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#WhiteTerror #PoliticalProsecution
Arrests, National Security Charges and Frozen Assets: Pro-Democracy #AppleDaily Might Shut Down in 5 Days

At around 15:45 on June 21, 2021 in Hong Kong, the executive board of Apple Daily came to a decision: The city's only Chinese-language pro-democracy newspaper will be shut down. The exact closing date will be announced on Friday, 25 June, 2021, which would possibly be the last operating day of the 26-year-old top selling newspaper. In other words, Saturday, 26 June could be the last time for the newspaper to appear.

The Hong Kong police raided the newspaper office with over 500 officers on June 17, 2021 and arrested 3 editors and 2 executives for "colluding with foreign powers" under #NationalSecurityLaw. Among them, editor-in-chief #RyanLaw and #NextDigital CEO #CheungKimHung were charged with breaching the national security law.

Apple Daily founder #JimmyLai has been arrested and detained since January 2021.

The Hong Kong government has been freezing the assets of Apple Daily and its connecting companies, to block the newspaper's from operating and paying salary. #MarkSimon, an adviser to Jimmy Lai, told Reuters that "vendors tried to put money into our accounts and were rejected".

According to sources, following the decision of the board on June 21, the management of Apple Daily notified all its staff of the possibility of resignation with immediate effect. The newspaper hopes to issue adequate compensation salary to its employees, but it depends whether the government will allow the company to do so. The board has issued a letter to the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government regarding the matter, demanding a reply on Friday, June 25.

The management said they understand the potential risks under the current circumstances and will let their staff to make their own decision. The management thanks their staff for their contribution and professionalism in the newspaper's continuous fight for press freedom.

Source: Apple Daily; Now News; Stand News #Jun21



#PoliceState #NationalSecurityLaw #PressFreedom #HongKongMedia #Journalism #PoliticalSuppression #FrozenAsset #FreeJimmy #SaveAppleDaily #SupportAppleDaily


[June 17, 2021] HK Police Raids Apple Daily Again and Arrests 3 Editors and 2 Executives


"We Will Press On": Apple Daily Prints 500,000 Copies Despite Police Raid


Hongkongers Rush to Support Apple Daily After Midnight


[June 18, 2021] HK Police Charges Apple Daily Editor-in-chief and #NextDigital CEO with #NationalSecurityLaw


[June 21, 2021]
HK’s Pro-democracy Newspaper #AppleDaily to shut within days according to #JimmyLai adviser

#FirstHand #Jun22
Voices are Disappearing in Face of "Stability and Prosperity"

On a street in Hong Kong after midnight on June 22, 2021, a piece of paper lies on the ground and reads "In Face of 'Stability and Prosperity', Voices are Disappearing".

One day ago on June 21, 2021, Hongkongers learnt of the impending closure of the city's pro-democracy newspaper #AppleDaily, after the authorities has detained and charged its editor-in-chief #RyanLaw and #NextDigital CEO #CheungKimHung under the #NationalSecurityLaw, in addition to freezing the assets of Apple Daily and three connecting companies.

The words on this paper speak the mind of many Hongkongers: Authorities allow only one voice and call this "stability and prosperity".

#BeWater #NeverGiveUp #NeverForgive #SaveAppleDaily #SupportAppleDaily

Related News:

[21 June, 2021]
Arrests, National Security Charges and Frozen Assets: Apple Daily Might Shut Down in 5 Days

#SupportAppleDaily #NeverGiveUp
News Anchor Wishes Hongkongers Safe on the Last Night of the #AppleDaily News Broadcast

Source: Stand News; InMedia; Apple Daily #Jun21


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#SupportAppleDaily #NeverGiveUp
News Anchor Wishes Hongkongers Safe on the Last Night of the #AppleDaily News Broadcast

The parent company of the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, #NextDigital, held a board meeting on June 21, 2021 to decide the fate of the newspaper in the face of the Hong Kong government's suppression.

The board past the motion of sending a letter to the Secretary for Security, #JohnLee Ka-chiu to demand a reply on Friday, June 25, 2021--the company asked whether part of the Apple Daily’s funds can be unfrozen for salary payment.

According to sources, many Apple Daily’s employees expect Saturday, June 26, 2021 to be the last publishing day of Apple Daily. There is also sayings that the newsaper could be shut down as soon as on Wednesday.

As for the “21:30 Apple Daily News Broadcast”, it had its last screening on the evening of June 21. The headline inquired the whereabouts of Next Digital.

At the end of the programme, anchor #TseHingYi said that it is a hard way forward and wished everyone safe and sound.

