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#PoliticalSuppression #WhiteTerror
Public Broadcaster in HK Removes Veteran Journalist and Academic From Shows

After the multiple arrests of media workers and the shutdown of #Apple Daily, the authorities continue to shake up the media industry in Hong Kong.

On June 28, 2021, #RTHK, the public broadcaster funded by the government removed #AllanAu (#AuKaLun), a veteran journalist and university lecturer #LeungKaiChi from a radio programme and a TV show, respectively.

They are both columnists well known for speaking up against injustice and making critical analysis from their professional expertise. They both taught at local universities.

They were notified of the station's decision at the last minute, namely on the same day. For Leung, the entire show he used to host was canceled and replaced by replayed programmes.

Just a week ago, snother RTHK radio host, Tsang Chi-ho, was sacked with immediate effect, despite his popularity in the show "Crazy and Happy". Before that, Tsang used to co-host Headliner, a popular political satire that was axed by RTHK after attacks by the pro-Chins camp.

Au has been a co-host of the current affairs show for 11 years. Au spent the last 20 seconds of the show to say goodbye to his audience. He reiterated that the motto of the phone-in show was to "speak the truth" and hoped everyone would take care.

Source: Stand News #Jun28



#Censorship #PressFreedom #Journalism
#WhiteTerror #Journalism
#RTHK Requires Intern to Declare Allegiance; Students Decline Offer

Source: Stand News #June26

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#WhiteTerror #Journalism
#RTHK Requires Intern to Declare Allegiance; Students Decline Offer

Part 1

Mr. Chan, a third-year journalism student, received an internship offer from RTHK, a public broadcaster in Hong Kong, in May 2021. The internship was supposed to start in mid-June.

However, in early June, Chan received a notice from his teacher that a declaration of allegiance must be signed for the internship to be undertaken at the said station..

Chan originally planed to take the oath, although he has no intention of joining the government after graduation.

Until a few days before his internship started, he leant that Hong Kong and Macao residents are required to declare whether one has ever "sworn or signed a declaration of supporting the Basic Law and allegiance to the Hong Kong and Macao governments" when migrating to Taiwan.

As Chan planned to join an exchange program in Taiwan in September, he worried that the oath would affect his entry.

"Am I actually taking this oath just for a two-month internship?" Chan asked himself.

In the end, he changed his mind and told his teacher that he would give up this internship.

Since his degree program requires students to complete an internship at a news outlet before they graduate, Chan later underwent his training at a radio station.

#RTHK #Internship #DeclarationofAlliegiance

Source: Stand News #June26
#WhiteTerror #Journalism
#RTHK Requires Intern to Declare Allegiance; Students Decline Offer

Source: Stand News #June26

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#WhiteTerror #Journalism
#RTHK Requires Interns to Declare Allegiance; Students Opt to Give up the Offer

Part 1:

Part 2:

Third-year journalism student, Ms Chan, was originally assigned to be an intern at the Journalism Department of the public boradcaster RTHK in Hong Kong in mid-June, 2021.

Chan said she has been listening to RTHK since small, and it was her dream to become a reporter since ten years. Nevertheless, Chan felt distressed about whether she shall sign the declaration of allegiance as required by the station.

Chan believes that undertaking an internship at RTHK is a precious experience. If she gives up the opportunity, her graduation may be delayed.

She thought, "even if I postpone my intern to next year, I am not sure if I can find a news outlet with a conscience to work in."

Neverthelesd, Chan decided to give up her internship at RTHK. "It is not worth signing a risky document just for an internship. I reject the offer. Let's see if there is still space for journalists [to survive] next year. Otherwise, I would rather tske another course." She said, "It is not necessary to become a reporter just because I wanted to. As a result, it would not be a big deal if I don't have an internship with RTHK."

#RTHK #Internship #DeclarationofAlliegiance

Source: Stand News #June26
Former Political Satire Host Leaves Hong Kong for #Taiwan: "Sorry for Not Being Able to Say Goodbye"

Source: Stand News #Jul11

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Former Political Satire Host Leaves Hong Kong for #Taiwan: "Sorry for Not Being Able to Say Goodbye"

On July 11, 2021, Tsang Chi-ho, a radio and TV host who was suddenly sacked by the public broadcaster #RTHK in June 2021, announced on Facebook that he has left Hong Kong for Taiwan. Tsang apologized for not being able to tell and say goodbye to his friends in advance.

