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HKT23:53, Mongkok, Nov 9
Police first instruct journalists to film the citizens and then urge them to leave the scene

Description of the scene:

Source: Apple Daily
#Hongkongpolice #Hongkongprotests #Nov9
Resident recorded arrests made by riot police by their windows, followed by unrestrained riot police firing pepper balls at resident

Police Force dispersed the protesters in Tseung Kwan O at midnight (Nov 9). The police entered Beverly Garden for several times and intercepted numerous residents, causing disturbance to all.

A resident, Mr. So, recorded the police's action on his phone inside his apartment, but was then insulted by the police and the officer fired 4 rounds of pepper balls towards the apartment unit.

In an interview conducted by Apple Daily, Mr. So said he is still furious, “[The police force] shot 2 pepper balls, and then 2 more after a couple of seconds. Fortunately the glass is still intact, but the smoke got into the apartment. It was all over my dad's face and the smell is still in the house, it is very irritating to the nose.” There are still fragments of the pepper balls on the bed.

Source: Apple Daily, Nov 9

#HongkongPolice #Hongkongprotests #Nov9 #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
#LegCo #CCPControl #DQ #ProvisionalLegCo
Pro-democracy Lawmakers in HK Vow Mass Resignation over any Disqualification by the Authorities

Source: Apple Daily #Nov9

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#LegCo #CCPControl #DQ #ProvisionalLegCo
Pro-democracy Lawmakers in HK Vow Mass Resignation over any Disqualification by the Authorities

According to sources, Beijing planned to remove certain pro-democratic legislators from Hong Kong's Legislative Council.

Pro-democracy camp's convener Wu Chi-wai said that all pro-democracy legislators had agreed that once the PRC's National People's Congress Standing Committee (#NPCSC) had decided to disqualify pro-democracy lawmakers in Hong Kong, they would resign en masse without regrets. This is to show the Chinese Communist Party and the world that, they were strongly against the regime's abusive interference in Hong Kong's legislature.

Wu added that if the NPCSC disqualifies any democrats , this would only mean that the democratic camp had incurred Beijing's wrath by carrying their duty to monitor the government.

Wu also criticized Beijing's unconstitutional decision of disqualification, which reflected CCP's blatant disrespect to Hong Kong people's voices and opinions.

Wu slammed the pro-Beijing camp, who supported the dismissal of the democrats for the use of filibustering. Wu stated that the Basic Law had conferred the lawmakers the power to supervise the government and call for the quorum to be counted in the chamber.

Wu criticized that it was ridiculous for the pro-Beijing legislators to palm off the responsibility of 'failing to convene the meeting' to the pro-democrats.

When asked whether he was regretted choosing to remain in the chamber for another year, Wu answered that the core of the problem lied in the government, who cannot even tolerate the lawmakers exercising their power to vet the bills conferred by the council's rules of procedure.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov9

#AlexChow #ProtestArt
Hongkongers in #UK Dedicate Gigantic Portrait to Deceased Pro-democracy Student

22 year-old Chow Tsz-Lok passed away in November 2019 after falling from high height nearby a clash between police and civilians. Not only did civilians in Hong Kong gather at the scene every month in memory of Chow, Hongkongers in the UK also showed respect by displaying a portrait of Chow on the one-year mark of his death.

A 2.7m long portrait of Chow was displayed in Cotton Field Park, Manchester by Lennon Artist. The artist explained that he was unable to hold a ceremony for Chow due to the pandemic, therefore he decided to display the portrait and allowed the public to pay tribute.

It took him more than a week to finish the portrait. It, however was only displayed for a short period of time due to rain.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov9


#UK #Manchester
#HongKongChronicles #CUHKSiege #History
When the Power Authorities Rewrite History: Police Claim They Have No Intention to Siege University in the Battle of CUHK

Source: No Stake Medical Student #Nov9

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#HongKongChronicles #CUHKSiege #History
When the Power Authorities Rewrite History: Police Claim They Have No Intention to Siege University in the Battle of CUHK

November 2020 marks the one-year mark of the two battles in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU) during the 2019 Anti-ELAB Movement.

