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#1C1S #SeparationofPowers
Beijing Loyalist Cojoins Carrie Lam: No separation of powers in Hong Kong

Jasper Tsang Yuk-sing is the former president of LegCo and the founding member of the pro-Beijing party DAB in Hong Kong. Tsang joined the debates about "separation of powers" by supporting Chief Executive Carrie Lam and Secretary for Education Kelvin Yeung Yun-hung. Tsang said their ”no separation of powers” statement was "consistent with common knowledge".

Tsang also claimed that the Hong Kong system was different from the US referring to the ”separation of powers", and thus it was inaccurate to consider the “separation of powers” as an essential part of democracy.

He said Hong Kong has already “moved forward”, compared with the time before the handover, giving an example that Basic law clearly states officers can’t be lawmakers concurrently after 1997, which was once legitimate.

Source: Cupid Producer #Sept4
#Totalitarianism #RuleByLaw #FailedState #JasperTsang #CarrieLam #KelvinYeung
#FailedState #UniversalTesting #Covid19Test
HK Gov't Extends COVID 19 Universal Testing Scheme Despite Less-than-stellar Reception and Refuses to Disclose Expenses

Source: InMedia #Sept4

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#FailedState #UniversalTesting #Covid19Test
HK Gov't Extends COVID 19 Universal Testing Scheme Despite Less-than-stellar Reception and Refuses to Disclose Expenses

The participation and the effectiveness of the Hong Kong government's universal Covid-19 testing scheme, which has started since Sept 1, were below expectations.

However, the Secretary of Civil Service Bureau, Patrick Nip Tak-Kuen, announced on Sept 4 plans the extension of the scheme for 4 more days and the closure of 19 Centers with lower turnouts.

Journalists have questioned the reason behind the extension of the program, since there were less than 1 million participants, and the results yielded were far behind the government’s estimation. The government expected to find 1 confirmed case in every 5,000 samples; however, the actual result was only 1 case in 60,000 samples.

The media have also requested for the government to disclose the overall expense of this program.

Sophia Chan Siu-chee, the Secretary for Food and Health, stood in defense of the government's decisions, saying that the numbers of tests and confirmed cases are constantly changing, so she will not comment on its effectiveness. Nip rejected the media's request for the disclosure of the expense, and said that it was irrelevant for such a question to be in discussion at this juncture.

Source: InMedia #Sept4

#Covid19 #WuhanPneumonia #PatrickNip #SophiaChan #TaxPayersMoney
#FailedState #UniversalTesting #MadeinChina
HK Government Distributes Made-in-China Gowns Labelled "Non Medical Use" to Hong Kong Medical Workers Collecting Covid19 Test Samples

The Hong Kong SAR Government has announced on Sept 4, 2020 the extension of the universal Covid-19 testing scheme, despite the relatively low participation rate.

Medical workers assisting in sample collection at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (#HKCEC) have revealed that the protective gear distributed to them by the government were made in China, and were labelled in Simplified Chinese and in English that it was for "non-medical use".

Medical workers have expressed their discontent with the government’s plans, actions and arrangements, especially since they are dealing with a contagious virus.

Source: Apple Daily; Stand News #Sept4


#WuhanPneumonia #Covid19 #MedicalSupple #PPE
China's State Media Praises Former Judge for Criticizing HK's Judicial Review System; Pro-dem Lawmaker and Lawyer: "Ureasonable statement"

Former permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal Litton wrote in a Chinese-language newspaper Ming Pao Daily on Sept 4, 2020 that the Hong Kong courts accelerated the chaos in society through undergoing judicial review of decisions made by Chinese authorities for Hong Kong.

This opinion article by Littton has been praised by China's state media People's Daily (https://twitter.com/PDChinese/status/1302775090015133698?s=20).

Litton criticised two Hong Kong judges who handled the judicial review of the anti-mask law, which was forcefully enacted without passing through Hong Kong's legislature in 2019, for giving themselves power and raising their status to Beijing's Standing Committee of National People's Congress (NPC).

Pro-democracy lawmaker and Lawyer Kwok Wing-hang pointed out that most of the legal sector and Hong Kong citizens see the interpretation of Hong Kong's constitution Basic Law by the NPC standing committee and the direct implementation of the National Security Law as a violation of the rule of law, as well as the human rights and freedom. Kwol criticised Litton for being misleading, because the culprit was the government, not judges or citizens.

