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The US Listed Six more Chinese Media Companies as Foreign Missions,
Hu Xijin: China may Retaliate Against US Media in HK

The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Wednesday (October 21) that the State Department listed another six Chinese media companies in the US as foreign missions, estimated to make the US-China relations worsen. The Global Times editor Hu Xijin criticized that "the US has gone too far" and warned that "China must retaliate, and may implicate the US media companies in Hong Kong".

It was at least the fifth time to list Chinese organizations and media as foreign missions in six months. The Chinese media included the Yicai Global, Jiefang Daily, the Xinmin Evening News, Social Sciences in China Press, the Beijing Review, and the Economic Daily.

According to the Foreign Missions Act, foreign missions must obtain approval from the US for the list of declared personnel and their salary information, their assets owned or leased in the US, and the purchase or lease of any property.

#China #US #StateDepartment #ChineseCompanies #ChineseMedia #ForeignMissions #Pompeo

Source: Standnews #Oct22

Brazil President Refused to Buy Chinese Vaccine

Source: The Stand News #Oct22

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Brazil President Refused to Buy Chinese Vaccine

Brazil, where the COVID-19 epidemic is severe, plans to launch a national vaccination program. The authorities once stated that they would use a Chinese vaccine, but this action aroused public opposition. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said that he would not buy the Chinese vaccine.

BBC reported that a Bolsonaro supporter urged the authorities not to buy coronavirus vaccine from Sinovac, a Chinese company, on social media, to which Bolsonaro responded, "We will not buy the Chinese vaccine." He added that the Brazilian authorities have not yet approved the use of Sinovac vaccine.

São Paulo Governor João Doria once said the federal government would include CoronaVac, the vaccine from Sinovac, in National Vaccination Program, and agreed to purchase 46 million doses for the citizen of São Paulo. The vaccination program was planned to begin in January 2021. The Health Minister Eduardo Pazuello said on Tuesday (20 October) that the authorities would buy CoronaVac, but Bolsonaro directly rejected it.

#Brazil #NationalImmunizationProgram #Bolsonaro #JoãoDoria #EduardoPazuello #Sinovac #CoronaVac #BBC #COVID19 #ChineseVaccine

Source: The Stand News #Oct22

Italy vetos 5G Deal between Fastweb and China’s Huawei: Sources

The government used its special vetting powers to block Fastweb from implementing the supply deal with Huawei in the most sensitive part of its fifth generation mobile network.

The U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeii described a China noble telecoms technology as a threat to Italy’s national security while visiting in Italy in September.

Fastweb has picked Huawei as the sole supplier for its 5G core network. A source from government said that the government had vetoed the operation and asked Fastweb to diversify its suppliers.

Source: The Reuters #Oct23


#Huawei #Italy #5G
#Save12HKYouths #Save12
Mother of Detained Pro-democracy Hongkonger: "When Can You Come Home, My Son?”

Wong Wai-Yin is one of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who were arrested by Chinese authorities in late August 2020 and jailed in China since then without any trial and without being able to meet with their families and lawyers.

Wong's mother took a picture near their home, thinking of her son and pleading for his return.

"We live in this village and we cross this bridge everyday. Ever since the [Hong Kong] police raided our home, they blockaded the bridge and sealed off at least half of the village," Wong's mother said, "Whenever I cross the bridge to work or to go back home, I think of you. When can you come home, my son?”

The 12 Hongkongers have been jailed by the Chinese Communist Party government for over 70 days.

Source: Save 12 HK Youths Concern Group #Nov2

#BringThemBack #MotherandSon #WongWaiYin
#SeigeofCUHK #CUHK #Censorship
#University Management Censors Students' Events to Commemorate Hong Kong's Pro-drmocracy Movement

Source: CUHK Campus Radio #Nov4

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#SeigeofCUHK #Censorship
#University Management Censors Students' Events to Commemorate Hong Kong's Pro-drmocracy Movement

On the eve of the one-year mark of the "CUHK battle", the management of Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) ordered the Students' Union (#CUSU) to remove publicity material of the commemorative events to be held between November 11 and 18, 2020 on campus.

During the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Movement, the Hong Kong police attempted to siege the university with arms. The students' union, together with the eight colleges, now wishes to remind Hongkongers of the happenings of that day with an photo exhibition.

On Nov 4, 2020, one hour after the event details went online, the University management ordered the #CUSU to delete the promotional material for said event, citing the presence of the slogan "liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times" and the appearance of the university's former and current presidents on the poster as the reasons.

The management proposed to "first delete and discuss later". The Students' Union disagreed and expressed discontent towards the university management, as the concerned photos are taken from the news.

