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#Respect #RTHK #PoliceState
Public Channel RTHK criticized by the Police, but received more than 34,000 compliments from the population

//Director of Broadcasting Leung Ka-wing on Thursday addressed an ongoing row between RTHK and the police force, saying various government departments should respect each other and understand that they have different roles to play.

Leung's letter to all members of staff at the public broadcaster follows complaints made by Police Commissioner Chris Tang that RTHK is "misleading the public" with some of its output, with the police chief going as far as to warn that the station risks undermining law and order.

At the heart of the controversy is the broadcaster's satirical TV show Headliner and in particular two episodes aired last month that mocked the police force.

...Leung notes in his letter that as well as the 6,500 complaints RTHK received about Headliner between February 1 and March 8, it also received more than 34,000 compliments about the programme, which is one of the station's most popular TV shows and has aired since 1989.

Thanking staff for their "unswerving dedication" when confronted with the "unprecedented challenges" thrown up by Hong Kong's social turmoil, he said RTHK's programmes in various genres comply "on the whole" with the public purposes and missions stipulated in its charter.

"RTHK has come to be a prominent platform for the public to attain and express opinions, fully exemplifying Hong Kong's diversity, inclusiveness and acceptance," Leung wrote.//

Source: RTHK #Mar12
#CoronavirusPandemic #WuhanPneumonia #Iran #China
Satellite images of mass graves suggest Iran’s coronavirus epidemic is even more serious than the authorities are admitting

//According to the latest health ministry figures, more than 10,000 Iranians have fallen ill from the virus and 429 have died.

Dr Afkhami, an associate professor at George Washington University, said the mass graves add weight to suspicions the real mortality figures are much higher and are still being covered by the leadership.

He added that the close trading partnership between Iran and China, and the government’s fear of disrupting that partnership had contributed to the early and rapid spread of the disease.

“Because of China’s status as the country’s principal commercial partner, the Iranian government took inadequate cautionary measures to restrict and monitor travelers from China."//

Source: The Guardian #Mar12
#ReclaimHongKong #SelfHelp
Proposal Passed in District Council to Stop Inviting PRC Officials From Hong Kong Liaison Office to Funding Activities

The Central and Western District Council in Hong Kong have passed a proposal to stop inviting PRC officials from Hong Kong Liaison Office to funding activities. The proposal was raised by Kam Nai-wai, a founding member of the Democratic Party and also a District Councilor. The discussion took place during the second finance committee meeting on March 12, 2020.

Pro-democracy district councilors questioned that the participation of PRC representatives in local activities could be an act to infiltrate the community. They mentioned that organization should not used regional funding activities to show their political loyalty.

District Officer representing the Hong Kong SAR Government Susanne Wong has repeatedly refuted the district member’s opinions on this issue, arguing that they should not be restricting guest invitation. The officer claimed another discussion with the Home Affairs Department is necessary and said that “guest invitation should not be in the scope of discussion within the district council meeting”.

She further stated that “(she) cannot see how the Hong Kong Liaison Office is intervening with the autonomy of Hong Kong”.

Source: In-Media #Mar12 #DistrictCouncil #Infiltration #Autonomy #PoliticalLoyalty
Five stages of epidemic control show how a society like Taiwan survives this viral outbreak

By Tim Culpan

//Taiwan’s strength is its open society. Political institutions have matured a lot in the past 17 years and where democracy means that citizens have a real connection to their representatives. Experts are respected.

On Jan 20 this year, Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control activated its Central Epidemic Command Center to coordinate efforts against the new virus. That was three days before China put Wuhan on lockdown and the first meeting of the WHO’s emergency committee. Significantly, it came before Taiwan had even recorded its first case.

The government skipped quickly through the internal and external denial phases. While many Taiwanese were yet to be convinced about the dangers, most trusted that the actions taken, such as temperature checks at buildings and use of masks so people knew where to shop. The result was caution, rather than panic.//

Source: Bloomberg #Mar12
China's Propaganda: Fighting Deadly Viruses with Marxism and Maoism

 “Marxism is a force that supports the absolute victory in battling against the COVID-19 and it is an important embodiment that shows the superiority of the socialism with Chinese characteristics,” wrote in article entitled “Marxist Belief: An Internal Force to Defeat the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic" published by an 'academic' journal in China.

Even though the epidemic is far from being over, the CCP’s Publicity Department already published “A Battle Against Epidemic: China Combating COVID-19 in 2020,” a book praising Xi Jinping.

During the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong Thought, or Maoism, was promoted as “a spiritual atom bomb of infinite power,” which could practically resolve any difficulty. All of a sudden, “extraordinary” results were achieved if guided by Maoism at work, slaughtering pigs, or treating diseases.

