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#Smearing #CCPControl #FakeNews
The Hong Kong-America Centre Shuts Sown its Offices After Being Smeared by China-Controlled Media

Since the end of 2019, China-owned newspaper Ta Kung Pao and Global Times have been tirelessly reprimanding the Hong Kong-America Centre for being "lavishly backed with US fund" and “manipulating the University General Studies” via the Fulbright Program, one renowned academic exchange program led by the Center. The Center was also said to be “infiltrated” by “anti-China forces” and was acused of "brainwashing youngsters and subverting China".

Academia, however, pointed out that the Center has been driving academic exchange and coordination. The closure of the Center is a loss to both Hong Kong and China.

Apple Daily has looked into the accusations made by the CCP-controlled mouthpieces and found gaps:

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The Hong Kong-America Centre was funded by several heavy-weight organisations, including the Ford Foundation, the Henry Luce Foundation, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the East-West Centre. Among them, NDI allocated $524,000 to the Center from 2013 - 2018 under a “Young Female Leader Advocacy” program.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Based on the Center’s Financial Statement, around 30-40% of the Center’s fund in the past 5 years came primarily from local universities averaging over hundreds of thousands a year. The remaining 60% came from the surplus of the Center’s operating projects, among which was connected to NDI. From 2014 – 2017, a total fund amounted $285,000 was received from NDI, after deducting expenses, a balance of $117,000 was recorded.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The “Women’s Training Camp” organised for Mainland female leaders was funded and led by NDI.

The program invited former Commercial Radio Station Chief, Wong Wing to talk about leadership capabilities and PR tactics, which was actually intended to encourage candidates to learn from the Middle-East women to stand against their governments and subvert China.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
When being asked, Wong Wing clarified that he was invited to talk about the media landscape in Hong Kong and his work experience only.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The Centre “routinely organizes anti-China brain-washing activities”, such as “Let’s Talk: Youth Summit on Hong Kong Elections” which was organised on the eve of the Umbrella Movement in 2014.

The program invited Anson Chan and Joseph Cheng as speakers and discussed “negotiating strategy for mass protest activities”, sowing seed for youngsters to aspire universal suffrage as the ultimate goal in a protest activity.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Responding to the paper’s inquiries, both Joseph Cheng and Eric Heikkila, a Professor of International Public Policy at the University of Southern California, expressed that “I cannot recall a single incident or activity that I would in any way described as ‘anti-China’”.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
From 2006 – 2012, the US Consulate arranged 25 US academia to Hong Kong via the Fulbright Program.

The HK-America Center was the bridge connecting the academia to 8 universities in Hong Kong. They were involved in designing and teaching General Studies, in other words, "manipulating the curriculum" of the city’s higher education program.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Wong Wai-Ho, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration said that the Center’s role was to facilitate academic exchange, involving in the coordination works between the US consulate and universities.

Editor’s note:
The Hong Kong-America Center was set up in early 2000 to advance educational exchanges between China and the United States over the bridge of Hong Kong.

Source: Apple Daily #Aug28

#PoliticalOppression #Education #Academia
#Fulbright #ExchangeProgram
#HKAmericaCentre #TaKungPao #GlobalTimes
Beijing calls Australians "Poor White Trash"

The Global Times, a news website heavily aligned with the Chinese Communist Party, has called Australians “poor white trash”, warning that there will be “consequences” if the Australians do not play nice with China.

In recent months, relations between Beijing and Canberra have become increasingly fractious due to actions taken by Australia which has been deemed as an act of scrutiny towards China, a provokation.

China has been retaliating as well. In addition to the numerous retaliations, just recently, an Australian journalist for China’s state run television was detained for reasons unclear.

Source: News.com.au #Sep03
#Victoria #Canberra #Sanctions #WhiteTrash #Beijing #Smearing
#CCPPropaganda #Education #Brainwashing
Former Chief Executive Condemns HK's Secretary for Education for ignoring Xi’s opinion

The "803 HK" is a bounty website formed by CY Leung, former HK's Chief Executive and current chairman of CCPCC. Leunv applied for a judicial review at Hong Kong's,High Court on Oct 3, 2020, requesting the Court to order Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung to disclose the personal information of the teacher who was disqualified because of accusations of "professional misconduct" recently.

On Oct 4, Leung quoted from CCP secretary-general Xi Jinping “為官避事平生恥”, which means as a public servant one should not hide away from any challenge. Leung’s post implied that the Secretary for Education should follow Xi’s saying.

Leung also called the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (#HKPTU) as a "union of bullies", claiming that “chaos will continue as long as HKPTU exists”.

