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#Court #FailedState
Magistrate Reprimands a Young Pro-democracy Protestor as “Criminal”

A 23-year old stage designer was arrested and charged for possessing an offensive weapon in public and attempting to commit arson with intent in a protest-related activity in Tseung Kwan O last October.

He has been detained for 7 months since his arrest. He was released on bail mid May 2020 to take care of his mother who was sick. She passed away a few days later after he was granted bail.

Earlier on, he pled guilty to both charges in the regional court and was handed severe sentence of 4-year imprisonment on June 24.

In her ruling, the magistrate disapproved of the usage of petrol bombs as a legitimate mean to express disagreement. She pointed out that even if the defendant did not intend to harm any police officer, his behaviour did put safety of the officers at risk. She continued saying that his behaviour made him "a 'criminal', not a protester and he should be treated as such.”

Source: Stand News #Jun24
#NeverForget #NeverForgive
Never Forget – Solidarity Among Protesters of All Stripes

Reflecting back on the past year, we truly have gone through each day with a growing heavy feeling. However, Hongkongers always find humour even in the most difficult days, not unlike laughing at a stand-up comedy show, while tears of sorrow stream down our faces.

Last year, on June 30, pro-China citizens rallied near the Government Headquarter in Central and destroyed the Lennon Wall built by and for Anti-ELAB protesters to share their feelings and express their views.

The wall was quickly repaired, and similar walls “blossomed” throughout Hong Kong, covering almost every district.

In the same month, I started to argue with my family due to our polarized political stances. In an attempt to avoid arguments and further conflict, I started to work on Lennon Walls. I walked all over Hong Kong, repairing Lennon Walls in various districts every night till my family members were asleep. I then sneaked back home, often times late in the night, to whatever remaining hours of rest before heading to work in the morning.

Sometimes, I get by with a little help from my friends. Yet, more often than not, I worked on my own.

I have been provoked by the “Blues” (pro-China citizens) for countless of times. Initially, these nuisances came without aggression. For instance, the Blues accused me of being a spy from a foreign country. They also insinuated that I was getting paid for repairing the walls. Other times, they hurled volleys of insults at me and ripped out posters as I was putting them up. In these incidents, I generally ignore them to avoid any escalations.

Of course, some Blues chose to initiate physical attack, where I found it only right and suitable for me to defend myself from getting injured.

Initially, I thought that Lennon Walls were the most peaceful forms to protest. However, my experience proved me wrong.

Lennon Walls have evolved and turned into a part of the battlefield. Frontliners volunteered to form self-defense forces to patrol around Lennon Walls in the different districts.

In later stage, 'sentinel guards' stood alongside us to defend us. Pity these days did not last long. As of now, the only ones daring enough to repair the Lennon Walls, in the face of all the possibly dangers, are the Frontliners.

I have always thought of Lennon Walls as a perfect example of a place where Frontline protesters voluntarily offer protection to the others in need of protection. It embodies the spirit of solidarity, where all of us share the same goal while contributing our different parts to the best of our abilities.

Standing at the forefront of this movement, I understand the importance of having other groups protesters other than the Frontliners, people who willingly fulfill other much needed roles, such as ‘Parent-cars' Drivers offering an evacuation route for protesters and others providing psychological support, general supplies and medical assistance.

While some may have the intention to “fish in troubled water”, those who have made genuine efforts to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Frontliners are truly invaluable.

They are always the first to offer their assistance, and they should be considered as Frontliners of the movement as well.

I hope that all of us will continue to carry on our own roles and responsibilities dutifully in this movement and fight on. The success of this movement is all on us. Let us not point fingers at each other. Let us be undivided. Let us not be misled by those with malice.

Source: Instagram

#Jun24 #PoliceState #FailedState #HKProtest
#Court #Anonymous
Magistrate: Improper to grant anonymous witness to police officer in a bid to safeguard justice in court hearing

A young protester was arrested for assaulting a police officer in Tuen Mun last October. He turned 16 recently, so his case was no longer heard in the Juvenille Court. In the court hearing on June 24, 2020, the prosecution asked for the protection of the police officer’s identity citing the "sensitive work nature" of the police officer by serving in a special tactical squad of the police force as a reason. Revealing his identity in public gallery may jeopardize his work in the future, putting a substantial amount of training investment to waste.

