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#PoliticalProsecution #PoliceState
HK Police Raids #AppleDaily Again: 3 Editors and 2 Executives Arrested for Breaching National Security Law

Photo: #FirstHand
Text: RTHK; Stand News; Apple Daily #Jun17

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#PoliticalProsecution #PoliceState
HK Police Raids #AppleDaily Again: 3 Editors and 2 Executives Arrested for Breaching National Security Law

Apple Daily, the only pro-democracy newspaper in print in Hong Kong, has been the target of the national security police since the forced implementation of the national security law in the city in June 2020.

Even though founder #JimmyLai had already been arrested and remains in custody, the Hong Kong police continues to raid the headquarters of the newspaper and its parent company; seizing documents, computers and journalistic materials; and making arrests.

In the raid on June 17, 2021, the police deployed 500 officers and arrested five executives including editor-in-chief #RyanLaw.

The other four are deputy editor #ChanPuiMan, chief executive editor #CheungChiWai, chief executive #NextDigital #CheungKimHung, and the chief operating officer #ChowTatKuen.

Authorities claimed that the newspaper published articles allegedly calling for "foreign sanctions" and had been "colluding with foreign forces", thus has violated the national security law.  

Some of the articles cited date back to 2019, before the law's implementation.  The government had previously promised that the new law would not be applied to offences before the law had come into effect.

Meanwhile, Secretary for Security #JohnLee ordered freezing HK$18 million worth of assets from Apple Daily Limited, Apple Daily Printing Limited and AD Internet Limited, all under Jimmy Lai's Next Digital Limited.  Li openly asked the public and the media to cut ties with the executives of Apple Daily.    

When asked, Li admitted the government's intention to prevent the pro-democracy newspaper from being printed before July 1, 2021, the anniversary of the Hong Kong SAR's establishment, when large-scale protest takes place every year.

Photo: #FirstHand
Text: RTHK; Stand News; Apple Daily #Jun17


#Censorship #WhiteTerror #Intimidation #Smearing #Regime
"We Will Press On": #AppleDaily Prints 500,000 Copies Despite Police Raid

The headline of Apple Daily on June 18, 2021 reads "Let us hang on", a message sent by
#CheungKimHung, the CEO of #NextDigital that owns the pro-democracy newspaper.

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Despite the police raid and the arrest of 5 one day before, the newspaper vowed to its readers that their journalists and editors would carry out their duty continuously and unafraid.The newspaper even increased the prints to 500,000 copies.

"the staff of Apple Daily is standing firm. We will continue to persist as Hongkongers and live up to the expectations so that we have no regrets to our readers and the times we are in."

Source: Stand News; InMedia #Jun17

Read Apple Daily's Letter to the Readers:

#AppleDaily Arrests Make Headlines Across the World: "Blatant Attack on Journalism", "Silencing All Dissent"

Source: BBC; AFP; Associated Press; #Jun17

Image: Stand News

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#NationalSecurityLaw Charges Over #AppleDaily Editors and Executives Raise Concern Over Hongkongers' Situation Across the World

Source: Bloomberg; Reuter; The Guardian; CNN #Jun17

Image: Stand News

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U.S. Bans Seafood From Chinese Fishing Fleet Over Forced Labor and Crew Mistreatment

The Indonesia government last year accused a Chinese fishing company of treating Indonesian fishermen inhumanly, with labors forced to work 18 hours a day, and body of fishermen who die from illnesses are casted overboard into the Pacific Ocean. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced on Friday that it will impose an import ban to the company's seafood, alleging that its fleet of 32 vessels was involved in forced labor, the first time the U.S. imposed such a ban on an entire fleet of vessels.

The Customs and Border Protection said it will immediately detain tuna, swordfish and other products from Dalian Ocean Fishing Co Ltd. The "withhold release order" also ban other end-use products containing seafood from the company, such as canned tuna and pet food.

Source: Stand News #Jun17


#ForcedLabor #CustomsAndBorderProtection #US #China #Indonesia #DalianOceanFishing
#PoliceState #Journalism
#AppleDaily Journalists Confused by Hidden Message Reportedly Sent From the Hong Kong Police with a Book About WWII Spies

Source: Hong Kong Citizen News #Jun17

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#PoliceState #Journalism
#AppleDaily Journalists Confused by Hidden Message Reportedly Sent From the Hong Kong Police with a Book About WWII Spies

On June 17, 2021, the Hong Konv police raided the pro-democracy newspaper #AppleDaily and arrested 3 editors and 2 exeuctives on the charge of #NationalSecurityLaw.