The Students' Union challenged the decision, asking sartorially if the university will censor photos in the photo exhibition.

Source: CUHK Campus Radio #Nov4
#NeverForgive #NeverForget
Hong Kong Students Organize Commemorative Events for the "Siege of CUHK"

Source: CUHK Students' Union

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#NeverForgive #NeverForget
Hong Kong Students Organize Commemorative Events for the "Siege of CUHK"

One year ago, police fired rounds and tear gas grenades into the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). Countless alumni and Hongkongers defended the campus with their bodies in this "Battle of CUHK".

The Battle led to the injuries of hundreds of pro-democracy Hongkongers and ten were charged with riotting.

One year later, although the traces of the CUHK siege had faded, the trauma remains and the grievance has been imprinted deep in our hearts.

"Someone has to live in order to remember that all these did not come easy."
--Dentention (2019)

Refusing to forget and passing on our history are the duty of every CUHKer. As the one-year mark of the CUHK Battle is around the corner, the Students' Union of CUHK and the joint college union will organize a series of commemorative events, to remind Hongkongers of the pro-democracy fight and to voice support for all arrested students.

"Battle of CUHK" Photo Exhibition
Date: November 11-18, 2020
Time: 11am - 7pm
Venue: Cultural Square

"Write With You" Street Booth
Date: November 11-13, 2020
Time: 11am - 7pm
Venue: Cultural Plaza
Activity: To collect letters and cards for students in exile and arrested students

Photos: The Reporter; Apple Daily; CNN

Source: CUHK Students' Union
#BeWater #HongKongProtests
Hong Kong’s Blueprint Changes Protests Around the World

//Social dissent these days has a new catchphrase: “Be Water”. Inspired by a quote from martial arts icon Bruce Lee, the phrase was repurposed by Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement during their campaign against the 2019 extradition bill. The concept calls for movements to take on an amorphous, leaderless and fast-flowing approach.

Thanks to live-streaming on social media, demonstrators share vital information – such as the whereabouts of police – to avoid a crackdown. The strategy was tested in Hong Kong and soon implemented halfway across the world by Catalan demonstrators, determined to defend the region’s freedoms from the central Spanish government...

“Shapeless” and “leaderless” are quickly becoming the new keywords for social movements. And it looks like there cannot be one without the other. Not only is lack of leadership essential to fluidity (protesters cannot just assemble and split if they are following someone’s directives), but it also allows movements to avoid government crackdowns.

As Hong Kong-based journalist Anthony Dapiran has observed, “With no obvious leader, there’s no one to imprison.” Even Black Lives Matter, despite the heritage of civil rights leaders as charismatic as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, is now taking a leaderless approach to social action.//

Source: The Diplomat #Oct30

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Hong Kong’s Blueprint Changed Protests Around the World

Near a hundred Chinese sand dredgers run rampant around Matsu, boat lights stretch over several miles along the night coast

Source: Apple Daily

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Near a hundred Chinese sand dredgers rampant around Matsu Taiwan, boat lights stretch over several miles along the coast

(26 Oct) China is being a thug again! China's sand-dredging vessels frequently enter Matsu Island's coastal waters in Taiwan to steal Taiwan's sand. Last Monday (19 Oct), out country [Taiwan] detained eleven of its crew. China's aggression unexpectedly intensified. There were nearly a hundred sand dredgers in the waters between Magang and Renai of the Nangan Township. At 7pm tonight, Apple Daily arrived at Jinsha Village and found a continuous string of lights from sand dredgers that extended several kilometres from the coast. [Their actions] went unchecked. The Matsu coastguard stated that since early this morning, they have found four vessels transporting sand and one sand dredger. At present, other sand dredgers have yet to traverse the border. The Coast Guard Administration deployed the cruiser CG-127 for immediate support.

In recent months, Chinese sand dredgers continually crossed maritime borders near Matsu. It was nearly impossible to keep up with them. The coast guard at Matsu claimed that their shore-based marine radar detected Chinese vessels entering Taiwanese waters early this morning. They promptly sent two patrol vessels from Nangan [north] and Juguang [south] to investigate. Because the sides of sand dredgers were so high and the visibility was low, only four cargo ships carrying sand and and one sand dredger were driven out. Most of the other Chinese boats remained in waters between Juguang and Nangan, outside of their 6-kilometre boundaries.

Matsu coast guard pointed out that from last year (2019) to late September this year, six Chinese sand dredgers were implicated. Confiscation of auctioned property and fines amounted to 149.8 million NTD. Administrative fines reached 7 million NTD. Matsu coast guard will continue strengthening its patrol operations in the area between Nangan and Juguang in concert with large warships. It plans to be more stringent in guarding its territorial waters against Chinese vessels to ensure the sustainable development of marine resources in Matsu region.

