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US Senators Push Bill to Counter CCP’s Military Threat to Taiwan as House Representatives Call for Ending ‘One China’ Policy

Source: Stand News #Sep19

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US Senators Push Bill to Counter CCP’s Military Threat to Taiwan as House Representatives Call for Ending ‘One China’ Policy

As the situation becomes increasingly tense in the Taiwan Strait, a number of US senators called on the administration to help Taiwan fend off China on 17 September’s Foreign Affairs Committee hearing. A number of senators and House representatives has made similar calls for the US to take actions and asked that the ‘One China’ policy be ended. As senator Rick Scott proposed the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act, House representative Tom Tiffany proposed that America resume diplomatic relations with Taiwan and open negotiations for a bilateral trade agreement.

In a tweet, Scott, senator for Florida, said, “For months, I’ve called on Communist China to...live up to its commitment to respect Hong Kong’s autonomy and end its efforts to crack down on Taiwan.” He described the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act as demonstrating America’s commitment to democracy and freedom as well as Taiwan. The act deals with strengthening America’s Taiwan policy and increasing Taiwan’s ability to resist China. It also provides for limited authorization for the president to use force to protect Taiwan from military attack under specific circumstances. Additionally, it provides for a platform that facilitates military exercises involving the US and Taiwan and requires planning for coordinated military actions in case Taiwan is attacked. It further urges the US trade representative to enter into negotiations with Taiwan on a bilateral trade agreement, and to welcome the Taiwanese president to address a joint session of the US congress.

Source: Stand News #Sep19

#US #Taiwan #China #RickScott #TomTiffany #OneChinaPolicy #TaiwanInvasionPreventionAct #Diplomacy

Chinese State Media Claims PLA’s Exercises in Taiwan Strait “Drills for Actual Combat”, Warns of Fighters and Missiles over Taiwan If US State Secretary Pays Visit

Source: Stand News #Sep19

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Chinese State Media Claims PLA’s Exercises in Taiwan Strait “Drills for Actual Combat”, Warns of Fighters and Missiles over Taiwan If US State Secretary Pays Visit

As the US undersecretary of state Keith Krach visited Taiwan, China has responded with military actions with the eastern theatre command of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) immediately beginning drills for actual combat near the Taiwan Strait. In an editorial published on 19 September, the Chinese state-run tabloid Global Times said this exercise was “no longer a warning” but “a drill for an actual conquest of Taiwan.” The exercise, it said, showed that the PLA was capable of organizing military actions against Taiwan within a very short period of time. “Though being a drill, it is more like an actual operation,” it said. It continued by saying that the PLA was “gaining experience for the conquest” through multiple exercises and that all it needed was a political reason to turn these exercises into an “actual battle,” “wiping off everything that has to do with the Taiwan independence movement.” The editorial warned Taiwan and the US not to see China as bluffing. If being foolhardy is what Taiwan and the US continue to be indulged in, it said, “war must be at the end of the road.”

The Global Times’s editor-in-chief Hu Xijin also shared his thoughts on China’s “national strategy” in a Weibo post. Being the world second-largest economy and a nuclear power, he said, China was “not an easy one to mess with.” This made China’s peaceful rise possible, he continued, but that did not mean it would shy away from war. Where China was left with no choice but to go to war, he wrote, direct conflict with the US should be avoided as far as possible, though “a particular lapdog that always joins America in provoking China and has crossed the line can use a good round of beating.” And if the US military went too far, said Hu, China “must be willing to fight and be good at it” and "must have the war near the coast of Chinese.”

Source: Stand News #Sep19

#US #Taiwan #China #KeithKrach #HuXijin #GlobalTimes #PLA #Military #Drill

Canada Abandons Free Trade Talk with China

Source: Apple Daily #Sep19

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Canada Abandons Free Trade Talk with China

Francois-Philippe Champagne, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister, pointed out in a recent newspaper interview that "the China of 2020 is not the China of 2016". The environment does not favour trade negotiations at the moment and Canada has decided to halt talks with China.

In 2016, state visits took place between the two nations renewing the China-Canada relations and starting trade talk. Since then, Canada arrested Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou while China imprisoned former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig and businessman Michael Spavor. China and Canada returned to a tense relationship. Champaign pointed out in the interview that his first mission was to bring the two Canadian citizens back. Trade negotiation was no longer worth continuing.

Being a member in G7, Canada continues to pressure China on human rights issues. Canada has since suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong since the National Security Law came into effect.

Source: Apple Daily #Sep19


#China #Canada #TradeNegotiation #FrancoisPhilippeChampagne #ForeignAffairs
U.S. House of Representatives to propose banning imports of forced labour products from Xinjiang next week

The human rights issue in Xinjiang has recently become a new point of contention between the U.S. and China. On Monday (14 Sept), the U.S. announced that it will ban imports of five goods from Xinjiang, including cotton and tomatoes, for violating the rights of ethnic minorities in the region.

