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"Catholic Gate, St. Paul Church in Macao (Ruínas de São Paulo), turned into a backdrop of communism"
Opinion by a #Macau Internet Writer

Ruínas de São Paulo is a landmark, it has experienced three fires in Macau and the only remaining gate is a historical symbol of Macau History and European Catholicism in Macau. But on the 70th anniversary of China National Day, Ruínas de São Paulo was projected with light of the Chinese National Flag and National Emblem.

The statue of the Virgin Mary was shone by red light and the status of Jesus was covered by a huge red National Emblem, 2/3 of the building turned into bloody red.

Is it patriotic? By projecting the blood-red flag onto the sacred symbol of the Catholic Church?

Is it patriotic? Do Macau people like such Ruínas de São Paulo? Sorry, I would rather die than liking such landmark. Please don't engrave communism and red thoughts onto our place.

#Religon #Church #Oct1 #Totalitarianism #ChinesePatriotic
Source: Facebook of @Dust.Someone.1 ( 29/9 )
[Chinese Nationalism 2/5]
Chinese overseas students has become a special “yellow disaster”

(17 Sep) During the Cold War, the Western free world could not accept ten thousands of students from the Soviet Union, the limited number of Soviet students were unable to advocate Communism publicly when they were in the Western world. However, in the current world, Chinese overseas students exist all over cities and villages in the world, they advocate their distorted “patriotic hearts” publicly, their yelling and threats are demonstrated in all kinds of events. The targets being threatened by them include the exiled Tibetans, Uyghurs, Christians, Falun Gong believers and pro-democratic people. Now, the "list of enemy" is renewed with the overseas Hongkongers and students who are supporting the anti-extradition bill movement.

30 years after the June 4th Tiananmen crackdown, there are a lot of previous Chinese overseas students who had completed their education and stayed in the Western countries, and even become residents of various Western countries, including a great proportion who have obtained green cards but have never accepted the values of freedom and democracy upheld by the Western society, but are the most passionate supporters of the cruel rule of Chinese Communist Party.

Some of the Chinese among them have had achievements in different fields of profession, but willingly joined China’s “thousand people plan” with pure consideration of personal benefits, and helped stealing the advanced technology and intellectual properties from the Western world. These acts threaten the security of all Western countries.

Some Western countries have started to realize that they cannot rely on the tuition fees from the Chinese overseas students.

The U.S. government have repatriated 9 Chinese overseas students, these are not simply individual cases but these examples have marked a new beginning. The Western countries eventually realized that the operational expenses of universities cannot rely on the tuition fees of the numerous Chinese overseas students, if they step down because of the money they have received, not only the internal academic freedom of the universities is endangered, they might “dance with their enemies”, allowing their enemies to infiltrate deeply to every aspect of the free society, shaking the foundation of the democratic system.

When defending against totalitarian countries which have no moral baseline, the innocent and open democratic countries are the disadvantaged congenitally. If strict defensive system is not set up by the Western democratic countries, the democratic systems that they have adopted are prone to collapse.

On 1st September, 2019, the Vice President of the U.S.A. Michael Richard Pence gave an important speech during the visit to Poland. He acknowledged and supported the great work of Poland in defence against of both Fascism and Communism, he also associated Communism with Fascism. From his speech, the Chinese Communist Party is currently the preeminent enemy of the entire free world. The U.S. policies towards China have had critical adjustments. In this event of repatriating the Chinese students, there will definitely be more repatriating events, and the granting of student visa will be restricted by the Western countries including the U.S. Although they have started late, they could still solve the problem.

#Nationalism #ChinesePatriotic #ChinaThreat
Excerpt: https://buzzorange.com/2019/09/17/western-university-started-to-concern-china-overseas-students/
[Chinese Nationalism 3/5]
(5 Oct) After a similiar incident in Australia, a rally that supported Hong Kong and its Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (anti-ELAB) in Canada was interrupted by international students from China as they drove their luxurious cars around with Beijing license plates hanged on to the cars. They blasted out the Chinese National anthem and crashed the rally by waving around the Chinese flag while shouting “Fuck You” at the protestors. They were arrested by the Canadian police soon afterward.

The leader of the pack was identified as He Pan who studies at Alberta University. He constantly shows off his extravagant lifestyle on WeChat and once showed his Bank of Communication account with $9.99billion RMB in it. He also has been extremely satire to those who carries baggages to set up stalls around subway stations.

The license plate of 京af6001 is for the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress’ car in China, therefore having a tier of National Leader. Any cars with license plates 京agXXXX are dedicated to Officials of the tier of Sub-National Leader.

It is now being investigated that how the large amount of money is being transferred from his family in China to Canada.
#ChinesePatriotic #Nationalism #GlobalSupport #Canada

[Chinese Nationalism 4/5]
(5 Oct) The original John Lennon Wall is located in a small square across the French Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic. Since the 80s, it has been a canvas for everyone to defend the freedom of speech. The wall also serves as an icon for anti-communism in the Czech Republic.

