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#PoliceState #UCH #599G
Citizen Ticketed by the Police for Gathering Ban Violation at Hospital's Emergency Room

The Stand News confirmed from various sources a citizen was organizing a street booth where the police accused her of violating the gathering ban. The citizen who was unwell was sent to the United Christian Hospital and ticketed by the police at the Emergency Room (ER) there.

The Hospital Authority confirmed that the patient involved was escorted to the ER by the police. Legislator pointed out that the police has distorted the actual aim of the anti-pandemic ordinance and that such enforcement caused impact to the operation of the hospital.

According to Golden Forum facebook page, the citizen was targetted and followed by the police even at the hospital to treat her ashma condition. The citizen received a 599G ticket and the location was indicated "Bed No. 13 of the United Christian Hospital's Emergency Room".

Source: Stand News #Aug24
#CableNews #PressFreedom #JournalisticProfessionalism
Cable News Chief Anchor Resigns: "Professionslism Comes First"

Following the personnel change in #CableTV News in last few weeks which has already dampened the morale in the newsroom, Chief News Anchor Wong Chun-mei was reported leaving the station in October.

While declining an interview, Wong admitted it was hard to leave a news station where she has worked for 15 years long. She encouraged fellow colleagues to continue upholding their professionalism despite more changes anticipated.

Source: Apple Daily #Aug24 #FreedomofPress #WhiteTerror
NASA Chinese academics accused by U.S. Department of Justice of concealing participation in China’s Thousand Talents Plan and defrauding U.S. research grants


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NASA Chinese academics accused by U.S. Department of Justice of concealing participation in China’s Thousand Talents Plan and defrauding U.S. research grants

Zhengdong Cheng, a NASA researcher and an engineering professor at Texas A&M University, was taken into custody on Sunday (23/8) and formally charged on Monday (24/8) by the U.S. Department of Justice for allegedly concealing ties to Chinese companies and universities while receiving a federal grant.

The U.S. Department of Justice charged Cheng Zhengdong on conspiracy, making false statements and wire fraud. The indictment alleged that Cheng's research team received a funding of about US$750,000 for NASA's space research, but concealed his relationship with a Chinese university and at least one Chinese-owned company. Also, it alleged that Cheng knowingly provided false information to Texas A&M University and NASA.

The prosecution stated that NASA funding restriction has been in place to forbidding the collaboration or coordination with any Chinese-owned company or any Chinese University.

Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers said in a statement, "Once again, we have witnessed the criminal consequences that can arise from undisclosed participation in the Chinese government’s talent program". He further added, "The Department of Justice will continue seeking to bring participation in these talent programs to light and to expose the exploitation of our nation and our prized research institutions".

The U.S. Department of Justice has previously described China’s Thousand Talents Plan as a tool for the Chinese Communist Party to "attract, recruit, and cultivate high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security." He continued that the Chinese government would "often reward individuals for stealing proprietary information” through the program.

#CCP #DepartmentOfJustice #ThousandTalentsPlan #ZhengdongCheng #NASA #TexasAMUniversity #USResearchGrants #JohnDemers

(Note: the translation also takes summary if the following reports:


Approximately 20million people protest in Belarus; tens thousands of people in Lithuania and other places support the human chain; Alexander Lukashenko toting a rifle to support the riot police

Source: Stand News #Aug24

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Approximately 200,000 people protest in Belarus; tens thousands of people in Lithuania and other places support the human chain; Alexander Lukashenko toting a rifle to support the riot police

Up to 15-200,000 people took to the streets for two consecutive Sundays in Belarus, requesting the step down of the President, Alexander Lukashenko. The local media uploaded a video in social media, showing that the President was toting a rifle and wearing bulletproof vest to support the riot police. In Lithuania and Czech Republic, people form human chains to the Belarus protest.

Viktor Khrenin, Secretary of Defence, posted a video and warned that if the city is found to be in a turmoil, they will be facing against the army, instead of the police. But there were still 20million people gathering at the Independence Square in Minsk, holding the red and white flags that were used by Belarus after gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. “Resign!” and “pull Lukashenko into the police car!”, they shouted. The demonstrators marched around the city.

According to The Guardian, the local government media uploaded a video on social media platform, showing that Lukashenko was wearing a bulletproof vest and inspecting the demonstration in a helicopter. “They flee like rats,” said the President when he order the pilot to fly closer to its citizens. He then toted rifle to cheer for the riot police. The police responded with hands clapping in jubilation.

People from the Three Baltic States, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and Prague in the Czech Republic formed various human chains to support the protesters in Belarus. In Lithuania, around 3.5million people joined, stretching the chain from the capital Vilnius to the border with Belarus. The chain was over 30km. The President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, also participated with her wife together, standing by the border.

Source: Standnews #Aug24
China's Thousand Talents Plan targets research information from overseas universities

According to Australian Strategic Institute, the Chinese Talents Plan recruits leading Australian scientists for secret researches. Similar situations can be found in Australia and the US, with some receiving AUD$50000/month to work with the Chinese, without coming clean with their home universities.

One of the possible motivation for the Chinese government in doing this is to gather information regarding coronavirus vaccine researches for their own benefit, according to Michael Shoebridge from the Australian Strategic Policy Institution.

#Australia #Vaccine #research
#ThousandTalentsPlan #AustralianStrategicPolicyInstitution

Source: Sky News Australia #Aug24

Hong Kong Authorities Charge Pro-democracy Demonstration Convener After 2 Years

Chung Kin-ping is a Hongkonger who convened a pro-democracy protest in Yuen Long during the Anti-ELAB Movement in 2019. He was arrested and detained by the Hong Kong police on August 23, 2021, and was mentioned in Fanling Magistrates' Court the next day.

The court accepted the prosecution's request to refuse bail for Chung. He will be remanded until the next hearing on September 21, 2021.

The protest in question took place on July 27, 2019, the weekend after the 7.21 Attack at Yuen Long MTR Station. Large crowds gathered despite police banning the protest; in the evening, numerous riot police rushed into Yuen Long Station and arrested protesters.

Source: Stand News #Aug24

#PoliticalProsecution #Arrest #Court #YuenLong721
“I won’t suicide” #exhibition organised to showcase #WhiteTerror and #PoliceBrutality

Source: Stand News; #Aug24

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“I won’t suicide”
#exhibition organised to showcase #WhiteTerror and #PoliceBrutality

"I cherish my life and love Hong Kong. I do not suffer any physical or mental illness, and I have no intention of suicide or self-harm..."

During the anti-extradition law amendment bill (Anti-ELAB) movement in Hong Kong in 2019, mysterious “body found” incidents had aroused tremendous public attention.

Many young pro-democracy protesters openly put down their “I won’t suicide” declaration on social media in order to avoid becoming the next victim of suspected police brutality.

Recently, Hongkongers abroad called people to screen cap of these declaration for an exhibition from 10 to 19 September, 2021 in Manchester.

Documentaries of this pro-democracy movement will also be shown at the exhibition so that visitors can come to learn all the truth and facts.

Artists, including Wong Kwok-choi(黃國才), Chu Yiu-wai(朱耀煒), Cheung Ka-lei (張嘉莉), Black Blog, Rice and Beans were invited to the exhibition.

The oganiser of the exhibition asked protesters to screen cap their declation, remove any sensitive information before sending their submission.

Source: Stand News; #Aug24


#Art #Culture