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Police Infringes Civilians' Privacy: Ordering Them to Unlock Their Phones and Making unwarranted accusations of Telegram Users

Civilians gathered in the Yoho Mall atrium today to commemorate the 10th mensiversary of the Yuen Long 721 attack. When riot police went to disperse the crowds, they had demanded twelve civilians, who did not know each other, to unlock their phones and show to the police whether they had installed the app Telegram or followed channels related to the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests after surrounding and forcing them into the police cordon.

Those found to have Telegram on their phone or followed said channels were fined HK$2000 by the police under the pretense of violating the gathering ban; those with their phones "clean" were let go without charges.

Source: Inmedia #May21
#PoliceState #YuenLong721
#PRC #Lianghui #CCP #OneCountryOneSystem
National Security Law for Hong Kong Tabled in Beijing's "Two Sessions"

Among the 9 motions tabled for the meeting of the CPPCC, the 5th motion concerns the "establishment of the legal system and implementation mechanism for the maintenance of national security in the HKSAR".

1. No specifics were mentioned on the agenda.

2. The motion will be put forward at the National People's Congress meeting (opens on May 22).

3. According to sources, the motion is expected to be voted in the General Assembly next Thursday. Details of the motion will be left to the Standing Committee for decision. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is likely to be held in June.

Source: Cable News; Xinhua News #May21

Chinese-controlled Media: Beijing to Bypass Hong Kong's Legislature and Push National Security Law

#Article23 #OneCountryTwoSystems #BasicLaw #EvilLaw
#NationalSecurity #StateTerrorism
#PRC #Lianghui #CCP #OneCountryOneSystem
Law Professor: Beijing's Insertion of National Security Law in Hong Kong Means an End to "One Country Two Systems" and the Basic Law

The National Security Law will pose profound impact on Hong Kong’s human rights and constitutional system.

Professor Johannes Chan Man-Mun of the Law School of the University of Hong Kong criticized that Beijing's insertion of the anti-subversion law in Hong Kong's constitution will violate the spirit of "self-legislation" as promised. Chan said, "This series of incidents in the past week has shown Beijing's tightened grip, disappointing many people. It has become impossible to believe that one country, two systems still exists!"

Chan said that Article 23 of the Basic Law stated that Hong Kong will enact the national security law on its own. He stated that bypassing Hong Kong's legislature to implement the National Security Law is a violation of the Basic Law, and also further confirmed that there is no 'one country, two systems' at all.

"If the Article 23 can be imposed like this, what laws can't be enacted? It means that all PRC's laws can be applied (to Hong Kong). When self-legislation has been promised, this is not 'one country, two systems' at all."

"The Article 23 of the Basic Law must either be amended or abolished, otherwise the direct implementation is breaching the Basic Law."

Regarding this new version of the National Security Law, which is going to be implemented and enforced in Hong Kong, the definition of "subversion" is unclear and it is uncertain as to how it would meet the existing criminal law requirements of Hong Kong. Chan reiterated that the National Security Law will also put pressure on the judiciary of Hong Kong.

"Accepting whatever Beijing says puts the court in a very difficult position. If you insist on the common law, is it up to you to interpret the law? If the case involves national defense, will it be handed over to the military court of the People's Liberation Army and let the case be judged inside the High Speed Rail Terminal?", Chan challenged.

As the convener of many Anti-Extradition Bill protests, the Civil Human Rights Front has just sent urgent letters to many consulates in Hong Kong, expressing their opposition to any laws that interfere with the freedom of expression, religion, assembly, and political participation. They called on the international community to pay attention to this "critical moment in the freedoms of Hong Kong".

The Civil Human Rights Front also condemned Beijing's forceful implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong is a "revenge against Hongkongers", a "total erosion of the rule of law and basic human rights originally protected under the Civil and Political Rights and the Human Rights Law and a threat to "the status of Hong Kong as an international financial center."

Source: CNews #May21

Chinese-controlled Media: Beijing to Bypass Hong Kong's Legislature and Push National Security Law

National Security Law for Hong Kong Tabled in Beijing's "Two Sessions"

HKU Legal Expert Eric Cheung: Establishment of the National Security Law by the Central Government Annuls the 1 Country 2 Systems Model

#Article23 #JohannesChan #OneCountryTwoSystems #BasicLaw #EvilLaw #NationalSecurity #StateTerrorism
HKU Legal Expert Eric Cheung: Establishment of the National Security Law by the Central Government Annuls the 1 Country 2 Systems Model

The third session of the 13th National People's Congress begins tomorrow. The agenda of the session, set up by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress includes a motion that concerns the "establishment of the legal system and implementation mechanism for the maintenance of national security in the HKSAR".

