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Hongkongers in Defense of Rights and Freedom: This is our home. We'll Die, if We Stop

Part 1/3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3

Kwun Tong District Councillor Eason Chan Yik-Shun is also this year's graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK).

He said that Hongkongers were unable to express their feelings toward the pro-democracy movement, since the police have prohibited all marches and rallies in the past six months.

Eason Chan hoped the march at CUHK on Nov 19, 2020 could bring enthusiasm to the fight for freedom in society and remind everyone that “the [pro-democracy] movement is not finished.”

Eason Chan pointed out that the young generation of Hong Kong lost all hope and confidence to the future, owing to police brutality and injustice imposed by the Department of Justice (#DOJ). However, he believed that Hongkongers would continue to fight: “This is our home. We'll die, if we stop.”

Chan emphasised, “Many young people still have committment to Hong Kong". Chan also pointed out that the graduates' participation in the march showed that they would continue to come out and are not scared of being arrested.

Some parents also participated in the march on Nov 19, 2020. Apple, the mother of a CUHK student, said that she couldn’t stand still and let the authorities suppress the youths.

“As a parent, I have to come out and back them [young people] up,” she said. She felt heartbreaking to see how the students had sacrificed for the fight for democracy in the past year and all the casualties in the movement.

Apple hopes that the next generation can "enjoy freedom and live in Hong Kong safely". She reiterated that one shod not give up the fight in Hong Kong in face of the suppression by the Chinese Community Party (#CCP).

Source: InMedia #Nov19

#EasonChan #ChanYikShun #DistrictCouncillor #KwunTong
#HongKongProtests #CUGraduates #Conscience #HKStudents #Youth #Parents
#Conscience #Integrity
Former Director of HK Observatory Refuses to be Government's Collaborator

Source: Stand News #Nov29

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#Conscience #Integrity
Former Director of HK Observatory Refuses to be Government's Collaborator

In mid-2018, former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, Lam Chiu-yin took up the Convenor position for the Support group on Long-team Decarbonization Strategy group of Hong Kong Sustainability Committee, responsible for public consultation of the Strategy.

In mid-November 2020, the committee announced result of public consultation and related recommendations. Lam, however, didn’t attend the announcement event. He posted on social media that he has resigned from the position in September.

He told reporters that in this “unfinished two-year tenure”, he found that the government did not want to listen to public opinion. Lam said, “some members of concerning authority do not take public consultation seriously. They use the Support Group to back up government views. I do not want to be involved in the muddle.”

Lam, therefore, decided not to take up any public position in the future.

Source: Ming Pao #Nov29
#LamChiuYin #HKObservatory
#NeverGiveUp #YNWA
To those with #conscience, thank you for glowing in the dark

People always say the university is a miniature society; and even at the university, a free and fair election is impossible in Hong Kong.

On Feb 25, 2021, the management of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) accused the newly elected students' union #Syzygia of potentially breaching the #NationalSecurityLaw and cut tie with the student body.

Around midnight, the students told the press, their supporters, and fellow Hongkongers that they would uphold their stance as much as they can. They even apologize for not being able to carry out fully what they have promised owing to the University's oppression.

To all those with conscience, thank you for glowing in the dark to brighten our nights.

Photos: #FirstHand #Feb25

#University #PoliticalOppression #StudentUnion

Read more:

Despite Oppression, #CUHK #StudentsUnion vows to speak up for their belief
#NeverGiveUp #YellowEconomy
“Always act with conscience and stay healthy”: Staff at pro-democracy restaurant in Hong Kong arrested by the police

On May 17, 2021 in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Police told two managers working at the pro-democracy restaurant #JieGenge that they were to be arrested by appointment and charged with possession of offensive and illegal weapons in the restaurant in December 2020.

After reporting at the Mongkok Police Station on May 20, 2021, the two managers were granted HK$3,000 bail while waiting for their trial on May 28, 2021.

One of the two managers, Ivan, said he will face the trial with a calm heart, and that his conscience is clear. He also hopes Hongkongers can “act with their #conscience and stay healthy”.