Kwok stated that the rule of law stated by Litton was "China-style rule of law", instead of the one agreed by the international society. He said the only silver lining in this eveny was that Litton has already been retired.

Source: 852 post #Sept4
#RulebyLaw #FailedState #1C1S
#Censorship #WhiteTerror #Banner #FreeSpeech
Further Suppression of Freedom of speech: University Authorities Remove Pro-Freedom Banners

On Sept 5, 2020, 3 staff members of Production Center and 2 teaching assistants of School of Creative Media removed banners hanged outside of Creative Media Center (#CMC) at Run Run Shaw, City University of Hong Kong (#CityU).

During a strike in support of the Anti-ELAB movement last year, students hanged two banners quoting the book 1984 by George Orwell: “Freedom is freedom to say that two plus two make four,” and “We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”

According to Production Center staff, the removal was conducted under demand of Dean Richard Allan Williams. Persons revealed that Facilities Management office (FMO) was suspected to put pressure to the School of Creative Media to remove the banners.

Source: City Broadcasting Channel #Sept4
#GeorgeOrwell #Book1984
#TaiwanPassport #CCPCensorship
Chinese Media Censors "Republic of China" on New Taiwan Passport

When reporting the news about Taiwan's new passport design, a Chinese media, GuanCha, on Sept 2, 2020 pixelated the Chinese words "REPUBLIC OF CHINA" and the Taiwan's national emblem on the new cover, with only the English words "TAIWAN" and "PASSPORT" shown.

Such way of reporting has given rise to heated debate among netizens in both Taiwan and China.

Source: The Liberty Times #Sept4

#GuanCha #Censorship
#OneChinaPolicy #ROC #CCPIdeology

#Taiwan Releases New Version of #Passport, Emphasizing Differentiation from China
HK Government Allegedly Pressures Foreign Domestic Workers to Join COVID19 Universal Testing

Source: Joshua Wong #Sept4

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HK Government Allegedly Pressures Foreign Domestic Workers to Join COVID19 Universal Testing

In his Facebook post on September 7, pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong revealed a screen capture of a whatsapp conversation, showing how the Hong Kong authorities allegedly incentivize the public to join the so-called “voluntary” COVID-19 universal testing scheme.

The controversies concerning the scheme included the Hong Kong government's commission of three Chinese companies, unlicensed in Hong Kong, to run COVID19 tests for the population; government official's refusal to disclose the budget of the extended scheme; and the genuine effectiveness of the scheme.

The whatsapp conversation was recorded by a person working at a Domestic Helper Agency. The person received a special request from the government's Home Affairs Bureau, asking her to arrange 50 domestic helpers to get the COVID-19 test in the City Hall during a planned visit of a senior government official.

The person was told that she would be offered a “bonus money” of HKD200 for every 10 domestic helpers she brings to the test.

From this incident, Joshua Wong raised two important queries:

• How much taxpayers' money has been used by the government just to “pump up” the overall number of participants of the test?

• How many participants of the voluntary testing scheme run by the government are genuinely “volunteers”?

Last but not least, Wong called on the Home Affairs Bureau to look into the case and the Ombudsman to be involved in the investigation.

Source: Joshua Wong’s Facebook #Sept4


#COVID19Test #FailedState #HAB #Staging
#PoliceState #NotMadeinChina
HK Police Arrests Pro-democracy Restaurant Owner for Distributing “Not Made in China” Masks

In early September, HK police raided a pro-democracy restaurant Favilla and arrested a 31-year-old female owner for distributing masks that were labelled “Not made in China” provided by Demosisto.

The Customs & Excise Department (C&ED) claimed “the trader had failed to provide authentication after repeated demands during the customs investigation to prove that the masks comply with the claims in the label. Arrests were made accordingly for suspected violation of the Trade Description Ordinance.”

In May 2020, 2 members of the now-disbanded pro-democracy group Demosisto were also arrested for alleged violations of trade description laws over these “Not Made in China” masks.

The C&ED claimed that the “Not Made in China” label should not be placed if the products were manufactured in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan or mainland China.

Source: Stand News #Sept4
HK #Boccia Team Earns Silver at #TokyoParalympics

At the Tokyo Paralympics on September 4, 2021, the Hong Kong boccia players faced Sloakia in the BC4 final.

The BC4 team from Hong Kong consists of Leung Yuk-wing, Vivian Lau and Wong Kwan-hang. In the gold medal match, they lost one game to their opponents, earning the first silver medal for the Hong Kong team in this paralympic.