As the authorities had notoriously altered the course of events during 7.21 Yuen Long Triad Attack, many were worried that the same would happen to more and more events in the city.

The Facebook page "No Stake Medical Student" refuted an interview with the police published by Ming Pao Daily point by point with news footages.

The following is a translation of this report by "No Stake Medical Student":

"Today, Ming Pao published a long piece of interview with police officer, with the alias 'X', who stated that the police had never intended to attack CUHK.

In turn, did the tear gas grenades that shown in photod fly to the university's stadium by themselves?

Officer X also claimed that “someone threw petrol bomb and it exploded right in front of the [university] president”.

To retort this with evidence: it was literally the Hong Kong Police Force who first shot tear gas grenades toward the university president Rocky Tuan Sung-chi on that day. After this, a petrol bomb was tossed. The protestors did not provoke the conflict aa it was depicted by officer X.

i-Cable News: "Rocky Tuan did not move forward anymore. Suddenly, the police shot at least two tear gas grenades. (A few seconds later), someone on the hillside threw back a molotov cocktail.


The following video clips also recorded the police launching the siege by shooting tear gas grenades for no reason. The police were suspected to have been “attacked by laser gun”.



The Ming Pao article also mentioned that “Dover urged to retreat”, “No death record because of the police was very restrained”. All are nothing but fallacy.

In face of rewriting history by the opponent, we can only rely on one and all to spread the truth.

By the way, all these police officer “X”, “Y” and “Z” are vividly proved to be false content, would Facebook make a clear tag as “misleading information”?

Related reports:
First Anniversary of University War, Police Officer: Never Intended To Break-in CUHK, It Was Just A False Proportion as Defense War

Source: No Stake Medical Student #Nov9


#RewritingHistory #FakeNews
#Aegis #YellowShop #Attack
Chinese Man Pays Vandals to Attack Pro-Hong Kong Restaurant in Taiwan

On October 16, 2020, Aegis, a restaurant in Taiwan which has been providing work for pro-democracy Hongkongers in exile, was vandalized by four men with feces.

The suspects were arrested the following day by the Taiwanese police. The four men admitted they were paid 15,000TWD to carry out the vandalization.

Taiwanese authorities are tracking down a mainland Chinese man who instigated the four to carry out the attack.

According to Taiwan news outlets, the Taipei District Prosecutors Office has closed their investigation on the case in October 2020. The suspects were charged for public insult, and causing harms and damages.

The police pointed out that a man surnamed Chen funded the vandalization, and is currently in China. They are still investigating the identity of the man behind the scene and his motive.

Source: Stand News #Nov9
#WhiteTerror #Intimidation
#Anime #HikaruNoGo #ChineseCharacteristic
China's Adaptation of “Hikaru no Go” Causes Controversy with Hong Kong's Handover Storyline

Source: Stand News #Nov9

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#Anime #HikaruNoGo #ChineseCharacteristic
China's Adaptation of “Hikaru no Go” Causes Controversy with Hong Kong's Handover Storyline

Hikaru no Go, a popular Japanese manga, was adapted into a live-action series by a Chinese film company, and has premiered recently.

The storyline was rewritten to be set in the 1997 Handover of Hong Kong, and the protagonist was portrayed to feel excited for the handover. However, these changes stirred up some controversy.

In an interview, Chinese director Liu Chang claimed that Hong Kong’s handover to China was “a collective memory of every Chinese”, and he chose this as the setting of the drama.

In addition to Hong Kong and Taiwanese netizens, many Chinese criticized the makeup of the character “Zhu- ying” (“Sai” in the original series) as "horrifying".

The director admitted that about 20% of the screen time was “a bit awful”, but it could not be helped due to technological limitations.

The adapted series was produced by iQIYI and broadcast online. In the first episode, the protagonist Shi-guang (“Hikaru”, originally) was out at night with Zhu-ying when they came across a TV news report about Hong Kong’s Handover to China, which said that “Hong Kong finally returned to her motherland after a century of hardships”.

Shi-guang was overwhelmed with fascination, and Zhu-ying asked “what kind of occasion is today?”. Shi-guang said it was “a special day when every Chinese should rejoice."