Tse also sent a message to all media workers in Hong Kong, encouraging them to hang on and stand strong.

“Even though our platform is disappearing, Hong Kong journalists will hold onto their posts and defend the truth,” said Tse.

Watch the video here:

Source: Stand News; InMedia; Apple Daily #Jun21


Related News:

Arrests, National Security Charges and Frozen Assets: Apple Daily Might Shut Down in 5 Days


Voices are Disappearing in Face of "Stability and Prosperity"

#PoliceState #Journalism
#AppleDaily Journalists Confused by Hidden Message Reportedly Sent From the Hong Kong Police with a Book About WWII Spies

On June 17, 2021, the Hong Konv police raided the pro-democracy newspaper #AppleDaily and arrested 3 editors and 2 exeuctives on the charge of #NationalSecurityLaw.

The police stayed in the Next Digital Ltd. building for at least 5 hours and the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force seized a large sum of items, including at least 38 computers that contain news materials.

A reporter recounted that, when he realised the building was being searched at 8 a.m., he took his laptop and worked in another area.

After the building was reopened in the afternoon, some reporters returned to their seats and found their desks in a mess: The police took away both their company’s computers and their hard disks.

Some of them even noticed a book that was originally shelved being placed in a prominent position on the table, after the police raid.

The book is called "Hong Kong Newspaper Company and Spies in the Occupational Period" and is written by Apple Daily’s former editor-in-chief Cheng Ming-yun.

Some journalists questioned whether the police was trying to send a message and criticize them in an obscured way.

However, it remains uncertain whether the police fully understood the content of the book. The book actually “studies how some Hong Kong newspapers appeared to be cooperative toward the authorities, while indirectly resisting the Japanese occupation during the Second World War.

Source: Hong Kong Citizen News #Jun17


#AsiasFinest #SaveAppleDaily #SupportAppleDaily

Related News:

Arrests, National Security Charges and Frozen Assets: Apple Daily Might Shut Down in 5 Days


News Anchor Wishes Hongkongers Safe


Former Staff Bids Farewell to the Newspaper

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#Hongkongers #SupportAppleDaily
Supporting Citizens Chant Outside #AppleDaily Office: "Hongkongers, fight on!"

On June 23, 2021, Apple Daily annnounced the printing of its last edition on the next day, due to the government's suppression of the 26-year-old pro-democracy newspaper.

Since the news of Apple Daily's closure was released, Hongkongers travelled to the newspaper office in Tseung Kwan O to pay tribute to the journalists and the staff who have been fighting for press freedom in the city. Some gave flowers to the staff.

The newspaper will print 1 million copies for its last edition.

In the evening, more and more supporting citizens, including parents with kids, gathered outside the premise, filling up the road, despite the rain.

The public chanted, "Support Apple Daily til the end!" and "Hongkongers, fight on!"

The staff of Apple Daily responded by flashing lights from their office. Some bowed to the supporting citizens.

Source: Stand News #Jun23

#FirstHand #Jun23
Hongkongers in Solidarity with #AppleDaily journalists: "We'll not give in"

On the last day of the 26-year-old pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily on June 23, 2021, its staff and journalists carried out their work until the very last minute.

Supporting citizens brought flowers, handwritten signs and letters to the newspaper office, thanking the pro-democracy newspaper for its commitment in seeking truth and safeguarding press freedom in the past 26 years.

On the site, signs that read "I fxxking love Hong Kong", "thank you for your hard work" and "thank you for walking with us" as well as drawings of apple tree were all over the place.

After today, Apple Daily will no longer be printed, but the spirit and the memories of the newspaper will be remembered by many Hongkongers.

As the supporting citizens chanted, "Hongkongers, fight on" and "we will not back down" despite the increasing political suppression by authorities.

#SupportAppleDaily #Solidarity #Hongkongers #FightforFreedom
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#AppleDaily Staff Hang out the Last Edition of the Newspaper to Sobbing Citizens

After midnight on June 24, 2021, the journalists and the staff of Apple Daily completed the last edition of the 26-year-old newspaper.

The staff went to the gate to thank citizens for their support despite the authorities' suppression. They also gave out free copies of the freshly printed newspaper to the supporters.

The scene was filled with emotions. Some citizens grabbed the last copy ever of the pro-democracy newspaper while breaking into tears.

Source: Stand News #Jun24

#Solidarity #SupportAppleDaily #LastDay
#FirstHand #Jun24
Hongkongers Proudly Hold Onto the City's Last Printed Copy of #AppleDaily

After midnight, the last edition of Hong Kong's pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily has been printed. Fresh from the printer, supporting citizens outside of the newspaper office received a free copy from the staff.