Tsang wrote, "I woke up and realised that a 'Hong Kong' that is not Hong Kong anymore." He said he missed his friends a lot.

"In each of our heart, there lie many people, happenings and thousands of words. The path thereafter we will continue to walk," Tsang wrote in his post.

Many netizens left words of encouragement to Tsang: "Safety comes first," "As long as you and your family are well," and "Thank you for what you have done for Hong Kong" among others.

Taiwanese netizens also told Tsang "Welcome to Taiwan".

[Editor's note: #TsangChiHo is one of the hosts of the famous political satire #Headliner produced by RTHK. Under political pressure, the long-running popular program has been suspended. The public broadcaster RTHK termimated Tsang's contract with immediate effect in June 2021, despite the popularity of another radio show he was hosting.]

Source: Stand News #Jul11

#PoliticalSuppression #Exile #Migration
#FreeSpeech #WhiteTerror
RTHK Bans Wordings that Suggest Taiwanese Sovereignty

#RTHK chief Patrick Li issued an internal notice today (July 20) to lay out new wording guidelines for the station's programs when describing #Taiwan, effective immediately.

The notice pointed out that RTHK's mission, as set out by its charter, includes increasing citizens' knowledge of "One Country, Two Systems". Therefore, the station's programs must strictly adhere to this principle with its word choices regarding Taiwan.

Specifically, names and prefixes such as "Republic of Taiwan", "National", "Executive Yuan" must not be used; Taiwan must never be referred as an independent sovereign state. The noticed also listed examples such as using "Taiwan regional leader" instead of "Taiwan president", and "Taiwan authorities" instead of "Taiwanese government".

Source: Stand News #Jul20


#NewSpeak #OneCountryTwoSystems
#PoliceState #Censorship
HK Communications Authority Censors #RTHK News Report, Claiming "#Taiwan is not a country"

Source: Stand News; #Aug19
#PoliceState #Censorship
HK Communications Authority Censors #RTHK News Report, Claiming "#Taiwan is not a country"

On August 19, 2021, the Hong Kong Communications Authority reviewed and substantiated a complaint against the public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). The complaint criticizes the use of the term "nationwide" in a news story about Taiwan.

The story in question was about a by-election held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 2020. The Chinese-language news report said "people can cast their votes at over 1,800 polling stations nationwide."

The Authority in Hong Kong said Taiwan is "not a country" and the by-election was only held in Kaohsiung.

RTHK later corrected its report online and stated that "it is a fact that Taiwan is not a country and hence the use of the term nationwide in the remark is inaccurate."

The Authority asked the station to "observe more closely" the Radio Programme Code.

Source: Stand News; #Aug19

'City Forum’ going off air after broadcasting for 41 years; "Uncles of Victoria Park" may become history

#RTHK #CityForum #SpeakersCorner #FreedomOfSpeech

Source: Stand News; #Sept4

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'City Forum’ going off air after broadcasting for 41 years; "Uncles of Victoria Park" may become history

Sources say that the RTHK programme "City Forum" has been discontinued. The programme is currently on its annual summer break; while it would resume in the second week of September in previous years, RTHK will not be bringing it back this year.

Responding to inquiries, RTHK says that its programming and personnel arrangements are internal matters, and declines to comment. Citing its charter, RTHK emphasizes that it has editorial independence.

City Forum was launched on 13th April, 1980, and had been well received by the public duing its 41-year run. It was usually hosted in Victoria Park, and allows time for attending citizens to take the mic to voice their opinions. Some attendees spoke particularly intensely and had caught the attention of the local press, who affectionately referred to them as "uncles of Victoria Park" and "brothers of Victoria Park".

According to the RTHK website, the programme aims to encourage freedom of speech, reflect public opinion, and provide an open space for citizens to voice their ideas. Topics discussed at the forum covers a wide range of topics in Hong Kong, including livelihood issues, culture, education, finance, the legal system, and many more. The website says that it aims to continue bringing together public opinions "like many streams forming a great river."

#RTHK #CityForum #SpeakersCorner #FreedomOfSpeech

Source: Stand News; #Sept4
Hong Kong Radio host #HughChiverton disappears from airwaves, #RTHK refuses to comment

Source: Hong Kong Free Press #Sept21

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Hong Kong Radio host #HughChiverton disappears from airwaves, #RTHK refuses to comment

//RTHK has refused to comment on the whereabouts of its English-language radio presenter Hugh Chiverton after he disappeared from the airwaves without explanation over two weeks ago.

