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Same Congee, Same Pickles, Same Pose

Editor’s note: In two different cities facing two different disasters, both man-made to a certain extent, the CCP like to show photos of high officials visiting the venues like a “show” as described by many netizens. This time, the photo distributed has been spotted to be the same one used seven years ago after the earthquake at
Sichuan, which killed more people than it should have due to the unqualified building structures. Comments below the post were teasing the same background, same pose, and same congee, asking how he could eat that bowl of congee for seven years, etc.

From Sichuan to Wuhan, after seven years, PRC's Premier Li Keqiang was seen in a disseminated photo to be eating the same bowl of congee, with the same packet of pickles…

Hongkongers, can you not be touched?

Source: Facebook, Weibo, CNFOL

#LiKeqian #Sichuan #Wuhan
“Serial robbery" in Sichuan (Image source: Pinion screenshot)

Out of control local governments across China grabbing medical supplies from armoured vehicles 5/5

A case of "serial robbery": On 6 February, news about various #Sichuan cities broke out on the Internet. #Jinjiang city government deployed armoured vehicles and more than 30 heavily armed riot police to transfer 300,000 surgical masks from #Bazhong city. On their way to Jinjiang, they were intercepted by dozens of police vehicles of #Mianyang City Public Security Bureau and were forced to leave 200,000 masks.

Source: Vision Times

#MedicalSupplies #OutOfControl

China: Police arrest Christians participating in Zoom Easter worship service

//Christians were participating in a Zoom worship service from their homes on Easter Sunday when six leaders were arrested and detained by the Public Security Bureau. 

//The 5,000-member Sichuan house church, led by pastor Wang Yi, has not been able to gather in person since the communist regime shut down the church in 2018 and arrested their pastor and other leaders. Since then, it has opted to gather online.

//At that time I was also in the Zoom call, but there was a long period of time where I did not hear a thing. I thought it’s the network connection issue at first, but I soon heard a quarrel erupt. Our co-worker Wang Jun was questioning some people, [saying], ‘Who are you to do this [to us]?

//One member’s home had its electricity cut off, while others received phone calls that “police [were] coming to visit them soon

Full Article: The Christian Post, (17-Apr)

#Christian #Church #Zoom #Surveillance #Easter #Sichuan
Wuhan Pneumonia - Tragic Wuhan style lockdown appeared in Sichuan, China; Chinese netizens were shocked: History repeated itself too soon


(14 Dec) Wuhan Pneumonia (also known as COVID-19) spreads further in China and the situation is getting worse (instead of the fake official data by the Chinese government), shown by certain new lockdown policies by various local governments in China prohibiting people leaving their homes. In Sichuan, people in a blocked residential area sang in night together. The video was exposed to internet and many China netizens marvelled "history repeats itself so soon".

According to China Today, the Wuhan Pneumonia returned to Sichuan. In Chengdu, the Capital of Sichuan Province, while a residential area was blocked from any access for quarantine, the people sang loudly at night from their balconies and windows under the shining lights. The most interesting was that, they were singing songs from Taiwan.

After the video was exposed to the internet, many Chinese netizens were surprised such familiar picture happened again so shortly - this was the exact picture in Wuhan, the first place being locked by the CCP in early 2020. At that time, many Wuhan people started by quarantining at home and singing at night, but were eventually found died at their apartments. "The Sichuan is repeating what exactly happened in Wuhan, shortly. History always repeats itself", "it's terrible (just waiting to die like this), this does not even happen in America where hundreds of thousands of people died", "it was really like the screams by ghosts or spirits. To be honest, I’d rather quarantine at home quietly", commented by those netizens.

Source: The Liberty Times

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#WuhanPneumonia #Conorvirus #LockDown #Sichuan #HistoryRepeated