In his post, Leung described the disqualified teacher and HKPTU as an "overbearing driver" and a "bully". The Education Bureau, on the other hand, was described as a "traffic warden" who hid away from the public’s demand to disclose the teacher’s personal information to avoid trouble. Then, Leung criticised the “traffic warden” for ignoring Xi’s famous quote, and shirking the responsibility to the judge.

Leung said the Bureau should “be strong” and not be afraid of the “bully” HKPTU.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct4

#CYLeung #Smearing #CulturalRevolution
#Smearing #CCPPropaganda
Who is the puppet? — Did he leave out the famous Tank Man on Tiananmen Square in 1989 in his photo collection on purpose?

Former district councilor Dominic Lee Tsz-king, who is known for his pro-Beijing stance, called pro-democracy protesters actors on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/leetszking/posts/5135204823171645).

In a collage of photos with protest scenes in Hong Kong, Thailand and Ukraine showing in common a peaceful protester standing in front of armed police, begging them to retreat and not to injure the innocent civilians, Lee wrote “No such thing as old way so long as it works,” scorning protesters as nothing but “mere actors performing theatrical acts”.

Lee is a member of the pro-Beijing People's Party in Hong Kong, which is chaired by Beijing loyalist and former Secretary for Security Regina Ip.

#ThailandProtests #UkraineProtests #HongKongProtests
#PoliticalProsecution #SaveJimmyLai #Smearing
CCP-owned newspaper People's Daily: Apple Daily is involved in anti-China and Hong Kong activities, openly requesting US sanctions "like a traitor"

Source: Apple Daily, #Dec13

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#PoliticalProsecution #Smearing #SaveJimmyLai
CCP-owned newspaper People's Daily: Apple Daily is involved in anti-China and Hong Kong activities, openly requesting US sanctions "like a traitor"

Chairman of Next Digital Jimmy Lai Chee-ying was suddenly charged with "conspiring with foreign forces to endanger national security" under the draconian national security law on Saturday (December 12). The charge has mentioned the newly launched English version of Apple Daily. Beijing mouthpiece "People's Daily" today (December 13) published an editorial titled "Hong Kong has been suffering from 'Poisonous Media' for a long time", saying that Hong Kong has been flooded with fake news about the police force and the SAR government. The paper called Apple Daily "Poisonous Apple", and accused it for taking part in "the anti-China activities to disrupt Hong Kong, fabricating news in the name of press freedom", and denounced Apple Daily as "a true traitor openly calling on readers to request US sanctions on Hong Kong".

The article described Apple Daily as "a habitual offender addicted to lying and fabrication in Hong Kong media industry", and criticized it for "attacking and smearing all actions taken by the HKSAR government and police force, slandering all matters related to the Mainland." It also wrote that "Apple" started out as media publisher of sensational reports, mocking that it had once apologized publicly on the front page for a fake news incident.

Source: Stand News #Dec13 https://www.thestandnews.com/politics/%E4%BA%BA%E6%B0%91%E6%97%A5%E5%A0%B1-%E8%98%8B%E6%9E%9C-%E6%B6%89%E5%8F%8D%E4%B8%AD%E4%BA%82%E6%B8%AF%E5%8B%BE%E7%95%B6-%E5%85%AC%E7%84%B6%E8%AB%8B%E6%B1%82%E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B%E5%88%B6%E8%A3%81-%E4%B8%80%E5%89%AF%E6%BC%A2%E5%A5%B8%E6%A8%A1%E6%A8%A3/

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#CCP #PressFreedom #Authoritarianism #PoliceState #NationalSecurityLaw
#Smearing #Censorship
HK Government Attempts to Censor #WuhanPneumonia but Applies Double Standard When China is Not Involved

Source: Stand News; Department of Health, HK #Dec22

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#Smearing #Censorship
HK Government Attempts to Censor #WuhanPneumonia but Applies Double Standard When China is Not Involved

In a press briefing organized by the Health Department in Hong Kong on Dec 18, 2020, the authorities attempted to stop a Apple Daily journalist from using the term "Wuhan Pneumonia".

In a reply to media's inquiry, the Hong Kong SAR government also warned the media to "avoid defamation when posing questions".

However, on Dec 21, 2020, the Secretary for Health and Food Sophia Chan in a press briefing referred the newly discovered coronavirus variant to the "UK virus" and the "UK variant".

Stand News inquired whether the Hong Kong government has committed "defamation" for not using the variant's proper name "501Y". The Hong Kong government denied and accused "some media" of "lacking credibility".

