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#Letter #HongkongersVoices
An Open Letter From Hongkongers to the Free World Circulating on the Internet

"To our friends of the free world,

You should have known from the news that freedom and the rule of law of Hong Kong has being severely marred by the Chinese government. The ‘One Country, Two System’, which China pledged to remain unchanged for 50 years, has now been declared bankrupt in less than half of the time (23years). The fact speaks for itself. Xi Jinping’s government is a dishonest and ambitious regime. Controlling HK is but its first stepping stone, with it they will export the China Model. Strengthening its grip on international society is its ultimate goal.

At the outbreak of COVID-19, the Xi government intentionally covered up information on the plague, which in turn put citizens of globe under direct threat of the pandemic, plunged national economies into recession. Not only did Xi Jinping shrugged off their responsibility of covering up the epidemic, he grabbed the opportunity to conduct ‘diplomacy of generosity’, making use of his economic advantages to bride other countries. His goal is not to take up responsibility as a great nation, but to deepen other nations’ economic dependency on China, in order to control local government and citizens.

Numerous experts in politics have warned many times, while other countries are troubled by the pandemic, China start ‘War Wolf Diplomacy’, expanding its military and economic power, making itself a hegemony of the world. We believe more and more countries have observed China’s imperialist intent. So-called ‘peaceful rise’ is purely a lie. It is only for superficial friendship and interests, there have not yet been sanctions against China. However, once Hong Kong has fallen, China will be more arrogant, and its ambition closer to achieve. The free world will be under unprecedented threat.

As an international centre, HK is the prime place for RMB financing. The import and export of Chinese capitals, companies going public, largely rely on HK. Once China put the centre under arbitrary and rude control, its ambition - exporting ideology and controlling other economies through ‘economic violence’ - will be readily realized.

To stop Xi’s next step, we urge other countries to make cautious prevention. HK is the first fortress standing on the frontier of the world that values freedom and democracy. HK people aspire to freedom and democracy. We has fought for 23 years. China government, not only has it never honoured its promise to realize democracy in HK, it now is going to take away the remaining freedom and just laws with force, with brutal violence towards HK citizens and kids.

The threat from China is blatantly obvious. HK people are not to be slaves, because we believe in the values of freedom and democracy, like all citizens of the free world. The free world should connect and fight alongside HK people. To defend the value of HK is to defend the value of the free world.

Today, facing brutal violence of the authoritarian state, in front of bullets, HK people still go to streets to show our will. Our courage stems from our firm belief in freedom and democracy. HK people need help from the free world. We will not surrender, because, like you, we believe in the ultimate triumph of freedom and democracy."

Source: https://bit.ly/2WVBzbM

#StandwithHongKong #FightforFreedom #HongKongProtests #NationalSecurityLaw
#China #CCP
#HongkongersVoices #May27 #HongKongChronicles

"Today is the day that determines Hong Kong’s fate.

It is a day that we wish we didn’t have to prepare for, but we are ready for it nonetheless. If a single moment can change the course of history, why not this moment?

6.12. 6.16. 7.21. 8.31.
These moments defined us.

10.1. 11.8. 11.12. 11.18.
These moments refined us.

This moment will prove our strength, our integrity, and our ability to ceaselessly demand what is rightfully ours.

With our faith we steadfastly march on, though stars may fade and darkness may surround us.

But we must remember that the night appears darkest before the dawn, and like the dawn, we too will rise.

No matter our position or our abilities, we are all guardians of Hong Kong. And we will protect Her until our very last breath.

光復香港 時代革命"

Photo taken in Hong Kong on #July1 2019

Photo: Kenji Wong #May21
#HongKongersVoices #Students
The Worst Time to be a Sixth Former

The days spent preparing for public exams are one of the few things that resonate among almost all Hongkongers.

The memories of youth are shared by all - photocopying past exam papers? Should I make my own commemorative book or buy one? What song should I pick for my final singing contest? Where will our prom be held? Shall I study at McDonald's or Starbucks?

For Form 6 students (this year, future recollections of these days will be drastically different. Their frustrations instead are - what route to choose when forming human chains? What activities to organise for the student strike? If you skip school for protests, how many days' absence could you take before being expelled? Still studying at McDonald's? Starbucks? No thanks.