The police stayed in the Next Digital Ltd. building for at least 5 hours and the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force seized a large sum of items, including at least 38 computers that contain news materials.

A reporter recounted that, when he realised the building was being searched at 8 a.m., he took his laptop and worked in another area.

After the building was reopened in the afternoon, some reporters returned to their seats and found their desks in a mess: The police took away both their company’s computers and their hard disks.

Some of them even noticed a book that was originally shelved being placed in a prominent position on the table, after the police raid.

The book is called "Hong Kong Newspaper Company and Spies in the Occupational Period" and is written by Apple Daily’s former editor-in-chief Cheng Ming-yun.

Some journalists questioned whether the police was trying to send a message and criticize them in an obscured way.

However, it remains uncertain whether the police fully understood the content of the book. The book actually “studies how some Hong Kong newspapers appeared to be cooperative toward the authorities, while indirectly resisting the Japanese occupation during the Second World War.

Source: Hong Kong Citizen News #Jun17


#AsiasFinest #SaveAppleDaily #SupportAppleDaily

Related News:

Arrests, National Security Charges and Frozen Assets: Apple Daily Might Shut Down in 5 Days


News Anchor Wishes Hongkongers Safe


Former Staff Bids Farewell to the Newspaper

Chinese Official Media Globally Recruit Reporters and KOLs are “The Media Challengers”

Source: Stand News #Jun17

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Chinese Official Media Globally Recruit Reporters and KOLs are “The Media Challengers”

The Chinese official media CGTN, who has been fined and revoked license by England during the beginning of the year, recently held a “The Media Challengers” program. It is recruiting English-speaking reporters and KOLs. Those selected will receive a $10,000 bonus and get a full or part-time job in CGTN. Besides the Chinese international students, there are also some from Zimbabwe and Zambia. Some British experts believed that local audiences may think that the international community admired CCP if Western social media KOLs announce official Chinese messages on certain issues.

According to the official Weibo of CGTN, “The Media Challengers” is a “Recruitment of Global Host Reporters and KOLs” and is the first global event. It aims to “inject new power into international communication in a media-converged environment”, to recruit host, reporters, DJ and KOLs for English reports and creation. There are no limits for nationality.

Source: Stand News #Jun17


#China #OfficialMedia #KOL #Reporter #MediaChallengers #CGTN #International #CCP #Nationality #Propaganda
NATO Got It Wrong: China Is a Bigger Threat Than Russia

NATO finally addressed China in a half-serious way. The U.S.-led alliance system described the country as a “challenge” in a communiqué. But NATO continues to plod along, way behind the curve. While NATO rightly recognizes Russia as an aggressive threat (the country did invade Ukraine in 2014, and is still there), history’s most powerful democratic alliance system continues to downplay history’s biggest totalitarian threat: China.

Source: The Epoch Times #Jun17


#NATO #China #Russia
Joe Biden questions whether China is sincere for investigating the source of Wuhan Pneumonia, saying that he and Xi know each other but are not “old friends”

Source: Stand News #Jun17

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Joe Biden questions whether China is sincere for investigating the source of Wuhan Pneumonia, saying that he and Xi know each other but are not “old friends”

USA President Joe Biden questions whether China is sincere for investigating the source of Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID-19). He shows that although he and President Xi know each other but they are not “old friends”.

Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia attended the press conference after the Summit. He was asked if he contacts Xi Jinping, the president of The People's Republic of China, demanding President Xi to allow WHO to send people to China to do the traceable investigations. Biden replies, “everyone should make clear that we know each other but we are not old friends, just for business”.

Biden shows his suspects for the sincerity of China to co-operate with WHO. “China works hard to shape that he is a responsible and very visionary country, and keeps on saying how they helps the world in anti-pandemic and vaccination. There’s something which doesn’t need to explain to the whole world, and the whole world will see what the result is naturally. The question is: Does China need to investigate till coming to the bottom?”

Source: Stand News #Jun17


#Joebiden #COVID19 #Xijinping #VladimirPutin #investigations
Newsroom raid has chilling effect on the press in Hong Kong

Brian Stelter speaks with WSJ reporter Elaine Yu about the recent arrests at Apple Daily, a pro-democracy newspaper in Hong Kong. Then he interviews Mark Simon, assistant to Apple Daily chairman Jimmy Lai, who is also behind bars. "Folks, if you don't have a free press, you do not have a free society," Simon says.

Source: CNN #Jun17


#HongKong #Newsroom #AppleDaily #JimmyLai