The magistrate, however, considered it improper to put cost-saving measure above justice. The case was adjourned for hearing on June 26, when the ruling of the prosecution’s request for anonymous witness will be announced.

Source: Stand News #Jun24
Government Raise Public Housing Rent Amidst Pandemic

The Housing Authorities announced on June 23 an increase of 9.66% of the public housing rent starting from September.

25 district councillors in Wong Tai Sin formed a coalition in opposition of the raise during economic downturn.

Mok King-chi, the chairperson of the Housing Affair Committee of Wong Tai Sin District Council, condemned the government for targeting the grass-root population and setting a bad model for the rent increase.

"The government claims to be fight the pandemic together with us and made promises to give out relief fund. However, they are raising the rents at the same time."

Mok said that the rent increase will affect over 700,000 households directly, and countless of private tenants indirectly too.

Source: InMedia #Jun24
HK Police Force Amends General Code: Exempts Officers From Showing ID on Duty

Since June last year, police officers have been refusing to show their ID while on official duties. Such practice has been heavily condemned, and it even led to a citizen raising a judicial review earlier, causing the case to be heard in the High Court on Wednesday (June 24).

The lawyer representing the applicant expressed that the Hong Kong Police made changes to the Police General Code since November last year by removing the requirement for police officers to wear warrant cards and display official ID, all without the public's knowledge. The General Code published on the website was the Force's previous revision.

Based on evidence collected by Apple Daily, the police made at least 3 amendments to the General Code.

1. Article 20-03 – police officers are to disclose their ID and rank information to the general public. Requirement was exempted on November 2019.

2. Article 20-14 – Exempted uniform police officers, under certain circumstances, to display their warrant cards. Exemption was extended to cover plainclothed officers in November 2019.

3. A new policy has been put in place, without stating the date that it took effect on, stipulating that even among a group of plainclothed officers, only the most senior in rank is required to display his/her warrant card. The new policy was reportedly a breach of the original requirement stated in 20-14(6).

Source: Apple Daily
#Jun24 #PoliceState #FailedState
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#AppleDaily Staff Hang out the Last Edition of the Newspaper to Sobbing Citizens

After midnight on June 24, 2021, the journalists and the staff of Apple Daily completed the last edition of the 26-year-old newspaper.

The staff went to the gate to thank citizens for their support despite the authorities' suppression. They also gave out free copies of the freshly printed newspaper to the supporters.

The scene was filled with emotions. Some citizens grabbed the last copy ever of the pro-democracy newspaper while breaking into tears.

Source: Stand News #Jun24

#Solidarity #SupportAppleDaily #LastDay
#FirstHand #Jun24
Hongkongers Proudly Hold Onto the City's Last Printed Copy of #AppleDaily

After midnight, the last edition of Hong Kong's pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily has been printed. Fresh from the printer, supporting citizens outside of the newspaper office received a free copy from the staff.

Everyone is emotional, knowing that authorities cannot allow even a newspaper to survive in the city. The closure of Apple Daily signifies the "end of an era", as many said. Seeking and speaking the truth will become more and more difficult in Hong Kong.

On this occasion, Hongkongers also reminded each other to stand strong and never give up--just as one sign reads at the scene: "Preserve your solemnity and integrity; Be self-reliant, Hongkongers".

At around 01:24 on June 24, 2021, police arrived at the scene to ticket media's vehicles and disperse civilians. They were set to cordon off Apple Daily headquarters.

#SupportAppleDaily #Hongkongers #LastDay #NeverForget
#FirstHand #Jun24
Hongkongers Stay Up Overnight to Buy #AppleDaily for One Last Time

At 2am on Jun 24 in Mongkok, newspaper vendors received the second batch of Apple Daily from the printer.

The first batch with 800 copies were sold out immediately. The second batch was increased to 10,000 copies.

As the copies arrived, journalists and civilians rushed to take picture of the last edition of the pro-democracy newspaper in Hong Kong.