Everyone is emotional, knowing that authorities cannot allow even a newspaper to survive in the city. The closure of Apple Daily signifies the "end of an era", as many said. Seeking and speaking the truth will become more and more difficult in Hong Kong.

On this occasion, Hongkongers also reminded each other to stand strong and never give up--just as one sign reads at the scene: "Preserve your solemnity and integrity; Be self-reliant, Hongkongers".

At around 01:24 on June 24, 2021, police arrived at the scene to ticket media's vehicles and disperse civilians. They were set to cordon off Apple Daily headquarters.

#SupportAppleDaily #Hongkongers #LastDay #NeverForget
#FirstHand #Jun24
Hongkongers Stay Up Overnight to Buy #AppleDaily for One Last Time

At 2am on Jun 24 in Mongkok, newspaper vendors received the second batch of Apple Daily from the printer.

The first batch with 800 copies were sold out immediately. The second batch was increased to 10,000 copies.

As the copies arrived, journalists and civilians rushed to take picture of the last edition of the pro-democracy newspaper in Hong Kong.

This will be the last appearance of the 26-year-old top-selling newspaper.

The authorities have been using different means to stop the truth-seeking newspaper from operating, by charging editors and executives with #NationalSecurityLaw and freezing the assets of the newspaper and three connecting companies.

Many see this as an "end" to press freedom and local culture that Hongkongers have enjoyed.

The headline of the last edition writes: "Hongkongers bid farewell in rain: 'We Support Apple Daily til the End'."

#SupportAppleDaily #LastDay #BeWater #PressFreedom #Hongkongers
#SupportAppleDaily #Hongkongers
#AppleDaily Staff Bow to Thank Fellow Hongkongers for their Support

Before dawn on Thursday, June 24, 2021, the staff of Apple Daily across different news beat stood solemnly at the entrance of this once most popular newspaper outlet in Hong Kong.

They held in their hand the last print run of Apple Daily and took group photos together.

Then, they bowed to thank HongKongers who came to show their support in the rain.

Photo: Oiyan Chan
Source: Stand News #Jun24

#BeWater #Solidarity #LastDay

Related news:

Hongkongers Proudly Hold Onto the City's Last Printed Copy of Apple Daily


Hongkongers Stay Up Overnight to Buy Apple Daily for One Last Time


Hongkongers in Solidarity with Apple Daily journalists: "We'll not give in"

#LastDay #SupportAppleDaily
#AppleDaily journalists go to work as usual: "Losing job is not as scary as forfeiting integrity."

Source: Stand News #Jun23

Read more: ⬇️⬇️
#LastDay #SupportAppleDaily
#AppleDaily journalists go to work as usual: "Losing job is not as scary as forfeiting integrity."

Facing the cease of publication, staff of the Apple Daily was seen taking shuttle buses back to the Next Digital building since this afternoon (Jun 23). Some said they came back to say goodbyes, some came back for their personal belongings. Emily, a journalist, said, ‘losing a job is not as scary as forfeiting integrity’. It is believed that regardless of location, Apple Daily staff will hold tightly onto the paper’s value: never sell your soul for personal gain.

Emily brought cakes and cards back to the complex, planning on saying goodbye with her fellows. She especially mentioned an Assignment Editor, who ‘insists on staying until the very last moment’, and whom they ‘come back today to support’. She exclaimed that with the political pressure asserted on the paper, they could only fight until the very last moment. But she also thought that being able to witness the last paper publishing was still a nice way to put an end to the era.

Emily agreed that publishing the last paper tonight was the right call. ’Every extra second of Next Media’s survival adds danger to everyone in the company... No one wants to see any more people getting arrested.’ Yet, she also worried that ‘from now on it is the beginning of hardship,’ and that she hoped ‘other medium can survive as long as they can’.

Continue reading: ⬇️⬇️
#LastDay #SupportAppleDaily
#AppleDaily journalists go to work as usual: "Losing job is not as scary as forfeiting integrity." (2)

Read above: ⬆️⬆️

Another journalist Mr Yu said, ever since the 5 management personnel were arrested and Apple Daily’s assets were frozen, he knew he might not be able to work in this company in the near future. So when he was told Apple Daily would stop functioning through messages, it was not ‘hard to digest’ nor ‘surprising’.

He said originally he needed to go back to work, and he planned on packing his personal belongings after work. "It is anticipated that I can’t come back here after today… after all there are potential risks coming back.’ He added, ‘I don’t know what to do in the future, there are so many changes in the world every hour, there is no guarantee if I can still write articles after leaving.’