Nok, an active frontliner in the Anti-Extradition Movement and a DSE candidate, has been absent from school for many days. In his interview, he sighed, "I was never really present so I don't have any particularly cherished memories of life in Form 6."

The trials of our time* keep coming. This group of "chosen kids" will not have a chance to properly say farewell to their schools. As nine months of flames and smoke dispersed somewhat, the storm of Wuhan pneumonia drew near. Even the long-anticipated last day had to be cancelled.

As the oldest among the "kids", they stand on the precipice of youth. After going through the public exams, they would either become "chosen ones" or "eliminated adults". Even though social movements do not exclude people, the examination system does.

This year, the DSE was postponed and the study period longer than in past years. During this time, Stand News interviewed ten of this year's candidates with a commitment to the Anti-Extradition Movement to understand their emotions surrounding the past nine months. When the flames and smoke settled, some tried to sort out their emotions and focus on studying. Some were injured by police brutality. Left with psychological trauma, some decided to abandon the exam and recuperate overseas. Others were arrested during protests and are still in custody. They may be taking their exam in jail. Still others were exiled to Taiwan. Not only did they have to abandon the public exam, but they also had to leave Hong Kong.

Before these Form 6 students charge into their next battlefield in life, we documented their hopes and memories.

Editor's Note:
* The context here refers to "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Time".

Source: The Stand News, 2020

#Youth #DSE #PoliceBrutality
Photographer Kenji Wong : "Tear gas fighters" changed my career aspiration

The following is from Kenji Wong:

On June 12 of 2019, I saw Hong Kong clouded in tear gas again after five years. This time, I saw a group of self-initiated "tear gas fighters" running towards the canisters to put them off. At that moment, I asked myself whether I should quit my job and devote the whole of myself to record the happenings of this movement, anticipating chaos and turbulence on the way.

At that time, of course, I didn't expect the movement to evolve to such a terrible situation. Nonetheless, one thing remains the same – there are a great many "tear gas fighters" in the city from all walks of life, and they are doing their utmost to make a change.

Nobody can predict what can be changed. Yet, at the very least, these "tear gas fighters" has changed the career aspiration of my life, bringing me to this job position in reporting. I know there are many things to be changed for improvement. I am glad that I can work alongside like-minded companions.

I've been happy coming along with you this last year.

Editor's note: Kenji Wong is a renowned designer in Hong Kong known for reflecting social issues through multi-media art presentations such as behavioral, video, photography and installation.

Source: Kenji Wong's Facebook

#Jun12 #NeverForget612 #HongKongProtest
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#HongkongersVoices #GoHKVideo #PressFreedom #4thEstate #Solidarity
Duty to the Truth

We are the journalists
Brave and fearless
Vowing to seek the truth

Don't take us lightly

Faced with police brutality
Our safety is threatened
Our dignity is stripped from us

Still, we must
Defend press freedom

Fight for Hong Kong till the end






為香港發聲 直到最後

#PoliceState #1C1S #NationalSecurityLaw #NeverForget #NeverForgive
Media is too big
#GoHKInterview #30Aug2020
Civilian in Hong Kong: “It is Now a Fascist Society. If the Government Doesn’t Mess With You Today, They Will the Next Day”

The following is a #FirstHand interview conducted by #GoHK  with a civilian in Hong Kong near Prince Edward Station at around 20:30 on 30 August 2020.

In the face of injustice, the encroachment of rights and police brutality, the civilian calls for Hongkongers to stand in unity to fight against the corrupt police and the authoritarian government.

Read the full transcript here:


#Fascism #Authoritarianism #HongkongersVoices #FailedState #PrinceEdward831

Further Reading:

One young man arrested by police while 3 others have "gone missing", reporters witnessed

#CUHK Graduates Remind Hongkongers with Actions: Never Give Up and Never Forget the Fight for Democracy

Source: InMedia #Nov19

Read more
"Free All Political Prisoners": #Banners Appear on Hong Kong Mountain

Two banners with the words “Free all political prisoners” in Chinese and English were spotted hanging over a mountain in Tsz Wan Shan, Hong Kong on 23 Jan 2021.

Source: Apple News #Jan23

#PoliceState #Authoritarianism
Hong Kong mass arrest: Proud to sacrifice my future for Hong Kong, said Activist Ventus Lau

On Feb 28, 2021, Hong Konh pro-democracy activist #VentusLau reported to the police station in the afternoon, and spoke to reporters before entering the station.