This will be the last appearance of the 26-year-old top-selling newspaper.

The authorities have been using different means to stop the truth-seeking newspaper from operating, by charging editors and executives with #NationalSecurityLaw and freezing the assets of the newspaper and three connecting companies.

Many see this as an "end" to press freedom and local culture that Hongkongers have enjoyed.

The headline of the last edition writes: "Hongkongers bid farewell in rain: 'We Support Apple Daily til the End'."

#SupportAppleDaily #LastDay #BeWater #PressFreedom #Hongkongers
#SupportAppleDaily #Hongkongers
#AppleDaily Staff Bow to Thank Fellow Hongkongers for their Support

Before dawn on Thursday, June 24, 2021, the staff of Apple Daily across different news beat stood solemnly at the entrance of this once most popular newspaper outlet in Hong Kong.

They held in their hand the last print run of Apple Daily and took group photos together.

Then, they bowed to thank HongKongers who came to show their support in the rain.

Photo: Oiyan Chan
Source: Stand News #Jun24

#BeWater #Solidarity #LastDay

Related news:

Hongkongers Proudly Hold Onto the City's Last Printed Copy of Apple Daily


Hongkongers Stay Up Overnight to Buy Apple Daily for One Last Time


Hongkongers in Solidarity with Apple Daily journalists: "We'll not give in"

#FirstHand #Jun24
In a quiet night outside the empty #AppleDaily building lie Hongkongers' words of encouragement

Hong Kong's pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily closed down owing to the authorities pressure and the threat of the #NationalSecutityLaw. The last edition of the 26-year-old top-selling newspaper was released on June 24, 2021.

In the evening, outside the now-empty Apple Daily headquarters in Tseung Kwan O, supporting citizens continued to pay tribute to the truth-seeking newspaper, its founder #JimmyLai and its staff.

Letters, memos and drawings composed under the name of #Hongkongers thanked the newspaper for its courage and commitment to uphold journalistic beliefs and diversity in pursuit of the truth.

Citizens also left messages, promising the Apple Daily owner and staff that their effort would not be gone, as the spirit of the pro-democracy newspaper has been seeded in Hongkongers.

Others also wrote that this is not an end and Hongkongers will fight on.

Apple Daily has no means to receive funds and has decided to shut down on June 24, 2021.

Hongkongers Proudly Hold Onto the City's Last Copy of Apple Daily


#AppleDaily #NationalSecurity #JimmyLai #MarkSimon #GoHKgraphics
Closure of Hong Kong’s last pro-democracy newspaper should spur Ottawa to action, critics say

On its final day of publication, the last pro-democracy newspaper in Hong Kong sold every copy in the region within hours Thursday after being forced into closing by Beijing-backed authorities, who arrested a handful of the newspaper’s executives and editors last week while freezing some of its assets.
Hong Kong residents lined up at newsstands to grab a final copy of the one-million circulation Apple Daily, the Associated Press reported. Many say it was the last uninhibited critic of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its Hong Kong affiliates.

Source: The Star #Jun24


#Closure #HongKong #Democracy #Newspaper #Ottawa
Japanese Media Headlines: "Waiting for my friends and Apple Daily to return"

Source: Stand News #Jun24

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Japanese Media Headlines: "Waiting for my friends and Apple Daily to return"

[Editor's note: Kinya Fujimoto, deputy editor of the Sankei Shimbun, is the co-winner of the 2020 Vaughn-Uyeda Memorial Prize in Journalism]

Japanese newspaper #SankeiShimbun covered the shutdown of Hongkong's pro-democracy newspaper #AppleDaily extensively.

On the front page of the newspaper on June 24, 2021, the headlining news article was about Apple Daily and was accompanied by a column titled "Waiting for my friends and Apple Daily to return" in Chinese, penned by #KinyaFujimoto, an award-winning journalist.

The article states that Apple Daily was the only newspaper in Hong Kong that criticized the #CCP. The authorities' suppression of the newspaper leads to its suspension and indicates the loss of press freedom in Hong Kong.