 Source: Bitter Winter #Mar12
#CensorshipKills #ChinesePropaganda
Hong Kong Government to Turn Down Proposal Passed in Directly Elected District Council

On March 11, the Community Emergency Response Team of Tun Mun District Council passed the proposal of applying for a government funding of 3 million dollars to purchases protective gear, including gas masks and filters.

Tuen Mun District Officer Fung Ngar-wai opposed to the purchase, and said that even though the proposal had been passed in the district council, the Home Affairs Department possesses the rights for final decisions. Fung explained that, if the funding amount exceeded 1.2 million dollars, it would to require an approval from the Home Affairs Department. She also said in a threatening tone, ” If the purchase items were not cost-effective, we will not approve.”

Source: InMedia #Mar12
#DistrictCouncil #FaceMasks
#WuhanPneumonia #MaleFertility
Chinese government deletes report stating Covid-19 could damage male fertility

//It is theoretically possible that Covid-19 could be damaging to men’s reproductive health, according to an article published on the Hubei government’s website on Thursday, only to be removed a few hours later.

Men who had contracted the disease and recovered from it should seek medical advice on whether it might have had a detrimental impact on their fertility, said the piece, which was produced by a team from the reproductive medicine centre at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei.

The Hubei government declined to say why the article – which was widely shared on Chinese social media before being removed – had been deleted.//

Source: SCMP #Mar12
Hongkongers Converge on Washington to Call For Sanctions Against Police, Leaders

//Pro-democracy lawmakers from Hong Kong are lobbying the U.S. government to impose sanctions on senior officials in the city over police violence and human rights violations during last year's protests.

Representative Jim McGovern, chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), said the situation in Hong Kong hasn't improved since the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act was passed by Congress last November.

Former Occupy Central student leader Joshua Wong said he isn't hopeful of immediate sanctions against Hong Kong officials amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic and U.S. presidential primaries, but that evidence can be compiled to make a case for sanctions in the meantime.

"Even if there are no immediate sanctions ... we think we can lobby the U.S. to launch an inquiry into police violence in the next year or so," Wong said.//

Source: RFA #Mar12
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#FirstHand #Mar12
Police chase citizens out of Times Square taxi stand, inciting them to "Come over!"

2200 | Causeway Bay
#Court #PoliceState
Court Rules Man Guilty of Police Assault for Whistling to 3 Officers and Sentences Man to 6 Week Sentence

A 50-year-old construction worker, surnamed Kee, whistled to 3 police officers during the annual July 1 protest in 2019. In the Eastern Magistrates' Courts on 13 March 2020, he was sentenced to 6 weeks in prison after he was convicted of police assault.

The magistrate commented that no police was subject to permanent injury and the defendant only whistled with his fingers but not with tools and loudspeakers.

Source: Now News #Mar12

Former Pro-Democracy Lawmaker Convicted of Police Assault with a Loudspeaker
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#FirstHand #Mar12
21 of 47 democrats denied bail; Supporters chant "Victory to Democracy" outside the Court

//At the end of the hearing and when police vehicle was seen leaving the Court, Granny Wong ran into the cordoned area by Police and shouted, “Hang in there, fellow protesters. Victory to democracy.”//

#Court #47Democrats

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#FirstHand #Mar12
21 of 47 democrats denied bail; Supporters chant "Victory to Democracy" outside the Court

21 of #47Democrats detained on charges of subversion under the National Security Law appeared in the Western Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts on March 12 for bail hearing.

The Court upheld its decision to refuse bail to 11 of them, while 10 others withdrew their appeals.

A large group of supporters gathered outside the court to show support. Among them was Granny Wong who showed up with a British flag and a small umbrella, a symbol of the pro-democracy movement which also signifies “support and solidarity” to each fellow protester.

At the end of the hearing and when police vehicle was seen leaving the Court, Granny Wong ran into the cordoned area by Police and shouted, “Hang in there, fellow protesters. Victory to democracy.”

The 47 defendants were accused of conspiring to commit subversion by taking part in LegCo primary elections last year. Only five have been released on bail so far, pending their next hearing in late May.

#Court #PoliticalPrisoners #YNWA
Australia and New Zealand "Deeply Concerned" Over China's Electoral Changes in Hong Kong

Source: Stand News #Mar12

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Australia and New Zealand "Deeply Concerned" Over China's Electoral Changes in Hong Kong

The National People's Congress recently passed a bill to modify Hong Kong's electoral system in order to ensure only "China-lovers" can run for the election. Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne, together with ministers from Australia and New Zealand, released a joint statement on Mar 12 criticizing the move, as it undermines Hong Kong's freedom and democracy guaranteed under the Sino-British Joint Declaration:

"These changes run contrary to the ultimate aim of a Hong Kong Chief Executive elected through universal suffrage, weaken Hong Kong’s democratic institutions, and erode freedom of speech and association – all of which are set out in the Basic Law. This is a significant step that will further undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy."

