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#FirstHand #Nov15
#NeverForget : 17 Months On, Hongkongers Continue to Mourn Yellow Raincoat Man, Call for #Save12HKYouths

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#FirstHand #Nov15
#NeverForget : 17 Months On, Hongkongers Continue to Mourn Yellow Raincoat Man, Call for #Save12HKYouths

Photos: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/26682

20:37 | Admiralty

17 months ago on June 15, 2019, "Yellow Raincoat Man" Marco Leung Ling-kit took his life, by jumping off from the rooftop of a shopping mall, in protest of the extradition bill, which Carrie Lam refused to withdraw despite million-strong protest marches and violent clashes outside the legislature.

On the 17-month mark tonight, citizens returned to the spot where Leung fell and paid respect to him, as they have been doing every month.

Leung's death last June shocked the city, and was remembered as the first martyr who took their own life to protest against the extradition bill, which, sadly, claimed several more lives before Carrie Lam finally withdrew it months later.

His yellow raincoat bears slogans decrying police brutality against protesters and accusing Carrie Lam for "killing Hong Kong". It has become one of the symbols for the anti-ELAB movement. A replica was hung at the memorial site tonight, where citizens placed white flowers and lit candles in his remembrance.

Posters at the scene also called for attention to the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who have been captured and are now detained in China without outside contact for nearly 3 months.

Like Yellow Raincoat Man, Hongkongers would not forget the sacrifices they made, nor the pain they endured.

#MarcoLeung #Martyr #Death #Save12 #YellowRaincoatMan
Deadly Fire in Hong Kong Claims At Least 7 Lives

On Sunday, November 15, 2020, a fire broke out in a 4-storey tenement building on Canton Road near the Jade Market in Hong Kong.

Some media reports called it "the most deadly fire in Hong Kong since 2011". At least four men and three women were killed and at least 10 people were injured. There is at least one child among the casualties.

Carrie Lam said she was "deeply saddened". One day before, the Chief Executive was criticized in a medal ceremony for applausing when the family members of three deceased customs officers were grieving.

Source: RTHK; Apple Daily #Nov15

#Blaze #Tragedy #CarrieLam
#LastYearToday #HongKongChronicles
Voluntary First aiders Haunted by Guilt after Escape: The #PolyUSiege was not just a Suppression, it was a Massacre!

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

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#LastYearToday #HongKongChronicles
Voluntary First aiders Haunted by Guilt after Escape: The #PolyUSiege was not just a Suppression, it was a Massacre!

Voluntary first aiders 'Siu-Yu' and 'Tou-Tou' (alias) first met each other at the campus of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU) on November 16, 2019.

When Tou-Tou and her friends who are also first aiders arrived at the campus in the evening, she saw Siu-Yu was alone, so she asked her to join them. They stayed until the evening of November 17, witnessed the intensifying conflicts within the PolyU, and became comrades-in-arms since then.

November 17, 2019 was a long day. Since afternoon, Cheong Wan Road opposite to the PolyU campus had been shrouded in smoke, as police had been relentlessly firing tear gas. Some tear gas grenades were shot onto the wall og the Hong Kong Museum of History, then bounced off and hit the protestors.

In the smoke, Siu-Yu and Tou-Tou were busy dragging the wounded protesters to safe places and used normal saline to cleanse their wounds.

Many protestors refused to take rest and insisted on going back to the field. The conflict on that day was much more tragic and miserable than those happened before in the Anti-ELAB movement.

Siu-Yu recalled, 'I did not think what police carried out that day was not just a suppression, it was a massacre!'

In the battle of the PolyU, a protestor was cut by the obstructions including iron sticks while he was taking flight, a palm-sized wound laid open to the bone was sustained, but there was a shortage of anesthetics in the campus, the first aiders then needed to stitch his wound up without any medication.

'The most heartbreaking thing is that the kids did not want to take any medicine, they said they would rather leave it to the next one, because they did not want to waste it, but in fact they desperately need it.'

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

#FirstAiders #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#PoliceState #PoliticalProsecution
Pro-democracy Restaurant Owner and Family Subjected to Police Violence Face Arrest After A Year

Source: Stand News #Nov13

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#PoliceState #PoliticalProsecution
Pro-democracy Restaurant Owner and Family Subjected to Police Violence Face Arrest After A Year

In late October 2019, a number of irritant odor incidents were reported in Tuen Mun. Some local residents speculated that the pungent smell was caused by the Tai Hing Police Operational Base.