Meanwhile, it has become more and more apparent that the anti-defamation rule of Hong Kong government only applies to China, by dissociating Covid 19 from its earlier name "Wuhan Pneumonia".

Other than that, the Hong Kong SAR government
has been using dieases' names which denote a region or a country. For example,

- Athlete’s foot (in Chinese: "Hong Kong's foot)

- German Measles

- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

- Japanese Encephalitis

- West Nile Virus Infection

- Sapovirus Infection

- Ebola Virus Disease

Source: Stand News; Department of Health, HK #Dec22

#DoubleStandard #Censorship #UK #Covid19

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#CarrieLam wants to Ban "Wuhan Pneumonia" Wording from Reporters, but Scraps Idea after Staff Resistance, Source Claims
#UK Chinese Group Condemns Pro-democracy rally in London and Calls for "response actions"; Netizens mock: Why don’t you go back to China?

Source: Stand News #Dec17

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#UK Chinese Group Condemns Pro-democracy rally in London and Calls for "response actions"; Netizens mock: Why don’t you go back to China?

UK Hongkonger group "Justitia Hong Kong" organized "Mourning Assembly for the Battles of Chinese University of HK and HK Polytechnic University" rally in London on 12 December, 2020. Over 200 people attended the rally.

A Chinese group in Manchester, "Manchester Chinatown Business Association", however, wrote on their Facebook page, alleging that the London rally was organized by a group of "junk youth-Hong Kong disruptors", and solicited opinions on how to "deal with these people".

The facebook page "Hongkongers in Britain" then released a statement, saying that it is paying attention to the statement made by the Chinese group which aimed to incite hatred and ignored the value of democracy in Britain.

"Manchester Chinatown Business Association" later deleted the post and comments.

"Manchester Chinatown Business Association" issued a bilingual post in Chinese and English on December 16, 2020, alleging the legal rally in London as a group of "anti-Hong Kong disruptors", stating that "they will come to Manchester sooner or later", accusing the participants for disregarding the epidemic risks and safety of others.

The post also called the rally participants "selfish", and asking for members and residents' opinions on "how to deal with these people", "welcome or not welcome". The post was attached with the video of the rally in London on December 12, 2020.

Netizens mocked the Chinese group in the UK, "Why don’t you go back to China?"

Source: Stand News #Dec17

#ChinaTown #OverseasChinese #Manchester #HongkongersinBritain #JustitiaHong Kong
#Smearing #Harrassement
HK Journalist Leaves Post After Being Attacked by Pro-China Group for Filming Documentary on Xinjiang’s 'Education Camp'

Source: Apple Daily #April12

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#Smearing #Harrassement
HK Journalist Leaves Post After Being Attacked by Pro-China Group for Filming Documentary on Xinjiang’s 'Education Camp'

A number of RTHK programs and journalists in Hong Kong have been repeatedly attacked by pro-China groups.

Among them is Yvonne Tong Yeuk-wun who hosts the English-language radio program "The Pulse" .

During her interview with #BruceAylward, the assistant director general of the #WHO in 2020, Tong raised a question of whether the management of WHO would reconsider the membership status of Taiwan.

Since then, she has been repeatedly targeted by pro-China activists. The #AppleDaily reporters have received information from sources at RTHK saying that Tong is suspected to have resigned from the ongoing pressure and will leave within this week.

A pro-China group went to RTHK earlier this month, accusing Tong of "using public money" to produce "anti-China fake news" by claiming that over a million people are being imprisoned in Xinjiang.

They demanded the station to have her fired. This is not the first time that pro-China groups have come to RTHK to protest against Tong.

Since the end of March in 2020, Tong was accused of violating the "#One China" policy by pro-China groups and even by The Commerce and Economic Development Bureau
after interviewing the WHO representative on "whether Taiwan's membership would be reconsidered".

Amen Ng Man-yee, the former head of Corporate Communications & Standards at RTHK, responded that Tong was carrying her job as a journalist and asked the question in a very matter-of-fact manner without any special meaning.

Source: Apple Daily #April12

#Journalist #FreedomOfSpeech #XinjiangCamp #BlueRibboners #ProChina
#UnitedFront #Doxxing #Smearing
Pro-democracy Hong Kong students in UK harassed by Chinese students

Source: Apple News #May3

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#UnitedFront #Doxxing #Smearing
Pro-democracy Hong Kong students in UK harassed by Chinese students

Hong Kong students studying abroad have recently shared their experiences of being harassed when organizing events in school campuses in the UK in support of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

Jamie and Kitty are among the Hong Kong students who suffer mobbing. Chinese students called them “cockroaches” and “traitors” in Mandarin.

