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#video #Dec15 #PoliceBrutality #FreedomOfPress #HumanRights #FirstAiders
1620 | New Town Plaza, Shatin
Severe conflicts escalated as 50 riot police entered the scene aiming to subdue the protestors. 5 riot police officers subdued a man and two women, beating them three up. First Aiders surged forward trying to help, along with journalists trying to get a better picture. Both were pushed back by the police, who eventually escorted the arrestees away. In the meantime, clashes continued with officers using pepper spray or threatening angry pedestrians with batons, who chanted “corrupt cops” back.

Source: Internet #15Dec
Exhausted First-aiders Stood by to Ensure Everyone was Safe

"Christmas Shopping with You" was held in Harbour City on December 21, which was followed by mass searching and arrests by riot police, leading to injuries to staff and tourists alike.

Even though most people had left by 9pm, voluntary first-aiders did not go away but chose to stand by. Lonely and tired they stood, yet steadfast their faith remained. They are never born to suffer such exhaustion, but they still hold their ground. They are true guardians of Hong Kong.

Source: HKBU SU Editoral Board #21Dec #FirstAiders
Proven by OHCHR: Hong Kong Healthcare Workers Subjected to Intimidation, Assaults and Arrests during Civil-Rights Movement

#FirstAiders #PoliceState #OHCHR #HongKongMedics #HumanRights

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Proven by OHCHR: Hong Kong Healthcare Workers Subjected to Intimidation, Assaults and Arrests during Civil-Rights Movement

Editor's Notes:
Since the start of the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, we have witnessed the absolute abuse of power by the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF).

As a force with the responsibility of protecting and guarding homeland security, not only had the HKPF failed terribly in performing their most basic duties, but they also bent the laws to a point whereby blatant crimes committed by their officers are covered up. The course of justice has been perverted.

The establishment is clearly using the force as a political tool, empowering them with power and authority in order to snuff the embers freedom and democracy.

The following is extracted from a report prepared by the Special Rapporteurs from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), concerning the abuse of healthcare workers including first aiders in Hong Kong.

These are only some exemplary incidents documented.


(A) Harassment, intimidation and arrest of healthcare workers, including first-aiders:

1. In August 2019, a female paramedic was hit in the right eye by a pellet round allegedly shot by a police officer during a demonstration in Tsim Sha Tsui.

2. In August 2019, a first-aider was arrested in Kwun Tong station for possessing three pairs of scissors and saline for his duties.

3. In early October 2019, a first-aider who had identified himself was allegedly subdued by a riot policeman during a violent protest.

4. Large numbers of healthcare workers have been arrested and hand-cuffed with zip-cords.
Example: in November 2019 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

(B) Restrictions imposed on impartial healthcare:

The police have restricted the access of healthcare workers, either doctors, nurses or first-aiders, to the injured even when no other source of medical help was available.

1. In August 2019, a first-aider (paramedic) was obstructed by the police when he was trying to provide medical assistance to people who were injured as a result of the police’s forced entry and blocking of the Prince Edward MTR.

2. In November 2019, an ambulance was allegedly blocked by police officers. The paramedics were trying to attend to an injured student who fell from a multistory parking lot located at Tseung Kwan O.

3. Police officers have often denied prompt access to medical care (despite the serious injuries some arrested persons have suffered) and have delayed securing an ambulance until five to 10 hours.

4. In August, police officers arrested a man and zip-tied his hands behind his back for several hours, disregarding his complaints of intense pain.

(C) Misuse of healthcare transport, facilities and confidential information:

1. Law enforcement officers have used ambulances to transport personnel and equipment, including weapons and ammunitions.

2. In November 2019 at Tsim Sha Tsui, police officers hiding in an ambulance allegedly arrested a 20-year-old female protester and attempted to escort her into the ambulance.

3. Undercover police officers have allegedly impersonated first-aiders to arrest injured protesters, while pretending to help them.

4. Police patrol around hospitals and their tracking of medical-in- confidence information has made patients lose trust in the protection of their personal data.

5. Confidential medical information such as X-ray images and patient's documents are released on social media, breaching patient confidentiality.

6. Doctors struggle to attribute the cause of injuries to the police, and sometimes are forced to prepare vague hospital discharge summaries.

For example, in the case where a rubber-bullet was the cause of blindness, the diagnosis was “blunt injury, mechanism not specified.”

Full Report:

#FirstAiders #PoliceState #OHCHR #HongKongMedics #HumanRights
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#FirstHand #Jun21
Police Stop and Search First Aiders in Yuen Long

22:48 | Yuen Long
Outside Yoho Mall, police intercept 7 - 8 voluntary first aiders who were leaving.

It has been 11 months since the triad attack on July 21. Voluntary first aiders were on stand by in the area.

#YuenLong721 #PoliceState #FirstAiders
Police Arrest Volunteer First-Aiders; Pepper Spray Cause Disturbance to Street Stall Owners

1751 | King Wah Centre, Mong Kok

During the police’s dispersion of peaceful protestors, many were arrested.

Police also arrested volunteer first-aiders. They were seen sitting on the ground and getting their hands bound by the police.

Meanwhile, the police operation has caused disturbance to the street stalls in downtown Mong Kok. Many stall owners felt unwell due to the pepper spray and pepper balls fired by the police.

Source: Stand News; USP
#Sept6 #PoliceBrutality #PepperBall #FirstAiders
#LastYearToday #HongKongChronicles
Voluntary First aiders Haunted by Guilt after Escape: The #PolyUSiege was not just a Suppression, it was a Massacre!

Voluntary first aiders 'Siu-Yu' and 'Tou-Tou' (alias) first met each other at the campus of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU) on November 16, 2019.

When Tou-Tou and her friends who are also first aiders arrived at the campus in the evening, she saw Siu-Yu was alone, so she asked her to join them. They stayed until the evening of November 17, witnessed the intensifying conflicts within the PolyU, and became comrades-in-arms since then.

November 17, 2019 was a long day. Since afternoon, Cheong Wan Road opposite to the PolyU campus had been shrouded in smoke, as police had been relentlessly firing tear gas. Some tear gas grenades were shot onto the wall og the Hong Kong Museum of History, then bounced off and hit the protestors.

In the smoke, Siu-Yu and Tou-Tou were busy dragging the wounded protesters to safe places and used normal saline to cleanse their wounds.

Many protestors refused to take rest and insisted on going back to the field. The conflict on that day was much more tragic and miserable than those happened before in the Anti-ELAB movement.

Siu-Yu recalled, 'I did not think what police carried out that day was not just a suppression, it was a massacre!'

In the battle of the PolyU, a protestor was cut by the obstructions including iron sticks while he was taking flight, a palm-sized wound laid open to the bone was sustained, but there was a shortage of anesthetics in the campus, the first aiders then needed to stitch his wound up without any medication.

'The most heartbreaking thing is that the kids did not want to take any medicine, they said they would rather leave it to the next one, because they did not want to waste it, but in fact they desperately need it.'

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

#FirstAiders #NeverForget #NeverForgive