Source: Stand News #Sept4
Hong Kong Badminton Athlete Wins Bronze in #TokyoOlympics

On the last day of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics on September 4, 2021, Hong Kong athlete #ChanHoYuen won a bronze medal in the batminton WH2 event by winning against a South Korean athlete.

Hong Kong athletes have won one silver medal and three bronze medals in the Tokyo Paralympics.

Source: Stand News #Sept4

#BrozenMedal #Hongkonger #HongKongAthletes #NeverGiveUp
#SilverMedal for Hong Kong's #badminton player #ChuManKai in #TokyoParalympics

Source: Stand News #Sept4

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#SilverMedal for Hong Kong's #badminton player #ChuManKai in #TokyoParalympics

On the final day of the Tokyo Paralympics on September 4, 2021, Hong Kong athlete Chu Man-kai gained a silver medal in men's singles SH6 event.

It is the second medal won by the Hong Kong Badminton Team. On the same day, Hong Kong badminton athlete Daniel Ho-Yuen Chan claimed a bronze medal in men's WH2 wheelchair badminton.

See also:

Speaking to the media, Chu thanked Hongkongers for their support and asked the public to continue supporting Hong Kong athletes and anyone who likes to do sport, regardless of their levels and categories.

"Whether they are elite athletes or athletes with potentials, the spectators can hardly witness their hardwork, injuries and difficulties in the long process of training," Chu said.

"The 30 minutes seen by the spectators in a match worthes perhaps 10 years of practices, for one to shine in the field."

Chu reminded his fellow Hongkongers, "Please support Hong Kong athletes, whether they are able-body or not, professional or amateur. Do support anyone who likes doing sport. Do enjoy sport."

Source: Stand News #Sept4

#HongKongAthlete #Hongkonger #Sport
Newly married pro-democracy activist faces imprisonment for the fourth time, Wong Ho-Ming: will give birth to three after that

Source: Inmedia #Sept4

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Newly married pro-democracy activist faces imprisonment for the fourth time, Wong Ho-Ming: will give birth to three after that

The former chairman of the League of Social Democrats Raphael Wong Ho-Ming and other six persons were charged with organizing and taking part in unauthorized assembly on 20 October 2019. Wong was sentenced to 14 months in prison.

Being the only person that outside the wall in the case, Wong interviewed by inmedia.net before going to prison for his fourth time. Wong said, “after getting out from prison, I would try my best to “make men”, I want to have three and my wife wants to have two”.

Wong claimed that “I am insane”, he believes and hopes each democratic family shall give birth to at least three. One of them will participate in the struggle and bear the price of imprisonment, and the other two would take the responsibility of looking after the family.

[Editor’s Note: The term “making men” in Cantonese may have two distinct meanings, one literally meaning “to produce young” and a metaphoric meaning of “being the person you are supposed to be in society”.]

Source: Inmedia #Sept4


#Hongkongers #WongHoMing #Conscience #Integrity #Unafraid
'City Forum’ going off air after broadcasting for 41 years; "Uncles of Victoria Park" may become history

#RTHK #CityForum #SpeakersCorner #FreedomOfSpeech

Source: Stand News; #Sept4

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'City Forum’ going off air after broadcasting for 41 years; "Uncles of Victoria Park" may become history

Sources say that the RTHK programme "City Forum" has been discontinued. The programme is currently on its annual summer break; while it would resume in the second week of September in previous years, RTHK will not be bringing it back this year.

Responding to inquiries, RTHK says that its programming and personnel arrangements are internal matters, and declines to comment. Citing its charter, RTHK emphasizes that it has editorial independence.

City Forum was launched on 13th April, 1980, and had been well received by the public duing its 41-year run. It was usually hosted in Victoria Park, and allows time for attending citizens to take the mic to voice their opinions. Some attendees spoke particularly intensely and had caught the attention of the local press, who affectionately referred to them as "uncles of Victoria Park" and "brothers of Victoria Park".

According to the RTHK website, the programme aims to encourage freedom of speech, reflect public opinion, and provide an open space for citizens to voice their ideas. Topics discussed at the forum covers a wide range of topics in Hong Kong, including livelihood issues, culture, education, finance, the legal system, and many more. The website says that it aims to continue bringing together public opinions "like many streams forming a great river."

#RTHK #CityForum #SpeakersCorner #FreedomOfSpeech

Source: Stand News; #Sept4