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Hundred Riot Police Encircle Protesting Residents in Kowloon Bay to Make Arrests and Take Photos of Civilians

2238 | Kowloon Bay
At least one citizen was arrested.

Some pro-government residents provoked the protestors, entering in an argument. Riot police suddenly dashed out and used pepper-spray on the protestors to disperse them.

About a hundred riot police arrived at the scene.

Some officers used torches with strong beams on citizens and journalists.

During the police operation, some citizens fell off the ground. First-aiders rushed to provide medical aid to the victims.

A police pointed his pepper spray right at the face of an unarmed citizen.

A St.John Ambulance car left the scene.

Other riot police took photos of citizens from their vehicles.

Source: Rthk; Apple Daily #Feb16

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
Media is too big
#FirstHand #Protests
Irascible Police Treats Civilians Impolitely

2307 | Kowloon Bay
An irascible officer shouted at journalists, saying "stop pretending to be journalists behind them!" However, no one seemed to care and persisted with their work.

#Feb16 #HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #DesignatedClinics
#FirstHand #Feb16
Police Clash with Civilians in Kowloon Bay, turning the scene into chaos

2248 | Kowloon Bay
More riot police clashed into Richland Gardens, a high-density middle class residential estate. While some journalists and citizens were pepper-sprayed, others fell off the ground when the police charged in.

Police treated the citizens extremely impolitely, using torches with strong beams on them at very close distance.

A citizen voiced his discontent over the police's handling of the scene. When the police threatened to pepper-spray a citizen, a journalist pointed out that he had been cooperating all along, and hoped the officer could explain if he did anything wrong. However, the officer continued to mistreat people. When citizens asked the police for their warrant card, the officer concerned was ushered away by his colleagues.

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
#FirstHand #Protests
Two Tales of a Community: District Councilor's First-hand Stories From His Constituency

On the rally, a Shatin District Councilor shared 2 stories surrounding the Chun Yeung Estate.

The first is a family of three, a single mother with 2 children, one of whom had ADHD. They had lived in a ramshackle subdivided flat for about 8 years, and finally found their way into the public rental housing. “Then they knew about Chun Yeung Estate,” the councilor said, incandescent with rage. “Why should the government make its citizens pay more for her own policy failures? How irresponsible!”

Another story is from a worker in the catering industry. “Tens of thousands of people work in the areas surrounding Chun Yeung Estate, many of which were either from the logistics industry or the food management industry,” the counselor explained. “He was extremely concerned that if any waste from the quarantine center were not treated properly, it would pollute nearby sewage treatment and even water sources, affecting the Food management factories nearby, with disastrous results to all of Hong Kong.”

#Feb16 #HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCentre
#Borders #FailedState
Growth in Passenger Traffic From China to Hong Kong Despite Coronavirus Outbreak: 65% Increase in the In-flow of Non-Hong Kong Residents

While Hong Kong-China borders remain open, passenger traffic has increased despite that compulsory quarantine measures were imposed on February 8. This disproves Carrie Lam's claim made on Feb 14 that about the decrease in the cross-border inflow of people into Hong Kong.

In fact, apart from the first two days after the quarantine measure was in effect, passenger traffic at the Shenzhen Bay port has continued to increase.

As of Feb 14, the quarantine centers have been occupied by 67%.

Source: Stand News #Feb15

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #ChinesePneumonia
Kwai Tsing Residents Suggest Alternative Location for Quarantine Facility

On Sunday, February 16, over 400 Kwai Tsing residents joined the march initiated by the pro-democracy district councilors.

They proposed alternative locations that are further away from residential area such as Kwai Chung Park, vacant government dormintory and Disneyland, for the government to set up quarantine facilities.

The residents opposed the government's current plan to set up designated clinic for the highly contagious Wuhan pneumomia within the 100,000-populated district and near other health facilities for infants, mothers and thr elderly.

Since the authorities had been ignoring citizens' demands, the residents, old and young, had no other way but to take it to the street. They still hoped the government would listen, as alternatives were available.

Source: Stand News #Feb16
#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
Police Obstruct Lawful Protest from Taking Place On Time, Police Ask Reporter: "Do you guys get paid?”

In Fo Tan, residents protested against the government's use of Chun Yeung Estate as Isolation Centre on Sunday, February 16.

Having obained the letter of no objection from the police, the rally originally scheduled at 3pm was, however, delayed till 5pm due to police opposition.

Special Crowd Management vehicles and Unimog Vehicles were on site standing by, while the police set up road blocks at Fo Tan to search passing vehicles. Starting from 3pm, there had been stop- and- search operations in multiple areas in Fo Tan, during which two reporters were searched and were asked by policemen, “Does the Stand News sell newspaper?”, “Do you guys get paid?”, “Do you guys need to standby at all

Source: Stand News #Feb16

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
#SelfHelp #GovernanceCrisis
Free Face Masks Distributed by the Nepali Youth Campaigner in Yuen Long, Hong Kong to elderly and people in need.

Photo: Internet #Feb17
#Poll #CoronavirusCrisis
Public Opinion Poll: Coronavirus Pandemic is halting pro-democracy protests temporarily, but no add-on support goes to the government

The data was collected by Prof. Francis Lee and his team. This supplementaey analysis was presented by Dr. Leung Kai-chi, a lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

1. The “rally round the flag effect” is a concept used in political science to explain increased short-run popular support of the government during periods of crisis or war.

While Hong Kong citizens have been combating the epidemic in solidarity on the community level, it has not benefited the government in terms of public confidence and support.

2. Although the proportion of “Zero trust in Police” has fallen below 50%, at 46%, it still marks a huge difference compared to 7% before the 2019 Anti-extradition law movement. There is no sign of reversing public confidence in this regard.

3. Survey findings showed that many elderlies gave full mark to “trust in police”. Yet, it is worth-noting that among all those who gave full marks, only 32% are 70-years-old or above and this segment accounted merely 13% of all respondents.

4. No respondent in the age group 15-19 gave full mark to “trust in police”.

5. The education level of many respondents who gave full mark to “trust in police” are primary school or lower. The rate is significantly higher among all respondents.

6. The receding in protest activities currently, is temporary and an outcome of epidemic outbreak. Large-scale protest activities are likely to resume once when the outbreak is eased.

Source: Stand News

#Apr5 #HKProtest #FailedState #PoliceState #OpinionPoll #GovernanceCrisis