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Zhong Nanshan was Freudian slip to tell that there were a few SARS cases in past 17 years. According to the CDC in the US, there has been no more new case since 2004 — how many SARS cases did CCP conceal?

Image (CCTV interview):
CCTV Reporter: Will it be possible that the new coronavirus is like flu to exist in the long term?
Zhong Nanshan: In the past 17 years, some cases of SARS were found, but it didn’t widespread. Will COVID-19 exist in long term but just not break out? May be. The Control of outbreak is critical. I don’t think it will be like flu. Flu happens every year. This possibility is quite low.

Source: Facebook

#ZhongNanshan #SARS #CCP

Zhong Nanshan leads medical personnel in simplified procedures for "Expedited Entry into the CCP"
Scholar: To strengthen CCP's appearance in fighting the epidemic

(3 Mar) “I volunteer to join the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I am ready to sacrifice myself for the party and the people, and will never betray the party. " On Monday afternoon, Zhong Nanshan - the head of the National Health Commission's team of experts - led the expedited oath-taking of Hubei frontline doctors and nurses to join CCP. The event was broadcast to Guangdong and Hubei on the internet.

At the same time, a group of senior party members from Tongji Hospital also granted "Expedited Entry into the CCP" to five female frontline nurses. Xinhua News Agency specifically mentioned that the five women who volunteered to join the CCP on the eve of International Women's Day (8 Mar) were outstanding role models and angels in white.

The purpose of "Expedited Entry into the CCP" is to simplify the procedure for membership in unusual situations such as during the war. The person is first sworn in to become a preliminary member. After completing their mission, the party will investigate them before becoming an official member.

Apart from swearing in new members, Xi Jinping and seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee took the lead in making donations last week. CCTV reported last Monday that the action received widespread support among party members. Every department and unit of the country "organised voluntary donations by CCP members and showed their care".

The press in the mainland has shone limelight on CCP members' achievements against the epidemic. A scholar believes this is propaganda that uses the image of frontline heroes to strengthen the CCP's appearance of fighting the epidemic. "Zhong Nanshan is a renowned scientist, a hero of the people. Casting him as a party member fighting in the frontlines seeks to weaken his neutral image from the past two months, even the past 17 years. His public image is diminished and replaced by the CCP. The leadership role of the CCP takes centre stage in the fight against the epidemic."

Source: i-Cable News

#ChinesePropaganda #CCP #WuhanPneumonia #ZhongNanshan
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine to Combat the Epidemic

(13 Mar) Online news circulated in mainland China of Dr Zhong Nanshan's dismissal from leading the national task force combatting the Wuhan pneumonia. The official reason for his dismissal is unknown. There is online speculation that Zhong resisted Chinese President Xi Jinping's mandate to use "Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to combat the epidemic" and that he stubbornly adhered to Western medicine principles. This led to dissatisfaction within the Chinese medicine industry and complaints to President Xi.

//Zhong had previously spared no efforts to serve his country, declaring "the virus' discovery in China did not necessitate its origin in China". Deliberately left blank, Chinese netizens understood the declaration as "the virus is a biological weapon from an American lab". After completing this mission of foreign declaration for China, Zhong retired. In fact, because of the paranoia triggered, the US government felt slandered. He is no longer able to apply for an American visitor visa, a huge sacrifice on his part.//

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

Further reading:
China Accuses US of the Source of Wuhan Pneumonia
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits"

#ChineseMedicine #Xi #ZhongNanshan #VirusOrigin #ChinesePropaganda #Censorship #Coronavirus

Zhong Nanshan deduces that China does not have a large number of "asymptomatic carriers"

(29 Mar) Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health and Medical Commission, deduces that China does not yet have a large number of "asymptomatic carriers" of the new coronavirus. Mainland media quoted Zhong Nanshan’s speech, saying that the understanding of the situation of "asymptomatic infected persons" in China is currently limited, with neither specific figures nor detailed research. But based on known facts, some deductions can be drawn. For example, in general, the infection rate of people with asymptomatic infection to those who are in close contact with them is high. However, the number of newly diagnosed cases in China has not increased recently, but has been declining. It shows that the number of asymptomatic infected persons" in China is limited.

Source: RTHK

#ZhongNanshan #Coronavirus #China #AsymptomaticCarrier
Biased belief in CCP hurts the world: WHO is the accomplice 3/7

Secondly, in terms of severity of the epidemics, WHO did not hesitate to adopt the figures published by CCP even the situation of the contagion in China has long suggested that CCP’s figures are unreliable. Anybody who studies about China should know that it is necessary to hold reservation about official figures published by CCP, to take a grain of salt. It is a common sense that CCP overstates the good aspects and understate the problems. Throughout the contagion, even laymen can notice that the official figures of confirmed cases are snakes dancing according to the tunes with the Party’s needs. Almost everyone is acting in concert for reporting ‘zero out’ suddenly. Obviously because the Party demands “zero” case, everyone at everywhere will cover up new cases to meet the target. Eventually, State Council Premier Li Keqiang had to make a speech to forbid lies to achieve ‘zero clear out’ on 25 March. (Note 2). Since the virus ‘obeys’ the commands of the Party, obviously the official infection figures will rise and fall from time to time to fit the agenda. How can WHO take in CCP’s data on face values? At least there should be “BUT” and inclusion of opposing views to query CCP’s definition and criteria of ‘confirmed cases’ of virus infection.

We know that in just short period of two months’ time (between 1 Jan to 3 March), PRC National Public Health Commission has promulgated seven versions of "New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Trial Version 7)". In every round of amendment, the clinical and pathological definition of "confirmed diagnosis" had been played around. Zhong Nanshan emphasised that there must be a unified indicator to facilitate universal understanding of new cases around the world. China’s act opens up the possibility of falsification of numbers and records (even if it is not a deliberate falsification, at least the figures and records unreliable). Another indictor is that Tencent's real-time data system about the epidemics recorded three extraordinary large numbers. It was suspected that someone intentionally leaked the truth. Although Tencent officially denies the possibility, there is no way to dispel the doubt because the official mortality figures are far below the actual number of urns ordered by the funeral homes.

Source: HKCNews
#WHO #CCP #Pandemic #ZeroCase #Tencent #ZhongNanshan
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Regional manager of China's leading medical testing agent KingMed Diagnostics detained, suspected of spreading COVID-19

A regional manager of Zhengzhou KingMed Clinical Laboratory Center, China's leading virus testing agent, was arrested for allegedly spreading COVID-19. The company has suspended nucleic acid testing in Xuchang City, Henan, but its ties to Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering is a concern.

On January 12, the Xuchang Public Security Bureau issued a notice, accusing the regional manager, surnamed Zhang, of the Zhengzhou company, a subsidiary of Guangzhou-based KingMed Diagnostics Group, of spreading COVID-19 or posing a serious risk of transmission. It also said that the Yuzhou (a county-level city in Henan) Public Security Bureau had opened a case against Zhang on suspicion of a criminal offence, and had taken "compulsory measures".

The news spread widely on the Chinese internet, with some netizens suspecting that Zhang had deliberately "spread the virus on purpose" to secure a large testing contract for the company. Some netizens also pointed out that the parent company KingMed Diagnostics Group is originated from a company set up by Guangzhou Medical University and has close ties with Zhong Nanshan.

Source: RFI #Jan13


#China #Zhengzhou #KingMedDiagnosticsGroup #ZhongNanshan #GuangzhouMedicalUniversity #COVID19