The article also tells the story of #JimmyLai, the founder of #NextMedia. Lai escaped from China to Hong Kong and establish the pro-democracy Apple Daily in 1995.

Journalist Kinya Fujimoto recounted how he met with editor-in-chief #RyanLaw for the first time in June 2021. At the time, Law mentioned the difficulties to obtain a journalist visa in China and the CCP's ban from interviewing senior officials in the Chinese government. Fujimoto replied that Sankei experienced the same, then the two smiled bitterly.

Next to the Fujimoto's article, the main news article was published entitled under the headline "Hong Kong's Apple Daily Discontinues".

Kinya Fujimoto pointed out that the newspaper did not describe Apple Daily as an "obsolete", but a "discontinued publication". He believes, "after going through the dark age, the newspaper Apple Daily would be the one announcing Hong Kong's retribution."

Fujimoto wrote, "Apple fell, but I believe that is not the 'final chapter'".

Source: Stand News #Jun24

#Japan #PressFreedom
How Press Freedom Is Being Eroded in Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s raucous and politically diverse news media, though free from the constraints placed on journalism next door in mainland China, has contended with various threats over the years. But after a draconian national security law went into effect a year ago, those challenges have multiplied dramatically.

The growing pressure on the media was underscored on Wednesday when Apple Daily, a pro-democracy tabloid that is often critical of the Chinese and Hong Kong governments, said it had no choice but to close. The newspaper, which had been one of the most widely read in Hong Kong, is the subject of a national security investigation that has also imprisoned its founder, Jimmy Lai.

Source: NY Times #Jun24


#Press #Freedom #HongKong #AppleDaily #JimmyLai #China
Demonstrations form many countries call for boycotting the Beijing Winter Olympics, Hong Kong Watch Rogers: people can boycott the Winter Olympics and sponsors 

Source: Stand News #Jun24

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Demonstrations form many countries call for boycotting the Beijing Winter Olympics, Hong Kong Watch Rogers: people can boycott the Winter Olympics and sponsors 
Beijing Winter Olympics will be held on February 2022, many groups around the world say that China’s human rights problems are serious, urging the international community to boycott Beijing Winter Olympics. Yesterday (23June) the organisation NoBeijing hold a “Global Day of Action”, the organiser said there were total 53 cities within 24 countries had protests. In London, the founder of Hong Kong Watch Benedict Rogers spoke and stated, people can boycott the Winter Olympics and sponsors.  
The meeting of England is located outside the Prime Minister’s Office, approximately 50 people participated, which included Hongkongers, Tibetans, and Uyghurs. People hold posters such as “China fail human rights” and “Boycott Beijing 2022”, and they also shouted the slogans like “Down Down CCP”, “Free Hong Kong” and “Free Tibet”.  
Source: Stand News #Jun24


#Beijing #WinterOlympics #HongKongWatch #Boycott #NoBeijing #HumanRights #Democracy #London #China #InternationalCommunity  
The farewell ceremony for Apple Daily in a public housing estate

Remember 24 June 2021. On this day the last issue of Apple Daily was printed. It was a murder case announced well in advance.

At noon, we started our search around convenient stores and newsstands from the centre of Sha Tin for Apple Daily but we didn’t manage to find any. When we reached a public housing estate, someone walked towards us with a pile of newspapers. “Where did you buy them?" We asked. “In the market, there are still some." He answered and pointed to the market. We then sped up and upon arrival at the market, all the Apple Daily were just sold out and a notice stating “a total of 5,000 copies of Apple Daily. Thank You." was still there.

Source: Stand News #Jun24


Author: Ah Guo


A Goodbye Letter to Hongkongers by “Apple Daily”

Translated by Guardians of Hong Kong, July 12, 2021January 05, 2022

For the readers and Hongkongers, you encouraged and supported Apple over the past week, asking us to “Persist!” and saying “Hong Kong cannot carry on without Apple!” Here, I apologize for not living up to your expectations. I wish you all safe and well throughout your lives, in the coming days without Apple.

Having too much to say let me tell our story from the start, 26 years ago.

Read the fully translated article here:

Source: The Stand News #Jun24

#Goodbye #Letter #Hongkongers #AppleDaily