Kitty said the organizers of Hong Kong-related events, including herself, were all doxxed. Their personal information was posted on China social media groups and they were tagged as “Hong Kong Independence Supporters” and “Cockroaches”.

Their application for holding the event was also held up by the school campus multiple times. The event was finally approved with the restriction that it has to be a silent event. “

It made me realize that our campus could no longer serve as a place for us to speak for the current situation in Hong Kong”, said Kitty. She accused the school of “fearing the loss of revenue by the tuition fees of Chinese students”.

Moreover, students revealed that the #CCP used the Chinese Students and Scholars Association in the United Kingdom (#CSSAUK), as a tool to penetrate school campuses in the UK in which Chinese students are bribed into voting the CCP appointed persons to become committees of the Association.

According to the CSSAUK website, it is an association that is “supported by the Education Section of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the UK”. It also claimed to be the largest Chinese association in the UK.

Source: Apple News #May3

#ChineseStudents #UK
#Smearing #June4
Hostile Banners Seen outside Churches in Hong Kong, Smearing June 4 Memorial Masses and Warning of National Security Breach

Image: Big
Text: InMedia HK #June3

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#Smearing #June4
Hostile Banners Seen outside Churches in Hong Kong, Smearing June 4 Memorial Masses and Warning of National Security Breach

Photo: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/29886

Tomorrow, June 4, 2021, marks 32 years after June 4th Tiananmen Massacre, a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy civilians by the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing, in 1989.

In Hong Kong, the annual candlelight vig has been banned by the police. Despite that, the Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese will continue to organize a Mass outside their seven churches in the evening.

However, on the morning of June 3, 2021, some hostile banners with words "Cult invades religion" were placed outside the churches, smearing the mass as a potential breach of the #NationalSecurityLaw.

Porson Chan, project officer of the Commission, responded that they had no intention to correlate the false accusations on the banner to the June 4 Mass, emphasizing that the Mass is a legal religious activity protected by Basic Law. Thus the event would be held as scheduled.

Image: Big
Text: InMedia HK #June3

#PoliticalSuppression #Masses #Church #TiananmenMassacre

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#PoliticalProsecution #PoliceState
HK Police Raids #AppleDaily Again: 3 Editors and 2 Executives Arrested for Breaching National Security Law

Apple Daily, the only pro-democracy newspaper in print in Hong Kong, has been the target of the national security police since the forced implementation of the national security law in the city in June 2020.

Even though founder #JimmyLai had already been arrested and remains in custody, the Hong Kong police continues to raid the headquarters of the newspaper and its parent company; seizing documents, computers and journalistic materials; and making arrests.

In the raid on June 17, 2021, the police deployed 500 officers and arrested five executives including editor-in-chief #RyanLaw.

The other four are deputy editor #ChanPuiMan, chief executive editor #CheungChiWai, chief executive #NextDigital #CheungKimHung, and the chief operating officer #ChowTatKuen.

Authorities claimed that the newspaper published articles allegedly calling for "foreign sanctions" and had been "colluding with foreign forces", thus has violated the national security law.  

Some of the articles cited date back to 2019, before the law's implementation.  The government had previously promised that the new law would not be applied to offences before the law had come into effect.

Meanwhile, Secretary for Security #JohnLee ordered freezing HK$18 million worth of assets from Apple Daily Limited, Apple Daily Printing Limited and AD Internet Limited, all under Jimmy Lai's Next Digital Limited.  Li openly asked the public and the media to cut ties with the executives of Apple Daily.    

When asked, Li admitted the government's intention to prevent the pro-democracy newspaper from being printed before July 1, 2021, the anniversary of the Hong Kong SAR's establishment, when large-scale protest takes place every year.

Photo: #FirstHand
Text: RTHK; Stand News; Apple Daily #Jun17


#Censorship #WhiteTerror #Intimidation #Smearing #Regime
#CCP #Smearing
#China’s claim that #Omicron case came from Canadian mail dismissed as ‘ludicrous’

//A claim by Chinese health authorities that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 was introduced to a resident of Beijing through a piece of regular mail from Canada was dismissed Monday as being ludicrous and comical.

A Chinese state-controlled news outlet first reported that the Jan. 7 infection of a Beijing resident was the result of receiving a letter or parcel from Canada that passed through Hong Kong.

The Chinese report attributed that scenario to the deputy director of the Beijing Centre for Disease Control in a briefing, even though organizations such as the World Health Organization and Canada Post say the risk of contracting coronavirus from a piece of mail is low.//

Read the full article:

Source: Globe and Mail #Jan17

#Pandemic #Covid19 #Canada