorities’ “guarantees for human rights and freedom of expression in Hong Kong.”

Sources: Stand News; Citizen News; Jen Galschiot's Twitter page; #Dec23

Images: Stand News; Citizen News; Roy Li and Stephanie Wu

#HKU #PillarOfShame

"Barbarious", "Mafia Tactic": #PillarofShame Creator Shocked as the University of Hong Kong Demands Removal

Danish Sculptor seeks immunity from Hong Kong's National Security Law

Activists Preserve HK's Tiananmen Memorial Pillar in Digital 3D Model: "They Can't Silence Us All"
Chinese Students Shocked Watching HKU's Removal of Pillar of Shame, Believes in Power of Witnesses

Source: Citizen News #Dec23

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Chinese Students Shocked Watching HKU's Removal of Pillar of Shame, Believes in Power of Witnesses

As the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) removed the Pillar of Shame without announcement durinv the night of December 22, 2021, two university students from China nearby until midnight, hoping to bear witness to history.

Wei and Wang (pseudonyms) are fourth-year Social Sciences students in HKU. They grew up in China and were educated in China's school system, only coming to Hong Kong 4 years ago to study in HKU.

They were planning to attend the university's Christmas party that night, they recounted. They were shocked when they received words that the Pillar of Shame was being destroyed, and so they rushed to the site immediately.

They said that the Pillar has great symbolic meaning to both HKU and Hong Kong itself; its removal, in turn, symbolizes the deterioration of freedom in Hong Kong.

"As long as this Pillar remains here, this university still has academic freedom. Now that it's gone, it seems that academic freedom is also gone."

The two felt the great significance of the Pillar as a memorial to the 1989 June 4th Tiananmen Massacre in Beijing. "The Pillar's existence means at least two things: one, that the incident took place; two, that we can discuss it publicly."

Now that the pillar is gone, it seems that June 4th can no longer be discussed in public. However, the two students believe that people's memory of history cannot be erased.

Growing up in China, the two students knew very little about the June 4th massacre, until they had come to Hong Kong. "Many students from China didn't even know about it before they saw the Pillar," Wei said. "After tonight, they might never get a chance at all."

The two came to study in Hong Kong for its freedom. However, after witnessing the political upheaval over the past 4 years, they felt the city is no longer free as it was in the past. They did not want to place blame for its loss. "It’s not Hong Kong to blame," said Wang. "We come to this place for freedom, and we see how people try to defend it, we don’t think Hong Kong or Hong Kong people are to blame."

The two stayed at the scene of the demolished Pillar until midnight, and they conceded that there is not much they could do as students. "But witnesses have power, to participate, to remember the thing," they said.

Source: Citizen News #Dec23

#June4 #PillarOfShame #JensGalschiøt #Censorship #AcademicFreedom #University


The pillar of Shame is being destroyed in these minutes : Jen Galschiot calls for public record on Twitter

"Barbarious", "Mafia Tactic":
#PillarofShame Creator Shocked as the University of Hong Kong Demands Removal


Danish Sculptor seeks immunity from Hong Kong's National Security Law



Activists Preserve HK's Tiananmen Memorial Pillar in Digital 3D Model: "They Can't Silence Us All"

#BreakingNews #CUHK
CUHK Removes Goddess of Democracy Statue Without Warning

Sources: 白影, HKGolden, CUHK Student Press; #Dec23

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#CUHK #GoddessOfDemocracyStatue
On Christmas Eve, there was candlelight on the CUHK campus, sorrowing where the Goddess of Democracy is

The annual June 4th candlelight vigils in Victoria Park that had been banned for two consecutive years has "reappeared" in the Chinese University in Hong Kong (#CUHK) on Christmas Eve, following authorities deliberate removal of the statue of the Goddess of Democracy overnight.

The statue which had been placed on the university campus for 11 years, was suddenly removed without a word of warning on December 24, a day after the Pillar of Shame was dismantled in the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) on December 23.

Read more about the Dismentaling of Pillar of Shame in #HKU

After lunch time, some students used dozens of pictures of the Goddess of Democracy statue to recreate the statue of Goddess of Democracy in CUHK.

Graduates and citizens even seen presenting flowers to the "new" statue in a bid to express their grief.

In the evening, they lit small candles that pieced together the appearance of “June 4th”, “democracy”, and “Goddess of Democracy”. It looked as if the long-lost candlelight vigils - held in remembrance of victims of June 4th massacre in Beijing - has actually "reappeared" on the campus of CUHK on Christmas Eve this year.

Brandon, a CUHK student, expressed that the statue of Goddess of Democracy symbolized not only the “June 4th incident”, it was also an indicator of freedom of speech and political climate in the university and the society at large.

He said the students knew that the school will remove the statue of Goddess of Democracy when HKU removed the Pillar of Shame. They believed it fell beyond the control of the university management.

“However we didn't expect that the statue literally disappeared overnight," added Brandon in distress.

Source : Stand News; #Dec24

#CUHK #June4 #GoddessOfDemocracyStatue #TiananmenMassacre #HKU #PillarOfShame #Candlelight

CUHK Removes Goddess of Democracy Statue Without Warning
Former Teacher Hosts Arts Exhibition to Recall Hongkongers' Memory on Pro-democracy Movement

Source: Inmedia #Dec23

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Former Teacher Hosts Arts Exhibition to Recall Hongkongers' Memory on Pro-democracy Movement

#Vawongsir, a former secondary school teacher and a cartoonist, has been hosting an art exhibition for 2 months at a cafe called Retold at Tsuen Wan's The Mill in Hong Kong since December 2021.

The exhibition displayed 12 artworks by Vawongsir, including one portraying a boy hiding his face, sobbing bitterly in bed at midnight.

Vawongsir sighs that people reduce their concerns about social movement and he hopes the exhibition can recall people's memory. "Hope people will not forget about me, as well as the past incidents."

Vawongsir was accused by the authorities of "professional misconduct", due to his support of the pro-democracy movement.

Recently, he hoped to return to teach by working as a substitute teacher to support his family; however, no school is willing to employ teachers who had been issued a warning letter by the government . All applicantions he sent out had been rejected.

In midst of his hard time, his laptop, which he used to produce illustrations, have also broke down.

Source: Inmedia #Dec23

#NSL #AntiELABMovement #Teacher #Education #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #ProtestArt