He last hosted the Backchat morning show on RTHK 3 on September 3. However, the episode remains missing from the online archive.

The topic of the programme was “#CivilSociety” and included former City University academic Joseph Cheng, Dr Lim Tai-wei of the National University of Singapore and Dr Eugene Chan – president of the Association of Hong Kong Professionals and a former RTHK board chairman.

According to a source familiar with the matter, Chiverton “was told he received an instruction that he could no longer host the programme anymore” following the civil society episode.

Chiverton’s disappearance from #Backchat is the latest controversy since a new Director of Broadcasting with no previous media experience took the helm in March. Since then, RTHK has also scrubbed its online archives, purged its Twitter account, launched a chat show hosted by Lam, and issued directives to staff to use Beijing-approved wording.

Lam has also announced a partnership between the broadcaster and Chinese state media CCTV to air more mainland-produced shows to instil a sense of patriotism among Hong Kong viewers...//

Source: Hong Kong Free Press #Sept21

Read full article:

#Censorship #Disappearance
The 10th CUHK News Awards Ceremony was held on Nov 14. However, 2 award-winning news' institutions have closed or changed their tone...

#AppleDaily #HKconnection #NewsAward #RTHK #StandNews #GoHKgraphics
HK public broadcaster removes social media pages of 12 popular programmes

Since one year ago, the Hong Kong public broadcaster #RTHK, with the change of management, has been removing programmes that the authorities deem "sensitive" from its website and restricting quality programmes from enrolling competitions.

On November 27, 2021,the broadcaster sneaked in a notice at the bottom of its website, saying that the station will halt the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages of 12 shows from December 3, 2021 onwards.

The notice, however, didn't give any reasons to the halt.

The programmes affected are:

- This Morning;
- The Pulse;
- LegCo Review;
- Hong Kong Connection;
- This Week;
- Think About Thinking;
- Headliner;
- Hong Kong Stories – A Time to Mend;
- Rich Mate Poor Mate Series 2 and 3;
- Sign Language; and
- Knowledge Zone.

Most of these shows are no longer in production, including the axed popular political satire show Headliner.

While some of these social media pages have been dormant for periods ranging from around two months to more than two years, others have been popular among netizens and followed by many.

The Facebook page of Hong Kong Connection had 360,000 likes and followed by 440,000.

The Facebook page of Headliner had 420,000 likes and followed by 480,000.

The Facebook page of This Week had 340,000 likes and followed by 430,000;

The Facebook page of Think about Thinking had 87,000 likes and followed by 100,000.

Image: Stand News
Source: Citizen News; #Dec2

#MemoryWar #Silence #Censorship #Headliner #HongKongConnection
#NeverForget #AntiELAB
2.5 years after #721YuenLong Mob Attack: Who Owns the Truth Now in 2022 Hong Kong?

Source: RTHK; Stand News

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#NeverForget #AntiELAB
2.5 years after
#721YuenLong Mob Attack: Who Owns the Truth Now in 2022 Hong Kong?

January 21, 2022 is the 2.5-year mark of the 7.21 Yuen Long Mob Attack. On July 21, 2019, pro-democracy protesters, train passengers and pedestrians were indiscriminately attacked by white-clad gangsters in Yuen Long. While the Hong Kong police had allegedly turned a blind eye, the question once posed by #RTHK's news program #HongKongConnection resurfaced: in 2022-Hong Kong, who owns the truth?

Watch RTHK's "7.21 Who Owns the Truth?" (English subtitled), courtesy of Real Hong Kong News:

The news documentary was produced by former RTHK journalist #BaoChoy on the first anniversary of the attack in 2020 and had won accolades including the Press Freedom Award.

Choy examined various video evidence, tracing the attackers to various pro-China groups. She also interviewed one of the victims, who was able to identify his attackers from the surveillance camera footage provided. The victim lamented that he had to identify the suspects before the journalists, since the police did not invite him to take part in any investigation. The victim wonders if the police wanted to investigate at all.

The journalist, moreover, traced the association of some of the attackers to various village representatives in Yuen Long, partly by checking car license plates against the government's vehicle registration database. However, the authorities then arrested and fined Choy for making "false statements" when accessing the public-available database. It was the first time such a charge was laid against journalists using the vehicle database.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association (#HKJA) criticized the move, stating that checking public records had been a common investigative tool in Hong Kong.