#Xinjiang #HumanRightsAbuse #USChinaRelations #Uyghur #Uighur #TradeWar #Cotton #Tomatoes

Source: Apple Daily #Sep19

China Bans the Import of Taiwan Sugar Apple and Java Apple,
Taiwan Plans to Increase Export to Hong Kong and Other Places and Will Complain to WTO

Source: Stand News #Sep19

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China Bans the Import of Taiwan Sugar Apple and Java Apple,
Taiwan Plans to Increase Export to Hong Kong and Other Places and Will Complain to WTO

China banned the import of Taiwan pineapple in March 2021. Chinese General Administration of Customs announced the suspension of importing sugar apples and java apples from September 20. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council counterattacked this evening, expressing dissatisfaction that China is unwilling to negotiate with Taiwan in accordance with the cross-strait agreement mechanism, damaging Taiwan’s agriculture and cross-strait relations. Taiwan Agricultural Committee indicated that they would send complaints to WTO and would increase the export to markets, such as Hong Kong.

The China Custom General Administration (GACC) Animal and Plant Quarantine indicated that quarantine pests, Planococcus minor, were found in Taiwan sugar apples and java apples several times this year. In order to prevent the risk of plant disease, GACC announced the suspension on importing Taiwan sugar apple and java apple from tomorrow.

Source: Stand News #Sep19


#Taiwan #China #Pineapple #Import #Export #WTO #GACC #AnimalandPlantQuarantine #MainlandAffairsCouncil #SugarApple #JavaApple
Canadian Media: the US Talks to Huawei about Letting Meng Wanzhou Return to China Without Mentioning the Release of the 2 Canadians

Source: Stand News #Sep19

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Canadian Media: the US Talks to Huawei about Letting Meng Wanzhou Return to China Without Mentioning the Release of the 2 Canadians

In 2018, the US alleged Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanchou involving in bank fraud and violating sanctions against Iran, and asked Canada to arrest her. After Canada arresting her, China detained two Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, accusing them of espionage. Foreign media stated this as “hostage politics”.

Arrested in 2018 but still have no decision on the extradition

The event originated from the US Department of Justice, alleging that Meng Wanchou was involved in HSBC bank fraud, which made HSBC at risk of violating US sanctions against Iran. The US asked Canada to extradite Meng to the US for trial. In December 2018, Canada arrested Meng Wanchou at the request of the United States, but whether she will be extradited to the US for trial will still be subject to a hearing.

Source: Stand News #Sep19


#Canada #UnitedStates #MengWanchou #Huawei #China #Iran #Sanction #HSBC #MichaelSpavor #MichaelKovrig #HostagePolitics
Bloomberg: Xi Jinping’s “common prosperity” makes investors uneasy, Chinese regulators meet with Wall Street executives to defend against technology companies  
Source: Stand News #Sep19 

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Bloomberg: Xi Jinping’s “common prosperity” makes investors uneasy, Chinese regulators meet with Wall Street executives to defend against technology companies  
According to Bloomberg, China recently defends against technology companies and the “common prosperity” from Chinese President Xi Jinping makes global investors feel disturbed. Chinese regulators and Wall Street executives had a closed meeting on Thursday, which defending the recent suppression of multiple industries, claiming that its regulatory measures are not aimed at technology or private companies. 
According to quoted resources from the report, Fang Xinghai, Vice Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Senior Officials of the People’s Bank of China, and financial companies such as Goldman Sachs, Citadel, and BlackRock, held a 3-hour closed-door meeting on Thursday.  
During the meeting, Fang Xinghai stated the supervision from Chinese government to Chinese companies should not be interpreted as being decoupled from the US or international financial markets. He stated that, China recent measures are targeting at companies operating consumer platforms and strengthens the supervision to improve privacy safety and national security. For measures that are aiming at education training industries and gaming industries, it is aiming to reduce the concerns of society.  
Source: Stand News #Sep19

#Bloomberg #XiJinping #WallStreet #China #Technology #Supervision #Privacy #NationalSecurity #Education #GamingIndustries  
Head of Hong Kong journalist group Ronson Chan charged with obstructing police officers during reporting

source: Hong Kong Free Press #Sep19
photo: #firsthand

full article: https://hongkongfp.com/2022/09/19/head-of-hong-kong-journalist-group-ronson-chan-charged-with-obstructing-police-officers-during-reporting/

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Head of Hong Kong journalist group Ronson Chan charged with obstructing police officers during reporting

Ronson Chan, the chairperson of the city’s largest journalist group the Hong Kong Journalists Association (#HKJA), has been officially charged with obstructing police officers while reporting.

Speaking to reporters outside Mong Kok Police Station on Monday, the former Stand News reporter said that he had received a call from the force earlier in the day notifying him that he would be officially charged.

Chan said the charge would bring certain “disturbances and difficulties” for his planned departure to the UK on Wednesday to pursue a six-month fellowship programme at the Reuters Institute at Oxford University.

“Fortunately, the Oxford side says they will support me and they will see what will happen,” Chan said, adding that he will respect whatever decision the magistrate makes.

“If… I lost this chance, I will not [have] regret.” Chan added.

HKFP has reached out to the Reuters Institute for comment.

When HKFP asked what he thought the incident said about the status of press freedom in Hong Kong, Chan said “even in Beijing’s streets, you will never experience any charges for asking a policeman which unit he comes from or him to show his warrant card etc.”

“You can imagine how the environment Hong Kong reporters and journalists facing is – it’s not a very easy environment.” Chan added.

source: Hong Kong Free Press #Sep19
photo: #firsthand

full article: https://hongkongfp.com/2022/09/19/head-of-hong-kong-journalist-group-ronson-chan-charged-with-obstructing-police-officers-during-reporting/

#RonsonChan #PressFreedom