On October 30,, 2019, hundreds of cvilian surrounded the police base and demanded for an explanation.

During the police dispersal operation, the owner of the restaurant 'Dan Yatai' and her brother were violently subdued by the riot police inside their restaurant and were arrested them on charges of 'obstructing police officers'. The owner and her brother were released on bail the next day.

A year later, 'Dan Yatai' said on their Facebook page on November 13, 2020 that the owner and her brother received a call from the Tuen Mun Police Station and were requested to go to the Police Station.

The owner told Stand News that she and her brother received the call in the afternoon. They were asked to bring their lawyers to the police station on Monday, November 16, but were not informed of their impending arrest.

It was not until her brother pressed further on the question, the police admitted that they would be arrested 'by appointment' and charged with 'obstructing the police officers'.

The owner added that there were a lot of people who got arrested after they were out on bail since last year, so she was psychologically prepared for this. She was confident that she would be exculpated.

On October 30 last year in Tuen Mun, police arrested over 50 civilians. When 'Dan Yatai' reopened on November 12, 2019, a lot of local residents queued up to show their support. Some people wrote encouraging quotes on the restaurant's door.

Source: Stand News #Nov13

#YellowEconomy #Arrest #DanYatai

Video of the Violent Arrest on Oct 30, 2019

Photos Showing the Police Tied Up the Owner and her Brother by Force
#HongKongChronicles #CUHKSiege #History
When the Power Authorities Rewrite History: Police Claim They Have No Intention to Siege University in the Battle of CUHK

Source: No Stake Medical Student #Nov9

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#HongKongChronicles #CUHKSiege #History
When the Power Authorities Rewrite History: Police Claim They Have No Intention to Siege University in the Battle of CUHK

November 2020 marks the one-year mark of the two battles in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU) during the 2019 Anti-ELAB Movement.

As the authorities had notoriously altered the course of events during 7.21 Yuen Long Triad Attack, many were worried that the same would happen to more and more events in the city.

The Facebook page "No Stake Medical Student" refuted an interview with the police published by Ming Pao Daily point by point with news footages.

The following is a translation of this report by "No Stake Medical Student":

"Today, Ming Pao published a long piece of interview with police officer, with the alias 'X', who stated that the police had never intended to attack CUHK.

In turn, did the tear gas grenades that shown in photod fly to the university's stadium by themselves?

Officer X also claimed that “someone threw petrol bomb and it exploded right in front of the [university] president”.

To retort this with evidence: it was literally the Hong Kong Police Force who first shot tear gas grenades toward the university president Rocky Tuan Sung-chi on that day. After this, a petrol bomb was tossed. The protestors did not provoke the conflict aa it was depicted by officer X.

i-Cable News: "Rocky Tuan did not move forward anymore. Suddenly, the police shot at least two tear gas grenades. (A few seconds later), someone on the hillside threw back a molotov cocktail.


The following video clips also recorded the police launching the siege by shooting tear gas grenades for no reason. The police were suspected to have been “attacked by laser gun”.



The Ming Pao article also mentioned that “Dover urged to retreat”, “No death record because of the police was very restrained”. All are nothing but fallacy.

In face of rewriting history by the opponent, we can only rely on one and all to spread the truth.

By the way, all these police officer “X”, “Y” and “Z” are vividly proved to be false content, would Facebook make a clear tag as “misleading information”?

Related reports:
First Anniversary of University War, Police Officer: Never Intended To Break-in CUHK, It Was Just A False Proportion as Defense War

Source: No Stake Medical Student #Nov9


#RewritingHistory #FakeNews
#FailedState #LegCo
A City Without the Opposition Camp in its Legislature

After Beijing forcefully removed by "disqualifying" four seating elected lawmakers, 15 pro-democracy lawmakers resigned en masse.

Without the opposition camp, the legislative council in Hong Kong has become a social club for the Beijing loyalists, who chitter-chattered and munched during the Finance Committee meeting on November 13, 2020.

The photo captured how Committee's Chair Chan Kin-por casually adjourned the meeting for a break, when he was sighted passing on a pack of biscuits to another Beijing loyalist, Chow Ho-ding.