Source: In Media HK #May20

#PoliticalSuppression #Arrest #PoliticalProsecution #PoliceState #Injustice
#NeverGiveUp #YellowEconomy
Pro-democracy Fruit Store in Hong Kong Vandalized after Opening Day, Owner Undeterred: "I'll Keep Doing the Right Things"

In Hong Kong on May 19, 2021, the fruit store chain #BrosFruit, outspoken for their pro-democracy stance, opened their Tung Lok street branch in Yuen Long. The very next morning, the store was vandalized by unknown people with red paint, leaving red trails at the storefront and shutters.

The owner #LeungTungKee continued business despite the red paint on the walls, a common intimidation tactic of gangs in the city.

He says that this has never happened in other branches before, and believes the attack is related to their outspoken political stance. He also said that his conscience is clear, and will continue with the fresh fruit business: "I'll keep doing the right things." Although, he admits, it is hard to prevent similar attacks.

BrosFruit was established in mid-2018 as an e-shop with fruit delivery, then expanded to three brick-and-mortar stores. Since the anti-ELAB movement broke out in Hong Kong 2019, Leung had condemned the police brutality multiple times, and supported the strike. Many of his staff had also been contributors to the pro-democracy movement.

Source: InMedia #May20

#PoliticalOppression #Intimidation #ScareTactics
#Solidarity #NeverForget
Hong Kong Restaurant Gives Free #Candles On the Eve of #June4 Commemoration Day

On June 3, 2021, the restaurant Villa Villa Cafe & Bar, located in North Point, Hong Kong, placed boxes of candle for customers and passersby to take.

The annual candlelight vigil in commemoration of the June 4th #TiananmenMassacre has been banned by the Hong Kong police for the second year. The organizer who had been holding the #vigil in #VictoriaPark since 1990 called on Hongkongers to commemorate the pro-democracy victims of the brutal crackdown by the CCP "in each of their own way".

In their facebook page on June 2, 2021, Villa Villa Cafe & Bar wrote that they "made a wrong order of birthday candles". The restaurant welcomed fellow citizens to take them for free. The remaining candles would be donated to a church nearby.

The person-in-charge of the restaurant Mr Tse told InMedia that "everything's in the heart".

Source: InMedia #Jun3

#YellowEconomy #Conscience
#Respect #Conscience
#RTHK Programme Staff Union thank Reporter #NabelaQoser for Speaking out for justice

RTHK’s Assistant Programme Officer Nabela Qoser, who has repeatedly asked sharp questions at government press conferences, did not receive a contract renewal and May 28, 2021 was her last day at work.

The RTHK Programme Staff Union posted a message on Facebook, stating that politics now overrides professionalism, journalists asking questions has now become a sin. In the post, they thanked Qoser for standing her ground and speaking out for justice.

It is reported that Nabela Qoser wanted to hand out going-away gifts to colleagues at RTHK Broadcasting House, but was stopped by security. In the end, she was only able to enter the building under the supervision of administrative staff and security guards.

Source: Stand News #May28


#HongKongJournalist #Journalism #PoliticalSuppression
#Culture #Solidarity #Cantopop
Concert Tickets sold out in 2 minutes, Hong Kong pro-democracy singer #DeniseHO: every chance can be the last chance

Denise HO Wan Si, a Hong Kong popular pro-democracy singer, will have her 7-show concert in September at the Hong Kong Art Centre.

A total of 2,000 tickets were sold out within 2 minutes on 23 August, 2021. HO thanked all her fans in Facebook, "I will honor my soul to give a hug to each and every of you".

On the next day of HO's announcing her concert earlier, HO's closed fellow from the Hong Kong Shield Anthony WONG Yiu Ming, another popular pro-democracy singer, had been arrested for offence of "misconduct in election". Some fans of HO had commented on her social media pages asking her to "leave". HO thus shared her thought, "no one will know what's happening in the next second; in this messy age, we should be firm with ourself and our belief, don't be influenced by tons of things pass-by."