"We urge the Hong Kong and Chinese authorities to uphold their commitments, allow genuine avenues for the people of Hong Kong to participate in their governance, and protect the role of the Legislative Council as a forum for the expression of diverse views and scrutiny of government."

Source: Stand News #Mar12

Full text of joint statement; https://www.foreignminister.gov.au/minister/marise-payne/media-release/joint-statement-electoral-changes-hong-kong

#Australia #NewZealand #NationalPeopleCongress #ElectoralChanges
China to try two Canadians charged with espionage 'soon': Global Times

Two Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, were arrested in December 2018 shortly after Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada on a U.S. warrant. She faces charges of misleading HSBC Holdings Plc about the Chinese tech giant’s business dealings with Iran, which is under U.S. sanctions. They were formally charged with espionage in June 2020

The Global Times reported, citing an unnamed source, China will “soon” hold its first trial for Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.

Canada and the United States have repeatedly demanded that China release Kovrig and Spavor, with Ottawa calling their arrest an act of “hostage diplomacy”.

Source: Reuters #Mar12


#Canada #HostageDiplomacy #China #MichaelSpavor #MichaelKovrig
#EU report: #Beijing "Consciously dismantling" HK's One Country Two Systems

Source: Stand News #Mar12

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#EU report: #Beijing "Consciously dismantling" HK's One Country Two Systems

The European Commission and the High Representative have on Mar 12, 2021 reported on political and economic developments in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

EU High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said: “Over the course of 2020, we have witnessed an alarming political deterioration in Hong Kong. The National Security Law imposed by Beijing is being used to crack down on pro-democracy forces, stifle dissent and pluralism, and erode fundamental freedoms. The arrest of dozens of pro-democracy activists in January this year confirmed that this trend is accelerating.

"China is consciously dismantling the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle in violation of its international commitments and the Hong Kong Basic Law. The regressive electoral changes approved yesterday in Beijing are yet another step down this path.”

The report highlights that, over the course of last year, Hong Kong experienced a further severe erosion of its high degree of autonomy, its democratic principles, and the fundamental freedoms that the Chinese authorities committed to protect until at least 2047. This rapid deterioration calls into question China's willingness to uphold its international obligations and its commitments to the people of Hong Kong under the ‘One Country, Two Systems' principle and the Hong Kong Basic Law.

Full press release from European Commission:

Source: Stand News #Mar12 #OneCountryTwoSystems #NationalSecurityLaw #PoliticalSuppression
International Olympics Commission Purchasing Chinese Vaccines. Japan’s Olympic Minister: Did Not Know about This Beforehand and Japanese Athletes Will Not Be Administered with the Chinese Vaccines  
Source: Stand News #Mar12

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International Olympics Commission Purchasing Chinese Vaccines. Japan’s Olympic Minister: Did Not Know about This Beforehand and Japanese Athletes Will Not Be Administered with the Chinese Vaccines  
According to a report from Asahi Shimbun, after attending a cabinet meeting on 12th March, Japan’s Olympic Minister Tamayo Marukawa was asked by reporters about International Olympics Commission (IOC) Chairperson Thomas Bach’s announcement of purchasing COVID-19 vaccines from China. Marukawa indicated that she did not know about this beforehand. She said there is no arrangement with IOC and no adjustments are needed regarding this issue. She also emphasized that having received COVID-19 vaccines will not be a prerequisite for participating in the Tokyo Olympics, that this principle remains the same. Marukawa further indicated that the Japanese government does not have more information about this issue, that “all the information we know is from IOC’s website and reports from news media”. 
#Olympics #China #Japan #Vaccine #COVID19 #VaccineDiplomacy
Source: Stand News #Mar12

China’s Dirty Recovery Will Make Curbing Climate Change Tougher

A carbon analyst at Refinitiv Carbon said that efforts to meet a growth target of more than 6% set out by Premier Li Keqiang would likely keep an emphasis on polluting industries. The local governments or state-owned enterprises could use short-term lenience to usher through carbon-intensive projects. It might screw up of hitting objectives to reach peak emissions before 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2060.

Climate plans of China’s 14th five-year plan didn’t set a hard target for cutting emissions.

 “It’s also crucial to change the economic structure in a cleaner direction, with less reliance on the most polluting smokestack industries,” said CREA’s lead analyst Lauri Myllyvirta.

Source: Bloomberg #Mar12


#ChinaCO2Emission #ChinaDirtyIndustry #China14FiveYearPlan