Source: Stand News #Nov13
#PoliticalOppression #BeijingLoyalist #DQ
#ProtestersStory #HongkongersVoice
A light in the darkness of prison

Last year's Anti-ELAB movement has left indelible marks on Hong Kong's youth. While more subdued in the news, their struggles continue as they face trial, time in prison, long-term physical injuries and emotional trauma.

Despite the confines of his prison cell, a young man continues to reach out to his community and encourage us to fight for freedom.

Read the full translated article:

Sourc: Whir Zero's Facebook https://www.facebook.com/112082666891998/posts/339385817495014/?extid=XokQJOB8oEdZVYPw

#PoliticalPrisoner #AntiELAB #HongKong #SauZuk #BrotherNgog
The HK government is finding every possible way to suppress voices against them. The government and the Hong Kong Police Force can now pick and choose their preferred definition of "journalism". We cannot and shall not be silenced.

#politicaloppression #journalism #freedomofmedia #freedomofspeech #GoHKGraphics
Pompeo Accused China Eradicating All Faith that Do Not Conform to the Communist Regime on International Religious Freedom Day

Source: Apple Daily #Oct28

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Pompeo Accused China Eradicating All Faith that Do Not Conform to the Communist Regime on International Religious Freedom Day

On the International Religious Freedom Day on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticised China, Iran, and North Korea as the most seriously prosecuted countries in the world for religious freedom. He added that the three countries increased the restriction upon its people, especially for Beijing trying to eradicate all faith that violates the communist regime.

Pompeo in a statement mentioned the International Religious Freedom Act taking into effect 22 years ago on October 27, reiterating the promise on the promotion and the defence on the religious rights of everyone in the world. Pompeo stated that the US government has long been respectful the freedom of lifestyle regardless of their religion, dating back to the visions of the founding fathers of the US. He emphasised, religious and human dignity issues are of the core of US diplomatic relations, for now, and in the future.

Pompeo named China, Iran, and North Korea as three of the worst countries in the world, in terms of religious rights. “These countries are tightening their restriction to suppress their people. Worse still, China is trying to erase every religion not compatible with the communist regime.” He said.

#ReligiousFreedom #CCP #Pompeo #China #HumanRight #NorthKorea #Iran #ReligionEradication

Source: Apple Daily #Oct28

Taiwan Not Being Invited to Participate in the WHO Meeting, Taipei expressed Regret and Dissatisfaction with Obstruction from Mainland

Source from: RTHK #Nov09

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Taiwan Not Being Invited to Participate in the WHO Meeting, Taipei expressed Regret and Dissatisfaction with Obstruction from Mainland

World Health Assembly resumed today by video meeting; Taiwan still has not been invited to participate. The Taipei authority expressed high regret and strong dissatisfaction about obstructions from China and the continuous disregards from WHO on the health and human rights of Taiwanese.

The Department of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan said, during the process of Taiwan’s participation in the conference, international solidarity has grown stronger. Among them, the US once again urged WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to invite Taiwan to attend the convention. Countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and other regions also show their supports to Taiwan publicly. However, the WHO still refused to invite Taiwan to participate in the meeting due to political considerations.

The authority said that during the resumption of the meeting, it would plan for an online conference about cancer, inviting the officials and experts from America, Europe, and other countries to have the conversations, Taiwan will also continue to strive for the participation in WHO meeting, systems and activities.

Source from: RTHK #Nov09


#WHO #Taiwan #China #UnitedStates
Being tough on China is what unifies a polarised U.S. former trade negotiator says

A former negotiator Willems explain that if Biden wins, he would be constrained by the political environment and will unlikely be able to go back to some of the China position he’s held in the past that were seen as relatively weak.

Trump and his administration have blamed China for its unfair trade practices, intellectual property theft, and the Coronavirus pandemics recently.

When asked if there was a chance that the U.S., under a Biden administration, may rejoin the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, Willems pointed out the deal faced bipartisan opposition in Congress. While Biden may potentially look at the agreement again, there would need to be renegotiation of some of the provisions before the U.S. consider repointing the impact.

Source: CNBC #Nov05


#US #China
Cast Your #Vote Now: TIME's Person of the Year

The TIME magazine is hosting its annual Person of the Year poll.

Among the individuals selected, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Nathan Law, who is currently in exile, is enlisted in the poll.

The poll is open for readers from all around the world to vote:

Source: TIME #Nov15