According to sources from the internet, a group of Chinese painted the Chinese national flag embedded in the word “70” on the wall to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. The work enraged the Czechs, who decided to paint over the Chinese flag with “FREE HK” and a middle finger.

According to a post on Taiwan’s largest online forum PPT, there are pictures found on Twitter stating “Fuck the Chinazi Citizensare destroying the Prague Lennon Wall The wall is anti communism”.

As we can see in the picture, multiple Chinese were painting a large “70” and embedded the Chinese national flag in it to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. The world “70” was even accented with gold color, the 5 stars of the Chinese national flag and the word LOVE. The group took a commemorative picture afterwards.

Such action resulted in great uproar in the Czech Republic. As a way to combat the unreasonable act from the Chinese, people in the Czech Republic painted “FREE HK” with a middle finger over the word “70”. 

#LennonWall #AntiSinicization #ChinesePatriotic
Excerpt: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/2936811?fbclid=IwAR3y9tulmARBXyaJI952lTjEBlm0n-cBme0HXIBPNKmDnKNBmCoTJ72fTHA

More readings:
[Chinese Nationalism 5/5]
(Writer’s comment on the interview)
A group of students from China (aka Fuerdai), with wealthy Chinese parents or families who are powerful members of the Communist party, are the future generation of upper class and high rank members of the ruling party in China.

They are not only fully support and trust the Chinese Communist party (CCP) government; they also believe the CCP government has NEVER done anything wrong and would prefer Communism over Capitalism. They believe nobody should criticize the Chinese government, as in their eyes, CCP is superb and perfect. They are completely fine with the Chinese government arresting people who practise religion and put them in jail, as there should not be any freedom to religion in China. In China it should be absolutely illegal to have freedom of speech and protests.

They are also against HK protesters because they think the people of Hong Kong (Hongkongers) should blindly believe in China and believe that it’s wrong that Hongkongers do not trust the CCP. They think that Hongkongers are complaining for no reason since nobody in China has complained about the government.

So, what is going to happen to China in the future? Those students from a wealthy families will certainly become the core part of the society in China, or even the core members of the CCP. I really hope that people around the world should start thinking about it and take a more serious approach. Those students are not some random Chinese students/mainlanders that got together by chance. In fact, the majority of the Chinese students who study abroad have these similar views and it is frightening.

#ChinesePatriotic #Nationalism
Interview: https://youtu.be/SsWa9fieWSU
New Tactics Defending Lennon Wall in Taiwan
Anti-mask law has been implemented in Hong Kong and multiple universities in Taiwan have initiated voice support for the people in Hong Kong. However, a couple from mainland China traveled to Taiwan on their visitor visa, tore off the Lennon Walls that supports the Hong Kong protests in National Taiwan University (NTU) when they were visiting the campus. The posters and propaganda were torn off by the couple; the man claimed that the “wordings on the posters violate the Chinese sovereignty” and it angered him. The whole progress was filmed by local students and was posted online. NTU students sued the couple for their action. The president of NTU’s Student Union, Jyun-cing Tu, emphasized that they would not revoke their right to sue the couple. The Mainland Chinese man, with surnamed Li, was transferred to Taipei District Inspection Office for investigation for accused crime of destruction despite expressed his regret and reconciled after his arrest. As the police completed the investigation (7th Oct), Li was restricted from departure the country and sent to his family resided in Taiwan for custody in order to ensure he could show up at count. His family was shocked by the news and panicky told the press that he has scheduled to board a flight back to China the day after.

NTU also issued a statement regarding the event; NTU respects freedom of speech and rule of law. They would strengthen the patrol of Lennon Walls and protect the safety of students.

#Nationalism #ChinesePatriotic #LennonWall #Taiwan
Excerpt: https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=614913
New Tactics Defending Lennon Wall in Taiwan
Anti-mask law has been implemented in Hong Kong and multiple universities in Taiwan have initiated voice support for the people in Hong Kong. However, a couple from mainland China traveled to Taiwan on their visitor visa, tore off the Lennon Walls that supports the Hong Kong protests in National Taiwan University (NTU) when they were visiting the campus. The posters and propaganda were torn off by the couple; the man claimed that the “wordings on the posters violate the Chinese sovereignty” and it angered him. The whole progress was filmed by local students and was posted online. NTU students sued the couple for their action. The president of NTU’s Student Union, Jyun-cing Tu, emphasized that they would not revoke their right to sue the couple. The Mainland Chinese man, with surnamed Li, was transferred to Taipei District Inspection Office for investigation for accused crime of destruction despite expressed his regret and reconciled after his arrest. As the police completed the investigation (7th Oct), Li was restricted from departure the country and sent to his family resided in Taiwan for custody in order to ensure he could show up at count. His family was shocked by the news and panicky told the press that he has scheduled to board a flight back to China the day after.

NTU also issued a statement regarding the event; NTU respects freedom of speech and rule of law. They would strengthen the patrol of Lennon Walls and protect the safety of students.

#Nationalism #ChinesePatriotic #LennonWall #Taiwan
Excerpt: https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=614913