#hongkong #howansi #AnthonyWong #Conscience #hongkongshield #concert #belief

Source: Stand News #Aug13

#Culture #Conscience
Hong Kong Filmmaker #KiwiChow: Prepared to face sanctions & imprisonment

Source: Stand News; #Aug7

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#Culture #Conscience
Hong Kong Filmmaker #KiwiChow: Prepared to face sanctions & imprisonment

Screened on the penultimate day of the 74th #Cannes Film Festival in mid-July 2021 is the Hong Kong protest documentary, #RevolutionOfOurTimes, which captured the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong in 2019, following the Government’s attempt to promulgate the extradition law.

Knowing that he could potentially be exposed to sanction under the territory’s National Security Law, director Kiwi Chow is the only name credited on the documentary, as his financiers and technical collaborators have all chosen to remain anonymous.

Chow was director of many popular Hong Kong films such like “Ten Year” (the short "Self- Immolator”) and “Beyond the Dream”. He acknowledged that only "Revolution of our Times" has given him the biggest strain.

Before the film's premiere, he was asked to remain anonymous. He also received threatening phone calls telling him to leave Hong Kong immediately. But Kiwi Chow chose to stay and carry on his life in Hong Kong as usual.

Chow is even willing to be interviewed by media to talk about freedom, talk about film and his belief.

Chow anticipated that the documentary will not be allowed to be shown in Hong Kong. He even prepared to face imprisonment. Chow said, “ I am innocent under the long standing framework of Basic Law, not to mention that the documentary was filmed and completed before the National Security Law was implemented.”

Chow said, if he is ever being arrested. He is certainly a political prisoner. “I think political prisoner is a self-invited humiliation to a regime.”

#PoliticalSuppression #Unafraid #Film #HongKongCinema

Source: Stand News; #Aug7
#Arrest #WhiteTerror
Hong Kong Police Cracks Down Pro-democracy Group; Activists:
Do not kneel before a life that forces you to lie and suffer humiliation

The Hong Kong police arrested 4 key members of The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, including its vice-chairwoman, Chow Hang-tung, at their homes and offices on the morning of September 8, 2021.

The arrests were made after the Alliance explained why they declined to turn in the financial information requested by the National Security Police, as they
refused spread the white terror instigated by the authorities.

The police has been accusing the pro-democracy group as "foreign agent".

One day ago on September 7, The group's vice-chairwoman and barrister, Chow Hang-tung, spoke to the media, when she filed a letter to the police explaining why the Alliance declineD to reveal information.

Chow said, "We want to tell Hongkongers that we need to fight on. Do not bow down to the regime. Do not kneel before a life that asks you to lie and makes you suffer humiliation. Try your best to live by your conscience in the space you can find."

Source: Stand News; RTHK; InMedia #Sept8



#ChowHangTung #Conscience #Integrity #PoliticalProsecution #NationalSecurityLaw #TheAlliance #ForeignCollusion #Regime
#Conscience #Professionalism
HK Journalist Reporting Police Brutality Does Not Back Down Despite Threats

Source: Stand News #Aug30

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#Conscience #Professionalism
HK Journalist Reporting Police Brutality Does Not Back Down Despite Threats

Wanchai district councilor #LeungPakKin was a journalist for #RicePost on the scene of the 8.31 Prince Edward Attack, and had recorded video of the attack as it unfolded in 2019.

Earlier in August 2021, someone had mailed him a box cutter blade, along with a threatening letter: "Shut up about 8.31, and your family will stay safe".

In response to inquiries by Stand News, Leung saif that he will not keep quiet because of the letter. He says that the attack had been a collective memory of everyone, and it will not disappear simply because he stopped talking.

He elaborates on his thoughts on the letter on his Facebook page, stating that it didn't have to be him talking about the 8.31 attack by the police. "The video already showed everything. The people and events in the video are the most important [proof]. The violence dealt by the armed men in the video, whether they're reasonable, whether they're proportional - there's no need for me to say more."

Leung said that he had turned down all interviews since last year.

Source: Stand News #Aug30


#831PrinceEdward #WhiteTerror #Censorship #Threat #DistrictCouncillor #Journalism