In May 2021, RTHK began to take down videos over one year old from their online platforms. This documentary is now no longer available on their official website, as are the programs chronicling the 2019 Anti-ELAB movement.

Meanwhile, the police and state media had made concerted effort to rewrite the Yuen Long attack into a clash between "invading" protesters and those defending Yuen Long. However, another investigative report by Stand News discovered that the alleged call to protest in Yuen Long was likely fabricated, and was ultimately dismissed by discussion forums.

Watch "Tracing the Source - Investigative Report by Stand News" (English subtitled), courtesy of Real Hong Kong News:

After the implementation of the #NationalSecurityLaw, pro-democracy news outlets, like #AppleDaily and #StandNews, have been pressured into shutting down. Their libraries of articles and videos, including interviews and video footage of 7.21 and many other events during the movement, had gone offline. Though netizens scrambled to back up the data, the records made by these news outlets in Hong Kong cannot be easily accessed by the public, and some may possibly be lost forever.

Two and a half years after the attack, Hongkongers today find very little room to publicly remember the events that transpired. Gatherings that merely hinted at support of the movement are suppressed by police wielding both the anti-gathering rules introduced at the start of the pandemic, as well as the #NationalSecurityLaw.

Meanwhile, the deep rift between the police force and the general public as a result of the 7.21 attack had not been healed, as the Force and its supporters cling to their version of events, which are regularly cited by pro-government and pro-China media.

For now, it is up to individual Hongkongers to investigate, record, document and remember the events they have seen, heard, and experienced during the pro-democracy movements.

Source: RTHK; Stand News

Subtitles by Real Hong Kong News

See also:
"Tracing the Source" - 7.21 Yuen Long Attack Investigative Report by Stand News

30 months after, Hongkongers refuse to forget

#Censorship #PressFreedom
Hong Kong Public Broadcaster cuts pro-democracy representation in Advisory Panel overseeing programme quality

A Hong Kong public broadcaster, Radio & Television Hong Kong (#RTHK), announced on May 10 that it is set to streamline its consultation framework.

Under the new framework, the advisory panel on programme standards that comprised several members of pro-democracy parties have ceased operation since April 2022. However, panellists from the pro-establishment camp can be retained.

Although Tik Chi-yuen, a member of the Advisory Panel, told the reporters that he was surprised by the RTHK's action, he defended it and said that it doesn't mean RTHK is not listening to public opinion.

Another member Fung Ying-him, a representative of Our Hong Kong Foundation supporting the new framework, said such an arrangement was "fine", as the Advisory Panel did not have an active role, but only met once a year.

Source: Inmediahk, #May12

#TikChiYuen #FungYingHim
#Censorship #Education
Authorities Remove Teaching Materials on Human Rights and Protesting in Hong Kong

The Education Bureau (#EDB) in Hong Kong has been promoting values education in recent years, and it is rating the "National identity" and "law-abiding" as one of the most important values.

It is also found that some learning and teaching resources under the "Human Rights Education" category have been chopped with the latest website update, including group projects to collect press clippings for demonstrations, studying "why protesters have their demands", etc.

As the 33rd anniversary of the June Fourth Incident approaches, the timing of this update becomes sensitive, though the Education Bureau said yesterday that the recent update "has nothing to do with the June Fourth Incident, so there's no need to make unnecessary speculations".

In the Education Bureau's original framework, students are expected to "respect human rights". These wordings were removed in the pilot version of the "Values Education Curriculum Framework" launched last year.

In addition, the recommendation to students to "cherish freedom and respect the freedom of others" through the #RTHK programme "City Forum" was also removed.

A primary school principal, who did not wish to be named, said she felt helpless about the change in the teaching resources. She said that despite the clear new content, some of the removed items should be available for teaching, but becoming a grey area after the #NationalSecurityLaw came into effect. She worried that teaching such materials might touch on sensitive topics and lead to "consequences".

"For example, teachers should have taught the June 4 incident on June 4, but now they feel that they could no longer teach it under the National Security Law. There's a lot of pressure on the schools and the teachers, that we don't know if anyone would complain about what we teach to the authority," she said.

Source: Mingpao #Jun04

#NSL #Education #June4