Eric CHEUNG Tat Ming, solicitor and Principal Lecturer and Director of Clinical Legal Education in the Department of Law in the University of Hong Kong, believes that the motion covers laws that would be covered by the Basic Law Article 23 were it to be established. Yet Article 23 clearly states that the Hong Kong is to "enact laws on its own" regarding such matters.

Cheung stated that the passing of said motion would indicate the Central Government's little-remaining patience, as it would not wait for Hong Kong to enact its own laws or declare that the Hong Kong Government violated the constitution, and instead acted to give legislative power to itself to enact laws on their own.

Cheung believes that, the Central Government is enacting a tailor-made law designed for the situation in Hong Kong under the guise of enforcing a nationwide law through the use of Appendix 3 of the Basic Law, which indicates that the Central Government is legislating laws on Hong Kong's behalf. This act, he believes, would utterly violate the Basic Law, and annul the One Country Two Systems model.

Source: RTHK #May21

Law Professor: Beijing's Insertion of National Security Law in Hong Kong Means an End to "One Country Two Systems" and the Basic Law

Chinese-controlled Media: Beijing to Bypass Hong Kong's Legislature and Push National Security Law

National Security Law for Hong Kong Tabled in Beijing's "Two Sessions"

#Article23 #OneCountryTwoSystems #BasicLaw #EvilLaw #NationalSecurity #StateTerrorism #EricCheung
#DailyUpdate #May21 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (May 21st)

At the time of writing, 5,123,754 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed with 330,803 deaths. 2,043,139 have recovered.

The current 4 countries with the most cases are USA, Russia, Brazil and Spain.

Hong Kong has reported 8 imported cases today.

Survey carried out by Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers suggests most schools would postpone the summer vacations.

China has reported 2 cases today, 1 of them is a local case from Shanghai.

US aircraft carrier Roosevelt heads out for training first time since epidemic break out on the carrier.

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo calls China COVID-19 response 'paltry' compared to damage done.

Think tank from UK predicts Donald Trump would lose the upcoming presidential elections due to the pandemic, unless an economic miracle happens.

UK is deploying an app to track down close contacts of COVID-19 patients next month, it is expected 10,000 cases can be handled per day.

WHO said 106K cases were reported on 19 May, being the highest record in the pandemic. 2/3 cases were reported from 4 countries (USA, Russia, India and Peru)

WHO refuses to make comment on US president Donald Trump threatens to end funding for the organization.

Spain extends state of emergency for the fifth time.

Several young girls from Afghanistan have produced low-cost respirators out of car parts.

In Japan, Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo have lifted off state of emergencies.

Brazil expands the use of chloroquine to treat patients with slight symptoms.

Source: Now News, CNA, Worldometer, RTHK
Trump: If China imposes National Security Law in Hong Kong, US will respond vigorously

US President Donald Trump expresses that if China imposes National Security Law over Hong Kong as a response to last year's anti-extradition bill conflict, America will have a strong response.

According to Stand News in Hong Kong, the Chinese government believes with the appearance of terrorism, foreign interference, independence ideals, and governance crisis in Hong Kong, China's unity, economic security, and the internationalization of the RMB are being adversely affected. Beijing will make clear that despite international clamor, it will not back down from enacting the National Security Law in Hong Kong.

The PRC's Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has written to many nations' embassies, expressing the law's necessity and stressing stability in Hong Kong will benefit foreign interests in the city.

Source: RTHK; Apple Daily; Stand News; Reuters #May21 #Trump #US #China
#Article23 #CCPLies
Chris Patten: "Chinese Communism is not to be trusted on anything"

Chris Patten, Hong Kong's last governor, called on the world that "Chinese Communism is not to be trusted on anything.”

Speaking on Beijing’s unilateral imposition of the anti-subversion law, Patten called it "a comprehensive assault on the city’s autonomy, rule of law, and fundamental freedoms" that is "hugely damaging to Hong Kong’s international reputation and to the prosperity of a great city."

