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#Heartwarming #Feb29 #Protests

2330 | Prince Edward Station
At late hours close to midnight, citizens continued to get to other exits of Prince Edward station, and lowered White Flowers in remembrance of 831 incident last year.

Source: HKGETV
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #831Incident #Rememberance
#Protests #Feb29
Riot Police Dispersed The Crowd Including The Press, Civilians Were Hurt

2321 | MongKok
Riot police dispersed the crowd including press with pepper-spray, lots of civilians were hurt and felt unwell. During the dispersion, police arrested a male and pressed him onto the ground.

A male civilian fainted as riot police pushed forward. He then received medical treatment by first-aiders.

Source: HK01, Hong Kong In-media, Apple Daily, RTHK
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #831Incident #Rememberance
#Feb29 #Protests
Female Journalist Lost Consciousness After Being Pepper Sprayed

23:51 | #MongKok

Riot police dispersed the crowd, including press close to midnight. A female journalist was pepper-sprayed and shoved violently by the police. She fell down and lost her consciousness. Volunteer first-aiders on site tried to revive her by slapping her face, to no avail.

Some civilians at the scene shouted: “Don’t fall asleep! You can make it through!”

Since the start of the anti-extradition movement, journalists and volunteer first-aiders have been risking their lives to serve the public, while constantly being huge target boards to the police. Over the months, numerous first-aiders and members of the press have gotten injured, arrested, beaten and harassed by the police.

Source: Idunread Bookstore

Editor's Note:
The above mentioned journalist was not the only one who fainted tonight after being pepper-sprayed.
Although this has not been confirmed, it is suspected that “unknown chemicals” were added to their usual pepper-spray concoction by the police. Pepper-spray causing people to lose consciousness is unheard of.
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#Protests #Feb29

Another hard evidence of police brutality in arresting young protesters

In the video, 2 police officers were head-locking a black-clad youngster attempting to pin him to the ground and arrest him.

The officers stepped on his feet, twisted his arm backwards and pushed his head to the ground, causing the young man to scream in pain.

#Mar1 #831Incident #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
#DailyUpdate #Feb29 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (29/2)

The total number of infected is now standing at 85718, where the death number is at 2933. Among them 79257 infections and 2835 deaths are from China.

813 new cases were confirmed in South Korea today, the total number of cases is now 3150. South Korea now has the second most number of cases outside China.

South Korean authorities found out that 42 followers of Shincheonji returned from Wuhan in the past 8 months.

American forces stationed in South Korea closed down military facilities.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un warned of “serious consequences” if coronavirus spreaded to the country. He has called for stronger efforts in anti-epidemic work, including the banned of group dining and suspend of classes.

Beijing announced new anti-epidemic measures, including controlling the people visiting tourists’ attraction and parks, strengthened hostel managements and restricted people from entering railway and transport stations.

Number of cases in Iran has risen to 593, including 5 members of the Iranian Parliament. Hospital sources said there are 210 deaths while the official number is 43. A member of the parliament has also died.

Iranian government refused America’s medical aid offer.

The US had 4 confirmed cases with unknown origins; President Trump claimed closing borders of countries having an outbreak would be considered.

WHO said the outbreak has reached the “highest level” of risk for the world. It said some countries have not taken measures for the epidemic as effective as China did.

Chinese experts estimated the death rate of the novel coronavirus is 1.4%, after analyzing over a thousand cases.

New infection group was found in Singapore, 4 staff members of a technological firm were confirmed infected. There are a total of 93 cases in the country.

First confirmed case was found in north-eastern Japan, the individual is a 70 years old living in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture.

First confirmed cases were found in Iceland, Mexico, Monaco, Qatar and Belarus.

The Lega Serie A announced 5 matches would be postponed to mid-May.

The United airlines announced reduced flights to Asian countries.

Source: Now news, RTHK, Beijing Daily, Yonhap News Agency, Hong Kong Economic Journal, CNN, CCTV, Ríkisútvarpið, World Meter
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Feb29
Police suspected of pointing a gun at reporter

As the photos shown, an officer was left alone in a police operation to disperse protesters in Mong Kok. He was sighted holding his gun at the crowd in downtown area.

In the meantime, reporter of DB Channel, an internet media, followed tentatively to the whereabouts of the policeman, to properly execute his duty as a reporter. However, It was said that the police officer was suspected of pointing the gun at the reporter with his finger locked up on the trigger.

Source: DB Channel
Graphic: DB Channel, Editorial Board CityU SU
#Protests #831Incident #Rememberance
Riot police accused of destroying Chow Tsz-lok’s altar

Chow Tsz- Lok, 22-year-old student, fell from height in the car park at Sheung Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O, during a police dispersing action in the early morning of Nov 4 2019, and passed away on Nov 8. 4 months have passed since the accident, but some citizens still set up an altar on the ground and 2nd floor of the car park to pay their tribute.

On 28 Feb night, netizens reported on an online forum that a group of riot police destroyed the altars at about 2300. When reporters of the Stand News arrived at the scene, the altars were turned into a mess, with paper cranes, memo stickers and miscellaneous items scattered on the ground. No conclusion could be made on the identity of the destroyer.

Source: Stand News #Feb29
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
#Protests #Feb29
Pepper Spray at Close-Range; Riot Police Ignores Fallen Woman

Feb 29 marks the sixth month after the 831 Attack. Citizens gathered in Mongkok to pay tribute to the casualties, and protest against police brutality. However, police's violence escalated into indiscriminate use of weapons towards citizens.

At around 2315, one mid-age woman, apparently a passer-by, was pepper-sprayed in close range. She fell down, but riot police ran by ignoring her.

Reporters were pepper-sprayed as well- just as police's usual "friendly" behavior towards the press. From the photo above, it is clearly seen that they were sprayed deliberately, even their cameras could not escape from that.

Source: Flash Media
#831Incident #Rememberance #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Feb29
Arbitrary Arrests and Excessive Use of Weapons at Late Night

During the clash on 29 Feb in Mongkok, at about 12am, police had arrested about 30-40 citizens, including those who were wearing reflective vests and volunteer first-aiders who had the word "First Aid" tagged on their helmets. Some arrestees had their hands tied with cable ties. Police vehicles were also deployed to prevent reporters from shooting videos from the other side of the road.

At about 1.15 am, the police fired pepper balls towards reporters. Some of the shots hit the stores close by, and the irritating contents inside the bullets were projected onto the doors.

Source: United Social Press
#Protests #831Incident #Rememberance
#MongKok #831PrinceEdward

The Lone Soldier

It has been 6 months since the police attacked civilians and passengers indiscriminately on 31 August 2019.

On February 29, a man dressed in black stood outside Langham Place, holding up a placard that read “Never forget 831 Prince Edward Station, Tonight at 8pm, Be there or be square”.

The man expressed the urgency of actions, “If we don’t come out now, we will be the next to fall. We cannot stop.”

The man had been standing at the same spot since 1pm. Placed by his side were drinks given to him by passersby. He hoped that citizens will not forget what happened on 31 August 2019 and that they will pay their respects to fallen comrades and victims of police violence outside the Prince Edward Station.

Source: Stand News #Feb29 https://www.facebook.com/710476795704610/posts/2890929210992680/