Sources: Stand News #Jun23
#Solidarity #Hongkongers #FightforFreedom
#FirstHand #Jun24
In a quiet night outside the empty #AppleDaily building lie Hongkongers' words of encouragement

Hong Kong's pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily closed down owing to the authorities pressure and the threat of the #NationalSecutityLaw. The last edition of the 26-year-old top-selling newspaper was released on June 24, 2021.

In the evening, outside the now-empty Apple Daily headquarters in Tseung Kwan O, supporting citizens continued to pay tribute to the truth-seeking newspaper, its founder #JimmyLai and its staff.

Letters, memos and drawings composed under the name of #Hongkongers thanked the newspaper for its courage and commitment to uphold journalistic beliefs and diversity in pursuit of the truth.

Citizens also left messages, promising the Apple Daily owner and staff that their effort would not be gone, as the spirit of the pro-democracy newspaper has been seeded in Hongkongers.

Others also wrote that this is not an end and Hongkongers will fight on.

#SupportAppleDaily #GlobalSupport
#ReportersWithoutBorders protests #AppleDaily closure at Chinese embassies in Paris and Berlin

Text: Deutsche Welle #Jun25

Photos: Reporters Without Borders

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#SupportAppleDaily #GlobalSupport
#ReportersWithoutBorders protests #AppleDaily closure at Chinese embassies in Paris and Berlin

The press freedom advocacy group Reporters Without Borders (#RSF) marched through the streets of Paris and Berlin on June 25, 2021.

They protested the closure of the Hong Kong's pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, after Hong Kong's Beijing-backed authorities froze the paper's assets and arrested several executives.

The NGO said on their website that they held "funeral-style processions" to denounce the "killing" of Apple Daily by the Hong Kong government, and to "raise alarm of the threats" posed by the Beijing regime to press freedom globally.

In Paris, RSF placed a coffin and funeral flowers for the Hong Kong paper in front of the #ChineseEmbassy. At the same time, they buried copies of the newspaper in front of the embassy in Berlin.

RSF Secretary-General Christophe Deloire said, "today's funeral is for Apple Daily, but tomorrow's may be for press freedom in China. It's time for the international community to act in line with their own values and obligations and defend what's left of the ,free press in Hong Kong before China's model of information control claims another victim."

Text: Deutsche Welle #Jun25

Photos: Reporters Without Borders

#Paris #Berlin #Protests #NGO #Funeral
#PoliceState #PoliticalProsecution
HK Police Arrests More #AppleDaily Editors

On the evening of June 27, 2021, Hong Kong Police arrested one more editor who used to write in the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily.

#FungWaiKong, aged 57, was the editor-in-chief of the English news of Apple Daily and a columnist for the Chinese-language edition under thd pen name Lo Fung.

The police accused of him "conspiring to collude with foreign countries or foreign forces to endanger national security". The arrest was made at the airport.

Fung Wai-kong is the seventh employee of the now-closed Apple Daily who was arrested under #NationalSecurityLaw. The founder #JimmyLai, a pro-democracy media tycoon, has been jailed since Janurary 2021.

The 26-year-old Apple Daily was forced to shut down on June 23, 2021 after the police raided the headquarters, arrested 3 editors and 2 executives, and froze the key assets and bank accounts of the newspaper. On the day when the last edition was announced, police arrested one more new commentator.

The Hong Kong Journalists' Association (#HKJA) condemned the police for targeting journalists.

Source: Stand News #Jun27

#Journalism #PressFreedom #SupportAppleDaily #PoliticalPrisoner

Related news:

Hongkongers Stay Up Overnight to Buy Apple Daily for One Last Time

#Art #SupportAppleDaily
"Who will be next?"

Source: Ar To

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#Art #SupportAppleDaily
"Who will be next?"

While Apple Daily is being forced into closing after the Hong Kong Police froze its assets, the pro-Beijing camp had been cheering on its demise.

However, on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, pro-Beijing trade union president Ng Chau-pei unexpectedly lashed out against several other news companies, including HK01 and i-Cable, calling them "anti-China and troublemakers in Hong Kong" at heart. He predicted that they, too, will be "ruined by their own hands in the end."

Webcomic artist Ah To is not surprised that these companies, normally considered neutral or pro-Beijing-leaning, would be targeted by the China so soon.

In this comic, he depicts HK01, Oriental Daily, and Sing Tao Daily gleefully watching an "evil media" being "rectified" by police. However, they each begin to break a cold sweat as the gaze of the national security authorities turn upon them, the remnants of the once freely-speaking Hong Kong media.

Ar To

Headline News: https://bit.ly/2T8kmNl