Johnny Patterson, Director of Hong Kong Watch, described it as "an unprecedented assault on Hong Kong’s autonomy" and "the end of Hong Kong.” Patterson condemned China for their "total disregard for the spirit and the terms of the original treaty".

Benedict Rogers, Hong Kong Watch founder, called this the "death" of Hong Kong and One Country Two Systems.

Source: Benedict Rogers' Twitter; Hong Kong Watch; Stand News #May21 #ChrisPatten
#YuenLong721 #May21 #HongKongProtests #FirstHand





Who have been inflicting harm on Hong Kong?

Who have caused Hongkongers to shed blood?

People in Yuen Long will remember.

People in Hong Kong know.

#Words #HongkongersVoices #NeverForget #NeverForgive
"So Hong Kong has to follow them?", HKJA pokes fun at the new reporter licensing proposal.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) published an image critizing the government's proposal of reporter licenses, and compared the proposal in Hong Kong to the authoritarian countries where reporter licences have already been laws with an accompanying caption saying "So Hong Kong has to follow them?"

Source: HKJA Facebook #May21
#WhiteTerror #Censorship #ReporterLicensing
#HongkongersVoices #May27 #HongKongChronicles

"Today is the day that determines Hong Kong’s fate.

It is a day that we wish we didn’t have to prepare for, but we are ready for it nonetheless. If a single moment can change the course of history, why not this moment?

6.12. 6.16. 7.21. 8.31.
These moments defined us.

10.1. 11.8. 11.12. 11.18.
These moments refined us.

This moment will prove our strength, our integrity, and our ability to ceaselessly demand what is rightfully ours.

With our faith we steadfastly march on, though stars may fade and darkness may surround us.

But we must remember that the night appears darkest before the dawn, and like the dawn, we too will rise.

No matter our position or our abilities, we are all guardians of Hong Kong. And we will protect Her until our very last breath.

光復香港 時代革命"

Photo taken in Hong Kong on #July1 2019

Photo: Kenji Wong #May21
#Asylum #BrainDrain
Nearly 6,000 Hongkongers Apply for
#Immigration in #Canada in Just Three Months

Source: Stand News #May21

Read more
#Asylum #BrainDrain
Nearly 6,000 Hongkongers Apply for
#Immigration in #Canada in Just Three Months

After Beijing's forceful imposition of #NationalSecurityLaw in Hong Kong, several countries have decided to provide Hongkongers shelter schemes.

From the latest figures released by the Canadian Immigration Department on 20 May 2021, a total of 5,727 applications have been received as of 18 May.

When the scheme was introduced on 8 Feb, 2021, the same month recorded 524 applications. Currently, it has now amounted to around 6,000 applications in total.

"We feel very encouraging by having such a great number of applications. We hope more productive Hongkongers can come and contribute to Canada through this innovative scheme," said #AlexanderCohen, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada press secretary.

Under the new policy introduced by the Trudeau cabinet in February, any Hong konger who graduated from a Canadian university or university overseas will be able to apply for a three-year working permit in Canada.

"The ties that bind Canada and Hong Kong run deep. The young Hongkongers are now eyeing for international opportunities and we hope they can choose Canada,’ Cohen said.

Source: Stand News #May21

#Recognition #PressFreedom
“7.21: Who Owns the Truth" wins
#PressFreedomAward, but rejected by RTHK; producers accept award on behalf of production team

Source: Stand News #May21

Read more
Martin Rogers of US law firm Davis Polk withdraws from Hong Kong national security law forum 

The US firm, Davis Polk & Wardwell has drawn criticism over the decision of its Asia chair, Martin Rogers, to participate in an event commemorating Hong Kong’s controversial national security law. 

Owing to public criticism, Martin Rogers withdrew his participation on May 22.

“I have decided to withdraw from speaking at the May 28 National Security Law Legal Forum,” Rogers said in a social media post on Sunday.

He also clarified that, “My agreement to participate did not reflect an endorsement or support of any topics discussed or individuals or organisations involved.”

Martin Rogers, who also leads the firm’s Asia litigation team, is slated to speak at The National Security Legal Law Forum on May 28, which has been organised by Hong Kong’s department of justice to mark the second anniversary of the law's introduction.

While there is no suggestion either Rogers or his firm support the controversial law, Financial Times reports that their agreement to appear at the conference has been ‘denounced’ by prominent critics of the regime.

Sources: Ming Pao #May21


Financial Times