Lau said that on this day 5 years ago, localist and pro-democracy activist #EdwardLeung Tin-kei received 66,000 votes during the 2016 New Territories East Legislative Council by-election, establishing a place for localists in the city's political spectrum.

During an interview, Leung, now in prison, said that the reason he did not leave Hong Kong was to show Hongkongers that someone is still willing to sacrifice his future for Hong Kong. Lau felt honoured that he could become that “someone” as well.

Lau criticised the Hong Kong SAR government’s arrest of the dozens of activists, calling it naive to assume that this would bring an end to the democracy movement in Hong Kong. He believed Hongkongers will prove the government wrong. He urged Hongkongers to keep the faith, and turn their anger into their strength, so that he could witness the day when everyone could finally meet each other outside of Legco - alluding to the pledge of protesters to finally meet again in victory one day.

Before heading into the police station, Lau said, “Don’t forget to include me in the crowd count in the next rally or assembly”.

District Councillor #FergusLeung, who also reported to the police station on the same day, expected that he would very likely be accused and no bail would be granted, and he felt sad to leave behind everyone and everything around him. However, he still hoped Hongkongers would understand that today is not the end of Hong Kong’s democracy movement. Whether it ends now or not is all up to Hongkongers. He did not regret his decision, and said that Hong Kong's democracy movement is a long battle, ad hope Hongkongers can stand firm in these difficult times.

Source: In Media #Feb28

#HongkongersVoices #MassArrest #AuthoritarianRegime #PoliticalOppression #PrimaryElection

Read more:

Hong Kong Pro-democracy Activist #LesterShum: We've Decided to Not Surrender to the Authoritarian Regime and We'll Continue with this Road

#FirstHand #Mar1 #GoHKInterview
Pro-democracy Activist
#FigoChan: I Am Sure We Won't Give Up

Watch Video:

Figo Chan (陳皓桓), activist and convener of the organization Civil Human Rights Front (#CHRF), spoke to our reporter on March 1, 2021 outside West Kowloon magistrates court regarding the hearing of 47 pro-democracy candidates.

The group was charged with "conspiracy to commit subversion" under the #NationalSecurityLaw. The court is currently in session and Figo Chan believes that “it will take a long time since there are quite a number of accused, if each of their lawyers shall speak, it will definitely take until the afternoon.”

Chan said that “I am sure the supporters who are queueing in front of the court right now and those who are not here at the moment will not give up. I hope that we will all continue to persist and speak out."

He added, "Even though the government has restricted us from going on protests and rallies, we still found a way to queue up and vocally support those inside; the government has stopped us from voting, yet we found a way to “vote” with our presence by coming out here.”

“I believe those in court, in jail and those who might be charged and sentenced in the future will persist, so we shouldn’t give up on hope, I am sure it will be okay if we all stand strong on what we believe.”

When asked about his thoughts on whether the accused may be granted bail, Chan replied saying that “I really don’t know how to evaluate the situation right now since Hong Kong has become so absurd. Even organizing an unofficial primary poll can be considered to be a conspiracy to commit subversion, and it seems that the chances of them being granted bail are slim."

"I know that the world can get more and more absurd each day , but as long as we, the people, remain logical and stand strong on what we believe is right, I think it will be okay.”

Chan was also asked whether he has anything he would like to say to Hong Kong supporters overseas. “I know that the Hong Kong citizens who have moved abroad and the overseas supporters must be feeling very powerless and hopeless right now. They must be sad because of how their home has become."

"But I want to emphasize that there are still a lot of people in Hong Kong who are still persisting on, many of us who are still here haven't given up yet. It doesn’t matter where you are, as long as we all continue to speak out for freedom and democracy, we will be able to get the democracy we fight for."

"If we can speak out for the citizens in Myanmar, in turn, those in other countries can definitely support those in Hong Kong. So I believe we must all stand strong, persist, and never give up,” said Figo Chan.

Source: First Hand

More first-hand interview of the day:

"Jail First, Trial Later": Ex-Lawmaker Lee Cheuk-yan in Hong Kong Blasts National Security Trial for Lack of Due Process


#Interview #Court #PoliticalPersecution #NeverGiveUp #HongkongersVoices #StandWithHongKong #StandwithMyanmar