In addition to mentioning the Handover, the story's setting was also changed entirely to take place in China, despite being a Japanese anime originally.

Viewers had polarized opinions to the adaptation. Some said the drama was “neither fish nor fowl”, and “ruining my childhood memories”. Some Chinese netizens, complimented it, however, and said the “production team did a great job in recreating the setting”, and that “using the 1997 Hanover as the background made me satisfied as a fan to the original manga series and as a Chinese”.

Hong Kong netizens, on the other hand, suspected that the series “took a franchise cherished by a whole generation and used it as propaganda to the youngsters.”

On top of a “Sinicized” plot, another controversy of the live remake was Zhu-ying’s heavy makeup and horrifying appearance.

Director: Handover could Strengthen Characters’ “Emotional Underpainting”

In response to these criticisms, Director Liu Chang gave an explanation in an interview with a Chinese media. He said that it was difficult to adapt a Japanese manga into a web drama, and thus he created a remake in his own way, localising certain parts of the plot while keeping the original storyline, popular lines and character relations.

He believed that his adaptation was more than 60% similar to the original.

As to the choice of the Handover as the period setting, Liu stated 3 reasons. First, “the story started with online Go, which is only possible when the Internet was a new technology in China”, which placed the time period around 1997.

Next, he called Hong Kong's Handover to China as “a collective memory to all Chinese”. He believed that this setting could impress the audience.

Last, Liu claimed that the Handover could strengthen the “emotional underpainting” of the characters, “making it more dramatic”.

Source: Stand News #Nov9

#ChineseWebDrama #Handover
HKUST president to step down a year early

#HKUST #WeiShyy #StwpDown #Education

Source: Citizen News, #Nov9

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HKUST president to step down a year early

On November 9, 2021, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (#HKUST) announced that its president #WeiShyy will step down on October 19 next year, almost a year before his five-year term is due to end.

Shyy didn't explain why he was resigning.

The aerospace professor became head of HKUST in September 2018 and is the President with the shortest tenure.

During Anti-ELAB movement in 2019, #AlexChow, a HKUST student, who fell to his death in a car park after partaking a nearby pro-democracy protest.

When the news broke out on November 8, 2019, Shyy suspended an ongoing congregation immediately.

He was seen shedding and wiping away tears while asking participants of the ceremony to stand and observe a moment of silence.

On the same day, Shyy issued an open letter requesting Hong Kong authorities to conduct independent and thorough investigation into the cause of death of Alex Chow, saying the police force, in particular, should clarify why there was a delay in first aid assistance.

Shyy stated in the open letter, "If there is no satisfactory explanation, it will set off our indignation. "

Source: Citizen News, #Nov9

#ViceChancellor #Education #HKUST #WeiShyy #StwpDown
#Election #Arrest
Police Arrest Three Civilians
Over Call to Cast #BlankVotes in #LegCoElection in Hong Kong

Source: Stand News, HK Free Press; #Nov9

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#Election #Arrest
Police Arrest Three Civilians
Over Call to Cast
#BlankVotes in #LegCoElection in Hong Kong

On November 9, 2021, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (#ICAC) in Hong Kong arrested three people for allegedly sharing an online message asking citizens to cast blank votes for the Legislative Council (#LegCo) elections scheduled for December 19, 2021.

The two men and one woman, aged between 29 and 65, are accused of violating the #ElectionOrdinance, which bans the incitement of others not to vote, or to cast an invalid vote during the election period.

The ICAC said its officers seized a number of mobile phones, claiming that the Commision will take resolute enforcement actions to combat conduct manipulating and sabotaging the election.

Just a day ago (November 8, 2021), the Secretary for Security Chris PK Tang criticized self-exiled, now Australia-based activist #TedHui. Tang, a former police commissioner, said that encouraging people not to vote or cast an invalid ballot in LegCo election may violate the national security law.

Source: Stand News, HK Free Press; #Nov9
IPCC Said Nothing Wrong with Hong Kong Police Shooting Journist without Warning during #PolyUSiege

Source: Stand News #Nov9

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