Source: Apple Daily

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo
Italy vetoed telecom group from using Huawei equipment, asking it to diversify suppliers

Source: RTHK #Oct27

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Italy vetoed telecom group from using Huawei equipment, asking it to diversify suppliers

Italian government is reported to prevent a telecom group based in Milan from signing an agreement with Huawei, a Chinese telecommunications equipment supplier, on 5G core network equipment.

According to the report, Italian government asked the telecom group to diversify its suppliers, and government is evaluating whether Huawei can play a role in its 5G core networks.

The U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has visited Italy last month, he described Chinese mobile communication technology as a threat to Italy's national security. But Huawei denied and said it was ready to undergo any scrutiny.

In Beijing, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Chinese entrepreneurs strictly follow the laws, opposed using the national security as an excuse to discriminate and suppress Chinese telecom companies without any evidence.

Source: RTHK #Oct27

#Italy #5G #Huawei #China #NationalSecurity

Reuters: Italy Blocks Telecommunication Group Fastweb from Signing 5G Agreement with Huawei

Source from: Apple Daily #Oct25

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Reuters: Italy Blocks Telecommunication Group Fastweb from Signing 5G Agreement with Huawei

On Saturday (Oct 24), Reuters quoted two sources in reporting that during the cabinet meeting last Thursday, the Italian government barred the national telecommunication group Fastweb from signing an agreement with Huawei to supply equipment for its 5G core network. It was the first time that Italy vetoed a supply agreement over 5G core network with Huawei, which showed that Italy has taken a tougher stance against Huawei.

During the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to Italy last month, he stated that China’s mobile network technology will threaten the national security of Italy. Huawei strongly refuted the allegations. Its Italian branch subsequently stated that they were willing to undergo a thorough review to prove that its technology did not pose any security risk.

The Italian government, however, used its special vetting powers on Thursday to bar the Italian branch of Fastweb, a subsidiary of Swisscom, from reaching a supply agreement with Huawei. The 5G core network is seen as the most sensitive and is for handling sensitive data. A source from the Italian government told Reuters that the government vetoed the agreement and asked Fastweb to use a different supplier. The source also stated that Fastweb had initially chose Huawei as the exclusive supplier of 5G network. Huawei and Fastweb made no response.

Source from: Apple Daily #Oct25


#Italy #China #Huawei #Fastweb #Pompeo
Lockdown in Qeshqer, Xinjiang, after Suspected New COVID-19 Cases

Source: Mingpao #Oct24

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Lockdown in Qeshqer, Xinjiang, after Suspected New COVID-19 Cases

Since early September, Urumqi, Xinjiang has been recording zero cases of COVID-19, but today (24th Oct) the region of Qeshqer has entered into another lockdown. This afternoon, many netizens said that all flights had been suspended at the Airport of Qeshqer on social media. Some local netizens stated that reason for the lockdown of the city, including the small towns where they live, is a new wave of the pandemic, while some said the region has “public hygiene issues”. The official Disease Control and Prevention at Qeshqer confirmed the lockdown with Mingpao and indicated that the area is currently closed and all flights are grounded, "neither going out nor returning". "The lockdown order has just begun today. The department was waiting for further notice, and everyone is on standby,” the department said.

News on the internet said that the county of Kona Sheher in Qeshqer region has one new case of COVID-19. When Mingpao confirmed with the department, they only replied, “the reasons cannot be said”. They only disclosed that the lockdown only involves the Qeshqer region, and the official may make an announcement later.

The police at Qeshqer city advised the citizens to wear face masks, and be aware of their safety, “not to believe or spread rumours, so as not to causes unnecessary panics, and listen to the official announcements.”

#COVID19 #Xinjiang #Qeshqer #KonaSheher #Uyghurs #lockdown #COVID19 #DiseaseControlandPrevention

Source: Mingpao #Oct24

#PressFreedom #BaoChoy
News programme screened in publicly in support of journalist addressing Police-Triad Alleged Collusion during Yuen Long 7.21 Triad Attack

Choy Yuk-Ling, producer of an episode of RTHK’s “Hong Kong Connection”, disclosed relevant information of car owners by using car license plate records.

Choy was arrested for making false statements for collecting a certificate of registered vehicle owner or holder of a driving license under the Road Traffic Ordinance. Choy is due to appear in Fanling Magistrates’ Courts on 10 November.

“721 Who Owns the Truth” was shown tonight in MongKok in support of journalists and their right to gather infomation for reporting the truth.

Source: Firsthand #Nov7

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